Love & Desire

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Love & Desire Page 4

by Matilda Martel

  Chapter 3

  “But why must we go to London, father? Why me?” Lynette’s father asked her to pack a small trunk to take with them on their journey. He was asked to bring his family but her older sister was recently taken ill and her brother was recovering from an injury. She felt it worrisome that they didn’t seem upset as long as she was still able to travel. However, her father scoffed at the notion that this summons pertained to her. He believed it most likely involved the King seizing their land and moving them elsewhere. There were new barons on both sides of their estate and he naturally assumed they wanted to add his land to theirs.

  “We have no choice, Lynette. Please hurry. The soldiers are waiting.” Unsure of how long they would be away, she packed as much as she could fit into her trunk and bid farewell to her brother and sister. As she rushed to the small carriage waiting outside, she hoped she would be allowed to return before Edgar returned for their wedding. They’d waited so long to be married-- she couldn’t bear waiting any longer.

  The journey to London took several days, but was quicker than they had expected. With all the soldiers allowing them safe passage under the Norman banner, there was no need to stop for inspection as they had become accustomed to in the last year. When they arrived, Lynette was taken away by a group of ladies and her father was escorted to a meeting with their new king. Surrounded by six women all gossiping about her in French, exclaiming that they would not have enough time to prepare her for the evening, she was struck by a moment of clarity. The King’s summons had nothing to do with her father. It had been for her all along.

  A wave of panic washed over her as she considered the events about to unfold. When they reached her temporary quarters, she asked one of the ladies, one of the few who spoke English what was happening in the evening.

  “Why were you told to prepare me? What is to occur this evening?”

  Realizing she’d understood them all along, the ladies stopped what they were doing and looked at her with a sad curiosity.

  An older woman, who had not heard that the young Englishwoman could understand them, returned from the other side of the room and chided the group of ladies to hurry and prepare her for the ceremony. When she spied one of them unpacking the small trunk, she quickly stopped her and asked her to only remove wedding attire then transfer the rest to the Baron’s room. Finally, confirming Lynette’s worst suspicions, she gasped out loud and collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

  “You fool! Why did you assume she would not understand us?” A younger woman rushed to comfort her. “Demoiselle, sil vous plait, please…we cannot help what has been commanded of us, nor can you. The baron is a ruthless man, but he has never been unkind to a woman. He will care for you, I promise.”

  “The Baron? Who am I marrying? Why me?” She wept as they gathered her up and tried to begin their preparations.

  “His name is Lord Robert Malet, he was recently made a baron. His father fought for the old Duke of Normandy and Lord Malet has fought for the King since he was a boy. He’s one of the greatest soldiers in Normandy, people call him the Butcher of Rouen, because he’s such a good soldier not because he is mean.” She stuttered and regretted saying too much.

  “The battalion he commands just returned from a victory in the west.” She seemed as if she wanted to say more, but backed away and began looking through the trunk of clothes. “We must find you proper wedding attire.”

  “I am to be married in 10 days…I’ve been promised to someone else. There must be some mistake.” She could hardly find the words to explain that she was someone else’s bride as desperate tears spilled down her cheeks.

  “The king and the baron know all about your betrothal. It does not change anything. Please, we need to prepare you for your wedding. You are being married at sunset.” They both gazed out the small window and saw the sun low in the sky. “It will not be long now.”

  When they located her finest gown, the one she planned to wear for her wedding to Edgar, she was bathed, groomed and dressed for a wedding to a man she’d never met. After some prodding, she was told Lord Malet was almost twice her age, which made her fear she was being given away to an old man. With her heart beating wildly and her stomach tied in knots, she walked towards the king’s chapel on her father’s arm. All she could think of was Edgar. This had been his greatest fear and now it would come to pass—they would never be together. She would never be his.

  “Father, please tell Edgar this was not what I wanted.” She whispered to her father, afraid the Norman soldiers surrounding them might hear.

  “I will, Lynette. I should have listened to him, please forgive my foolishness. They know you are betrothed to another and do not care. This Baron had his heart set on you and the King owes him a great favor.”

  “But why me? Who would know me well enough to have his heart set on me?” As they walked into the chapel, her eyes were immediately drawn to the man at the altar—it was the Norman captain who had save her. But it had been so long, how did he remember her? As their eyes met, he gazed at her adoringly before descending down the aisle toward them.

  “Ma dame, may we speak?” His deep voice reached her long before he was near and as he drew closer the sight of his blue eyes brought back the memory of that day.

  “Oui..yes. Father, will you give us a moment?” She timidly nodded to her father, as she took the Captain’s hand.

  Ushering her into a small alcove, his mighty figure hovered over her as he tried to gauge her feelings. “Lynette, I know you do not care for me and I am not the man you planned to marry, but I promise I will always try to be a good husband to you. I promise I will spend my life making myself worthy of you.” Lifting her hand to his lips, she watched him gently kiss her knuckles and stare into her eyes with incredible vulnerability.

  “My lord…”

  “Please, call me Robert. I am minutes from becoming your husband.”

