Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 12

by LH Bondi

  “Of course, I’m here.” Joshua answered. “I’ll always be here.” And it wasn’t me he was standing in front of. Leaning to kiss. It was her, Marsha.

  The little boy was grabbing Serina’s hand then. Pulling her. Desperately trying to get her to follow.

  “We have to go lady. We have to go. Hurry.” The boy spoke in a whisper as if he didn’t want to be heard.

  Looking at his face for the first time. Serina realized she knew this boy. “Greyson?”

  “Yes, yes it’s me. You have to go. It’s not safe.”

  Confusion clouded her brain. It was safe. The sun was out. The breeze was blowing. Everything was as it should be. But why wasn’t Joshua with her? Because he’s not yours Serina. He’s hers he’s Marsha’s.

  But this was her dream. Things could be different.

  Greyson spoke again shaking her out of her thoughts. “Please Serina! You have to go!” He shouted. Then his face turned white and he let go of my hand.

  Turning I saw the Raif. Its large clawed twisted fingers reaching out for me.

  Fear froze my body. Its long forked black tongue slithered out licking my neck and cheek. Disgusted I turned my head. Trying to get as far away from the creature’s foul breath as I possibly could. Its hands were on both my arms now. And I couldn’t move.

  Then it spoke in a raspy voice. “I thought you would be a better adversary.” Its tongue slithering down my chest finding my beating heart.

  Something was familiar. “No, it couldn’t be. She was imagining things again.” Serina thought to herself. And still she couldn’t move. This wasn’t real. It was a dream.

  Its black soulless eyes finding mine. And Serina swore it smiled.

  Then pain.

  She woke up screaming.

  Cin was there even before her brain realized where she was.

  “Serina your fine. You’re with me girly. Me and granny. Ain’t nothin here.” Cin was shaking her shoulders trying to wake her completely.

  It was daylight Serina realized shaking her head. “That was awful. What kind of a crazy person has dreams like that?”

  “Apparently. You girly!”

  Cin plopped down on the bed. Sitting beside Serina. “So, what ya think of me and granny’s place? Oh, and you ,of course, girly. Are welcome, anytime.”

  Bringing up her legs to her chest and wrapping her arms around herself placing her chin on her knees. “I love it Cin. The natural beauty that’s everywhere all around us.” And for the first time Serina looked around the small but roomy space. The warm breeze blowing the mosquito netting back and forth. The sunlight dancing through the colored glass bottles

  Wind chimes were heard tingling like tiny bells that reminded one of fairies and gnomes. A memory of a thought she had last night about the fungus in the giant tree came to her and she thought to herself. “This place is truly magnificent.”

  Jumping up excitedly. “Come on girly. Wait till you see my view.”

  Serina watched as Cin practically ran across the floor and out the screened door. It slamming in angry silence at the harsh treatment. Then her friend scurried up what she presumed was a ladder. Unless things had by chance gotten even stranger in this life of hers. And Cin was bitten by some radioactive spider.

  “Rina, really a spider. I swear, girly such nonsense.” Followed by a very loud. “Ya comin or not?”

  Stretching and yawning as she got out of bed. Oh, that bed was so comfortable. I slept like the dead. Then the dream came back. Creasing her brow. Serina followed her friend up the ladder.

  It was an open deck. With a makeshift railing made out of old fallen limbs and such. A tattered wicker sofa and chair was placed in the middle with a few buckets turned upside down for foot props. Or an extra seat. The giant cypress limbs spread out over the deck a small swing hung from one of the thick limbs. Frayed rope all that was holding the swing it in place.

  “Grandfather tree!” Cin exclaimed pointing to the ancient cypress. “Granny says he’s been here since the beginnin of the swamp. Says he likes us here. And I have a feelin she’s right.” She winked and didn’t need to say anymore.

  Looking at the ancient old tree Serina opened herself letting its energy flow through her. “Yes, he does. Says it gives meaning to his life. Helping healers such as yourselves. Healers that love his home, the swamp, as much as he does.” A strange look crossed her face as she placed her hand on the cypress opening herself further.

