The French Encounter: Christian Historical (Window to the Heart Saga Trilogy Book 2)

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The French Encounter: Christian Historical (Window to the Heart Saga Trilogy Book 2) Page 6

by Jenna Brandt

  “She was right behind me, Pierre. She was only momentarily delayed.” Margaret gently pulled her elbow free and stepped away. “I am grateful for your thoughtfulness, but I am capable of finding my own way home.”

  “On the contrary, the other night, when you were accosted, should prove that you are not safe on your own.”

  “Pierre, that was an isolated incident. I have been to the opera multiple times and know my way back to Parintene readily. I think it best if you allow me to take care of myself.” She was not finished with her conversation with the marquis, which had been cut off when Pierre interrupted. She most keenly wanted to know what he wanted to ask her. “I have some matters I wish to attend to before I am ready to leave.”

  Immediately, she saw the wounded look in Pierre’s eyes and internally cringed as she did not want to hurt her friend. However, she knew that Pierre had been consistently becoming more possessive over her, and she could not have him running off every eligible suitor who pursued her.

  “I can make sure the countess arrives home safely.” Margaret turned to look at the marquis, shocked that he would get involved in what might appear to be a lover’s quarrel.

  “Thank you, Lord Robineau.” She turned back to Pierre and stated with certainty, “You are free to go, Pierre.”

  Pierre was visibly furious. He paused for a moment, and Margaret could tell by his frustrated posture that he wanted to object. Instead, he nodded in acceptance and said, “If you will excuse me, I will be on my way, then.”

  Swiftly, Pierre turned back around and walked towards the exit of the opera house.

  After several seconds, Margaret returned her attention to the marquis. “I hope that did not give you the wrong impression. He is only a family friend, and as I am currently staying as a guest at his estate, he seems to feel the need to be protective.”

  The marquis raised a hand and shook his head indifferently. “No need to explain. It was none of my concern, but it did seem that you were uncomfortable with his conduct, and that is why I stepped in by offering to escort you home.”

  “Escort me home? You said you would make sure I arrived home safely. I assumed you meant that you would make sure I safely returned in a carriage.” Not wanting to create difficulty for the marquis, she concluded, “I would not want to inconvenience you in any way.”

  The marquis reached out and took her arm. “When I say I am going to do something, I do it. I take my word very seriously.” Softening his tone, he added, “Besides, I want to escort you home. I find myself looking for any excuse to spend more time with you.”

  “Before we depart, I need to find my friend and let her know I will be leaving for the evening.”

  “As you wish, my lady. I can accompany you while you search for her.”

  A few moments later, Margaret found Jackie talking with Monte in a secluded corner near their opera boxes. As she approached them, Margaret could tell by her friend’s mannerism, she was flirting with Monte.

  “There you are, mon chéri. I had wondered where you had gone.”

  “I can see you are occupied at the moment. The Marquis de Badour has graciously offered to escort me to Parintene. Do you wish to come with us?”

  Jackie gave Margaret a knowing smile. “Thank you for the invitation, but I think I shall stay a while longer.”

  Monte interjected, “I will make sure the vicomtesse arrives home safely.” He winked at his brother, and added, “You need not wait up for me, brother. I have no plans to be home any time soon.”

  Reluctant to allow Jackie to remain in Monte’s questionable company, Margaret warned, “Do be careful, Jackie. I would not want anything to happen to you.”

  Jackie nodded. “I appreciate your concern. I believe I am in capable hands.”

  After saying good night, Margaret and the marquis made their way to the theater exit. Several heads turned towards them and watched as they departed. By night’s end, the gossip circles would have a new piece of fodder. She knew it would not be long before everyone was asking her about her time with him.

  As they rode along in the marquis’s carriage, she could tell that he seemed a bit apprehensive around her. She was not sure why he was uneasy in her presence, but it made her wonder.

  “Pardon me, my lord, but is something bothering you?”

  He looked at her thoughtfully and waited several moments before replying. “It is not that anything is the matter. It is more that I find myself fascinated by you in a way I have never been with a woman.”

  Oh, so that was it. She had thought that perhaps he had changed his mind about getting to know her but did not know how to broach the subject. She had no idea that it was just the opposite. He felt uncomfortable around her because he wanted to get to know her far better than he cared to acknowledge.

  “I would think you have spent a great deal of time around many women more fascinating than I.”

  “On the contrary, you seem to be substantiated, poised, and deeply conscientious. Rare traits in the noble women with whom I have been acquainted.”

  She glanced away while saying, “I appreciate the flattery, but I think you do me more justice than I deserve.”

  He smiled. “Did I forget to include humble? That is a quality I have not found in a woman since my mother.”

  Margaret blushed at the adoration she could hear in the marquis’s voice. She did not expect to have him praise her in this fashion. She had to admit, it felt wonderful to have him do so. But, she reminded herself, he does not know about your past. It can, and most likely will, change how he feels about you once he does.