  “Robert… I owe so much.” She struggled to pull her hand from his grasp, but he held on firmly.

  “I do not want your gratitude, Lynette. I want your love—please, give me a chance to win your heart.” His voiced was filled with such desperate longing, she felt compelled to nod and agree to his request.

  “I promise I will try. I do not want to have an unhappy marriage.” Her lip quivered in response, fearing that was exactly what they were destined to have.

  “Nor do I, Lynette. We will not be unhappy, I promise you. You will have a husband who adores you, who worships you body and soul. I am here in England for you. I stayed to be with you.” He kissed her hand once more. “We will love one another, I feel it. I have felt it since the moment I held you in my arms.”

  The ceremony did not take long. The King, her father and a lady of the court witnessed their vows before the archbishop. Everything was conducted in French. Fortunately, she knew what she was saying and listened very carefully to every word Robert spoke. His deep voice was almost comforting in a time when she should have been anxious and frightened about the coming evening. Something in his manner assured her he would never harm her. He was a man everyone in England had every right to fear, but he had killed one of his own soldiers to protect her. And perhaps he did love her.

  When the time came for them to pray silently, she prayed that they might grow to love one another passionately and have the kind of marriage she had always imagined she would have with Edgar. Poor Edgar— she prayed for him too. Fearing what he might do when he heard the news of her wedding, she prayed that he would find happiness with his true love and live a life filled with unimaginable joy. If she couldn’t be happy, if things didn’t work out as she wished with the Baron--she did wish a life of love for him.

  There was no formal dinner. Directly after the ceremony, she was given time to say goodbye to her father before she and her new husband were ushered into his quarters for a private dinner. When he offered her wine, she gladly took as much as she could drink before he suspected she was trying to become inebriated.

  “I would prefer if you remained awake during our first night together.” He smiled and removed her third cup from her lips, drinking it himself.

  “Forgive me, I am nervous. No one has explained what happens this evening—between husband and wife, I mean.” She looked away nervously.

  He narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to one side. “You know nothing? How could your parents allow you to reach your age and marry without informing you?”

  Fearing his disapproval, she covered her mouth to hide her pouting lips. “I…do not…my mother died when I was young and my father did not know I was marrying today. Although, I am not sure he would have explained things very well if he did know. Please, forgive me, I do not mean to disappoint you.” Turning to walk away, she felt more foolish than sad.

  Before she could get very far, Robert’s strong hands gripped her arms and pulled her back against his chest, embracing her warmly. “I could never be disappointed in you. Please forgive me for embarrassing you. I will show you everything you need to know. Will you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She whispered, as she turned to look at him. What choice did she have? As he caressed her cheek, brushing the hair off her face with his fingers, he smiled and lowered his head to kiss her forehead.

  “You are so beautiful, my love. My heart has ached for you for close to a year and now you are here.”

  Covering her mouth with his, he first grazed her lips softly, licking them to entice, before forcing them open with his tongue. She whimpered as he brought her tightly into his arms and then let out a soft moan that only served to encourage him further. He was wild and driven by a savage intensity that had been building up for months, culminating in this moment when he would finally claim her for his own. She could feel his breath, his hunger as his lips moved down to her neck, making her head spin and knees weaken with a new overwhelming desire.

  “Robert…” Her body became limp in his arms, so intoxicated with lust for a man everyone called The Butcher. What was she thinking? How could she betray Edgar so easily? She couldn’t help herself, she needed him.

  “Lynette, my darling…” Catching her by her waist, he eagerly carried her to his bed, resuming his kisses as he began undoing her dress’s laces. She was drowning in his taste, her senses overwhelmed by his powerful scent.

  “Will you show me?” She stuttered as she began helping him with his clothes, anxious to touch him and feel his hot skin against hers.

  “I’ll show you everything, my love.” Removing her gown, he almost gasped as her slip fell away, revealing her full breasts to him for the first time. Overcome with his growing arousal and an insatiable hunger that would not quickly be sated, he tore off the rest of his clothes and joined her on the bed, nuzzling her breast, savagely licking then caressing each mound before engulfing a hard nipple into his eager mouth.

  As he suckled, squeezed and fondled each breast, Lynette whimpered and moaned, unfamiliar with the incredible sensation but unsure if she was allowed to enjoy it. She felt lost in a haze of desire, ashamed of how much she wanted to give into this strange man who seemed to know exactly what her body wanted. Writhing in delicious agony, she held in her cries but could not disguise her panting breath.

  “Robert…” She whispered…afraid to say too much.

  “My love, let go. I can tell your body wants more.” His lips pulled at her taut nipples, smoothing and kneading the delectable flesh he’d fantasized about for so long as she trembled in his arms. Cooing softly and running her fingers through his black hair, she continued to whisper his name, but he wanted more. “Let me hear you, Lynette.”

  When he began nibbling and licking down her abdomen, caressing every curve and spreading her thighs to make room for his wide chest, she whimpered with fear. He was inching closer to the center of her greatest arousal and she had no idea what to do. But she could not stop him. The more he touched her, the more her body betrayed her. She wanted everything he could give and wanted to give him whatever he wanted.

