Reckless Reunion (The Reckless Rockstar Series)

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Reckless Reunion (The Reckless Rockstar Series) Page 20

by Samantha Christy

  “I was. It’s great to be back onstage.” He plants a kiss on Olivia’s head. “But not as great as being with you. Do you want a tour of the set?”

  “Sure, but not with Olivia. Too dangerous.”

  Brad holds the baby out to me. “Would you mind?”

  “I think anyone else would be more appropriate.” I glance around, but everyone else has already left the stage. I wonder if I should tell them I’ve never held a baby before. “Fine.”

  He points to a chair in the wings. “You can sit there and hold her. We won’t be long.”

  “Her pacifier is in the bag if she fusses,” Katie says.

  I sit and Brad places her on my lap, then they walk away. I have absolutely no idea what to do. “Uh, hi.” Olivia puts a hand on my arm. Can she see my tattoos? “Look at this one. It’s a bird. Can you say bird? Of course not, you’re way too little for that.”

  She makes a baby noise. “You didn’t just shit on me, did you? Crap, I probably shouldn’t say shit around you.” I hold her up and take a whiff. “I think you’re good. I’m not sure we could be friends if you crap on me. Better to leave that for your dad.”

  She squirms and makes a cooing noise, then grabs my finger and holds tight. She looks at me like I’m goddamn Adonis. My heart lurches, and I swear I think I just fell in love with this tiny human I’ve known for five minutes. You could knock me over with a feather, because I’m pretty sure I’m envious of Brad.

  “Thanks,” Katie says, holding her hands out for Olivia when they return.

  “No problem. She’s one cool kid.”

  “We think so too,” Brad says. “It’s amazing how something so small can change your whole perspective on life.” They start down the stairs. “You coming?”

  “In a minute.”

  “Hey, Reece,” Brad says.

  I turn. Reece is standing behind me. “How long have you been there?” I ask.

  “Long enough to see you holding Olivia. I wasn’t aware you liked kids.”

  “I didn’t. I don’t. I don’t know, maybe I do. Who the hell knows? Hey, you hungry? We should eat before things get crazy around here.”

  We load up at the buffet with the others. Everyone at the table showers attention on Olivia. They talk funny, make faces at her, and pass her around. Everyone but Reece, who seems to be doing some deep thinking, but I have no idea what about.

  Chapter Thirty-two


  I hang up with Ronni. She’s right about what I need to do, but it means leaving when everything is going so well. The past two weeks have been nothing short of heaven. Being with Garrett again is everything I’ve dreamed of. Some days it feels like the past six years never happened. The band has accepted me as one of their own, and it feels like the family I never had. Which is going to make it even harder to leave.

  I cross the hall to Garrett’s room. We keep separate rooms though we sleep together almost every night. He doesn’t answer. When I text him, he tells me to come to Brad and Katie’s suite. I hear laughter from their room before I reach it. Someone propped the door open for me. Before anyone sees me in the doorway, I glance around. Once again it’s the Olivia Templeton show. Adults laugh and cheer every time she smiles, laughs, or rolls over.

  Two weeks ago, all we talked about was music. Now our world seems to revolve around this tiny creature who’s barely six months old.

  Garrett gets down on the floor with her and makes a ridiculous noise. Olivia laughs, which sets everyone off. He does it a few more times, then he lies on his back, picks her up, and flies her like an airplane over his head, making more stupid noises. She drools and it lands on his face. Gross.

  “Did you just spit on me, Ollie?” he says, setting her down and wiping his cheek with his shirt.

  I’m in complete shock. What happened to the man who wouldn’t touch kids with a ten-foot pole? The guy who thought they were such an inconvenience, he wouldn’t consider them if he were rich enough to afford the best nannies?

  “Oh, hey,” Garrett says, finally noticing me. “You have to see this. I can make her laugh so hard. Watch.” He makes funny noises, and she chortles.

  “Uncle Garrett sure is silly,” Katie says to Olivia.

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Uncle?”

