Inertia: Impulse, Book One

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Inertia: Impulse, Book One Page 17

by Amelia C. Gormley

  “Is this what you want?” Gavin murmured in the same low, insistent tone. “You want me to fuck you until you can’t see straight?”

  Derrick swallowed hard, nodding again, trying to pull himself back enough to make it clear he wasn’t just carried away.

  “Yeah,” he said soberly. “Yeah, I want it.”

  “You have what we need?” Gavin’s voice took on a serious note as well. “I won’t do it, otherwise.”

  Derrick blinked at the question, surprised for a moment that Gavin wouldn’t have brought his own supply of condoms and lube. He wondered if Gavin was testing him, seeing if this was something Derrick had truly thought through.

  “Yeah. There’s a bag. In the bedside table.” He glanced over his shoulder, seeking both to reassure Gavin, and seeking reassurance.

  Gavin smiled, kissing Derrick. He started at Derrick’s mouth, gently, and moved down to his neck, his teeth scraping. His fingers brushed teasingly over the length of Derrick’s cock, straining against the navy cotton of his briefs.

  “Out of the pants,” Gavin murmured. His tone was soft, but it wasn’t a request. “Into the bedroom. Now.”

  Derrick obeyed.


  The Courtland Chronicles

  By Cat Grant

  New and improved!

  A life of wealth and privilege doesn't equal happiness — just ask Eric Courtland. Growing up with a cold, unfeeling father and unstable mother has taught him exactly what he doesn't want out of life or love. The troubled young man prefers a solitary life and is content to keep it that way until a campus emergency saddles him with an unwanted roommate.

  Popular, wholesome, straight Nick Thompson is far more temptation than Eric's prepared for, but Nick's warm, easygoing manner gradually cracks through Eric's prickly protective shell.

  After Eric suffers a traumatic attack, their friendship gives way to an intense passion. Eric's no stranger to casual sex, but what he feels for Nick is something deeper, and more fragile.

  Independent Eric doesn’t know the first thing about being in a relationship, much less with a lover who can’t even admit he’s gay. But conservative Nick can’t seem to find his way out of his own personal closet.

  Rock, meet hard place.


  AMELIA C. GORMLEY MAY SEEM LIKE ANYONE ELSE. But the truth is she sings in the shower, dances doing laundry, and writes blisteringly hot m/m erotic romance while her five year old is in school. When she's not writing in her Pacific Northwest home, Amelia single-handedly juggles her husband, her son, their home, and the obstacles of life by turning into a everyday superhero. And that, she supposes, is just like anyone else.

  You can find Amelia in the following places: (@ACGormley)




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