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Reckless Reunion (The Reckless Rockstar Series)

Page 22

by Samantha Christy

  I completely forgot I promised to text him when I landed.

  Me: Yes. On the way to IRL. Ronni sent a car. No rest for the weary.

  Garrett: If she gives you any shit, let me know.

  Me: I’m a big girl. I’m not going to tattle on Ronni to my boyfriend.

  I press send and abruptly realize it’s the first time I’ve called him my boyfriend in six years.

  Garrett: Are you still wearing the necklace?

  Me: I am. We just pulled up to IRL. Call me later?

  Garrett: Sure, and check your email. I sent you some hilarious pictures of me and Olivia on the bus today.

  I roll my eyes, knowing he can’t see me.

  Me: Will do. Talk to you later.

  The driver lets me out of the car. “What about my luggage?”

  He holds out his hand. “Give me your keys. I’ll drop your things at your apartment and leave the keys at the front desk.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” I fish through my purse for the keys and then open my wallet.

  He shakes his head. “Please don’t tip me, Ms. Mancini. I’m your driver. Indica Record Label is paying me.”

  I look at him in shock. “I have a driver?”

  “I’m also a certified bodyguard.” He hands me his card. “Name’s Judd Henderson. I’m at your service whenever you need me.”

  “Well, thank you.”

  He opens the door to IRL for me. I go inside, still stunned I have a driver. And a bodyguard, apparently.

  “Oh, good,” Ronni says, popping up like a bad mushroom after a storm. “I’m glad your plane was on time, because I have dinner plans. This won’t take long, but I wanted to get introductions out of the way so we can get straight to work bright and early tomorrow.”


  “Come,” she says, directing me to the conference room.

  Five men stand around the table. I glance at Ronni in confusion.

  “You’ve already met Judd,” she says. “Here’s the rest of the Reece Mancini team.” She stands next to a tall man with black hair. “This is Darren, he plays keyboards.” She moves to the next guy. “Keith plays bass.” She points across the table to a tatted-up guy. “That’s Jonah on drums.” Of course that one plays drums. “And this devilishly handsome one here is Cade, lead guitar.”

  I go on high alert. “I’m lead guitar.”

  “Of course you are,” she says. “I meant when you aren’t playing.”

  “What happened to the others?”

  “The house band? I decided you needed more talent behind you than they could provide. I may have burned a few bridges to get these four, so let’s make it worth my while. They’ve been practicing your songs for a month. They know all the material.”

  I purse my lips, annoyed. “You hired a band without my input?”

  “As is my right, per the contract.”

  “Yeah, but that’s when I thought I already had a band. It’s my name on everything, Ronni. I thought you’d at least give me some say in it.”

  “There wasn’t time. We need you on the radio yesterday. We’ve even recorded what we could without you to speed up the process. If all goes well tomorrow, we’ll have two singles completed by day’s end, and I can start pushing them out. I might even be able to get you airtime in a matter of weeks.” She sees the bitter look on my face. “I’m sure you’ll find them more than suitable. Give them a chance, you know, like everyone gave you one?”

  It’s hard to argue with that, so I don’t. I take a seat and look at the one man who hasn’t been introduced to me. He strides over and holds out his hand. “Anderson Cole. I’m your new manager.”

  I shake his hand and turn to Ronni. “Wow, you have some gall.”

  “As I said, there was no time. We have to jump right into this.” She checks the time. “I have a dinner engagement. I’ll see you all back here at eight a.m.”

  She exits the room, leaving me drowning in a sea of awkwardness. How could she hire a band and a manager without my approval? Garrett was right when he said she would attempt to control me. I have to resist calling him. He owns the company. Surely he can override her decisions. But I can’t call him after I told him I could handle myself not thirty minutes ago.

  Anderson sits in the chair next to me. “This must be a lot for you to absorb.” His sympathetic eyes lock with mine. “I had no idea until just now that you didn’t know about any of this. I’d be pissed, too, if I were you. I’ve known Ronni for years. Well, known is a strong word. We’re not friends. Acquaintances at best. She can be brusque. But she knows what she’s doing, and you have to trust she’s doing what she thinks is best for you. The video of you she put online has already garnered major attention.”