  Katie smiles. “Since we’ll all be spending so much time together, I figured it would be easier for her to think of you as family. How about it, Auntie Reece?”

  Before I can protest, I realize what she said. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  Brad grins from ear-to-ear. “I’m re-signing with the band.”

  I walk over excitedly. Garrett was hoping for this. “That’s great. Congratulations.”

  “Living in nice hotels, riding on the tour bus. It’s way more fun than I thought it would be,” Katie says. “Even with this little peanut. At first I thought it would be all sex, drugs, and rock and roll. But look at this bunch, sitting around watching my kid. Some of you are getting married. Everyone seems so grounded. You even kicked out the guy who does drugs. This is nothing like your typical rock band.”

  “Not to mention you have built-in help anytime you need it,” Ella says, picking up Olivia with her good arm and kissing her cheek. “Oh my gosh, you are so flippin’ cute. Liam, I think my ovaries just exploded. You better take me away from her before I get any ideas.”

  They laugh, while I try not to roll my eyes. Everyone in this room seems to be afflicted with baby fever. Everyone but me, that is.

  “I have news of my own,” I say.

  Garrett gets off the floor and pulls over a chair for me. “What is it?”

  “Ronni wants me back in New York. Something about getting in the studio earlier than we originally planned. She needs more time to get me on the radio before I leave for the tour.”

  “When does she want you back?” he asks.

  “She booked me on a flight tomorrow.”

  Garrett paces behind the couch. “But we have two more weeks here.”

  “Bria can sing my song.”

  “But that wasn’t the deal.”

  I’m amused and more than a little relieved he wants me to stay so badly. “You don’t need me here, but I’m needed in New York. Ronni’s right. The more airtime I can get before the tour, the better it will be for me.”

  “She’s right, G,” Liam says. “Don’t make her feel guilty about it.”

  “It’s only two weeks,” I say.

  Garrett looks annoyed. “Yeah, but then a month after that, you’ll be leaving for your tour.”

  Crew chuckles. “Look who’s pussy-whipped now.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Hey, don’t say pussy or fuck around my kid,” Brad says.

  Katie hits Brad on the arm. Everyone but Garrett laughs. He goes to the door. “I have to take a shower before the show.”

  “Want me to come with?” I ask with a sultry edge to my voice.

  “Nah. I’m good.”

  He leaves, and I’m left stunned.

  “Don’t mind him,” Liam says. “Let him have his tantrum.”

  “I feel bad for him,” Bria says. “He just got Reece back, and now she’s leaving.”

  “I’m not leaving him. I’m going home.”

  Ella puts a hand on my arm. “Given your past, it’s got to be hard for him.”

  “Did you really marry Garrett’s brother?” Katie asks.

  “Babe, stop it,” Brad says. “You have no idea what went on. None of us do. We shouldn’t judge.”

  “It’s okay, and you should judge me. I was young and stupid.” I look at the door Garrett walked through. “And I lost what was most important to me.”

  “It’s a good thing humans are capable of learning from their mistakes,” Bria says.

  I gaze at the floor. “I sure learned from mine. Convincing him of that may take some time.”

  Crew stands. “Come on, Bria. We need to get ready. We’d better make this show a good one, being it’s Reece’s last.”
  Sorrow washes over me. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to return early. I’m going to miss this. As I pass Garrett’s door, heading for my own, I wonder if it’s the music I’ll miss. The excitement. The new places. The camaraderie. Could I do without those things if all I had was him?

  ~ ~ ~

  I don’t miss the way he looks at me during my song. Does he think this is the last time we’ll ever be onstage together? My heart sinks. It might be. For that reason, I pour my soul into making it the best performance I’ve ever given. Everyone knows things will change after tonight, and that scares me to death. The last time everything changed for Garrett and me, we were ruined.

  Crew catches me before I run offstage. He tells the crowd who I am and how much they have loved having me sing with them. He thanks me for giving them my song and wishes me well in my burgeoning career. The audience cheers loudly when I leave the stage for the last time.

  I’m crying ugly tears when Ella puts an arm around me backstage, comforting me. “You were incredible, Reece. The best I’ve ever seen. You’re going to be a star.”

