Two Brothers

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Two Brothers Page 16

by Phoenix Grey

  With nothing left to do but wait, Azure walked over to the railing and looked out onto the sea. Somewhere not far away, beautiful maidens were waiting for him. Could they even be called that if they weren't human? Sirens, he silently corrected himself.

  Having something to look forward to made the hour pass incredibly slowly. Azure could tell when it was getting close to time, though, because the men on deck finished their duties and then headed below.

  Captain Gail came by to pat him on the shoulder before retiring to his cabin for the night. “Ya don't cause my sister too much trouble now. Ta be honest, this isn't normally something I would force her ta do, but I know ya just lost a comrade and a friend. My condolences fer that. Just don't let the sea bitches trick you inta following them inta the drink after him.”

  "I'll be tied up, so there's nothing to worry about." Azure wasn't sure if that was a statement or a question.

  "Aye. You'll be fine, mate." Captain Gail gave his shoulder a final pat before taking his leave.

  Once everyone was gone, Azure expected Jade to come retrieve him. She stayed on the bridge though, looking out over the sea. It seemed to be an obsession. There was something eerie about her, like she was always lost. Seeing her standing on the bridge, her hands draped over the helm, she reminded Azure of a ghost. Her long hair blew in the wind, silky and fine, and her baggy clothing beat against her body. She wore a simple white shirt and brown pants, both of which seemed to be several sizes too big. A variation of the tall boots that Captain Gail adorned were on her feet as well, though hers didn't go as far up her legs.

  After waiting for what felt like fifteen minutes, Azure finally pulled himself away from the railing and went up to the bridge. The sun had already receded over the horizon, making the surface of the ocean even darker. Blue waters were turning purple and would soon be black as night set on top of them.

  "I hope you didn't forget about me," he gave a nervous laugh.

  "I didn't forget about ya, lad." There was no joy in her voice.

  They stood there silently together for a while before Jade finally left the helm and motioned for Azure to follow her down the stairs. The next several minutes were awkward as she made him stand against the mast while she affixed him to it. Azure figured she must really hate him for this, because she looped the rope over him several times, tying it so tightly that it hurt. He half expected to see his health bar drop, but it didn't.

  When she was done, Jade walked to the railing and waited.

  Azure had only thought that the hour before had passed by slowly. Though, he hadn't been in extreme discomfort then. It seemed that as soon as Jade had finished tying him up, his nose began to itch. Of course, Azure wasn't about to ask her to scratch it for him. As it was, he already knew he was being a nuisance.

  Azure's discomfort seemed to increase as time marched on. Soon, he was wondering if this was even worth it. He was pretty sure that his blood circulation was being cut off by the ropes. There would definitely be a bruise across his torso from where Jade had tied him when this was all done.

  Just when he was about to tell her that he had changed his mind and wanted to be let go to join the men below deck, there was movement on the water. Only a ripple at first.

  Jade stepped to the side so that she wasn't blocking Azure's view. Then she pushed herself away from the railing and approached him. “Are ya ready, kid? Here they come.”

  He barely even heard her words, his eyes were so fixated on the water. A splash was heard in the distance, and then light broke onto the surface of the sea. There was the flash of a tail, the fins long and practically translucent, a glittering shade of pale purple. For some reason, he was able to see it clearly in the darkness. And finally, he saw the crown of a head. A literal crown of shells and pearls before the actual head popped above the water.

  Something surged within him from the sight of the first siren, and it only increased with each new one that broke through the water's surface. There was a glow to them, reminding him of that of an anglerfish. Illumination used to lure in prey despite the darkness of night. They looked like women but at the same time didn't. Their skin was pale with a soft shimmer to it. Wet, like that of a dolphin or seal coming out of the water. Large eyes took up most of the real estate on their faces, reminding Azure of something he'd see in an anime―larger than life, framed with long, thick black eyelashes that seemed to fan in a come-hither fashion. Their noses were tiny, barely dots on their faces, but their lips were full and fleshy looking. Desirably kissable, all set in a sexy pout as if they were sad that he was on the ship and they were stuck down in the water.

