Shadow Knight

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Shadow Knight Page 8

by M. H. Johnson

  Eloquin shared a gaze with the herbalist not even Jess could decipher before flashing a mirthless smile. "Very well, then. I will press no further. But you both will be assigned to night watch, just as soon as you have recovered from your ordeals. If you cannot speak of what you saw, at least you can use your eyes and intellect to warn us, should these hypothetical enemies have the gall to move against us once more."

  Jess and Malek shared a cold grin. "I am so looking forward to dinner," Malek wryly quipped, Jess laughing in commiseration.

  “Somehow I don't think we'll be staying awake even that long, and once nod claims us, who knows how good we will be when we next awaken," Jess sighed.

  “Well then, you two had better scribe what you have seen before sleep claims you, and you forget all you had witnessed in the Dreamrealms," Eloquin counseled.

  “They can't do that, Eloquin," Lady Vaila said.

  Eloquin began to curse.

  “Don't worry, master Eloquin. If anyone breaks their vow to me, Twilight will let me know, and then I am free to remember, and to act." Jess assured.

  Her most revered instructor raised a single eyebrow. “Pinning the safety of our college upon the alertness of your invisible familiar fails to reassure me, Jessica.”

  Jess frowned. "That's hardly fair, Commander. Assuming the battle in the main dining hall wasn't just a dream, you saw him yourself!"

  Eloquin paused, looking thoughtful for a moment before giving the smallest of nods. "There is that," he allowed, even as he dismounted from his horse, handing the reigns to a deferential guardsman as they made their way across that very dining hall to the grand staircase beyond.

  Jess and Malek gazed solemnly at the press of professors and student onlookers, all silently watching the healers hovering over several comatose students, gesturing for several men holding stretchers to prepare to bring them to the Healers Wing. The tableware and chairs were still tipped over, much as Jess had recalled them being in the mad chaos of that battle they had dreamed, yet it was nowhere near as bad as it had seemed while she had been lost in the madness of melee. There was no blood from the students who had fallen, at least, though among the bodies there were a handful of strangely dressed men who Jess immediately knew she had seen before, men she was suddenly certain she had fought and killed in her dream.

  As hot-blooded and passionate as she had felt fighting for her life with Malek by her side, to see near half a score men hacked to death by her blade left her feeling queasy and sickened. She felt the strong grip of her mentor gently steadying her even as she shakily put Lady Vaila down, Jess grateful to see Malek holding Louise closely, not allowing her to look at the carnage.

  “Be at ease, Jess. You both served your college well this day. Your blade and your shieldbrother's orbs were the only weapons able to pierce their enchantments, sending them hurtling back into the realm of the living. Only two survived your blows, and both are presently under armed guard in the Healers Wing.” He flashed a grim smile. “I shall respect Lady Vaila’s counsel regarding your oath, Jess, though I do so dearly hope we can wring all sorts of interesting confessions from them.”

  “How many men did I kill, Commander?" Jess quietly asked, even as they quickly crossed the great chamber making their way to the staircase, though not before any number of students and healers took note of who was crossing their path. Their gazes were strange. Solemn, deferential even, no few favoring Jess and Malek with slight bows as they passed.

  "Heroes." Jess heard one or two mutter quietly, even as several of her peers raised their fists in silent salute, though they did not cheer, so solemn and grim was the occasion. "Hero? I thought she was still a supplicant. And she's not even wearing any clothes!" Tittered one of the female students to another, and Jess felt herself flush, recalling at that moment that she was, in fact, wearing nothing but her mithril hauberk and longsword fastened to her side. Somehow, she wasn't surprised. Both of those items were linked to her, unlike the other armor she had worn.

  A fully armored Malek growled at the girls who gazed in open mockery of Jess, the Squires and Aspirants among the students now glaring as well, Jess's detractors suddenly trembling, frozen before so many hostile gazes before one of the healers took pity and led the pair of girls away.

  Eloquin gazed at Jess for some seconds before answering her question.

  “You and Malek killed twelve, Jess, between your blade and Malek’s magic orbs.”

  Jess shut her eyes and grimaced even as Malek laughed softly, clapping her shoulder. “We killed a full dozen of those bastards, shieldsister! Teach them to cross Highrock!”

