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AfroSFv2 Page 45

by Ivor W Hartmann

  “Now in the game, there is a minority population, the vampire elite, who effectively control the majority through imperialism, the original schism founded upon deception. An empire only lasts as long as it is able to maintain, in the minds of its subjects and slaves, the belief in its almost divine right to kill, rob, divide, conquer, exploit, and oppress the people. ‘Manifest Destiny’, they call it.

  “Another way of saying we can do whatever we damned well please so fuck you and your sacred connection to the planet. Once people no longer believe in an empire, it collapses. That’s why propaganda is their most effective tool. Control what people think and believe and you control the world. They’re so good at it the people don’t even realise they’re still slaves.

  “The empire that currently runs what is left of our world was founded on the theft of indigenous land, and the kidnapping, mass rape and murder, extortion, and enslavement of the indigenous population. The genocidal emperor may be long gone to live in the stars but that original crime is still a part of the empire’s nature, its code.

  “That’s what the superheroes in the comics never understood. The only real enemy is within; and if you but surrender to the Lord, the state of mind which was in the Christ will arise in you. Then you become the guru on the way to the superhuman. Then you can finally realise that you are the one you’ve been searching for all your life, all your countless lifetimes, often without even realising you were searching.

  “The Christ was a negro just like you, the latest and greatest superhero to bust out of the PC and he now sits at the right hand of the father. God became man so man can become God. And thanks to the Lord’s infinite grace, we can all achieve Christ consciousness.

  “When I say surrender to the Lord, I don’t mean run out and join your nearest church, though I’m not saying you shouldn’t do that either. As long as people gather in the true spirit of the Lord, the church is not made of wood or brick but salvation itself.

  “Unfortunately, the world is full of superficially good people who blindly follow the herd as it stampedes off the edge of the cliff. Even the temples are full of middle class negroes singing Halleluyah on Sundays while spending the rest of the week working to aid and abet the same motherfuckers that are exploiting and killing them, their loved ones, and the whole planet. They don’t realise they still slaves.

  “But if you remain in the herd heading for mass suicide, are you any different? Will you blame the steer in front of you for leading you to your death or the steer behind you for pushing you over the edge? Will you turn to the steers on either side of you and say, ‘Um? I don’t think this is the right way guys, there’s a really humongous cliff up ahead and I don’t think we’ve evolved the ability to fly just yet. How about we,’...[moooooo, splat!] Or will you do something about it?

  “Meanwhile the justice system and the media collude to make criminality appear the norm for negroes, until the people not only accept it, but buy into the false mythology and lifestyle.

  “As for the failing educational system, it helps to perpetrate this false consciousness and perpetuate the situation by glorifying the horrific criminal exploits of vampires past, while insinuating that negroes are three-fifths of a hueman being! When the truth is the paleface evolved from some of our ancestors, those randy niggers, ha! indulging in a bit of the strange with Neanderthals. Did you learn that in school? No? I wonder why?

  “The first man was a negro. We are the original hueman race. Let me make one thing clear, anyone can be saved, black or white, but we were the chosen people and we fell off. Do you know why the elite want us to call white folk, vampires? It is because they wish for the common man to fear the blood-sucking elite, who are predominantly white folk, as they, the elite, fear us. As they fear our potential to ascend, which they, in their lust for material pleasure and power, have apparently lost.

  “The elite wield their weapons from afar, playing complex PC games and piloting drones, be they memetic, robotic, paperworked, or indeed hueman, all from the comfort of their homes, jacked into the matrix with VR headsets that normalise their utter lack of empathy. And y’all want your kids to grow up to be like them...(tut!) if psychopathy were an admirable trait. Culture is not your friend, trust me!

  “But fear not. If God did not love you, you would not exist. And if you do not love God, by which I mean if you are not thankful for the air, the plants, the sun, this glorious gift of life as a living breathing human being, aware of the glorious possibilities inherent to ascension, then you just ain’t paying attention. You lost, too busy disappointing your own soul. Witness and experience, learn and grow. That’s the way home for all of us.”

  Guru the seventh indicated she was finished by raising and opening his hands, as if inviting a response.

  “That’s quite a story Ms...err...Mr the Seventh,” Johnny said.

  “Please, call me Um? Not Err? For I do not.”

  “Do not what? Err?” Johnny asked.

  “I strive each day for impeccability in order that I might know true humility. It is my only possible response to this great gift of life,” (s)he answered.

  “Like this: breathe in the prana of the universe, full and deep for it sustains your life; breathe out all that no longer serves you, that it might be of use elsewhere. Contemplate the reality in which you live and meditate on the source of it all. Ask yourself, ‘who am I?’ Pray. It really works. Speak from the heart and be clear in your prayers; your higher self will respond.

  “Serve Life and I promise you, the Lord will reward you in this life and the other. Eat healthily and exercise, and do good work that benefits the All, in order to sustain yourself and the All, even as the Lord sustains the entire universe.

  “Did you know that if you so chose, you could reach out your arms and touch infinity? Did you know that in this lifetime, you could attain immortality? Let the mind that was in Christ arise in you. Be inspired by the Holy Spirit. True love is within. A man once said, ‘the Soul is always lovely, full of love. It is the Mind that likes to play games of creation and destruction.’