  Serina’s shoulders were jarred back and in an instant, she saw in her mind’s eye the tree in its beginnings. The years that flashed by. The knowledge he no they, had freely given.

  Looking at Cin, “they are one. But your tree is a they. Two souls in the beginning melding into one. That’s how the staircase was formed. The two came together long ago and their trunks rounded, fanning together. But they left an opening. Knowing that one day someone special would come to live here. And so, they were right.”

  “Very smart these two. The way they grew saved them from loggers. They would pass them by thinking the tree was hollow and diseased.” She patted his trunk and went and sat on the sofa. Looking down quickly as a cracking sound was made. As her bottom touched the seat.

  Realizing it was just creaking she relaxed and put her feet up on a bucket. Listening to the sounds of the water hitting up against granny’s home.

  “So that’s it? Just gonna talk to the trees but not me. Just gonna prop up your feet and that’s that huh.”

  “Yep,” Serina smiled and looked at Cin out the corner of her eye. She bit her tongue to keep from laughing.

  The look on Cin’s face spoke wonders. And she continued.

  “Ain’t you the one that said we should just enjoy the moment.”

  Realizing her friend was baiting her Cin sat down hard beside Serina and playfully elbowed her in the gut.

  Not able to contain herself. Serina began to giggle. Cin simply refused to join in.

  “It’s not funny, Rina. I was worried bout ya yesterday. Then this mornin with the dream. It’s all just seemin so real at the moment. I know we got this. But...... it’s a lot ya know. Things just gettin very real. And ya got your head all full of that boy. That you won’t talk about. I worry Rina. I know ya gonna be fine and all. But I just worry bout ya.”

  Realizing her friend could see a lot but still needed to hear.

  “I’d be lying Cin. And you know I would. If I didn’t tell you I was worried. And crazy if I wasn’t scared. That Raif that I came into contact with yesterday, I wasn’t prepared. Or I thought I wasn’t. But I found something or learned something about myself. It’s in me Cin. The knowledge to defeat these things. Sure, I have much to learn. But I’m not afraid Cin. My gut tells me everything will be ok. And I know in my heart it will be.”

  Serina sat up and continued. “It’s my fault it happened ya know. My fault I came into contact with that Raif. I didn’t listen to the warnings. My gut was telling me to stop. But my head wouldn’t listen. It was because of Joshua.” She bit her lip. And waited for Cin’s response.

  The look of confusion on her friends face and her eyes starting to turn to anger. Had her continue.

  “No! Not like that. It’s not what you think. It wasn’t his fault about the Raif. It was mine you see. All me.”

  “Joshua was there when I got to Eden. He was there at the portal. He wanted to show me a place that was special to him.” She paused for a moment. “Grandma Iv showed it to him.”

  “It was beautiful Cin. An exact replica of the mirror pond in front of my house.”

  She looked at her friend and continued. “I swear it had the same fish in it and everything, an exact mirror.”

  “We both got caught up in the moment and kissed. The kiss was so beautiful. To me anyway, but then I saw the regret in his eyes and knew what he was thinking about.”

  Serina stood and walked to the railing. “So, I ran. Everything in me told me not to. But I didn’t listen.”

  “For the first time in my life I
ignored every instinct I had and ran. Ran straight into danger is what I did.”

  Cin was beside her now, both of them looking out into the swamp. “Your human Rina. And what you did could have happened to anyone. It’s not your fault.”

  “Then whose fault is it Cin!?” Her voice raising slightly. “I let my feelings for Joshua cloud my better judgement! And what happened I was almost killed!”

  Hanging her head her voice lowered. “All those souls that depend on me. Their protector. What would have happened to them Cin? They would have all perished. Food for the Raifs. And it would be my fault. Mine!” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  Cin put her arm around her. “Well, I say there’s two good things that came out of it. One ya found your inner Rina and confidence in yourself. And two ya finally admitted you got feelins for that boy.” She pulled Serina closer with the arm she had placed around her.