  “But everything will be different.” Garrett is madly drumming the next song. “I just got him back. What if I’ve made the wrong decision? Am I being selfish to go back to New York?”

  “If he doesn’t understand you’re doing what’s best for your career, then he doesn’t deserve you.”

  Hearing that makes me even sadder. “You just described why our relationship fell apart six years ago. Except it was me who didn’t understand.”

  She hugs me tight. “You’re both older now. You’ve grown up a lot since then. You’ll survive this. It’s only a few weeks, then you’ll have a month together before you have to leave again.”

  “What if he does what I did? To get back at me or something?”

  “He won’t. He knows what you both lost back then. He’s not going to risk it happening again. Wipe your tears, hold your head high, and enjoy the rest of the concert. That’s your man out there.”

  “Is he my man? We haven’t been that specific.”

  “I see how you are together, how he watches you. That man is undeniably yours, Reece. Lock, stock, and barrel.”

  As if he can hear us, he glances at me, and gives me a nod and a smile. He always seems to know what I’m thinking. Is he tuned in right now? Does he know I’m head-over-heels in love with him and I’d never do anything to hurt him again?

  I pray we can have a new beginning, despite the secrets I’ve kept. Despite the ones I’m still keeping.

  ~ ~ ~

  Reckless Alibi signs autographs and poses for the usual after-party pictures. Then Jeremy gathers us together, opening several bottles of Cristal before making a toast. “To Reece Mancini. In a few weeks, New York City will know you by name. In a few months, perhaps the world will, too, and we will have been lucky enough to be witnesses. I am honored to call you a friend. To Reece!”

  “To Reece!” the others shout.

  Hot tears stream down my cheeks. “I’m going to miss you all so much.”

  “Yeah, well, say your goodbyes now,” Garrett says. “We’re leaving, and there won’t be time to do it later.”

  I’m confused. “We’re leaving the party? But it’s only getting started.”

  “We have a more important one to go to.”


  He whispers in my ear, “In my bed.”

  My cheeks flush.

  I hug and thank everyone before Garrett practically pulls me out the door. “In a hurry much?”

  “You’re leaving in twelve hours, Reece. So, yeah, I’m in a hurry.”

  “The fans will be disappointed you left. They come for you, you know. You’re the only eligible bachelor in the band.”

  He chuckles as we get in the limo. “That’s bullshit. Those women couldn’t care less if we’re married, engaged, single, or gay—they want a piece of Reckless Alibi any way they can get it.”

  “Do you think the guys would ever cheat with one of them?”

  “Liam, Crew, and Brad? They’ve all drunk the Kool-Aid, so I doubt it.”

  “What about you? Not that it would be cheating because we’re not …” I stop talking. I feel all kinds of stupid as I pray for the seat to swallow me whole.

  He takes my hand. “Are you asking what I am to you?”

  “Maybe. We didn’t work out so well last time, so maybe we shouldn’t jump into anything. I don’t want you to feel tied down. But the thought of you with any of those groupies.” I close my eyes and let my head fall against the seat. “I don’t know what I’m saying.”

  “You want assurances I’m not going to bed the next fan who comes on to me. I could say the same about you.”

  “I don’t have any fans.”

  “You will, and I don’t want you doing anything with them.”

  I bite my lip. “You don’t?”

  “Of course not. What do you think we’ve been doing these past few weeks?”

  I shrug. “I hoped, but I wasn’t sure.”

  “Do you need me to say it? Fine, but I feel like we’re in the eighth grade. Reece Mancini, do you want to be my girlfriend?”

  I giggle. “Shouldn’t you give me a class ring or something?”

  We pull up to the hotel. Fans are gathered near the entrance. The hotel staff have done a pretty good job of keeping them behind barriers, but they scream when they see Garrett emerge from the limo.

  “Sorry, not today,” he shouts as we pass.

  Camera phones come out. Women yell for Garrett to take them inside. He jerks me to a stop on the sidewalk, takes me in his arms, dips me, and kisses me long and hard. With tongue.