  They made no noise at first, simply staring at him. Their eyes darted from Azure to Jade, and he could sense that they saw her as a threat of sorts. Silent hunger washed through the air. Azure felt it as something sexual, but he knew that the siren's hunger was for a different kind of flesh.

  If his erection wasn't already apparent just from looking at them, there was no denying it when they started pushing their bodies out of the water. It was unlike anything Azure had ever expected to see. They seemed to be able to propel themselves until they were a little more than waist-height exposed. All of their human flesh was on display for his enjoyment, only the V from the beginning of their tails still peeking out of the water, that of which extended down to very human vaginas, their mounds completely hairless and slick like the rest of them. But that wasn't half as titillating as their breasts, Azure thought. Coming in all shapes and sizes, each one had a tiny starfish over their nipples, leaving nothing else to the imagination. And each starfish pulsated as if it was sucking on the nipple that it covered. It was incredibly erotic, and Azure found himself wishing that his mouth was those starfish.

  It was strange to Azure that he felt so compelled to have sex with a creature that was clearly not human, but the magnetism that Lonnell had spoken about was definitely there. He wanted to get closer, and the closer that the sirens came to the ship, the more he felt the pull to be near to them. Lecherously, his mind raced, and he knew he would be ashamed of his thoughts once this was all over. They were only sex objects to him. He saw them as nothing else. Dolls to indulge in selfishly, though he had an irrationally strong feeling they'd enjoy it. It's like they were beckoning to him with those oversized eyes, speaking a silent language that only he could hear. It said, “Come to us. We'll take care of you. You'll never want for anything again.”

  Azure was in turmoil, knowing that the sirens' beauty was an illusion of his mind but being unable to tear his eyes away now that he'd seen it. No other women existed anymore. Nothing was ever so attractive as the smorgasbord of finned Goddesses before him.

  Desperately trying to fight the need within him, Azure tore his eyes away only to look down and see that his hands were already fretting with the ropes. How had he not noticed that he was pulling at them? Were the sirens making him lose control of his entire body?

  And then the most beautiful and painful thing he'd ever experienced happened. They began to sing.

  It wasn't just one voice that rose up from the ocean, but a choir of voices all in perfect harmony. A choreographed song, weaving a wickedly peaceful melody that only made his desire surge.

  "Sailor at sea so far from home.

  You travel on water, The Realm you roam.

  No fair skin you touch, your bed is laid bare,

  but I have the cure if only you dare.

  You've been fed a tale, that's all a big lie.

  They say if you enter the water you'll die.

  But all that I want is to share my warm kiss.

  If you enter the water, my promise is this.

  I'll give you my love, and I'll protect your life.

  I'll bear your children and become your sea-wife.

  You will never want for anything more.

  I can be your lover and also your whore.

  So come to the water. Ignore what they said.

  The dangers they warned of are all in your head.

/>   Come see for yourself. I'll show you the way.

  I'll love you for life. In my arms, you will stay.”

  They seemed to be singing in multiple languages, several of which Azure couldn't understand, but the song blended beautifully, and he was reasonably sure they were all singing the same thing anyway.

  The world around Azure disappeared. Suddenly, nothing mattered but being with the sirens. Their song conjured images of a life at sea. Not at sea, but in the sea. He was a king surrounded by a harem of sirens, all tending to his most devious sexual desires. It was then that he realized his one purpose in life. To make that vision a reality.

  "Let me go," he growled maliciously at Jade while trying his best to wriggle free of the ropes.

  She replied to him, but he couldn't hear it. All his ears would allow to enter was the sirens' song over and over again. But she was smiling at him. A knowing smile. A mocking smile. That bitch was keeping him from everything he'd ever dreamed of. He'd rip her to shreds when he got these cursed ropes off. Rip her to shreds and then join his loves in the sea. Anyone who kept him from them deserved to die.

