Wasteland Road Knights Trilogy

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Wasteland Road Knights Trilogy Page 50

by Andrew Dobell

  “I think you need to rethink what’s possible, and what’s not,” Nero countered and raised his shotgun.

  “Bullets? Really…”


  The shot slammed into the shoulder of the Whisperer and ripped his flesh, biting huge chunks out of it as the daemon screamed.

  The wail was ear-splitting and forced Nyx to back off, clamping her hands to her ears until it faded. She looked up to see the succubus suddenly fly at Nero and smash into him, knocking him to the floor as she tried to rend him with her claws. She slashed his face on the same side as his current scar, drawing blood as the daemonette wailed.

  Standing up, she saw Kat rush the succubus and deliver a powerful kick to its head before she slashed at it with her blade. Behind her, Cryptus and Runt joined in as well and threw the succubus off Nero, hitting her with whatever they could.

  Turning to face the Whisperer, she saw his body fade from view suddenly, as if he were turning invisible or teleporting away, only for him to return and look just as solid as before, just as quickly. The daemon looked confused and looked down at his hands as he momentarily faded away and back again a few more times. White hot anger fell over the Whisperer as he put more effort into trying to get away, but he didn’t even fade the whole way any more now, and then he looked up at her.

  “You did this. Didn’t you?” he spat.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but whatever I started, I’m damn well going to finish,” Nyx answered him with murderous intent.

  The Whisperer roared at her and rushed forward, his hands out wide, his claw’s flashing. Nyx dodged and spun, swinging her sword out and connecting again.

  Ink black blood flew and the Whisperer screeched. He turned to face her again, and Nyx was convinced he looked nervous. Scared, even. Nyx smiled, feeling good about herself and what this might mean.

  Lowering herself into a ready stance again, Nyx noticed the daemon looking around as if searching for a way out.

  “No, you don’t,” Nyx said, and rushed forward, swinging her blade, forcing the daemon to dodge her. She swung again, and the Whisperer danced out of the way. He was fast, but he was also clearly terrified of being hit by her sword.

  Nyx pressed her attack, pushing the Night Lord as much as she could, forcing him to focus on her and on keeping out of the way of her blade. She swung twice more, and suddenly the Whisperer had his back to Nero and the others while facing her. Glancing past the daemon, she saw that Nero had noticed the Whisperer’s position, and turned towards him. Hoping that Nero had the same idea as she did, she feinted a few lunges forward to keep the daemon’s focus on her, giving Nero time to step up behind the Whisperer until he suddenly raised his foot and kicked the daemon in the back.

  The Whisperer stumbled towards her, off balance and open to attack.

  Nyx didn’t need a better chance and thrust her blade forward once more, but with more force this time. She rammed it home, skewering the daemon on the four-foot blade, nearly up to the hilt.

  Nyx looked up into the face of the daemon, which was a mask of fear as his blood red eyes swam around in their sockets in pain, looking at Nyx, then down at the blade, and then all around.

  Anger flashed over the Whisperer’s face and he pulled away, twisting and ripping the blade from her grasp. He looked at her with a flash of triumph, only to look back down at the sword as the pain overcame him again.

  Nyx just watched as the daemon dropped to his knees, the black energy that leaked off his body being drawn into the sword once more.

  There was a pair of sudden pain filled yells which drew Nyx’s attention to her left in time to see a rush of movement that shot up to her and knocked her flat. Releasing the sword, Nyx hit the floor as the succubus smashed into her and flicked her claws out at her, catching her arm. Warm blood fell from the three deep cuts on her bicep as the succubus screeched at her.

  Nyx looked up in time to see Nero raise his gun, point it at the side of her head, and fire.

  Blood, brains, and skull flew everywhere as the shot ripped through the daemon’s head, dropping her to the floor. Nyx looked at the corpse for a moment and its ruined mess of a head. Headshots killed daemons just like they killed people, she guessed.

  Looking to her right, Nyx watched the energy of the Whisperer rush into the blade as the Night Lord opened his mouth in a silent scream, and then faded from view entirely as the last of him was drawn into the sword.

