Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 15

by LH Bondi

  “First off Cin they can have him. I don’t like him like that. And second. Girls like me don’t interrupt girls like that. Not unless you are wanting verbal abuse. Which in case you were wondering. I don’t.”

  “Ok, what now! You forget who your best friend is. And I’m a tellin ya that ain’t gonna happen. Anyone gonna get verbal abuse is them. Second, did my protector forget bout all them powers and spells we been a learnin?” And she winked.

  Feeling a boost of confidence I stood up walking to Gabriel, Cin right behind me.

  Cutting my way right through the girls I walked straight up to him putting my arm through his. “There you are. Me and Cin have been waiting. Wondering what was keeping you.”

  “And who might you be?” A prissy little tiny thing that was dressed up in what was supposed to be a sexy cat spoke in a demeaning tone.

  “My girlfriend, Serina, that’s who she is.” Gabriel spoke putting on his most dazzling smile making his eyes sparkle. Then cut the girl who was clearly the leader of the group a glance that dared her to say anything else.

  Cin joined in. “Why, who are you? And what ya supposed to be anyway. I ain’t never seen no cat lookin like that. Not unless the poor thing was shaved cause it had the ringworm or somethin.”

  The girl looked like she was fixing to answer the look on her face saying it wasn’t going to be nice.

  “Now ya need to be goin on now.” Cin spoke her eyes starting to glow a little green. Curtesy of Serina and a little enchanting spell helping to set off Cin’s natural abilities. That always set her eyes ablaze when things got serious.

  The girls face spoke wonders. As she hurriedly walked off tripping over her own feet and came close to turning over a chair at the side of the dance floor.

  Cin and Serina burst out laughing. Poor Gabriel not truly understanding the laughter joined in. Handing the girls each their drinks the small group made their way back to where they had been sitting.

  The pavilion had started having more people come by everyone was either sitting, standing, or dancing to the music. Lights had been strung up and around the roof and along the supporting beams bringing a subtle hue to the dance floor. A DJ had been hired and was playing a mix of music from country to rock and pop. A little of everything was being played for everyone’s taste in music.

  After some time had passed my parents as well as Gabriel’s had shown up and the four of them were getting along famously.

  As for the three of us. We were enjoying ourselves immensely. We had danced and sat people watching. Looking at the different costumes and having our own best costume contest. Cin won hands down. Some new mother had dressed her infant in a baby lamb costume. There was just no beating that.

  A slow song was being played and some cute guy came and asked Cin to dance. Excitedly she hopped up and they were off. An awkward silence came over me and Gabriel at that moment and my stomach churned a bit. I had never slow danced. And what if he asked? What if he didn’t? Did I want him too?

  “May I have this dance Ms.?” Gabriel spoke holding out his hand while standing in front of me.

  Smiling I took his hand and nodded. Then spoke, “umm sure.”

  He led me out on the floor nervously I looked at him. “I haven’t done this before. Well, one time with my dad at my 13th birthday.”

  “Then you should be a master. My mom taught me. And between the two of us.” Then he leaned in to whisper. “That’s practically the only practice I have had either.”

  I had to admit the guy was smooth. And had a knack of making me feel at ease. Hesitating slightly, I brought my hands around his neck. And felt his arms tighten around my waist.

  A lump formed at the pit of my stomach. Why? I asked myself. Here was a good looking nice guy. I wasn’t attached to anyone. Had no strings. Relax I told myself. Just relax and enjoy the dance.

  It was hard though the dance floor had gotten so crowded. There was hardly room to move much less dance. She felt Gabriel let go of her waist taking her hand in his he lead her out to a much less crowded patio area.

  Squeezing her hand, he pulled her back to him. Their faces a mere inch apart. He then placed his hands back on her waist and continued dancing. A knowing smile played across his mouth as he looked into her eyes.