  Struggle as he might, Azure couldn't free himself. The desperation inside of him reminded him of what a cocaine addict must feel like coming down from a high. Except it was constant. Constant pain from needing to be with the sirens. What was worse was that his whole body was feeling the effects. His ears were filled with nothing but their song. His head swam with a barrage of images of what he was missing out on. He knew he was tearing the skin of his hands away fighting with the ropes. The red, wet tint left behind was proof of that. But he couldn't feel it. Not that pain, at least. What he was acutely aware of was the aching in his balls. It was like he was being edged over and over again, and the only thing that would give him release was getting to the sirens. It was the most miserable, wonderful torture he'd ever experienced. But there was no reprieve from it.

  The song carried on for hours as the sirens followed the ship, gazing at Azure longingly―willing him to break free from his bondage and join them. At some point, Jade went back up onto the bridge to check the helm, but she was back some fifteen minutes later to make sure that Azure hadn't somehow freed himself.

  All he could do was beg for her to untie him. Tears fell down his face in a pitiful display. Squirming and pulling at the ropes was getting him nowhere, but he wasn't about to give up.

  "Ya wanted this," she told him. "Now deal with the consequences."

  Azure tried everything to get her to let him go, all the way up to claiming that he was having a heart attack. She would not budge, though. The stubborn old woman had likely seen every trick in the book when it came to men trying to get free to be with the sirens. Even if his lie had been true, he doubted she would have released him.

  Finally, the sirens gave up and receded beneath the sea's black surface. Darkness surrounded them except for the few lanterns aboard the ship. It was almost as if Azure felt his entire body sigh with relief as soon as they were gone, and a near crippling exhaustion followed. The pain he had experienced from intense longing had been replaced by the realization that his hands were now raw from tugging at the ropes so much. His stomach ached from pressing against them. Any bruises he'd have now couldn't be blamed on Jade. If it had been humanly possible, he probably would have sawed himself in half to get to the sirens.

  "Are ya satisfied?" she asked mockingly. "I bet yer right sore from all that fitting."

  "Are you sure it's safe?" Azure continued gazing at the sea. Even though he was beyond tired and filled with physical hurt from his exertion, he knew that if the sirens came back and he was free, he'd rush forward and jump overboard to get to them. Of that, there was no doubt in his mind.

  "We should be out of their range by now. If not, I've got ya. Sirens are dangerous, but they're not smart enough to set traps. Usually, when they disappear, they're gone. Not always the case," Jade cocked her head to the side, "but most of the time."

  Azure preyed that was the case. He couldn't be held responsible for what he'd do if he saw them again.

  "I was so enthralled that I didn't even bother to cast Analyze," he thought out loud.

  "They're weak," she told him, which was easy for her to say since she Analyzed as orange to him. All of the crew, including Captain Gail, Analyzed as either yellow or orange. That made sense though since they were on the sea all the time where horrible monsters lurked below. "It's their songspell and numbers that are the problem. A level one siren can easily take down a level one-hundred man if he's dumb enough to succumb to her charms. It's happened before."

  That was rather surprising. He supposed that level didn't matter much after all, depending on your opponent's abilities. The sirens were definitely deadly despite their beauty and vulnerable, exposed bodies.

  Just as the last of the ropes had been loosened, a light appeared on the horizon. Azure held his breath, already knowing what it was and that he shouldn't look, but he couldn't help himself. He just had to see the sirens again. He'd had his eye on a particularly innocent-looking red-headed one. Despite knowing it was wrong, he had to see if it was her. If she, specifically, had come back to charm him.

  It wasn't the red-headed one, but that didn't matter. In an instant, Azure was pushing Jade away. She fell to the ground with an, “Oomph!” Before she even had time to stand, Azure had freed himself. Though there was only one siren this time―a raven-haired beauty―she started her song again. Other sirens popped up beside her to join in.