  Nyx’s weapon fell to the floor with a metallic clatter and lay still.

  “What the hell just happened?” Nero asked.

  “No idea,” Nyx replied, feeling bewildered by what she had just seen. She looked at her sword, and for the first time ever, felt scared to touch it. She got to her feet, feeling a little unsteady, and took a few tentative steps towards it. Everyone’s attention was on her and the sword, curious to see what might happen.

  “Has it ever done that before?” Cryptus asked.

  “Never,” Nyx answered, as she peered at it in the half-light. It didn’t look any different. It was still the same rusted-looking sword carved with a daemon on its hilt. As she approached it, it glinted in the light as it always did, but otherwise seemed utterly normal. She crouched down beside it and made to pick it up, but then stopped, her hand hovering over it.

  “Shall I touch it?” Nyx asked, and looked up at Nero and the others.

  Nero shrugged.

  “I wouldn’t,” Kat said.

  “You were holding it before when it was drawing the energy from the daemon, did you feel anything then?” Cryptus asked.

  Nyx thought back. He was right of course, and she knew the answer. “No, I didn’t feel anything.”

  “Then, I would guess nothing would happen this time either,” he said.

  Nyx nodded and looked back at her weapon. She hesitated for a second, and then quickly snatched the grip into her hand. She held it for a moment where it lay, waiting, wondering if something might happen, but nothing did.

  “Mmm, nothing,” she muttered, and stood up, holding the sword in her hand.

  “A mystery for another time,” Cryptus suggested.

  Nyx nodded, turning the blade over in her hand and looking at it, half expecting to see something new. But she didn’t.

  “Speaking of mysteries,” Nero said to Cryptus. “What the hell was the Whisperer talking about? How did he know you?”

  Nyx looked up as she listened, to see him look a little embarrassed, and could almost see this guard come up before he replied, “We’ve all got a history, and we’ve all done stuff we regret. Some more than others. I’ve made some mistakes in life, but that was a long time ago, and it’s not who I am today.”

  “You’ve not really told me anything there,” Nero suggested.

  “I know. And I don’t intend to…”

  “If you’re fraternising with devils…”

  “Leave him be,” Nyx said, interrupting Nero. This conversation was fascinating and all, but she had other priorities. “I want to have a look around.”

  She stepped towards the raised platform and scanned around the room it was in, seeing archways leading off into the darkness.

  “Nyx, we need to deal with this,” Nero replied to her.

  “Yes, but not right now. Come on,” she said, looking back at him. He looked frustrated, glanced at Cryptus, and then back at her before grunting. “Fine.”

  Chapter 18


  Nyx picked a doorway and walked towards it. “Come on, this way,” she said, and moved over to the arch. Beside it, a torch was affixed to the wall, burning brightly. She lifted the torch handle from the holder and raised it aloft to light her way as she stepped through into a corridor that curved back on itself as if encircling the throne room. It was dark in here, with only the occasional torch to light the passage.

  More doorways led off from this corridor, so Nyx moved to the nearest one and looked inside. She found a table with some knives and raw flesh on it. She scanned t
he rest of the room, and it was more of the same with a stove and eating implements. It was a kitchen, of sorts. Nyx shrugged and moved out as the others looked inside for themselves. Nero and Cryptus had picked up torches of their own as well.

  Walking back into the corridor, Nyx picked a direction and walked, moving to the next door and looking in there. It was a storage room of some kind. There didn’t seem to be anything of interest in here, though, and she moved on.

  The next room was much bigger and was a comfortable looking bedroom, complete with a wooden four-poster bed that looked very inviting.

  She walked around the room, scanning the furniture for anything of interest, but while there was some jewellery and some grooming products, there was little that Nyx deemed important enough to examine any closer.

  She turned and caught sight of herself in a full-length mirror. She paused, noting that she looked even more of a mess than usual with her bleeding arm and messy hair, but didn’t see the need to look any closer.

  ~So, that’s what you look like,~ said a voice in her head.