  Gazing at his wife in the throes of ecstasy, Robert smiled and lowered his mouth to her gushing slit. While his tongue tantalized and teased her, driving her wild, he slowly slid his fingers inside her dripping passage. As he worked them into her, spreading her open and igniting the fire within, he took her engorged clit between his lips and started suckling gently. Driven insane with lust, Lynette felt her heart race, as her panting increased and her hips jerked wildly into his mouth. She shuddered as she felt something unknown building up inside her, forcing her to cry out.

  “Robert! What are…oh my…oh Robert, you shouldn’t…” She suddenly lost her ability to speak as her body was seized by wave after wave of orgasmic convulsions until finally she began wailing her incoherent praise.

  “Robert! Oh God! Robert! What…God…Yes. Robert!” Hearing and watching his beautiful wife scream his name as she climaxed was a dream come true and one that threatened to send him over the edge much too soon.

  “My darling, you’re incredible.” He moved up and covered her shivering body with his. He had to have her.

  “That felt so good, Robert. I thought only men—is it wrong that I did too?” She gazed at him, almost frightened by her newfound libido.

  “That’s nonsense. Any man who loves his wife would want her to enjoy the marital bed—how else would he keep her coming back for more?” He smiled as he began tracing his 9-inch shaft up and down her slit, wetting the head as much as he could, before he began to slowly slide it inside. “But there is so much more, my love. I’m afraid this next part might hurt you. Please forgive me, I promise it will feel better.”

  Robert licked and kissed her lips to distract her, crushing his mouth against hers in an effort to bring her back to a heightened state of arousal. For a short while, it seemed to work. Lynette rocked her hips into his as he rubbed the head of his cock against her swollen clit, plunging in and out briefly until she was on the precipice of her climax, begging for release. When he began to drive deeper, Lynette whimpered against his lips as she felt something very thick pushing into her. Robert tried to calm her as his massive cock painfully stretched her open, but when he slammed into her maidenhead, she begged him to stop.

  “Oh please, Robert! You’re too big. You’re not going to fit.” Her lip quivered as tears filled her eyes.

  “Forgive me, Lynette, it will only be painful this time.” Enveloping her in his arms, he pulled out and then thrust forward, shredding her innocence and burying himself deep inside her. Lynette screamed against his shoulder, then whimpered as she tried in vain to push him off of her.

  “Please, Robert…you’re hurting me.” Her cries wrenched his heart as he tried to soothe her, kissing her gently and pulling out part of the way.

  “I’m sorry, my love. I’m so sorry. Look at me, look at me Lynette.” He gazed into her deep violet eyes, before devouring her lips, wanting her to forget everything but the heat radiating between them. She was so angry with him, he had to coax small kisses from her until she finally gave in.

  “I love you, Lynette. I’ve loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you.” As he kissed her passionately and moved slowly within in, she began to moan softly, giving into the divine friction he was creating.

  “Robert, keep going…slowly…” Arching her back in ecstasy, she began pushing her hips up to meet her husband’s slow thrusts, taking in the feeling of every inch stretching her open and plunging deep inside her.

  “Lynette, you feel amazing. You feel so tight on me, I can’t believe you’re mine, you’re all mine.” Having never been with a virgin, Robert felt enthralled by the sensation of her tight walls gripping his shaft like a vise. But as her soft moans began to transform into loud wailing, he struggled to thrust harder and faster as her body continued to try to force him out. Forced to try something new, he spread her legs and scooped her up into his lap.

  “Oh Robert! Yes! Oh please! Don’t stop!” Lynette surprised him by eagerly straddling his lap and riding him, gy
rating her hips to get a perfect rhythm as they both drove into one another in a frenzy of a feral lust.

  “Do you like the way I fuck you?” It seemed like the perfect time to introduce a more vulgar bedroom vernacular.

  “What? Oh yes! Yes! Fuck me, Robert! Oh God, fuck me!” Wild with lust, Lynette slammed down into his lap convulsing and thrashing as continuous orgasms racked her small body.

  Thrilled with her enthusiasm, he flipped her over on her back, brought her knees up to her shoulders and let her watch him slam his big cock into her hungry cunt. “Does this feel better now? Do you want this cock inside you? Do you still think it’s too big for you?”

  “Oh no, please… yes, it feels so good. I love the way your cock feels inside me. Fuck me, Robert!” Stunned by her quick transformation, he rammed his entire length, over and over, watching his wife, writhe and shudder as a rush of euphoric ecstasy flowed through her.

  “Are you cumming, Lynette? Cum with me.” Robert covered her body, lifted her legs and pushed deeper inside her. “Tell me how much you love my cock.”

  “Robert! I’m cumming! Oh Robert! I love your cock! I love your cock so much! Fuck me, please fuck me, Robert!” Lynette kissed him and wrapped her legs high around his waist. “I love you, Robert! I love you.”

  Hearing her confession, he lost all control and emptied himself deep inside her womb. “Lynette, I’m cumming. You feel so good, my love.” Kissing and holding her close, he sighed in stunned disbelief. She had surpassed all his deepest fantasies.


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