Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 23

by LH Bondi

  Turning she looked at him out of the corner of her eye then held up one finger. As her phone let out a second ding. “Let me get that. She’s never gonna stop.” Following the sounds of her phone she made her way to the bathroom where she had left it.

  Walking to her vanity she picked up the phone. Shaking her head, she read the first text. “It’s about time, girly.” The second text was more confusing. “RUN!”

  The necklace her grandmother gave her was glowing brightly. Serina felt a cold hand come around her neck grabbing the necklace and yanking it free. Shock overcame her, and she was momentarily stunned. It was Marsha. Still not healed from their last encounter. Her half-rotted face was smirking. Her jagged teeth sticking out from the raw flesh in her cheek. Her grandmother’s necklace dangling from one of the twisted black fingers. Her eyes never leaving Serina’s she hissed then squeezing the small glowing cube between her blackened fingers crushing the gift her grandmother had left for her. The mineral waters started burning her hands the burning flesh’s stench filled the space between them. Still Marsha never moved. “Now he will come to me.” The broken necklace fell to the ground.

  The sound of chain hitting the hard-marbled floor broke through her stunned silence. “No!” Serina screamed the electric power began churning in her gut. “What else will I allow this thing to take from me?” She thought to herself. Her gut screamed. “Nothing!”

  She saw movement in the mirror. Her heart stopped as the huge black Raif she had seen in the forbidden forest stepped out. But how? And just as fast she knew. She had called Joshua to her once again opening the portal. This was once again on her. Cold black twisted hands encased around her neck. She tried to use her powers but was too stunned. She couldn’t think. Blackness started overtaking her. The last thing she saw was Joshua running into the room. Then he seemed to disappear. Darkness was all she knew.

  Chapter 28

  Blackness and Enlightened

  The first thing Serina was aware was pain. Her head felt as if it had been ripped from her neck. The second was the taste of blood and earth. She brought her hand to her face as she opened her eyes. And saw nothing. Complete darkness engulfed her. And the smell of damp earth filled her nostrils. Using her hands to push herself up off the ground that had been her bed. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.

  She sat there in this dark room and spat out the dirt that had gotten in her opened mouth as she lay unconscious. Her cheek was sore, raw on the inside, her head must have hit the earth hard as she was roughly thrown to the ground. Her teeth cutting into the tender flesh. She could taste the blood mixed in with the dirt.

  Slowly Serina looked around taking in her surroundings. It was a relatively large space with a dirt floor. No windows. The small amount of light seeped in through the cracks in the wooden floor above. A rickety old staircase was the only other structure leading to a door at the top. The other structure being the bars that made up her cage she now realized she was in.

  Willing herself to not panic she closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing.

  “Ok, Serina,” she began talking to herself. “You are not going to panic. You are just going to close your eyes. Calm yourself, reach out with your feelings. See what your options are.” She almost laughed at herself. For even saying that. “What options she thought.’’ Then quickly shooed those feelings away.

  Opening herself she realized something rather quickly. This was the house in that forbidden forest. The one that had been calling her. Getting up a little too fast. Her neck screaming with pain as she turned her head. A sharp intake of breath. Her hands coming up to access the damage.

  It was sore even to the slightest touch, but she could move. Although not fast. As she began to walk she realized even that required her neck some movement. Ignoring the pain, she reached the wall placing her hand on the old wood.

  Opening herself a flood of emotions overtook her. She saw it then. The family that lived in this home. Oh, there was so much love. A young couple a light-haired mother and father and their two children a girl with blonde wavy hair and her younger brother with dark black hair. It was Christmas Eve. Everyone was asleep waiting for Santa but wait where was the father. He had left where would he have gone?

  Darkness filled the home now everyone was sleeping. A single burning lantern its flame burning dimly on the table beside the stairway. She saw the shadow first followed by the figure of a man. He was cloaked. Serina shook her head. She had seen this once before. Shock filled her senses as she remembered Marsha’s death memory. And knew what would come next.

