Kaid's Queen

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Kaid's Queen Page 17

by Sandra R Neeley

  Chapter 21

  Kaid and the clan fought the flames valiantly, but to no avail. They’d not made any progress in trying to put them out. Seems the little bastard Beaver had used oil of some sort to start the fire. The more they tried to battle the flames with water from the creek, the more they spread it. And it was moving fast, so whatever accelerant he used, he’d used a lot of it.

  Just about the time they were giving up and retreating to try to fight it from another direction, a roar sounded in the distance. A roar that none of them had ever heard before. It sent a chill down the spine of each of them. Except Bam. Bam just smiled as he continued to beat at the flames.

  “The fuck is that?!” Kaid yelled over the noise of the flames.

  “The women! Somebody should have stayed with the women,” Bane shouted as he dropped the shovel he was using to try to dig a trench to stop the flames. He turned to head toward them, unbelieving that they’d all gone to fight the flames, and no one had stayed with the women. But before he could get more than a few steps from where he’d been working, a huge shadow appeared overhead. It circled, then started its descent. Inhaling and exhaling loudly. Then suddenly Kaid realized what he was seeing. A huge fucking Dragon. A Dragon bigger even than Daniel. And as the Dragon descended, the winds stopped. The flames were dying down, and the temperature was dropping. The Dragon adjusted its wings, and again she rose into the air. Now visibly inhaling a huge breath and descending again in a spiral to breathe it out as ice over the entire area. She required so much air to breathe out her ice crystals that she half starved the flames as she inhaled, then put out the remainder as she breathed ice over them. Kaid watched, his entire being knowing that this Dragon was his Delilah. His Mate. Everyone was stunned. They stood there watching. Except Bam, who was grinning and whistling, waving his arms in the air, “Hey, Delilah!!!! What took you so long?”

  Delilah looked down on Bam and breathed a beautiful little blast of ice crystals onto him. Then she flew over the trees once more, looking for flames. Blasting everything again, just to be sure she’d gotten them all. Her Beast was loving being free. She’d not shifted in so many years that she truly wasn't sure that she’d ever shifted. So she took another few minutes to fly over the entire property, scouting for flames, smoke, anything. But there was nothing. She spied the women on two four wheelers headed toward the creek and flew back in that direction, breathing her ice in front of her. Everywhere the ice touched came alive with sparkles and icicles. Just as she was over the creek and field again, the girls broke from the trees and got off the four wheelers. Bane ran to Janie and wrapped her in his arms. She pointed up at the Ice Dragon currently riding the air currents, “It’s Delilah, Isn't she magnificent? Look at the ice; it’s so beautiful!”

  “I see, Baby,” he told her, wrapping her in his arms, thankful she was safe.

  Sadie immediately went to Goldy, and Avaleigh to Daniel, who was standing in the clearing with all the others, eyes glued to the sky.

  Daniel spared Avaleigh a glance and wrapped his arm around her when she stood beside him, also looking up at Delilah. “She’s a Dragon!” Avaleigh told him excitedly.

  Daniel looked at her, shaking his head, then back up at Delilah, “She’s a fucking Queen, Avaleigh!”

  “Huh?” Avaleigh asked.

  “A queen! Female Ice Dragons are Queens. They are bigger than the rest of us. They are mightier than we are. They could put us down with no more than a shrug. Our flames are nothing to them. They are so fucking rare. I cannot honestly tell you the last time that any of our people were aware of a Queen being alive.” He looked back up in the sky at Delilah soaring there above them. “I can’t believe she’s a fucking Queen,” he smiled to himself as he watched her playing on the wind currents that had returned now that she’d stopped sucking up all the wind to make her ice with.

  Delilah looked down on her clan, waiting for her to land. But before she once again started her descent, she glided over Kaid and flicked her claw in his general direction. Something, small, dark and charred hurtled at him from the sky. He stepped back out of its way and watched as it smashed into the ground. He stepped forward, peering closer at it, “No! Really?!” he asked grinning, proud of his Mate.

  Avaleigh chuckled, “Yeah, really. I told her Bear always said he was going to eat that Beaver, so she brought it to you after she roasted it.”

  “Roasted it? But she’s an Ice Dragon,” Daniel said, confused.

  “She walked into the flames and held the squirmy little critter there until he was almost dead; then, she woke him up and did it again,” Janie called to them from a short distance away where Bane still held her, refusing to let her go.