  She wondered if that smile would still be there if he only knew whose eyes she really saw. Deep brown pools were seen in her mind’s eye. And in her heart, that’s whose arms she was in. Thinking of Joshua, she closed her eyes and placed her head on his chest.

  Taking that as a sign Gabriel moved his hands to the small of her back. And suddenly the spell was broken. This felt wrong. Opening her eyes, she looked up and seeing the new hope in Gabriel’s eyes she cringed.

  “Gabriel nothing has changed. My feelings haven’t changed.” Serina spoke in a soft whisper, in her mind that would soften the words.

  “Shhhhh Serina I know. Just let me have this.” He gently placed her head back on his chest.

  But the spell had been broken for her and it didn’t feel right anymore. As she opened her eyes she saw him. There standing on the edge of the patio. There in the tree line. He was there. The hurt in his eyes shot pain through her very soul. And she jerked away from Gabriel.

  When she looked at Gabriel confusion was clearly apparent.

  “Serina, I’m sorry. I.....

  “No, no its not you. I promise. I’m just really hot. Could you please go get me some water.” Fanning herself with her hand. She kept glancing at him then back to the tree line.

  “Ummm...sure, no problem. Are you ok?”

  All Serina could think was to get him away. Please just go she thought. “Yeah, I promise.” And she coughed. “Water.” Fanning herself again. And she went to sit down.

  “I’ll be right back.” Gabriel was off and had disappeared into the crowd.

  Wasting no time Serina was up and practically running to the woods. “Joshua,” she spoke in a loud whisper. Nothing but the sound of the music from the dance getting lower and lower the further she walked into the woods.

  “I know you are here, Joshua. Unless I’m going crazy. Which since the day I met you I think is entirely possible? Joshua, don’t ask me how, but I know you are here. Still here. I can feel you. Answer me, please.”

  “He seems nice.”

  She sucked in her breath as he spoke from behind her. Turning she saw him, his eyes seeing into her own. As always, her heart skipped a beat. Reaching out he touched her face caressing her cheek as he tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  “You look beautiful.” He spoke softly. Electricity ran through her body and she found herself leaning into his familiar warmth. Closing her eyes, she fell into him and his arms wrapped around her. This was right. This is where she belonged. Everything in her body felt it. She breathed in deep caressing against him never wanting to let him go.

  Kissing the top of her head. “He seems kind.”

  This woke her from his enchantment. Jerking away. “What? Who? Then realizing he meant Gabriel. The magic was truly shattered. “No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends.”

  “I saw Serina. You don’t dance with someone like that. Look at someone like that. That is just a friend.” Hurt was still in his eyes. And for some reason it softened her. Trying to keep her temper that always seemed to rise when she was with him. She spoke trying to explain. But how, she couldn’t tell him she was thinking of him when she was in Gabriel’s arms. She just couldn’t.

  “Joshua, I can’t explain but...

  “I’m not asking you to. You deserve to be happy Serina. You deserve someone that can give that to you.”

  “Serina? Are you out here? Serina?”

  It was Gabriel she didn’t have much time. She had to explain.

  “Joshua, trust me it’s not what you think.”

  Joshua reached out and touched her face again, her heart leapt at his touch. “Be happy Serina you deserve to be happy. He can give you what I can’t.” He kissed her forehead and w
as gone.

  The crack in her heart seemed to grow. What he couldn’t give he had said. Because his heart already belonged to another. Wiping a stray tear from her eye. She turned and started walking back to the dance. She met up with Gabriel who looked both confused and worried. Handing her her water. She took a sip. Then placing the lid back on the bottle. Told him she was ready to go back to the R.V. if he didn’t mind.

  Cin had decided to stay for a bit along with her parents. So that left her and Gabriel alone for a while. They walked back in silence. And when they reached Serina’s R.V. Gabriel offered to build a fire and sit and talk for a while.

  Smiling Serina spoke, “you know, that would be nice. I’d really like that.”