  The children had come downstairs in hopes of early presents surprising the man and had been slain. Their mother hearing her children’s screams had ran to protect them becoming the last victim. Each had been stabbed multiple times. The scene both gruesome and heart wrenching to watch.

  Closing her eyes tighter trying desperately to ease the painful moment. It did not help the next images began even brighter in her mind. The father had come home. She could see him clearly now where earlier in the vision it was but a glimpse.

  The burglar long gone the home filled with nothing but sorrow. The man kneeled down on the floor taking his wife’s limp body in his arms. A pain filled scream escaped his lips followed by tears that fell like acid rain. He reached into his pocket taking out a beautiful silver necklace. A simple heart shaped pendent dangling as the dim light reflected off of the dainty charm. Gently her husband placed it around her neck.

  That’s where he had been, Serina realized. He had gone to get his wife a present. Suddenly the man seemed to look straight at her and she realized who he was. The man her home had shown her. The man that was the first Raif. That man was Marsha’s father. And now she knew the answer to her question she had seen that day. What would cause such grief as to have someone change into one of those things. The grief of losing everything you hold dear. And the guilt of believing you were to blame.

  The vision was over. She sat on the cold damp earth. Bringing her knees to her chest. So that’s why Marsha is so important to him. It’s his daughter. And that’s why she can change back and forth. She still didn’t know what their plan was, but she was pretty sure bringing her here was a huge part of it.

  “Yep, I kinda filled this part of the mission myself. Now how do I get out of here.” She found herself lost in thought really thinking about what she had learned about this house and Marsha and her father.

  After the loss and the transformation, he had moved this house here. It wasn’t meant to be here in Eden, so it never quite stayed. Always fading in and out. Never really belonging. He wanted the house here but why. And why in his crazy mind did he hate Eden so much. She supposed he blamed Eden for taking his wife and children away from him. Not that that made much sense. But when grief like that consumes someone. Their mind tends to go a little crazy. It would have too she thought.

  As for Marsha she was so consumed with her fantasies of Joshua her hatred of me finally pushed her to the edge. She wondered if that’s when her father had first approached her to join him? Or had she always known he was here and what he was.

  For every answer there always seemed to be more questions. Hearing voices raise. Drew her momentarily out of her thoughts. What was she doing? Gollywasping at a time like this. And she laughed in her head at least. Remembering the day, she left California to move here. Well to Louisiana but Eden was a part of that. A part of her new life.

  She needed a plan. A plan to get out of here. Reaching out her feelings. She could sense the room trying to show her something. Getting up and walking slowly trying not to trip making her way around the room feeling the walls stretching out her feelings trying to figure out what was trying to be revealed. Stopping she realized this was it. It was a door. But could not be seen. Not hidden either. A door to another portal. As it were.

  Then it hit her. A portal! That’s it! As she remembered the spell Aunt Viv had shown her for emergencies. Sure, it was supposed to portal her to Eden. But sure
ly, she could use it to portal out of here. Anything was better than here. She hoped it was anyway.

  Filling up her gut with energy and concentrating with every fiber of her being she began the spell. It started deep within her growing stronger and stronger. The energy about to explode she heard the voices getting louder and louder one sounded familiar?

  The portal opened as the light streamed out of her fingers it was a powerful spell and the energy seemed to ricochet across the room. Without wasting a second. She walked through.

  The door to her cell opened her eyes wide as the last thing she saw was Joshua’s gaze meeting hers Marsha at his side. Then the portal closed. Right along with her heart.

  “Bout time you got here to see your granny.”

  All thought left as she ran to embrace Granny Hind.

  “There, there, child. Your granny’s got cha.”

  Granny Hind was here. She was really here. Serina thought to herself. As she held on tighter never wanting to let go. Just in case this was a dream.

  Then she heard a cackle and knew without a doubt it truly was granny. Not some hallucination her mind had made up.