  “Ho! Do not piss off the Ice Dragon,” Maverik yelled.

  They returned their attention to Delilah as she got closer to the ground, her form wavering, and her figure starting to get smaller. By the time her feet touched the ground, she’d completed her shift back to just Delilah and stood there, unsure of how her people would react. Her people? They were all stunned, and they stood there, waiting for her cues.

  Finally, slowly, she made eye contact with Kaid. He was standing before her, about 5 feet away, the expression on his face somewhere between a smile and shock. He raised his hands palm up toward the sky as though he would ask a question, but stopped, no words. She looked at him for a moment longer, shrugged, and said, “Now was the time.”

  Kaid was not understanding, then he realized; she’d told him it was not yet time to release her Beast. Bam had basically said the same thing. “Now was the time,” he repeated.

  Maverik was standing not too far away, snatching his gloves off, wiping his sweaty brow, “So you’re a Dragon, huh?”

  “Yes, Maverik-Ass. I am Dragon,” she answered softly.

  “And you’re a Queen,” he stated more than asked.

  “Yes. I was not sure. But now that we are one, She has told me.”

  Maverik inclined his head as though he understood. He stalked past those of his clan that were standing between him and Delilah, walked right up to her, and dropped to his knees, head bowed, “My Queen,” he whispered reverently, eyes downcast.

  “Maverik, stand. Please,” she tried.

  But then before she knew it, Daniel had joined him, his eyes also downcast, “My Queen,” he said forcefully. For him, she truly was his Queen. He had joined Kaid’s clan, but he was first and foremost Dragon. And here was a Dragon Queen, very possibly the last of her kind. This was not lost on Delilah. She reached forward, laid her hand on his head, covering the top of his head with her palm. “Rise, Daniel. I am no more than you.”

  “Oh yes, you are!” Kaid announced striding between his two kneeling brothers. “You are their Alpha’s Mate. You ain’t happy, Alpha’s not happy. Alpha’s not happy, ain't nobody happy!”

  Delilah grinned at Kaid, “You still wish to Mate with me?”

  He shook his finger at her like scolding a child, “Woman! You spoke the words! You said you were mine; your Beast was mine. You are not allowed to take it back!”

  “But you didn't know I am Dragon. I will allow you the free pass if you wish it,” she offered quietly, praying he didn’t want a free pass.

  “Damn it, Maverik, will you stop telling my Mate about free passes and how to get out of things she don’t want!”

  “I ain’t told her nothing about free passes!”

  “It was me, Boy, I told her about free passes,” Amos said, striding into the clearing.

  “Maverik, why are you on your knees in front of Delilah?” Amos asked.

  “Because she is the Queen!” He explained with an unspoken Duhhh on the end.

  “Delilah, ain't you told him he can get up yet?”

  “Yes. He did not listen.”

  “I’d be on mine too, Lilah, but my old knees ain't what they once were,” Goldy said, “And maybe you should tell Maverik-Ass to get up all Queen-like, then he might listen,” Goldy offered.

  “Hey! Nobody calls me Ass exc
ept Delilah!” Maverik objected, “And maybe Avaleigh. Ah, hell! Only the women! You hear me, Old Man?”

  Goldy just snickered.

  “Maverik, You have my permission to rise now,” Delilah stated in much the same way she’d spoken when she’d first arrived to this clan.

  Maverik, still on his knees, smiled at her, “I like your permissions a lot more now that I know why you feel like you got to give them. They bred in there. You can’t help it. They just come pouring out, all regal and shit.”

  Kaid stood with her for a split second, deciding how he should approach her. She turned to him, “You do not need permission. You are my Mate. We are yours.” That was all he needed to know; he wrapped her up in his arms so fast she and her Dragon were dizzy as he covered her mouth with his own. Taking what was rightfully his.

  And then the moment was broken, “Why the hell do you have blood on your nightgown?” Bane shouted from a few feet away.

  Then Goldy’s voice was heard next, “Sadie-girl, why you carrying around your frying pan, and why’s it got blood on it?”

  “I’ll tell you why, ‘cause I don’t have a gun! That’s why! And if you won’t get me one, I will get Maverik to take me to get one. You will do that for me, won’t you, Maverik?”