  Serina laughed and lay her head down on her friend.

  “Thanks, Cin. I do feel better getting that out.”

  “Now about that boy?”

  This caused Serina to roll her eyes and walk back to the sofa. “What about him Cin?”

  She sat down hard and crossed her arms. “There’s nothing to tell. We aren’t meant to be. And that’s that. We’re friends. That’s all.”

  Raising a brow Cin marched over and sat in the aging wicker chair opposite of Serina. “Friends? Girly who you tryin to kid. Me or you.”

  “It’s complicated. He has someone else.” Then spoke her name scrunching her nose. “Marsha.” Then closed her eyes. “No, no. I shouldn’t say her name like that she’s nice. Been very nice to me. And she’s pretty.”

  “Blond hair big eyes.” Then she rolled her eyes. “If you’re into that kinda thing.” Looking at Cin, “which apparently he is.”

  Cin was just staring at her blankly so she continued.

  “I mean it’s not like I care or anything. And I’ve never been one to break up a relationship. Well... not that I have or would be in that position. But it’s not me. Nope. Definitely not me.”

  And she wrapped up her rambling. “So, you see. That’s that. And you see why I don’t wanna talk about him.”

  Cin still sat there not saying a word.

  Serina was a little confused. “Well you have been trying to get me to talk about him. Say something. Please.”

  Shaking her head, “I don’t know what to say. All I can tell ya is the things I have seen. And what I see. That boys in love with you. I haven’t ever seen this Marsha. So, whatever she is to him. It’s not like what you are to him,” and she winked.

  “I wish I could trust that Cin. But I’ve seen them. I know what I’ve seen with my own eyes.” And she placed her feet back on the bucket.

  “So that’s that.” Cin sounded perturbed. “After all, ya know. Ya not gonna trust me?”

  “Aww Cin it’s not like that. Of course, I trust you. With my life. And maybe me and Joshua will be together one day. Who knows? You said yourself you see the path people are on. So that tells me he will be my future. Maybe one day.”

  “The thought of being with him fills me with such happiness. When he touches me holds me? It feels like my hearts home.”

  Tears threatened to spill from her eyes and she wiped them away before they fell. “But until he finds that out for himself. And ends things with Marsha. We will remain friends. I couldn’t do that to her. I couldn’t do that to anyone. It has to be his decision.”

  Serina found herself wrapped in Cin’s arms. “It will happen Rina. In this ya gotta trust me. That boys your future.”

  Breaking the hug and sitting beside her friend. She saw the tears falling from Serina’s eyes. “Ain’t no boy or man worth tears. Unless it’s one that loves ya in return.”

  Wiping her eyes and smiling. “I love you Cin. Thank you for being in my life.”

  “Girly now ya talkin crazy. Just try getting rid of me.”

  “Now how bout some fishin. Ya wanna eat. Ya gotta fish.” She walked over and grabbed two fishing poles that were on the wall.

  “Oh yeah. Ya catch it ya clean it.”

  The look on Serina’s face was priceless.

  Chapter 16


  All Hallows’ Eve was a few days away. The brisk feel of the new fall season was in the air. Telling everyone the winter holidays were on their way. The light breath of coolness could be felt in the air. Along with the slight changing of the leaves to golds and reds could be seen here and there specked in the trees.

  It was a fun time for Serina. Her family always made a big deal of All Hallows’ Eve, as they did with every holiday. And this year was no exception.

  Her father had gotten the idea to take the family camping. According to him. He had always wanted the family to go. Sitting by the campfire and enjoying the outdoors or such nonsense. And her dad had admitted he missed spending family time like they used to.

  “I know I’m your dad, but I miss you kiddo. Come on. It’ll be fun.” He had spoken.

  How was a girl supposed to turn down a dad after saying that? Not to mention the guilt treatment was so easily played upon her. But she loved him, so.... although she didn’t see herself as the camping kinda girl. Saying yes had made him so happy. She agreed to give it a try.