  Jess flashed her friend a painful smile, Malek's expression turning from fierce exultation to tired sympathy, somehow understanding what Jess was going through. "But the battle is over, and they have fallen, and you feel the weight of their lives upon your heart." Malek sighed. "I know, Jess. I do too."

  “Save your pity for your brothers and sisters that have fallen this day. Don't shame their memory bleeding tears for the butchers that cut them down." Eloquin's voice cut like a hot lance through Jess's troubled heart. "You know well the lessons I have taught. There is no mercy in war. You strike your enemies as hard and savagely as possible. You show no weakness, you give no quarter. Only after the day is won, and your foes are crushed or fled the battlefield, do you have time for the luxury of regret. And the greatest act of mercy you can perform is to devastate your enemies so utterly that they are a threat no longer, so that your loved ones may savor each day's promise, tending their family farms without fear of being cut down, giving rise to a new generation that might be spared the horrors of war."

  “I know,” Jess said, even as she helped an exhausted Lady Vaila to her quarters, opening the sealed door effortlessly with but a single brush of her palm. The oaken door knew her, of course, she having visited many times before, and was thus was more than happy to spring open at her touch.

  “What a gift you have, dearest Jessica. You would not believe the potency of the wards I have on that door. Would that I had been at the other side of this door before being led to my folly this evening." Lady Vaila smiled tiredly even as Jess carefully laid her down upon her bed, Louise gently placed within her arms. With a soft kiss to Vaila's cheek, Jess let them both sink into deepest sleep.

  Eloquin carefully took her measure as they left Lady Vaila’s quarters, heading, Jess noted, toward the dean's suit. "You saved lives today, Jess. You and Malek both. Let that soothe your spirit, whatever blood you may have shed this day. Had you not acted as you did, those bastards who had managed to slip inside while Highrock lay in enchanted slumber could have butchered half the school. Fortunately, such did not occur." He flashed a fierce smile.

  “I take it those idiots met a most deserved end?” Malek wryly inquired.

  Eloquin nodded. "They did indeed. Upon awakening, I heard the scratches of some damn fool attempting to pick my lock as carefully as he could. And glad of that I was. It gave me plenty of time to don hauberk, helm, and gauntlets before abruptly yanking open the door and running him and his cohort through. From there it was sharp whistle blasts, answered by your fellow Squires who had also awoken fully alert from the dream, and together we slew those bastards scurrying about the keep with extreme prejudice." He grimaced then. "And well I will admit my own folly, so hot our wrath burned that not a single one of them survived our most deliberate ministrations. The two fools not killed outright by your blows when they attempted to butcher us in dream were the only ones to see the dawn."

  Eloquin nodded at the two footmen by the dean’s door as they approached, one of them giving the grand hardwood door a deferential knock. Jess could sense the azure webs of power guarding the door as well, almost able to taste the nature of the traps protecting the dean, should anyone be so foolish as to try to break in.

  In but a matter of moments the larger than life dean, wearing his customary robes of office that showed his muscular bulk to grand effect, warmly welcomed them in, giving Male
k and Jess both a firm clap on the shoulder and heartfelt congratulations as he shook their hands, fazed not in the least by the state of their attire, or Jess’s lack thereof.

  “Jessica! Malek! As we live and breathe, heroes to the college twice over, now! Please, come in, have some smoked sausage, ale, and bread. You both look famished, and the least I can do is offer sustenance for weary adventurers who I can tell have risked much on our behalf."

  With a grateful smile, Jess and her shieldbrother did just that, taking their ease upon one of the divans in the grandly appointed room, paying no mind to Eloquin quietly briefing Dean Echobart as they devoured several sandwiches in very short order.

  “Delicious!” Malek declared approvingly, Jess nodding in turn before a lifelong friend made a very pointed protest.

  “Ouch! Stop poking me, Twilight!”

  “You are neglecting kitty. It is never nice to neglect kitty who has ever loyally served you, though his belly grumbles after many hours of fasting, even while you fill yours with non-fishy fare." Jess chuckled at this even as she scratched her familiar's hungry belly, gazing almost apologetically at her dean.

  “I don’t suppose you can ring for some fish?”