  “Yes, Ma’am, I sure will! We’ll see if we can find you a black one that looks a little like cast iron so it will kinda feel like a skillet to you.”

  Sadie snorted when she laughed at him.

  “Well, Sadie, my love, you only need to ask, and it’s yours, you know that!”

  “Fine. I would like a gun please. And I would like lessons also. So that I will always shoot the right person.”

  “Wait, are you planning on shooting a lot of people?” Maverik asked her laughing.

  “Well, I never thought so, but lately, lately I’ve had to teach a few lessons, so it would be a lot easier if I had a gun is all.”

  This conversation was cut short by: “The hell are you saying, Heart? He cut you?! Did nobody think it was important enough to tell me?” Bane dropped to his knees, lifting her nightgown just enough to get his head underneath and see the small wound where Slatterly had pricked her skin with the knife he‘d held. He soothed the wound with his tongue. “How?” he raged, “How the fuck did he get close enough to my Mate to cut her?” Bane roared, jumping to his feet and starting for the charred carcass laying on the ground, with Janie trying to catch up to him. “Stay here, Janie!” he instructed as he stalked off toward the charred Beaver. He kicked the Beaver hard, and the charred flesh broke a bit.

  “Fucker!” He screamed and shifted immediately. He picked the carcass up in his mouth and shook it side to side like a pissed off Bear. Which was quite apropos, since he was a pissed off Bear. Pieces went flying.

  “Wait!” Delilah called out, “my Mate is to eat the Beaver!”

  “No, Lilah, really, it’s okay. I’m not going to eat him. Bane can tear him up. It’s okay,” Kaid told her smiling, as he kissed her temple.

  “But I brought him for you,” Delilah said.

  “And I love that you brought him for me, but I really don’t want to eat him. It was a figure of speech, Baby.” Seeing her disappointment in him not eating her gift, he added, “Maybe we can piss on the ashes later, would that be okay?”

  She brightened immediately, “Yes! We will do the pissing! Daniel, will you make him ashen?”

  “Absolutely! Just as soon as Bane is finished playing with him,” Daniel answered her.

  “I, I didn’t see him, Kaid. I’m sorry, Son. Ladies, I’m truly sorry,” Amos told them, “I thought the ladies were safe in their own homes.”

  “No, we were not safe; that’s why I had my skillet. He took Janie from her bed! While you were wetting down the houses, I was stopping another arrogant, self-serving man from taking advantage of my Janie!”

  “Not your fault, Amos,” Kaid said, realizing that he underestimated the situation and left them all vulnerable. “Fuck!” Kaid shouted. He addressed the women, “I’m sorry. I left you unprotected. I didn’t think he’d be here. I figured he’d run once he set the fire, too chicken shit to face the fallout. I’m so sorry I left you without protection,” he said sincerely, running one of his hands through his hair in frustration, keeping the other wrapped around his Mate.

  “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we weren't without protection,” Avaleigh told him. He looked at her, and she continued, “Uhhh, you have one badass Mate! Just in case you weren’t aware. And while he might have got the jump on us, Delilah handled it. All the while pushing me behind her to protect me, and keeping calm while trying to talk him down. She freaking rocks!!!!!” Avaleigh shouted, stepping forward to give Delilah a high 10. Delilah managed to free one hand from where Kaid had her wrapped up in a Bear hug, literally, and tapped her hand against both of Avaleigh’s before tucking back into Kaid’s arms.

  Delilah laughed, “I saw Mother Sadie prowling up behind him with her skillet. I knew I need only keep him preoccupied until she could smash him. Then Avaleigh started wailing; that was the most dangerous part.”

  “Why was it dangerous? I was trying to make sure that he didn’t hear Sadie!”

  “Because it was funny. It was difficult to hide the laugh. Then he would have known that we were not concerned.”

  “Janie got cut; it was not that funny!” Goldy announced indignantly. “He cut my girl. Right over where her girl is cooking. That ain’t cool!” Goldy was seriously working himself up, and Sadie patted him, murmuring to him to calm him down.

  “We knew that he would not hurt Janie seriously; he wanted her to replace me. He was going to try to take Janie and Avaleigh with him. But I knew there was no danger because Mother Sadie was to bash him with her skillet. Then I picked him up and walked him into the fire so that he would suffer much. He cooked. Slowly. Alive. I woke him twice when he passed out with pain,” she smiled evilly, and her Dragon peaked out from her eyes. Delilah was not to be fucked with apparently.