  “Hallucination, young un. Your granny outta pop your bottom.”

  “I’m sorry, granny. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you.” Tears were flowing freely down her cheeks and onto granny’s shoulder. “This is my fault....

  She felt granny pull away at that holding her at arms length then gently wiped Serina’s eyes with a handkerchief.

  “Fault? If’n this was your fault I would have to be a thankin ya child. Ya brought me my Martin back.” Granny’s hand dropped from her face and she turned sideways.

  There on the worn couch was an older man. He was ruggedly handsome. If Serina didn’t say so herself. He was wearing old worn coveralls with old worn work boots to match. His hair was slightly grey along with the stubble on his face. And his eyes crinkled when he smiled. Making his whole face light up. As granny turned he got up and walked towards Serina.

  “I’ve been waiting on that woman a long time now, Serina. Thank you for bringing her to me.” As he spoke Serina found herself once again in a warm embrace.

  As he let go, “please, don’t thank me. If it wasn’t for me. If I had....

  “Then we wouldn’t be here together, Serina.” He placed his arm around granny and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

  Serina’s head was spinning all this information everything she had just learned. Would she ever just be able to be. Walking over to the large oversized chair she plopped down putting her head in her hands. And just sat breathing. Just concentrating on breathing.

  When some time had passed, and she felt she had a slight handle on things. She looked up. And her face crinkled. “We are in Eden, right?” Looking over where granny and Martin sat on the sofa.

  Granny nodded yes, “My Martin built this for me here in Eden.” Placing her hand over his. “He’s a keeper ain’t he. Knew how much I would be missin our home. So, he copied everythin right down to the old stove. Made me my fudge every day. Just in case he saw me early.” Granny gripped his hand tight then brought it up and gently kissed his knuckles.

  “I have to go back, don’t I.?” Serina spoke looking at granny. She wasn’t sure if it was a statement or a question. Or maybe she just wanted granny to tell her what to do.

  “Ya askin me questions ya already knowin the answer to Serina. Ya gut has already told ya.” Granny walked over and sat beside her. “But cha won’t be alone. Ya granny always tells the truth. And I ain’t never a leavin.”

  “Look at me Serina, and Century will always be with ya. The bond you two have is special. Never forget that. When the two of ya are together....” granny shook her head, “I ain’t never seen nuthin like it. In all my years.”

  Just then the room started shaking. Light began flickering along the wall. Serina’s eyes grew wide. She hadn’t shut the temporary portal. Not completely. She had been so happy to see granny. She hadn’t thought properly. “What have I done?”

  She looked to granny. All she received was a look. And then her gut answered. “It was time.”

  Chapter 29


  The portal opened and as Serina suspected it led right back to the hole which had been her cage. The smell of damp earth filled her nostrils and she could swear the taste of blood came back with it.

  In the opening there stood Marsha. She was mostly human now. Her fingers partially blackened and a huge burned scar ran along her face still raw and seeping. Her blond hair helped in covering the damaged tissue from her eye.

  “It took you doing this to me,’ reaching up she pushed her hair aside revealing the rest of her torn flesh, ‘ for him to realize just how much he loved me.” A sickening smile formed on her lips. “I guess in a way I should thank you.”

  Serina’s eyes wide a spell formed deep within her. Her fingertips feeling the energy. She would kill her the spell was right there.

  “Now I would think twice about doing that ‘Protector’. Your ‘Seer’ might not be doing so good in this dimension.”

  Serina stilled and looked to granny. Everything telling her in that moment. Things were happening as they should as it had been foreseen. Pulling the spell back forcing the energy to harness inside her keeping it at bay for the moment. Was one of the hardest things she would ever do. But still keeping it churning building its power was something that seemed easy at the moment. The hate she felt for this thing Marsha, if possible, was growing by the second. She would kill her. And she would never regret it.