  Saddened by the thought that as quickly as the marquis’s admiration could be given to her, it could be taken away by her past, Margaret gathered her things together to depart in a hurry.

  As the carriage pulled up to Parintene, she averted her eyes from the marquis. She did not want him to see her shame as she thought about her past. She hated that what had been done to her by a hateful monster would possibly keep her from ever finding happiness again. It seemed so unfair.

  In a detached tone, Margaret said, “Thank you for escorting me home, my lord.” When she placed her hand on the door handle of the carriage to open it, the marquis rested his own over hers to stop her from leaving.

  Confused, he asked, “It seems now something is bothering you. What has changed so suddenly?”

  “Nothing. I just momentarily forgot that I have obligations, and I think once you are aware of them, you may become disinterested in me. I cannot afford to let myself be imprudent.”

  He shook his head and gently pulled her hands into his own.

  “If you are referring to your situation, I am aware that you are a widow and have a son. It does not change anything on my end.”

  Margaret was surprised by the blunt statement. Curiosity made her ask, “How do you know this about me?”

  “I must confess, after our chance encounter the other night, I made some inquiries. You interested me, and I wanted to know more about you. I had planned to introduce myself earlier tonight but had not found the right time to do so. Bumping into you after the performance was a perfectly timed accident.”

  Margaret began to laugh softly. “We seem to experience those often.”

  “You find this amusing?”

  “Not so much what you did, but the fact that I had left my seat tonight in a hurry because your brother caught me staring at you.”

  She had no idea why she confessed that embarrassing bit of truth. She did not have to, and she realized it gave him the upper hand by doing so. Why was it that this man was able to get her to disclose things she did not plan on confessing?

  “I have to profess, I am pleased that this is not one-sided.”

  “It is not, I assure you.”

  “Then I hope that this is not too forward, but if you will be in attendance at church tomorrow, I would like to sit with you.”

  “I have not found a church as of yet, but I would not be opposed to attend the one to which
you go.”

  “I attend at Taitbout Chapel. May I collect you tomorrow morning on my way to the service?”

  Margaret nodded in agreement. “I would be pleased.”

  Chapter 7

  Standing outside the chapel, Margaret was grateful that her questions about the marquis’s religious preference had been answered. It seemed that if their relationship progressed towards marriage, she would be with a husband who was as committed to God as she had become.

  She had not been able to attend church for several months, and as she walked through the doors, she felt an overwhelming peace wash over her.

  As they walked to their seats towards the front of the chapel, several parishioners welcomed them with smiles and warm greetings. The marquis did not stop to converse, most likely to keep her from being overwhelmed.

  After several hymns were sung by the congregation, the pastor, Eugène Bersier, came to the front and took his place behind the pulpit.

  “Welcome, dear brothers and sisters. We have been talking about the attributes of love over the past several weeks. I feel that we still have so much to examine when it comes to this subject. True love requests a duality of the most distinct individuality of a person coupled with the most intimate association with one another. This love, which is given to us only through the grace of God, is the source of all that is important. It grounds us in conviction, in truth, in certainty, and in joy. Jesus Christ, through his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, opened access to an all-powerful love that is capable of doing wondrous acts in and around us. It has the power to free us from sin, to turn the lost towards purpose, and to usher us into eternal life. The Holy Bible states that we are to love one another because everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Therefore, it is our duty to love each other as God loves us. Let us bow our heads to pray for God to show us the way to love one another according to His will.”

  Margaret could not believe that, after being unable to attend church for so long, the message was about love upon her return. Her father’s pastor, Reverend Fisher, had changed her life back in England and helped her find salvation through a message about love, and now, as she sat next to a man she hoped to one day marry, she was hearing another sermon about love in the most profound new context.

  According to Pastor Eugène Bersier not only was being an individual acceptable but it was also needed to best serve the Lord. That meant that all of the obstacles, setbacks, and losses that she went through in her life were not a hindrance but a blessing. She could use them to help others, and if she allowed God to work in her, He would use those past pains to change her for the better.

  In addition, she was beginning to understand that God chose to design her with her unique quirks and imperfections. They were not flaws but rather instruments He would use to show God’s love. There was freedom in that, knowing that she did not have to live up to expectations she or others placed on her. The only one she needed to please was God, and He loved her just the way He made her.

  Margaret had been reading as she sat on the bench by the window when Pierre came into the room to inform her that Mulchere had returned with an urgent matter to discuss with her.

  She stood as the detective came into the room with a sullen look on his face. Reflexively, she asked with dread, “Does this concern my brother? Are you here to tell me Randall is dead?”

  Rapidly blinking several times in confusion, he replied, “No, this has nothing to do with your brother. I have something else that I need to tell you. It is of the upmost importance.”

  Worried, Margaret asked with concern, “What is it?”

  “While I was searching for information regarding your brother, I came across some people who were looking for you, Lady Margaret. I only tell you this because they had British accents and they were… forceful in their hunt.”