  “Great. Let me get this started. Then I’ll go get the marshmallows and a few sodas.” He began gathering firewood and lighting some kindling and soon a nice fire was burning. Next Gabriel disappeared to go get some marshmallows.

  Serina sat in silence. Watching the flames. Cin had been right. Things would be so much easier if it was Gabriel that had her heart. Who knows maybe if she had met him first. And her heart sank. She knew that wouldn’t have made a difference. She had known the moment she had seen Joshua. If only he had felt the same.

  Gabriel was back smiling and holding roasting sticks. Walking over he handed her a can of soda. She had to admit the guy was seriously sweet and thoughtful.

  Taking the roasting stick and drink. “Thank you kind sir.”

  The two sat for the better part of a hour or so talking and laughing. Him not once bringing up the whole disappearing in the woods thing. For this Serina was grateful. And although it was just friendship. She began to like him even more.

  They talked about school. And how it had been for her in California never really having any friends. About her moving to the bayou and being homeschooled and meeting Cin.

  He told her more about where he was from and where he went to school and how he was a football player, quarterback in fact, but was really a geek at heart who loved video games and comic books.

  The two had exchanged phone numbers and emails and promised to keep in touch. Gabriel had even convinced her to come to the bonfires Christmas Eve. And be his date to the event. At the strange look he received at the word date. He had held up his hands and stated “friends.” “Just as friends. Of course, bring Cin. That goes without saying. Seeing you two are a package deal and all.”

  She had laughed. Then wondered to herself why she made such a fuss at the word date. It was clear to her she was free. In fact, just a short time ago Joshua had made that crystal clear.

  How had he been there anyway? She thought to herself. And decided when she returned home, a visit to Eden straight off was in order.

  The fire was getting low and Cin and her parents had returned. Her dad thanked Gabriel for taking such good care of his girl. Then he was gone disappearing around the corner. She received a text almost immediately telling her thanks for a wonderful evening.

  She text him back thanking him for a wonderful evening as well. Then thought to herself how simple being with Gabriel would have been. Would there ever be a time when Cin was ever wrong?

  “And that would be a nope, girly.” Cin spoke tapping Serina on the shoulder and nodding to the bus. Then to Serina’s parents. “Let’s go clean up a bit and put on some jammies.”

  Giving her parents some alone time by the fire the two friends made their way inside.

  “So, tell me about this guy.” Serina asked from behind the bathroom door while she changed.

  “Nothin much to tell ya, Rina. He was nice and cute. And a good dance partner.”

  Serina came out and joined Cin already in her pajamas on the couch.

  “Oh, come on now. You stayed, you didn’t leave. And all you got is he was a good dance partner.”

  “Now what have I told ya Rina, I don’t lie. Yep, like I said a good dance partner. Now he might have a been wantin more. Even asked me for my number.” She stopped and looked at Serina.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound like nothing.” Serina answered back. She spoke not knowing if she should be excited or confused. Truthfully, she was both.

  “So, you can imagine his shock when I gave him his girlfriend’s number instead.” And she winked. “Now ya wanna see confused. That there boy.” And she shook her head and clapped. “Priceless!”

  The two shared a good laugh.

  “Cin I’m sorry.” Serina spoke placing her hand on Cin’s shoulder.

  “Nah, don’t be.” And she leaned back and fluffed a pillow behind her back. “I done told ya girly. When I see the one for me I’ll know. Knew from the beginnin. He was just somethin to dance with. It was fun. For a bit anyhow.”

  “Now ya got some serious vibes flyin all round ya girly, wanna talk bout it?”

  “Not really.” And she smiled. “But I did have a really nice time tonight. Gabriel really is sweet.”

  She knew Cin could tell there was more on her mind. But she never pushed. Serina was grateful. Not wanting to relive the events of the evening. Not just yet anyway.

  “He invited us again to the bonfires on Christmas Eve.”

  “The bonfires, huh.” Cin spoke throwing a pillow at Serina.

  “Yeah bonfires.” Serina laughed throwing one back.