  The dean beamed an approving smile. "An excellent point! I should have thought to bring up some of Cook’s rather delicious whitefish stew.” He then blinked in consideration. “Ah, perhaps you speak on behalf of your loyal familiar who I am given to understand was most helpful in the battle for the dining hall a few short hours ago? Of course I shall be more than happy to see to his comfort.” After a quick word to the guardsmen scurrying out the door, Dean Echobart and Commander Eloquin were calmly eating a pair of sandwiches across from Jess and Malek, utterly focused upon them.

  Inwardly Jess groaned, knowing that however friendly and disarming their gestures, there would be more questions, and frankly, Jess was exhausted.

  Dean Echobart gave an almost apologetic chuckle. "Fret naught, dear Jessica. We will not burden you for too much longer before allowing you both to get some much-needed rest, a necessity for all adventurers after Delving into the lands of Shadow and dream, or so I am given to understand." He gazed curiously at them both. "Speaking of which, I don't suppose either of you remember the circumstances of your previous Delve just days ago? In all honesty, a number of us were worried about you. Jessica's door was, as expected, immune to the entreaties of mere mortals, but when we checked Malek's and, forgive me dear boy, but Jacob's room as well, we saw no trace of you. As if you had vanished into thin air. But no matter. We are just glad to find the pair of you hale and whole before us once more, and how exceedingly fortuitous it was that you both awoke when you did."

  Malek nodded in turn. “Don't remember a thing about our first adventure, sir. Honestly, I was just glad to find myself back in my quarters! For some strange reason I thought Jess and I had been expelled at the end of Summer, but it's clearly mid or late winter. I'm just glad Jess and I recovered from our first ordeal in time to answer Eloquin's call. Though I do regret the fact that not everyone made it against the bastards who struck while we were lost in slumber."

  Dean Echobart nodded. "Their deaths are the bitterest of tragedies and are not at all your fault. No, dear Malek. It is thanks to you and your stalwart sister-in-arms that so many of you have survived! And as far as your first noble adventure is concerned, the deeds that have inspired such praise are no less for having been wiped from your memory, as if it were all but a dream. And what license our dear bards took, calling our fierce commander here the Lord of Autumn! Though the metaphor is understandable enough, considering the rumors still circulating from the bad old days of the Velheim wars when our foes would fall like leaves before his blade. Now the lives you both saved, those are very real indeed."

  The dean gave Malek a reassuring pat on the back. "And as far as other misunderstandings are concerned, you need fret about them no longer. Neither you nor Jess have any mark of suspension or expulsion. As far as the official record goes, it was all part of an extended bluff to flush out the rats festering within our fine school, a ploy which worked perfectly, to both your credit! Now, if you will permit just a bit of formality, the College of Highrock owes you two a major debt of gratitude. Please let me honor you both with a symbol of that appreciation, so that all of Erovering may know of the valiant and brave heroes that make their home within these halls."

  Lord Echobart then formally bowed before a suddenly speechless Jess and Malek, presenting them both with shimmering medallions of silver and gold, which General Eloquin himself ceremoniously draped about their necks. “For performing meritorious services on behalf of the College of Highrock, I present you both with the Medallion of Valor.”

  Jess felt her cheeks flush as Lord Echobart filled four fresh glasses with ruby wine from his personal stock, raising his vessel in solemn toast, Jess and Malek following suit.

  “Champions of Highrock. How it warms my heart to have such stalwart defenders of our college among us, coming to our aid not once, but twice, in only a week's time. We are grateful. More grateful than words can say. Yet for all that, words shared and insights gleaned might just be the salvation of our school."

  The dean turned to Jess. "Our dear friend Malek reports having very little recollection of that first frenetic adventure you two faced together. I don't suppose your memory is any clearer, Lady Calenbry?"

  Jess winced in apology even as she felt her cheeks flame with Malek's bemused chuckle. She hadn't realized her groan had been quite so audible. "My apologies, sir, I don't recall much more than Malek, I'm just glad to know that I'm a student in good standing now, and I'm happy to pretend such was always the case." She and Echobart shared a chuckle at that. "Otherwise, all I remember of our first adventure was that there was a wonderful celebration afterwards, and everyone treated my shieldbrother and I like heroes, and perhaps I drank a bit too much, for I remember nothing else, save that I had somehow come into possession of this wondrous shirt of mail you see me wearing now, and Malek had stumbled across magical orbs that helped us overcome the bastards that had sought to overwhelm this school."