  “Ronni was behind the YouTube video?”

  “Like I said, she’s doing everything in her power to make sure you succeed.” He gestures to the other four men in the room. “We’re all a part of that plan. Give us a chance.”

  I lower my head and nod in defeat. What choice do I have? “I’m sorry, you’ll have to tell me your names again. This is all so much to take in.”

  They take turns introducing themselves. When Jonah, the drummer, speaks, I can’t help but think of Garrett. It’s only been five hours, and I miss him already. I wonder what he would think of all this? He knows the house band, is friends with them even.

  “It’s almost seven,” Anderson says. “You’ve been on a plane and must be hungry. Why don’t we go out, get a bite, and get to know each other before you’re thrown into the thick of it tomorrow?”

  “I’m meeting my best friend at ten.” I remember where I’m meeting him. “The restaurant where I used to work is really good. I could call over and get us a table.”

  Anderson stands. “Your wish is our command.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Maddox keeps a watchful eye on me from behind the bar in the next room. I’m not sure he has anything to worry about, however. These men seem nice and have been respectful. Cade and Keith have girlfriends. Darren might be gay. Jonah is the only one I’d call even a little bit dangerous, but maybe it’s because I’m comparing him to Garrett.

  Skylar, my old boss and owner of the restaurant, comes over, beaming. “Reece Mancini. I knew it would happen for you one day. Maddox can’t stop talking about how well you played on tour. And the videos I’ve seen.” Her hand covers her heart. “I feel like I’m watching my daughter get everything she ever wanted.”

  Tears come to my eyes. I’ve thought of her as a mother figure these past few years. It’s nice she feels the same way. “Thanks, Skylar. It’s been exciting. I’m sorry I had to quit my job.”

  “Are you kidding? You were a terrible waitress.” She winks and gives me a wry grin. “By the way, I’m picking up the tab for the table.”

  “You don’t have to. I can afford things like this now.”

  “Pish. How often do I get to say I’m friends with a rock star?”

  “Well, thank you,” I say and stand to hug her. “I really appreciate it.”

  After she walks away, Jonah asks, “Are you close to Reckless Alibi?”

  “I wasn’t until recently.”

  “Reece is dating their drummer,” Anderson says. “Much to Ronni’s displeasure.”

  “You’re seeing Garrett Young?” Jonah says. “Oh, shit, now I remember how I know your name. It’s been bugging me for weeks. You’re the Reece who dumped Garrett when he was in Australia.”

  My spine stiffens. “You know about that?”

  “I more than know about it. I was with him when it happened.”

  I’m completely dumbfounded. “You were one of Gunther’s students?”


  “And you want to play for me?”

  “Don’t underestimate yourself, Reece. I’ve heard you play. I’ve seen the videos. I can tell an up-and-coming star when I see one. I’m riding the Reece Mancini train all the way to the top.”

  “But you studied under Gunther Grumley. Shouldn’t
you be the drummer for Bon Jovi or something?”

  “Meh. He’s not all he’s cracked up to be.” My eyes widen in surprise, and they break into laughter. “I’m kidding,” he says. “I’ve never met him. I’ve been hopping around from band to band, trying to find my place. I hope I’ve found it.”

  I sip my wine. “No pressure there.”

  “I’m looking forward to catching up with Garrett. Most of us lost touch after Australia. I guess you got back together when he came home.”

  I peer down into my glass, feeling guilty. “We didn’t see each other again until four months ago.”

  I tell them the story about my song. They hang on every word. Anderson seems to be the only one who knew.

  “He stole your song?” Jonah says. “That’s fucking low.”

  “In his defense, we were drunk. He really thought he wrote it, but I had video proof I wrote it, and he only helped.”

  “And now you’re back together?” Jonah asks. “Everything else is water under the bridge?”