  Her face became tight with worry and she pursed her lips. This was bad. That meant that someone from home was trying to track her down. She had been stupid not to realize that by using her father’s title, even in a foreign country, it would eventually lead someone straight to her if they were looking.

  “Can you find out for whom these people are working?”

  “It was evident that the men I encountered were hired mercenaries. I asked around as to whom they had been employed by, but I could not get any details. Whoever dispatched them seems to be well funded, as they were diligent and efficient at their investigative tasks. They were starting their search in the lesser-known areas, I think, because they assumed you were in hiding. They are currently unaware that you are cosseted amongst the French titled.”

  This changed everything. It would be only a matter of weeks, possibly days, before whoever sent the mercenaries found her. She had to come up with a plan to throw them off her trail while Mulchere continued to look for her brother.

  God, what am I going to do? If Catherine finds me, my life will be over and I will lose my son. Please help me find a way to stay hidden.

  “I have a favor to ask of you.”

  “What is it, Countess?”

  Margaret creased her eyebrows together in concern as she thought about what to do. She needed to find a way to make them go away. “I hate putting you in this position to help me with this problem. It could potentially place you in a dangerous situation.”

  “I put myself in danger daily by the line of work I choose to do. I would much rather put myself in danger for you.”

  She blushed, and he must have realized what his comment sounded like. “Excuse my boldness, my lady. I only meant that I am honored to help you.”

  She smiled and accepted his explanation. “I understand, and I thank you for your loyalty. I have an idea for a plan. What I need you to do is tell the people who are inquiring about me that I had been in France but left for Spain a month ago. It would explain away any information they found in France pointing to me being here, and hopefully, they will stop looking for me in France and move on to other places. Also, it would be good if you have a few other people give them the same information in a discreet manner.”

  “I will do it straightaway, my lady. I can also have my emissaries in Spain relay corresponding information when these men make their way there.”

  “Excellent, Monsieur Mulchere. I appreciate your help in this most precarious matter.”

  He grinned with admiration. “You are a smart one, my lady. Your plan should do a fine job of getting them off your track.”

  “That is the idea.”

  Chapter 8

  As Margaret put on a last dab of perfume, she contemplated her courtship by the Marquis de Badour. A few weeks had passed and her relationship with him was progressing, albeit slowly. Her confidence in their potential match was growing, as was her admiration for his character. The marquis had been taking her to church on a regular basis, and she could tell that his faith was an important part of his life by how he conducted himself as well as how he prayed over their meals and talked about God on their walks in the park.

  Jackie entered the room with excitement radiating from her. “Good evening, chéri. Are you ready to be astounded? The French are said to do two things well, make love and make drama. How fortunate for you to be getting a bit of both.”

  Margaret knew that Jackie was referring to the fact that, for the last couple of weeks, Pierre continued to make it clear that he planned to pursue her, despite the fact that she had been spending a great deal of time with the marquis. But Margaret did not want to think about any of that right now. Instead, she stood up and asked, “How do I look?”

  She was feeling a bit self-conscious, wearing a dress that was off the shoulder and made of pure golden lace. It went perfectly with the matching ivory, feathered mask the marquis had made for the masquerade ball to complement his own.

  “Superb, Margaret, as always. The men will turn their heads when you enter the ballroom, as they always do. And I, I will just stand beside you, forgotten, following in your wake.”

had a tendency to exaggerate. If the truth be known, Jackie had no problem attracting her own exuberant amount of attention. Margaret knew that she was only an English novelty and her appeal to the French nobility would soon wear off.

  Margaret laughed. “I hardly think that you have anything to worry about. I hold no candle to you. Everyone knows that you are always the belle of the ball. What about the marquis’s brother, Monte? He is most certainly interested in you.”

  “Well yes, although everyone says he was interested in you first, but your mistreatment of him that first night at the opera made him turn to me.”

  “And who informed you of this fact?”

  Jackie frowned. “Lady Ginene, and she hears everything.”

  Shrugging with a laugh, Margaret said, “Trust me, I have seen with my own eyes that he is interested in you and not me. Besides, he needs you to help mend his deflated pride after my rejection.” She winked at her friend before continuing. “Come now, we both know that he only wanted to bed me. Lady Ginene only told you that to antagonize you. You know how she loves sticking her nose in other people’s business and making up stories.”

  Jackie eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Oh, that wretched cow. I cannot believe that I actually listened to her pathetic lies. I am going to get her back, Margaret. I swear it.”

  Margaret smiled. “Good, there’s my fiery friend. I am glad to see that you are back and ready for a fight.”

  “Yes, and I suppose that I do not mind so much, taking your castoffs, so long as they all look as good as Monte.”

  Grabbing her friend’s hand, Margaret pulled her towards the door. “Jackie, my dear, you are never the receiver of secondhand men.”

  “You are right. It is my job to ruin them for other women. Besides, I heard a rumor that you will soon be spoken for, and when that happens, I will get my pick of the men again.”


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