  “The mind is so tricky, it’s not even funny. Many have said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world believe he doesn’t exist. The truth is that it is the ego that wants you to believe it doesn’t exist. It invented the devil and the system in order for us to have someone else to blame for our sins, or mental mistakes if you will.

  “The very same devil that people unfortunately fear and admire as the prince of lies, blowing smoke in everyone’s eyes; the very same system that raises our kids, indoctrinating them into accepting less than the freedom that is their birth right.

  “Intentions and thoughts have power. If we are controlled by our egos, we are doomed to live in a world full of vice and apathy, filled with tyrants and slaves, all dominated in one way or the other by lust, envy, pride, hatred, greed and delusion.

  “Those who overcome the ego are the enlightened souls who live in peace and love, free of sin, while simultaneously following a disciplined and integrated spiritual practice, happiest when serving selflessly, sharing love and elevating their people, empty so as to be filled with the clear light of natural intelligence, each blessed by power in their own unique way, each a blessing onto their worlds. The secret is to use the gift of your Free Will as an arrow aimed at Destiny.

  “Listen, Sofia and Johnny. Have the strength, courage, and wisdom, to love all life, respect those that serve life, and revere the source of life.

  “For when death comes to whip away the veil, the manner in which you dance with her will determine whether you graduate or repeat this school of life. Transcendence or re-incarnation? She is a friend but death ain’t no joke and most minds are simply not prepared for the reality beyond the veil.

  “Death is a doorway, a transition, the most elegant foe you will ever face. Will you have fears and doubts? Will you succumb to them and fall off the path? Or will you have the strength, courage and wisdom to walk the road into the cle
ar light. A strength, courage and wisdom that you ought to begin cultivating right now.

  “Being born a hueman is a rare privilege, so don’t waste it. This plane of reality has awesome potential for spiritual change yet most folk waste it craving material things and sensations, or fearing the loss of them, unable to detach from the causes of their suffering.”

  “Can you tell us how old you are?” Hola asked.

  “Older than you can imagine. Would you believe me if I told you I once met the emperor when he was but a boy?”

  “Did you?” Johnny asked.

  “It doesn’t matter. Suffice it to say that I am a child at heart.”

  “Do you eat meat?” I asked. “I’ve been thinking of becoming a vegetarian or a vegan or something.”

  “Our diets are far too acidic. Alkalise yourself and you’ll see great benefits. All you need are fruits and vegetables all colours of the rainbow. As for meat, it is not necessary to our diet but neither is it harmful in moderation. Eat healthy free range animals, be thankful of the gift, the sacrifice made by your fellow life-form, and use it wisely.

  “Stay away from milk and dairy, though. Milk is for infants and advanced yogis; it infantilises the adult mind, keeping us dependant on the false authority of the elite, like genetically modified factory farmed animals sucking on artificial teats.

  “As for water, considering what Death Star puts in the taps, I would buy it from a reliable source. Of course I’m sure you two have good filters in your homes.

  “I personally like to pour my water into glass containers with crystals in them, which change the structure of the water into healthy configurations, then drink it with chlorophyll.

  “Truer words were never spoken: health is your true wealth. Health in body and mind. I remember the day when I realised I had to become my own mother, my own father, my own child. Before then I lived under the spell that so much of mankind live under.

  “Huemanity’s fundamental problem is we believe ourselves to be separate entities when in fact we are all cells within a vast and complex super-organism. Unfortunately we have been conditioned to value separation and competition over unity and co-operation, turning many of those cells cancerous.

  “This mind-set is unsustainable and Terra has little choice but to restore balance. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. A cataclysm is no doubt coming soon. In the meantime, we must continue to strive, for none know the day, none know the hour. Huemanity has migrated from the heart to the brain to the machine... I say it’s time to return home.

  “Think on this. Every single atom within your body contains enough energy to blow Paradise to Kingdom-come. Imagine what you could do if you had access to that a force for positive change. You could reshape the world into an actual paradise. A Topia, if you will, for the definition of Utopia is a place that does not exist.

  “You could become who you were truly meant to be, who you came to Terra to become. This is the true knowledge which the educational system spectacularly fails to teach and in fact attempts to obfuscate. Self-knowledge of man’s godlike nature is traded away for the ability to memorise and regurgitate a colonised mind, a slave mentality.

  “We groom our children to conform to the evils of the age rather than be transformed by this reality’s awesome potential for spiritual change. Time to flip the script!

  “So what do you think? Are you interested? You don’t have to answer now, of course. I know I’ve given you a ton of information all at once and it will take time to digest. Unlike most people, however, I can tell the two of you have incredible powers of focus. All I suggest, is you use that same gift to focus within and arise to becoming your greatest possible selves.”

  The Xombie formerly known as Obram

  The xombie formerly known as Obram stood in the blazing heat of the desert, one of dozens of xombies staring at the sinkhole. Fractals flowed through their grey skins like falling leaves, ethereal wormholes and hyper dimensional spaces opening and collapsing. There was a collective pattern evident that spoke of natural law and meta-intelligence.