  I shrug, because I can’t answer him. I only hope the water under the bridge doesn’t become a tsunami.

  My phone rings. I glance down to see Garrett’s face. Jonah sees it from across the table. “Speak of the devil.” He swipes my phone from me and answers it. “Garrett fucking Young.” I reach for it, but Jonah keeps it away. “Who the fuck is this? It’s Jonah. Jonah Radcliff from Australia.” He’s silent for a beat. “I’m having dinner with your girlfriend. I’m her new drummer, man. Small world, huh?” I share a look with Anderson. He’s the only one here who might have any idea what a shitstorm this is about to become. Jonah hands me the phone. “He wants to talk to you. Sounds pissed.”

  I take it. “You think?” I get up and move into the bar, where it’s quieter. “Garrett?”

  “Jonah Radcliff is your new drummer? When did that happen? And why the hell are you having dinner with him?”

  I hear concern in his voice, not jealousy. My first instinct is to tell him not to worry, but I fear it would simply fan the flames. “I’m at Mitchell’s having dinner with my new band and my new manager.”

  “You have a manager?”

  “You really don’t have your hand in anything at IRL, do you? Apparently I also have a driver-slash-bodyguard.”

  “Tell me what the hell is happening.”

  I smile at Maddox when he puts a glass of water in front of me before returning to his customers. “Ronni said she wanted more talent behind me or something like that. I was mad at first, her not consulting me, but I think they’re good. At dinner, they let me listen to some of their stuff. They’re fully up to speed, and we’ll be in the recording studio tomorrow.”

  “That bitch.”

  “I thought so, too, but Anderson assures me she’s only doing what’s best for me. He said she’s one of the top reps in the industry.”


  And there’s the jealousy I was listening for. “Anderson Cole, my new manager.”

  “Christ, Reece. You’re gone for seven hours and everything has changed.”

  “One thing hasn’t. You and I haven’t changed. This doesn’t affect us. This doesn’t change anything if you think about it. I’m still on track to do everything Ronni talked about. She’s hoping to get me airtime within a few weeks, not months. Can you believe it?”

  “Watch out for Jonah,” he says. “He was a real douche in Australia. He probably has ten STDs. He slept with anyone he could get his hands on, woman and men.”

  “Don’t worry about him. He knows we’re together.”

  “Doesn’t mean he won’t try.”

  “He won’t get anywhere if he does. Garrett, aren’t you even a little bit excited for me?”

  “Sure I am, but I can’t help worry about you being the only woman in the band.”

  “Like Bria is the only woman in yours?” I sigh at his silence. “What you really mean to say is that you’re worried about me running off with someone.”

  He still doesn’t speak.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’m happy with the way things are. Aren’t you?”


  “Then that’s all that matters. Besides, Judd will be there to protect me if I need it.”


  “My driver-slash-bodyguard.” I laugh. “Oh my gosh, Garrett. I have a driver-slash-bodyguard. I have a manager. Is this really happening?”

  “It really is. Just don’t forget where you came from.”

  “Uh, foster care?”

  “You know what I mean. Don’t let it all go to your head.”

  “I won’t. Because I have a good example in you.” I glance at the table. Anderson is waving me over. “I should go. My dinner is getting cold.”

  “Call me tomorrow?”

  “Sure. And Garrett? I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too.”

  I put my phone on the counter and sit heavily on a stool at the bar. Maddox comes over. “From the sound of it, you’re going to have a shit ton to tell me about.”

  “That’s the understatement of the year.”

  He nods to my phone. “I’m willing to bet my left nut you haven’t told him everything yet, have you?”

  I shake my head. “Things are going so well. We’re happy, Mad.”

  “Does he love you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he does, but he hasn’t said it. Neither have I.”

  “He deserves to know, Reece.”

  “I should go finish my dinner. I’ll see you after your shift.”

  “Bring them over before they go. I want to meet them.”


  “Just do it. I promise not to go all big brother on you. I want to know who you’re going to be hanging out with for the next thirty years.”

