Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 25

by LH Bondi

  A blank look crossed his face. Followed by a smile. “Thanks, Cin. But everything’s fine now.”

  Serina looked at Cin wondering about the words she had heard passed between the two. Then blew it off. Whatever it was would wait. If it was otherwise Cin would know and would tell her.

  Joshua entered the washroom grateful for the cool water that ran through his fingers. Washing his face first he opened his shirt looking at the wound where Marsha had pierced his skin right above his heart. And took in a sharp breath as he touched it. The pain raw as the memory made its way back to the present. He looked closer in the mirror. His face turning a pale white as he saw a black sliver swimming in the brown of his eye. “No! “He screamed to himself. He gripped both sides of the sink looking down into the water as it drained quickly feeling as if his life with Serina was going straight down with it.

  “Get a hold of yourself Joshua.’ He thought to himself. ‘ This isn’t possible. I would never turn to that. I have too much to live for.” A flash of Marsha and her crazy eyes and smile flashed before him and he slammed his fist against the wall trying to punch the tormented vision from his existence.

  “Hold on in there young-un. Ya gonna tear ya granny’s bath up.”

  He heard a knock on the door. Taking a deep breath and getting his wits about him he opened the door.

  There stood granny holding a cup that seemed to crackle as she handed it to him. “Ya take this, an before ya know it. Ya granny will have ya all fixed up.”

  Joshua looked stunned. Reaching out he felt hopeful.

  Granny seeing the look on his face. “It’s a start is all, the rest gotta come from you. But don’t cha worry none. It’ll all work out. It’s what’s in here,’ she pointed to his heart. ‘That will get you through in the end.”

  Taking the drink in his hand he brought it to his lips and downed the entire glass. Looking confused. “It was good?”

  Granny cackled. “Well, of course. Jus cause it gettin the junk out don’t mean it’s gotta taste bad.” She shook her head. “People’s silliness never fails to amaze.”

  About that time Serina and Cin walked back into the room. Serina’s eyes met Joshua’s and she could have sworn he wanted desperately to tell her something. He answered her questioning gaze with a smile followed by a, “walk me out?”

  As a answer she walked to him taking his hand in hers walking towards the door.

  Reaching the front porch, he reached down looking deep into her eyes saying more than mere words could have ever said. He kissed her slow putting everything he could not say into that kiss. Gently pulling away he spoke quickly. “I love you, Serina. Nothing will ever change that.”

  “Of course, it won’t.” She smiled sweetly. “I love you too.” He saw the question in her eyes and almost told her. But no this he would save her. She had fought so hard today. He could spare her this. Granny and Cin had said it would be fine. This was one battle he would win and one he wouldn’t have to burden her with.

  He placed one last quick kiss on her lips then turned and was gone.


  Serina sat on the edge of her bed. The light from the lamp beside her bed casting a warm glow over the room. Looking to her comfortable sitting area she got up. When the soreness hit her, she slowed. But only for a moment then began walking gently over to one of her overstuffed chairs.

  She was still a little sore. But for the most part had healed thanks to granny and Cin’s healing potions. Thank goodness. If her mother would have seen her beforehand. Before the healing had taken place. She wasn’t sure if her mother would have allowed her back in Eden at least for a short while and there more than likely would have been many a rule.

  She smiled thinking about her and Cin and their family. But most of all she was thinking about Grandma Iv and if she would be proud of how things had come to pass.

  At that very moment a warm gentle hand came to rest on her shoulder.

  Turning to see, it didn’t surprise her to see her grandmother. Jumping up a little too quickly she took in a deep breath but kept going holding her grandmother tight.

  Holding on to the back of Serina’s hair and running her hands through it she heard her grandmother speak. “I am so proud of you my granddaughter.” Then Serina heard her sniffle and when she looked she saw tears filling her grandmother’s eyes.

  “Grandma Iv?” Serina spoke a little confused

  “Tears of joy and pride my granddaughter.” Walking around she sat in one of the chairs Serina joining her in the other.

  “You had so much put on you and you handled it better than I could have ever hoped. So wise beyond your years. And your powers. Even more so than I could have ever imagined.”

  Reaching out she lay her hand atop of Serina’s. “Now, you know I can’t stay long. But I had to come and give you one more present.” She paused slightly before speaking. “At least for now.”

  “Go look over there in the corner. That rose carved into the baseboard should come on out if you give it a little tug.” She pointed to the corner beside the bay window.