  This set off an impromptu pillow fight that ended with both girls out of breath. Slouching on the couch.

  “Well, girly, always wanted to go to the bonfires on the levee. So, bonfires sound good.”

  “Yeah they do.”

  Chapter 18

  Return to Eden

  As nice as the trip had been. It was nice to be home. They had gotten up early the next day to pick up their site. And get the R.V. back in shape for traveling. They had eaten a brief lunch with Gabriel and his parents. And said their goodbyes. Gabriel promising, he would be in touch.

  Cin had left almost as soon as they had gotten home. Something about needing a real bath in her own tub.

  This was something Serina definitely agreed with so after telling her parents goodnight. Even though it was only evening. She set off to enjoy a bath of her own.

  Although bathing usually relaxed her she couldn’t get the encounter she had had with Joshua out of her mind. Deciding she could wait no longer. Serina dried herself off and threw on the first things she could find and headed off to the port key.

  Opening the portal with hardly any effort. She inwardly smiled at how her powers were advancing. She was quite proud.

  The portal closed, and she could feel something was off. Stretching out her feelings she confirmed the boundaries were secure. But still couldn’t shake her feeling that something was off.

  She heard a child’s laughter and saw Greyson and Marsha were at the playground. So, she began to walk over to greet them. “Great,” she thought to herself, “just who I wanna see.”

  Greyson was the first to see her hopping down off the swing he ran over wrapping his arms around her waist. “Serina! We missed you.” As he spoke he buried his face in her stomach as if he was scared.

  And she glanced at Marsha who had the weirdest look on her face but only for an instant and it was gone replaced by the sweetest smile. Speaking in an almost annoyed tone Marsha spoke, “Greyson, Serina has more important things to do then listen to you silly.”

  “No, no. He’s fine really.” Then she ran her fingers playfully through the boy’s hair. “Is everything ok Greyson? You have something you wanna tell me?”

  The boy looked sideways opening his eyes glancing at his sister then pulled away. “No, I’m just being silly. Marsha tells me everything is going to be fine.”

  At that moment Marsha walked over and took him by the hand. “That’s right Greyson. Your big sis will always look out for you. And we always have Joshua.” She looked at Serina and finished. “Remember he said he will always be here to protect us. He’s not going anywhere. Ever!”

  She released his hand. “Now you run along and play. We have to be home
in a bit.”

  With that Greyson turned around heading for the merry go round.

  Serina was worried. “Marsha is everything ok here?” She asked her brows creasing.

  “Of course, it is. It’s Eden. He’s just been hearing rumors, silly gossip really about Raif activity getting closer.” Looking at Serina she had a genuine smile on her face. “Joshua tells me you have found someone.”

  A little taken aback she stuttered. “He told you already?”

  Marsha went to place her hand on Serina. Then quickly drew it back. “Of course, he did. We were out last night, and it came up.” Then she giggled. “Please don’t be mad at him for sharing. He was so excited for you. He just couldn’t help himself.”

  Her heart sank. But she didn’t let it show. “So, you know about him coming over outside Eden.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “Serina, you act like that’s a secret. Everyone here knows Joshua has been gifted with being able to return.” Then her voice lowered as if she was letting Serina in on some kind of secret. “But between you and me. Sometimes he just feels a little too much brotherly protection for some people and just can’t keep from checking up on them.” Biting her lip.

  “So, I apologize for last night. I think he kinda butted in. He was so embarrassed. And just in case you do see him. Do him a favor and don’t bring it up.”

  “No, no of course I won’t.” A nervous breath escaped her mouth and she put her hands in her pockets.

  “Well then that’s settled,” Marsha walked over towards Greyson bending down to tell him something. Then hollered back at her.

  “Serina, Greyson wants to know if you wanna come over for dinner?”

  “Thanks,” she answered, “maybe some other time.”

  “Oh, “Greyson spoke in a sullen voice. “But it will be fun. Joshua is gonna be there.”


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