  My heart thunders with the enormity of the situation. I can’t get my legs to move.

  Maddox laughs at me. “Better get used to it, Reece. This is your life now.”

  Chapter Thirty-five


  We’re off the plane before anyone else—one of the benefits of flying first class. We could have ridden back on the bus, only a seven-hour drive, but after ten weeks on the road, the others said they were tired and wanted to get home.

  “I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed,” Bria says.

  Ella moans. “And take a bath in my own tub.”

  Liam smacks his lips. “Hoagies from the place on fifth. Damn, I’ve missed those.”

  I shake my head at them. “Aren’t you going to miss room service? What about the bus? We had fun on the bus, didn’t we? Not to mention the concerts.”

  “Please,” Liam says. “You’re only going to miss sleeping across the hall from Reece.”

  “Which I haven’t done for two weeks, by the way.”

  “Yeah, don’t think we haven’t noticed how you’ve been a fucking grouch.”

  I shoot him a look.

  “There will be more tours,” Crew says, “but it will be nice to be a regular person again for a while.”

  We reach the top of the escalator. There is a large group at the bottom near the luggage claim. Some are carrying signs welcoming Reckless Alibi back home. How’d they even know? Brad laughs and turns to Crew. “What was it you were saying about being a regular person?”

  Tom stops us before we descend. “I’ll get you to the car and then Jeremy and I will go back for your bags.”

  Brad pulls his wife aside. “Katie and I are going to hang back and get a cup of coffee before we go down.” He ruffles his daughter’s hair. “We don’t want Olivia to get caught up in it.”

  “But you won’t have Tom,” Ella says.

  “We won’t need him when the rest of you aren’t around.”

  Bria and Ella give Katie a hug. I guess they’re all friends now that Katie has decided to jump on the RA bandwagon. The rest of us shake hands with Brad. Crew says, “It’s great to have you back, man. See you next week.”

  Tom flags down two securi
ty guards and explains who we are. He steps on the escalator first and the two men in uniform flank our rear. The gathered fans cheer and scream when they see us. Paparazzi snap away on their cameras.

  “Liam, marry me!” a woman yells.

  Liam gives Ella a peck on the cheek and goes over to sign autographs.

  “Garrett, is it true you’re in a relationship with Reece Mancini?” a photographer asks.

  “That’s right.”

  “Will there be wedding bells in your future?”

  I laugh and pat Crew and Liam. “These two will be the only ones wearing a ball and chain.”

  “Can I snap a picture of all of you?” he asks. “Where’s the bass player?”

  “Took another flight,” Crew says.

  We do pictures and autographs, then Tom blazes a trail to the limo. Before we reach the door, someone wearing a baseball cap climbs inside.

  “I’m on it,” Tom says, thinking some fan has hijacked our ride. He rips open the door, looks inside, then laughs. “It’s okay. Simple misunderstanding.” He holds the door open and gestures for us to get in.

  As soon as we’re in the limo, things make sense.

  “Sorry, mates. Guess I climbed in the wrong car.” He taps on his phone. “Mine will be along shortly. Cheers for letting me crash your homecoming for a minute.”

  Adam Stuart from White Poison is sitting in our limo. And unease crawls up my spine when I see who he’s sitting next to: Reece.

  She springs out of her seat and into my lap, planting a kiss on my lips as if one of the most famous singers of our decade isn’t sitting five feet away.

  “Aren’t you the lucky bugger,” Adam says. He turns to Bria. “You look familiar.”

  “You have to be fucking kidding me,” Crew says. “You don’t remember her?”

  Adam laughs. “If I remembered every ninny I shagged when I was wankered, I’d have a bloody PhD.”

  Crew lunges at Adam, but I hold him back. “Not worth it.”

  “We’re Reckless Alibi,” Liam says. “As in the band who opened for you four times on your last US tour? And this is Bria Cash—she was your goddammed backup singer, you two-bit lowlife.”


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