  “What?” Nyx said aloud.

  “What? I didn’t say anything,” Nero said.

  “No, I wasn’t…” she said, and then turned to look in the mirror again, wondering if that's what had caused it.

  ~Aaah, that’s better, I can see who’s holding me now,~ the deep, resonant voice said in her mind. She glanced up at Nero, who was still looking at her.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  Nyx nodded. “Fine,” she said aloud before she focused and projected a coherent thought back at whatever was talking to her. ~Who are you?~

  ~I believe, I’m your sword…~ it answered her.

  Nyx looked down at the blade in her hand. ~You’re my sword?~

  ~Yes, in fact, I’m sure of it. I wasn’t sure at first. I was in a dark place, but aware that I was somewhere, and I could feel your mind close by, almost touching me, linked to mine, and when I reached out, I could suddenly see through your eyes.~

  ~You see… through my eyes?~

  ~That does seem to be the case.~

  ~Who are you? Are you the Whisperer?~

  ~No. I’m not. But I think I used his power to awaken myself. No, I’m not a daemon, I’m something new.~

  ~Do you have a name? What do I call you?~

  ~I do not have a name. Do you have a name for the blade?~

  ~Um, no, I don’t~ Nyx answered.

  ~We can come back to the issue of a name, I think. I can read your thoughts, and you’re eager to find someone… someone dear to you.~

  ~My mother,~ Nyx answered.

  ~That’s right. Please, go; find her. I’ll be waiting.~

  ~Alright,~ Nyx replied, and looked down at her sword again with mixed feelings. What was that? What had happened to her sword? She took a deep breath and shook her head. Well, for now, the issue of her sword could wait. She had a more pressing issue on her mind and placed her sword into its scabbard on her back.

  She turned to see Nero standing close by. He stepped up to her and looked her deep in the eyes. “Are you okay? You seemed a little, distracted just then.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered. “It’s just… This has been a lot to take in.”

  Nero nodded. “I get it, sure. I understand.”

  Nyx smiled back at him. “Come on, let’s keep going.”

  They hunted through several more rooms, but found little of immediate importance. Although, Cryptus was interested in a small library that the Whisperer maintained in one of the rooms. He resigned himself to looking at it later, however, and followed Nyx as they explored the whole place.

  Through one of the doorways, they found themselves in a small corridor with four more doors, all of them made from metal bars. Three of the rooms were empty, but behind one of them, curled up in a corner on a collection of dirty sheets, was a thin blonde woman who looked drawn and malnourished. She had her head resting against the back wall, and as Nyx walked up to the bars, the woman opened her eyes to look at who had come to visit her.

  Her eyes widened, and she lifted her head as she stared at Nyx.

  A smile grew on Nyx’s lips as emotion bubbled up inside of her. Tears formed in her eyes and she didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry.

  “Mom,” Nyx said. It was the only word she could manage.

  “Lucia?” she answered in growing shock. “Is that you? Where’s the Whisperer? How come… What’s going on?”

  Beside her, Nero unhooked the chain and released the door, letting it swing open.

  “We killed him, Mom. We killed him,” she said as she ran forward and crouched down next to her mother and pulled her into her arms. Emotion overcame her, and her tears fell freely. She’d found her. She’d found her mother, and she never wanted to let her go ever again.

  “Oh, my God. My darling Lucia. My baby, you’ve grown so much; look at you. Just look at you. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long. I just… I can’t believe it. You’re here. I never thought I’d see you again.”

  “I know. Me, too.”

  “What happened to you? I want to know. I want to know everything. Oh, my God; come here,” she said and pulled Nyx in again for another hug.

  They stayed like that for a few more moments until her mother loosened her grip and smiled, looking at her face and kissing her. “I can’t believe it. I just can’t. You’re so beautiful. You’re amazing,” she said and glanced over her shoulder. “Are these your friends?”

  “Yes, Mom, they are.”

  “Come, help me up,” she said. “I’m not as strong as I used to be.”

  Nyx helped her up, and Nero stepped up to her mother’s other side and helped as well.