  Bane, hearing that Slatterly planned on taking his Heart, lost it all over again, snarling and again attempting to rip into the carcass that had been burned so badly it was like leather.

  Daniel had been standing quietly behind Avaleigh, his hands constantly touching her. Assuring himself that she was okay, when Daniel heard what was just said about Slatterly planning to take his Avaleigh. His Dragon immediately surged to the forefront, rumbling, snarling, snatching Avaleigh into his arms, scanning the area as though there were still a threat. “I’m okay, Mate. He never got close to me. Delilah kept herself between me and Slatterly the entire time.” Daniel hugged her closer, and his Dragon chuffed to her several times. Avaleigh looked up into orange eyes, “I’m fine, Dragon,” then, she lifted up on tip toe to kiss his chin.

  Delilah brought their attention back to her when next she spoke, “I would not have allowed my Sister Avaleigh to return to his control. She would not survive it again.” She looked around at those still gathered in the clearing with her. “No one,” she said quietly, “No one will ever harm my clan. I will kill without pause,” she said simply before she shifted her attention to where Kaid was looking at Maverik who was walking around the clearing looking up at the trees.

  “Maverik, is there a problem?” Kaid yelled to him.

  For a moment he didn’t answer, then, “No. No problem. Just looking at the ice your woman made. It’s coating everything. It’s stunning. So delicate, so beautiful. Like thousands of little diamonds twinkling and sparkling. Even with all the blackness the fire caused, it’s amazing. It’d be a beautiful setting for,” he paused, not wanting to betray where his thoughts went, “for something special.”

  Bam walked quickly over to Janie, reaching out for her at about the same time that she grasped her stomach and cried out. “Janie, Daisy’s ready. She’s coming!” he told her.

  He wrapped his sister-in-law up in his arms and started for a four wheeler. The Bear that was Bane, looking around at the sudden shift in emotion, and seei
ng his Mate in Bam’s arms, immediately shifted back. “What’s happening?”

  “It’s Daisy,” Bam called over his shoulder as he drove with Janie cradled in his lap and one hand on the handle bars. Bane grinned like a loon, then realizing he was standing there as his brother was taking his pregnant Mate to the hospital, he sprang into action, “Oh, fuck! Wait for me!”

  There were shrieks of excitement, laughter, and delight all around. They fell over themselves trying to get back to the house. They were 15 minutes out, so Goldy and Sadie took one four wheeler, Amos balanced on the back. Maverik had already shifted and was preparing to run back to the house. Daniel shifted and wrapped Avaleigh in a claw, taking flight almost immediately, but not before he called out to Bane, “Come on, Brother! I’ll carry you, too!” Bane immediately ran to Daniel and stepped into his outstretched claw.

  “Will you allow me to carry you, Mate?” Delilah asked Kaid, shyly, almost afraid of his answer. “Absofuckinglutely,” Kaid told her excitedly. Just before she shifted, she looked over to where Maverik waited for them. “Maverik-Ass, would you like a ride as well?” Delilah asked him.

  He looked at her, turning his head side-to-side like a confused dog will do. Then he gave his version of a grin and looked to Kaid for permission. “Come on, let’s go! We ain't got time to spare; we got a baby on the way!” Maverik yipped twice and ran over to where they were standing. Delilah took several steps back, so that she was almost 10 feet from them, her shape wavered, then she became her Ice Dragon. “That is so fucking cool!” Kaid said. Smiling proudly, he approached his mate who laid both clawed hands flat on the ground. “I am one lucky son of a bitch,” he said as he stepped into her outstretched claw. Maverik yipped his agreement and stepped into her other clawed hand. She wrapped them both securely in the cages of her claws and took to the sky. She was so large and flew so fast that she actually touched down at the house at the same time Daniel did, even though he’d left a few minutes before she had. Just as they shifted back to themselves and started up the front steps in search of clothes to throw on, Bam came flying into the clearing on his four wheeler, screeching to a stop and immediately running for the Suburban to lay Janie in the front seat. Maverik came running out of the house with clothes for Bane, who had already climbed into the vehicle buck-assed naked to hold his Janie. She giggled at him, between pants and contractions, “Put some pants on! Only I get to see that, not all the nurses at the hospital!”


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