  Serina had expected the worst experience of her teen life. In her mind a large tent with sleeping bags. An overgrown bush for a bathroom and a pond or stream for a pantry. That with any luck contained fish. Otherwise they would all surely starve. “Please let Cin go with us or my whole family will end up on the news.” Serina silently said a prayer. Then another that someone was listening.

  When her dad pulled up in the driveway with a huge 44ft class A bus with 3 slides. Serina felt she could finally breath easily. And was actually looking forward to their weekend.

  Even before seeing the motorhome Cin was more than happy to come along.

  Seems she felt we would all surely perish without her. I teased her about being in my head. Cin had simply laughed and asked me if I had looked at my family. “Don’t take no seein the future to know that endin,” she had said.

  Aunt Viv was another item all together.

  Under no circumstances would she now nor ever camp. She wasn’t that kinda lady.

  My father teased her unmercifully. But Aunt Viv was quite stubborn and to no one’s surprise won out in the end and stayed comfortably at home.

  So Serina, Cin, and her mom and dad. Set off on a camping adventure.

  They had reached the campground which was just a few hours away. Once again Serina had to admit she had been wrong.

  Shady Oaks was the name. The name had reminded her of a sitcom with four elderly ladies. The eldest had once been in a nursing home called Shady Acres or such if she remembered that correctly.

  Not that she didn’t love older people. Granny Hind and Aunt Viv were the funniest people she had ever met. And she loved being around them. Always lifted her spirits.

  But this place was nothing like a retirement home or the retirement home she had imagined anyway. It was large and spacious. With concrete padding. The bikes her dad had insisted they buy for the trip. Would be fun. She could see other kids, teenagers, and adults all riding and walking. Enjoying the day. Serina smiled as she realized everyone was happy and friendly. It was like a little temporary community.

  Huge oaks could be found around the property, smaller trees and shrubs were placed between each space making every location private. A large patio complete with an outdoor fireplace and picnic table. Could be found at each camper site.

  They had found the spot her dad had secured for the weekend. Serina and Cin had found her dad trying to park this large bus quite comical.

  After 45 min or so had passed. A very nice neighbor had insisted he would be more than happy to help. My dad long past the point of being embarrassed handed over the steering wheel and within minutes my dad’s new best friend had the bus in place.

  Meanwhile my mother had joined Cin
and myself sitting on the picnic table. And was trying very hard herself not to laugh. Which she failed at miserably.

  The camper was really beautiful. I have to admit. It was black with dark red markings swirling along the sides. On the inside there was two full baths. One being in the master suite and the other in the front part of the bus. There were two bunk beds hidden that came down with the push of a button. Which is where me and Cin would be sleeping.

  While the bunk beds were up out of the way the front part was an open floor plan. Dark wood cabinetry and molding lined the walls. And there was a large stainless refrigerator and glass stove that could be covered for more counter space. A big fluffy deep brown leather sofa was on both sides and a large flat screen tv was hanging overhead. Oh, and the best feature to her. There was a dishwasher.

  “Yes,” Serina Thought to herself. No hand washing dishes.

  The girls had been inside helping her mom get the camper ready. Which surprisingly didn’t take that long.

  They tidied up putting things in their proper place after the camper slides had been extended out enlarging the camper.

  The groceries they had gotten before they left for the most part had stayed put. That left the toiletries. And it didn’t take long for that either.

  As Serina straightened the medicine cabinet she laughed a little to herself as she wondered if there was anything possible her mother didn’t prepare for. Whether a common cold, bee sting, or snake bite. She had covered it.

  Looking more closely at the snake bite kit, “I didn’t even know they made such things.” She said out loud to herself.

  Feeling “normal” for the first time in what felt like forever. Well, normal for me anyway.

  I had sealed the portal and enforced the barriers to Eden before our departure. We had been studying so much. Almost day and night. For weeks. My brain felt as if it would explode from knowledge overload.

  If I wasn’t at Cin’s or she wasn’t at my house. We were at granny’s or the shop. Always studying. Always learning.

  My knowledge of the ancient spells was growing by the day. And seemed my powers grew as my knowledge.


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