  “This is Nero,” Nyx introduced him.

  “Hello there. Thank you for being my daughter’s friend.”

  “Nyx means the world to me,” Nero said.

  “Nyx? Going by your surname, are you?”

  Nyx shrugged.

  “Well, I’m Dani Nyx; it’s lovely to meet you,” she said as they moved out of the cell block. The others had walked out ahead of them and waited in the main corridor.

  “And who are all these people?” Dani asked. “To whom do I owe my life and liberty to?”

  Nyx couldn’t help the huge smile that covered her face. Suddenly, everything was right with the world. At least, for now.

  “Mom, this is Kat,” Nyx began.

  “Lovely to meet you, Mrs Nyx,” Kat said.

  “And you, dear.”

  “This is Runt,” Nyx continued.

  “Runt very pleased to meet parent of friend Nyx, yes? Very pleased.”

  “Thank you, Runt,” Dani said.

  Nyx looked up at Cryptus, who was turned slightly away and had his hood pulled low. “And this is Cryptus.”

  Cryptus turned slightly, just enough to peer at her and her mother from under his hood, and Nyx had a sense that he was being very guarded.

  “Cryptus?” Dani asked, offering her hand to him like she had to the others. He looked down at it, and then back up at Dani as he extended his hand to hers.

  “A pleasure to meet you, I’m sure,” he said.

  “Do… Do I know you?” Dani asked.

  “I wouldn’t hav…”

  “It’s you!” Dani cut in, her voice stern as she let go of his hand and took a step back.

  Nyx looked from her mother to Cryptus in confusion. What was she saying? What was going on?

  Cryptus took a step back himself, spreading his hands wide and tilting his head to one side with a shrug.

  “What?” Nyx asked. “What’s going on? Who is he?”

  The look of shock on Dani’s face faded as she frowned at him, and Nyx could almost see her thinking things through.

  “Cryptus. Heh, nice name choice. Cryptus. Cryptic. Mysterious, hidden. It’s almost like you didn’t want people to know your name,” Dani said.

  “It’s Lazlo, right?” Nyx interjected. “The Whisperer said his name was Lazlo.” />
  Dani nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on Cryptus. “The Whisperer remembered you, didn’t he?”

  “He did,” Cryptus confirmed.

  “Yes,” Dani said to Nyx. “His name is Lazlo. Zenos Lazlo, although, that’s not the name I knew him by. Lucia, why are you with him? Why is he here with you?”

  “He’s helped us, Mom. He helped Nero free me from being a… a plaything of Rex. He’s fought alongside us, saved our lives, killed countless zombies. What is going on here, Mom? What’s wrong?”

  “He started it,” Dani said by way of explanation.

  “What? Started what?” Nyx asked, still confused.

  Dani looked at her and waved her arms around as she spoke with fire in her voice. “This. All this. It’s his fault. He’s the Necromancer, he started the Apocalypse. He brought the dead back from the grave and released the daemons over the Urth. He caused the Cataclysm. It’s all his fault.”

  “Oh,” Nyx answered, and looked over at Cryptus, a feeling of betrayal and fear rising up from within her. “Shit.”


  Read book 4 now:


  Also, read the story of Dani’s early days in the Zombie Apocalypse

  on my Patreon in the monthly serial:


  Author Note

  Writing Wasteland Road Knights has been something of a journey for me, and one that’s had its ups and downs.

  When the first book was released, it really didn’t sell well, and it struggled to find its audience. The series nearly stopped there, with one book, until a couple of months later when it suddenly found its audience and it started to sell.

  I’m so glad that it did, because I had invested an awful lot into this first book, and the series that was to follow.

  Road Knights was born from my love for a certain well-known film. Mad Max Fury Road.

  It’s perhaps one of my favourite films. Everything about that film was just note perfect for me, and I’ve watched it countless times now. So, naturally, I wanted to write something as a homage to it. I loved the aesthetic of the film but wanted to add a mystical element to the world. So, in came zombies, mutants, and daemons, as well as a bit of magic.


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