  Azure made a run for the railing. His goal had been renewed. Now nothing was stopping him. He would get to the sirens.

  At least, he thought he would until he heard a sound so loud that he thought his eardrums had been pierced by it. A status notification immediately popped up in his field of vision, but he quickly brushed it away so that he could continue towards his goal.

  You are now deaf. This effect will last for 50 seconds.

  Azure was almost to the railing. Just before he was about to place his hand upon it, a blue cloud appeared in front of him. He didn't even have time to react as it descended upon him with the speed of light, burning his eyes and throwing him onto his back.

  Jade Gail delivers 25 damage. You are now blind. This effect will last for 25 seconds.

  Azure wailed and clawed at his eyes, feeling trapped in a dark, silent void. Panic washed over him as he realized he had lost two of his most important senses. If it weren't for the fact that he could still feel, Azure would have thought he was dead.

  He didn't have time to process anything else that was going on. Someone reached for him, and his fear spiked as he worried that he had somehow made it to the edge of the ship and one of the sirens had gotten a hold of him. How stupid he had been for wanting to see them, Azure realized with despair. Now he was quite possibly about to be dragged to his death―a watery grave at the bottom of the sea. What was worse was that the sirens' spell had been broken, so he wouldn't even be able to enjoy it.

  Momentarily, Azure thought about fighting whoever or whatever was gripping at him, especially when it began to drag him. His arm reached for the assaulting appendage, and he was relieved to find that it wasn't wet. It had to be Jade pulling him away from the edge. Didn't it?

  Too afraid and shocked to stand, Azure allowed himself to be dragged, trying to calm himself by counting down to twenty-five. Only then would he be certain of his safety. But as soon as he got to the bottom of the countdown, he was only allowed a flash of sight.

  This time, when he opened his eyes and his vision returned, there was no blue cloud preparing to descend and suck all the moisture out of his eyes. It was simply Jade standing in front of him with her palm outstretched. At least he knew it was her who had him now...seconds before she blew a handful of glittering dust into his eyes that rendered him blind again.

  You are now blind. This effect will last for 10 seconds.

  It was a different spell from the last time. Blessedly, he took no damage, and the effects wouldn't las
t as long.

  Jade helped Azure to his feet. As soon as the ten seconds counted down, he was blasted in the eyes with sand again. This continued until they reached the stairs and she was able to safely get him below deck...which was a struggle when he also couldn't hear her to tell him when to step.

  Once his hearing came back, she shrieked at him again. Apparently, it wasn't safe for him to listen until they were well within the cargo hold. Finally, Azure's hearing and sight returned to him. It was more of a relief than he could have ever imagined.


  The sound was almost as startling as the sting to his cheek.

  "Ya damn fool!" Jade chastised him, keeping her voice low so as not to wake the other men who were already sleeping, though it was a wonder that any of them had been able to fall asleep with Ruthren's loud snoring. "Are ya satisfied? Ya about went over the edge, and if that would have happened, I likely wouldn't have been able ta fish ya out."

  He did remember the sirens rushing towards him just as quickly as he had rushed towards them. The magnets had been too close, ready to meet in the middle and bind together in blood and death. Azure shuddered to think about what would have happened if he had gone overboard. While he had no idea how the sirens actually killed or what they did with their prey, he imagined it was probably gruesome. Behind those soft, supple lips were rows of jagged shark-like teeth. He had noticed when one of them had smiled at him. At the time, it hadn't mattered. The sirens had him well convinced with their song that they'd never harm him―only give him pleasure beyond his wildest dreams. It was crazy how bewitching they were.

  "Thank you for saving me," he told Jade with all sincerity.

  "That was more trouble than it was worth. Now I'm going ta have ta drink a Mana potion," she grumbled, digging into the satchel at her side to extract one and drink it right in front of Azure as if he needed proof.


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