  Jess gave a jaw-cracking yawn, flushing before the amused smiles sent her way. "I swear I was feeling fit and vigorous as you could imagine, but a short time ago. Now, however, it is all I can do to keep my eyes open."

  Echobart nodded, his gaze quite sympathetic. And dangerous, Jess ruefully noted, as he gently tried to pry from Jess secrets she had sworn not to reveal, secrets she dearly wanted to release herself from the burden of carrying, so much his approval meant to her.

  "Understandable, Calenbry. Artifacts discovered in Shadow have a link to your soul like nothing else. But now you understand how porous memories exposed to the Dreamrealms can be. Which is why it is vital, absolutely vital, that we learn all we can about the enemy that dared to strike at our school. As for the adventure you and Malek had embraced but a week ago, I have no doubt your friends will fill you in on all the details soon enough. But Jessica, if you and Malek don't fill us in the best you can regarding the horrors that nearly took so many of our lives this day, there will be no account to remind you of the details when you next awaken. Right here, right now, you and Malek are our best hope of understanding the nature of the foe we faced, and making sure it can never harm us again!"

  Wincing, Jess tore her eyes from the intent gaze of the dean, finding it almost painfully hard not to capitulate to his request. “I am sorry, my dean. But I can say no more than I have about our most recent Delve. I swore an oath and to break it, my kitty assures me, is to invite doom upon my head.”

  “More or less,” Twilight agreed, quite contentedly devouring a silver tureen full of perfectly prepared whitefish stew, who much to Jess’s painful amusement had no problem poking Jess with sharp claws whenever he sensed that she was about to reveal too much, for all that he seemed completely oblivious to all but the needs of his stomach.

  The dean simply smiled and nodded his understanding, as if he had not spe
nt the last quarter glass doing his gentle best to pry whatever he could from her. “I do understand your position, my dear Jessica. Of course, I am sure you realize as well that my sole objective is to protect our school and all the children under my care as best as I can.”

  “Of course, Lord Echobart.” Jess dipped her head in acknowledgment, even as he and Lord Eloquin exchanged a glance fraught with meaning before turning to Jess once more.

  “I only hope that if you see those characters you will be able to alert us, so that we may counter any possible threat.” The dean's gaze was gentle but obviously disappointed, and Jess did her best to quash the sliver of guilt lingering within her still.

  “Don’t worry, sir. Should those bastards make the slightest move against our college, Jess and I are free to lop their heads clean off their bodies. They know better than to cross us again,” Malek fiercely declared.

  Echobart gave a slow, considering nod. “Very good, young Malek. I don’t suppose either of you can tell me anything regarding a certain Wand of Dreams?”

  Jess blinked. “I’m sorry sir?”

  “It is an artifact of immense power. Extremely dangerous, and very well protected. Or at least, it had been.” The dean gave vent to an almost mournful sigh. “It is an artifact that until now we had thought all but unheard of, safely out of even rumor's circulation, save for a very select few. Obviously one among that group is in league with these diabolists, and has used his knowledge and position to aid his cohorts in infiltrating our school and stealing that most dangerous artifact, cutting through its protective magics with utter ease, killing several of our adepts in the process.”

  Jess hissed. “Bloody bastards!”

  “Our thoughts exactly,” the dean concurred, even as Malek looked suddenly alarmed and somehow, it was as if Echobart had understood exactly what he had been thinking. “Do not worry, young Malek. You betrayed no oath. We had already surmised the nature of these enemies by simple deduction. Only infernal magics could cut through the elemental wards we had so diligently reinforced with such clockwork consistency. Though perhaps bloodmagics would be able to do so, practitioners of that lost art are few and far between, yourself being one of the very few we know of, Malek, and of course your location has been fully accounted for. No, between the slicing of our wards guarding the artifact, the ruthless butchery of its guardians, and various details Eloquin and your fellow commanders in training have shared with us, we have no doubt it is the work of one of those infernal cults. Though as to what their endgame is, we are not entirely sure, as of yet.”


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