  Walking over I gave it a little tug. The rose pulling out with little effort sticking my hand inside a wooden box lay within. Looking at Grandma Iv she gave me a nod.

  Opening the box there glowed not one but three necklaces one pink the other two blue. Confused I looked at the three glowing stones then towards my grandmother.

  “Ema, told me you might be needing those.” She shook her head. “That woman never ceases to amaze me.”

  “She knew all along from the beginning this was how it had to be didn’t she?” I met my grandmothers gaze and again knew the answer.

  “Always trust your seer Serina. Always.”

  Putting the pink necklace around her neck. It felt wonderful to have that again. A piece of Grandma Iv she carried with her. Then she smiled and placed her hand over her heart. No, she carried her with her here. But still the necklace was a part of herself something her grandmother had made for her.

  Then she remembered the two blue necklaces and looked strangely at Grandma Iv. She didn’t even get the question out.

  “For your brothers.’ She hesitated as Serina took the necklaces apart holding one in each hand. ‘Twin brothers to be exact.”

  A stunned expression on her face. “How... she started but knew the answer already. Both Serina and Grandma Iv speaking together.

  One saying, “Granny Hind.”

  The other saying “Ema.”


  I would like to dedicate this book to my wonderful husband without his constant encouragement this story wouldn’t be here. I love you. Always. I would also like to dedicate this to my three children who allowed me to spend time writing and didn’t drive me crazy. Most of the time. To my one and only sister, Rebecca Love, words will never be enough to tell you thanks for everything. And last, I would like to thank my two angel babies for being my inspiration for this story.

  Thank you!

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  If you enjoyed this book, please check out my Adult Shifter Romance e-book Marked: Book 1 Gargoyles Bound. Available now in the kindle store. (Excerpt follows for your enjoyment.)


  Gargoyles Bonded: Book 1


  Chapter 1

  A Scared Heart

  It always started the same. Catherine was young again playing happily. There were other children on the playground. Everyone seeming to have someone to play with. Everyone but her. She was tall for her age and a little knock kneed. And she had
a tendency to make even the smallest games end in tragedy.

  Her mom had said she was born under a dark star. Whatever that meant. All she knew was no one wanted to play with someone like her. When having her on your team meant certain failure. If you were lucky no one would end up with a scraped knee or worse a broken bone.

  She had been climbing the slide that day. It was a large slide enclosed at the top and tunneled down swirling and turning along the way. In her mind it was a fairy castle and she was climbing up to save her prince. She remembered it so clearly every moment feeling it as if it were yesterday. She had just reached the top and her foot slipped.

  She screamed and held on for as long as she could. Her body dangling, she was scared now. No sound would come from her lips. No other children around Catherine thought as she frantically looked around. Of course, there wasn’t why would there be?

  Her hands began to slip. Her feet swinging desperately trying to find something solid. She could feel the cold roundness of the steel bar slipping slowly almost to her fingertips. One last desperate swing and then nothingness. Catherine fell the air whipping around her. Her arms flaying trying desperately to grasp something anything. She closed her eyes preparing for impact. Then...

  Nothing came. No impact no thud. Was this what death was like? She thought too herself. Too scared to open her eyes.

  Then she heard him smile. What a strange thing to be thinking. You can’t hear a smile. Opening her eyes, she saw him for the first time. It was a boy, he was young, about her age. And he was smiling at her. Just as she knew he would be.

  Catherine realized then she was being held in his arms. And suddenly she was very embarrassed. Tumbling sideways she almost slid out of his arms before he caught her. He eased Catherine down letting her get her bearings.

  Looking at him quizzically. “Are all princes as nice as you?”

  The question making him laugh a little. “Maybe not all, but they should be. Don’t you think?”

  She stared at him a scowl crossing her face. “Nope,’ she answered. “Then it wouldn’t make the ones like you special.”

  This made him smile even more. Making Catherine look-really look at him. His eyes seemed strange such a dark brown they were almost black. He was cute she remembered thinking. For a boy.

  For whatever reason, even now she didn’t know why. It just seemed right. And she leaned forward to give her Prince Charming a kiss. A token for saving her. Wasn’t that what was expected. She leaned forward, an innocent peck was placed quickly on his lips.

  A jolt knocked her back. As he grabbed for her a nail from his finger scratched the surface at the base of her neck just below her ear. A sharp intake of breath as it burned a little. She brought her hand up to cover it.

  In that slight moment she felt a breeze, and when she looked he was gone.




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