  In the sky above, several birds wheeled about waiting for a giant iguana to die. It had crawled out of the hole and was now slowly lumbering away from the city. It was very old and did not have much longer to live. Obram knew without knowing that the iguana would live longer than the birds hoped but would eventually perish and be eaten by a multitude of creatures, great and small, leaving behind its bones to slowly bleach in the sun.

  A xombie dropped down into the hole and landed in a tunnel. Obram could feel him walking towards the city, the same place that called him inexorably forwards as it was calling all the xombies across the wasteland. Why, he knew not—but he could no sooner deny this impulse than a fish could deny the existence of water, or a true hueman the power of love, respect, and reverence.

  The xombies dropped down into the tunnel and began to walk, widening the hole as they did so. More were coming.

  Babylove Brown

  I am dying. The bullets in my guts have done a righteous number on me. Fucked me up real good. The drugs will keep me going but I’m as good as dead. Just like Casey. Just like Low. I don’t know what happened to Tealson. I remember seeing a flash of light and then the van was just gone. Only for a moment, I thought I saw something in the light. Some place full of trees and clouds under a loving sun. Maybe when you know you’re gonna die you start seeing things. Who can say?

  I am dying but I’m going out with a bang. In a few moments I’m going to step out of the shadow I’m hiding in, leap off the edge of this building and glide down onto the force field of Lagoon. My phase transducer is going to get me through. It’s my one way ticket into Lagoon and I’m gonna make it count.

  I am dying but when I land onto the roof of the Shadow Theatre and Grand Opera building where the Melodium awards are being held, I’m going to drop into the building via a vent and trigger a mini EMP device that will short circuit every electronic device in the building for several seconds. Enough time for me to merge with the crowd. My camo automatically cycles my heat signature and as long as I walk funny, their gait recog won’t catch me. I’ll be a fox in the chicken coop—if chickens ruled the world.

  I am dying but then so do we all. In my line of work it’s always good to have an ace up your sleeve. Mine is a neutrino bomb the size of a grain of rice embedded in my lower left back wisdom tooth. One hard bite and the mental decision to die and boom and The Shadow Theatre along with all its occupants will be no more. I found the bomb on our last job and decided to keep it for myself rather than share with the crew. I know I’m a bad person, I know.

  I am dying but when I go I’m taking the richest and most powerful citizens of Para City with me. They say there’s not enough room in Lagoon for the people... Well, I’m making room.

  Babylove Brown is coming to town, motherfuckers! Let’s find out who’s been naughty and nice.

  Johnny Toxic

  The Melodium Awards. The big time. Big production, no expense spared. A vast and overarching dome with incredible light and sound effects that change from segment to segment, the stage designed like some sort of ancient sacrificial altar around which numerous stars have performed and gyrated sexually around tonight, Sofia and I included.

  So this is it? This is what I struggled all these years for? So I can sit here with all these rich and fancy folk masturbating our egos? There’s gotta be more to life than this. I’ve done everything I always wanted to do. I’m rich, I’m famous, I have the hottest girl in town and my music is top of the pops. So why does it all feel so...pointless all of a sudden? Am I just another rebel without a clue?

  There was a sudden round of applause and Aso Prelax came back on the stage. “Give it up once again for the lovely Delilah and the Ladies of the Weave. Keep your weaves tight, ladies. Wouldn’t want to look like savages, now, would we? Ha Ha Ha! Alrighty then! Now that’s what I call music. You know, ladies and gentlemen, in these troubled times, it’s good to kn
ow that some things never change.

  “Delilah, who received a lifetime award last year, remains one of the most talented musical visionaries our world has ever known. And despite the many grave issues that our city faces, Mayor Obvious Beastedy remains a great leader. A round of applause for our mayor!”

  The mayor walked onto the stage to moderate applause and took the stage. Sofia held onto my arm as her pops began to speak.

  “Thank you. Thank you. Ever so kindly. I won’t take up much of your time because I, for one, came here to partay, ha ha, as they say, but allow me to share a few words.”

  Sofia smirked a little and the cameras lingered on her face for a moment as she composed herself and smiled the kind of smile every guy wants to have in his life.

  The mayor continued. “There are those who claim that our city is falling apart. While it is true that there is too much violent crime and far too many folks live below the poverty line, I urge you to remember that the situation is improving.

  “Our various drives and initiatives have been largely successful in cleaning up the city and creating jobs. I know things aren’t perfect but I have a little something called faith. And the great thing about faith is it can move mountains.

  “Together, we will salvage what is left of our world and one day reclaim it as the veritable garden of Eden. In the meantime remember, we do this not for ourselves but for those yet to come. Thank you, and may God bless Paradise City!”

  While the audience erupted into more applause, a dark figure dropped down from the walkway high above the stage and landed on the stage next to the mayor in a dramatic crouch. The figure stood up and pointed a gun at the mayor’s head.

  Was this part of the show? People looked around at each other and confused murmurs rippled through the room. Sofia clutched my hand and held on tight enough to hurt.

  The mayor turned to walk away and the figure pistol whipped him. A woman screamed somewhere behind me and we all began to panic and scramble to our feet.


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