  Cheers and boos are heard.

  He pulls me upright and turns to the fans. “Reece Mancini, ladies and gentlemen.” He takes me inside.

  “Garrett, did you just claim me?”

  “If you’re set on returning to New York tomorrow, I want the world to know you’re spoken for.”

  We wait for the elevator. “The world will know, all right. I’m sure a dozen people videoed you kissing me. It’ll be all over the internet.” I groan. “Ronni won’t be happy.”

  “Screw Ronni. She doesn’t control us anymore.”

  “But she controls me. There’s a clause in my contract about public displays of affection.”

  He’s amused. “She’s trying to pull the same shit with you that she pulled with us. Ignore her.”

  “She’s kind of my boss, Garrett.”

  He cages me to the wall. “I’m kind of your boss.”

  “You make it sound so dirty.”

  The elevator doors open and we go inside. A man tries to follow us in, but Garrett holds out his hand. “Might want to take the next one. It’s about to get indecent in here.”

  The man chuckles and backs up. The doors close.

  Garrett’s eyes graze over my entire body and I heat up like a bonfire. He fingers the hem of my short dress. “I’m glad you’re wearing a skirt,” he says. He kneels, reaches under it, and slides my panties down my legs.

  “Here?” I say, wondering if the doors will open.

  He inserts a finger inside me, finding me slick and ready. “Fuck, Reece.” He pushes the red knob that stops the elevator. It makes a loud ringing noise.

  A woman’s voice comes over an intercom. “Is everything okay?”

  “Fine,” Garrett says, standing. “I accidentally pushed the button. I’ll turn it back on in a few minutes.”

  “Sir, I’ll have to call fire rescue if the elevator isn’t operational.”

  “Room 6516. Garrett Young from Reckless Alibi. Stop by after noon tomorrow, and I’ll sign anything you want. I’ll even get you tickets and backstage passes for our next concert in Dallas. Just give me five minutes.”

  The ringing noise stops. “Five minutes,” she drawls.

  “I can’t believe she went for it.” I search for a camera. “Do you think she can see us?”

  “She won’t see anything.” He
gets back on his knees, gives me a devilish grin, and puts his head under my skirt.

  When his tongue finds my clit, I grip the railing. He puts one of my legs over his shoulder. I try not to think about the woman on the intercom or any cameras, but it’s hard not to. What we’re doing is dangerous. Forbidden. For some reason, that turns me on even more.

  Fingers work inside me as his tongue runs circles around my stiff bundle of nerves. I almost collapse, but he holds me up, even when my legs shake and I explode around him. “Oh God!” I yell.

  He stands, making sure my skirt isn’t riding up, and pushes me into the corner. He lowers his pants just enough, then picks me up. I brace myself against the wall as he enters me.

  “Jesus, Reece. You feel fucking amazing.”

  I open my eyes and realize what I hadn’t before. I can see him making love to me from all angles. In the mirror, I watch him from behind as he pumps into me, the top of his ass cheeks tensing with each thrust. Though he’s mostly clothed, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anything so toe-curlingly hot.

  I reach around and run my finger down the crack of his ass. He thrusts harder, then buries his head in my cleavage as he grunts through his orgasm.

  After, he puts me down, zips up, and stashes my undies in his pocket.

  A glob of come drips out of me onto the floor. I stare at it. “What will we do about that?”

  He smushes it into the carpet with his shoe, then checks his phone. “We have a minute to spare.”

  He pushes the red button to make the elevator run again. When we arrive at our floor and the doors open, he flashes the “rock on” sign to a corner in the elevator.

  My face flushes. “Did you know there was a camera there the whole time?”

  “Why do you think I positioned you underneath it? No one would be able to see anything but the top of your head. They would only see me. You know, in case the lady decides to sell it to TMZ or something.”

  I study our reflections and remember watching him in the mirror just a moment ago. I look at the camera in the corner, hidden behind a plate of dark glass. “Won’t the camera be able to see everything in the mirrors?”


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