  “Oh, now don’t you worry that pretty little head about her. My daddy is keeping her good company. Mmmmmm,” and she licked her lips. Her half-forked tongue slithering out. The craziness could be seen in her eyes. “Joshua brought her to us. He knew she would come in handy.” She laughed. “Some seer.”

  Serina lunged granny held her back.

  “Don’t ya doubt my lil bit there Serina.” Granny whispered. Serina turned her head and caught the wink.

  This caused Marsha to focus her hate on granny. “So, you’re the problem that’s been happening here.” Her face turned sideways. Her eyes seeming to burn fire. “You know where it is don’t you old woman.” She walked towards granny. “Where is it!?”

  Martin got up stepping between Marsha and granny. “This is our home. You best be leavin now.”

  “Martin this thing don’t be scarin me none hunny. Now you just be leavin this to ya baby.” Granny hobbled on over to the medicine shelf and opened a hollowed-out book. There in the dusty old worm-eaten book lay a large key of some sort. The key was overly large and had about a four-inch handle that was rounded at one end then it straightened out and forked off at the end making two right angles that lay across from one another the ends jagged and sharp looking. It reminded Serina of a small pitchfork without the middle prong. Grabbing the strange key granny held it up the dust falling from the thing as if the ages were falling in the air with the particles.

  “This here what cha lookin for?” Granny cackled.

  Marsha lunged but granny was quicker. Moving out of her way. The reflexes of this woman never ceased to amaze me.

  Cocking her head to one side. “Don’t test me old woman. I’ve already killed you once,’ a evil grin crossed her face reaching her eyes, ‘and you’ve caused us enough trouble.”

  This caused granny to cackle louder. The look in Marsha’s eyes priceless. “You nasty thing. Don’t cha be a thinkin you can bully me. Granny chooses her own fate. Ain’t nothin a thing like you could do to stop that.” She held up the key. “You want this. Ya gonna bring me and Serina wi cha to be seein my little bit. Otherwise......’ granny opened a jar that sizzled and crackled as the lid came off. ‘ I don’t think that daddy of yours will be to terribly happy wi cha.”

  Slowly granny lowered the key to the contents of the jar. Glancing at Marsha she spoke. “Losin the key to the gates of hell.” Hoping the young Raif would fall for her trickery. For nothing so simple
as a potion no matter how strong would destroy the evil that made up that metal. The first key to the gates of the underworld could not be so easily undone. All six would be needed to open all the gates to the different stages of hell. But this first was not a start that granny would wish on anything. Much less a paradise like Eden.

  The look in Marsha’s eyes spoke wonders. One didn’t have to think hard at the things she was planning to do to us now that she thought she had us. The look in granny’s told me everything was as it should be.

  Serina’s gut was screaming. The end was nearing, and she couldn’t have been readier. Or more scared. Her energy still churning in her gut waiting and ready to strike.

  “But of course. I’ll bring you.’ Marsha answered, ‘Daddy loves new meals,’ bringing her hand to her mouth as if to say oops, ‘I mean guest.”

  Granny walked over kissing her Martin on the lips. “Be right back baby. Come on Rina lets go take care of this mess.” Wrapping her arm in mine we followed Marsha through the portal to my once brief but still confining prison. The portal closing as we walked back through finding ourselves now surrounded in darkness.

  “It was awful nice of you to leave a portal trail for me to follow. I got rather good at it following Joshua.” Marsha giggled a strange sound that came out disturbed. “Wasn’t it sweet of him to let me know where he was going all the time.” She turned and giggled again. “Of course, he swore it wasn’t on purpose.” And she rolled her eyes. “Like my Joshua would ever wanna be far from me. He’s so silly sometimes. But lucky for him I always knew in his heart he loved me.” She placed her half-blackened hand over her heart and let out a sigh.

  “Even though you tried to ruin everything.” The hatred returning to her eyes. “But you will see now how much he loves ME. It was never you. He did all this for me.”

  Marsha reached out grabbing Serina by the arm. And pulling her towards the steps she had seen earlier while in her cage.


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