The Qadesh Club

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The Qadesh Club Page 15

by David Lashmar

  The older one was clambering unsteadily back to his feet using the wall unit as support. He turned in time to see Morton using his young colleagues head as a football but it was what he needed to force him back into action.

  His wobbly legs felt as though they would only just about support his weight as he felt himself sway on them but he had to help his younger colleague. He waited for the attack that he knew was imminent and as soon as the big man came at him he reached inside his jacket he pulled out his favourite weapon – a large lethal looking knife. It measured just a shade over fifteen inches long with the blade accounting for ten and a half inches of that. Made of laminated stainless steel its tip culminated in a dagger sharp point.

  Fortunately for Morton he was still suffering from the effects of the blow between his legs and his timing was out as he slashed the blade through the air to early missing his opponent by inches giving Morton time to react to the new threat.

  Morton took a step back parting his legs so that he was perfectly balanced ready to move in any direction and waited for him to make his next move. Experience had taught him one thing over the years – when facing an opponent armed with a knife, any knife, irrespective of size - it was always to your advantage if you could force or wait for the knifeman to make the first move. This knifeman, though, was experienced either that or he still required time to recover. Morton could see that he was breathing heavily and swaying slightly.

  The stood facing each other for several seconds the knifeman swaying while Morton was rock steady. He noticed that the knifeman was left-handed and deciding that he could not wait any longer he dropped his right shoulder and faked moving towards him. He reacted as expected and there was a slashing sound as the blade whipped through the air missing Morton's throat by millimetres. Grabbing the knifeman’s hand in his left hand and dropping down he swung a short, vicious punch into the man's groin followed up quickly by a crushing right knee into the same spot. As he released his grip on the knife Morton adjusted his own grip and snapped the man's hand inwards breaking his wrist. Before the knife had even hit the floor he grabbed his opponent round the back of the neck with his right hand whilst swinging with piston-like accuracy landed solid, bone shuddering punches mercilessly into the side of his face breaking the jawbone.

  The old knifeman sank to the floor his out-stretched right hand breaking some of his fall just happened to land on the handle of his knife. With one last, almighty effort he swung the blade up towards Morton's stomach but, in his slow and injured state, Morton

  was much too quick for him and easily caught the knife twisting it in towards the knifeman’s chest and punched him hard on his forehead.

  Suddenly everything in the room went eerily quiet and still. Morton released his grip on the knife and stepped back. The old soldier slumped forward as he hit the floor driving the rest of the lethal blade straight through his own chest.

  Morton looked for Kim first and then checked for the second intruder. He walked calmly across the room as though this was an everyday event, retrieved his jacket and taking Kim by the hand silently lead her out to his car.

  She sat ashen faced and shaking as they drove around in silence. He had not once asked her if she was okay while she just felt sick and wanted to empty the contents of their expensive meal from her stomach but for some strange reason could not. She looked at him for the first time since leaving the apartment and saw, for the first time, the man that everybody feared. His face had lost that impassive look that he was so well known for. In its place was a dark, brooding look that was the closest she had seen him express any real anger.

  He noticed her looking at him and reached across and took her small hand in his. She felt cold and he could feel her shaking.

  “Take me home,” the words only just came out. She swallowed hard. She had never seen a dead body before let alone witness a murder.

  Morton pulled the car over to the side of the road. She was the one person he did not want to hurt or put in any kind of danger but right now she was as much involved as he was. “I can't do that,” he told her gently.

  Tears were forming in her eyes, “Why?” she mouthed the word but no sound came out.

  Morton just wanted to hold her, “Because you’re a witness. Do you think he's going to let you walk around?”

  “I just want to go home!” the tears started to roll down her soft cheeks and then suddenly something he said struck her. “Who's he?” she asked quietly.

  “They tried to kill me tonight. There's only one person who would try to take me out,” he left it at that.

  She stared at him wide eyed. The realisation of what he was implying coming home to her. “You think Thanos done this?”

  “Don`t think. Know!”

  She shook her head, “Why?”

  “Don`t know but I'm going to find out!”

  She squeezed his hand her small hand lost in his gigantic paw. She sobbed as she breathed in causing him to hold her tighter. “What about me? Where do I go?”

  He was quiet as he thought, “I have someone who will look after you. You’ll be safe.”

  “What about you? Will you be safe?” she was genuinely concerned about him.

  “I'll be fine. Come on. Let’s go.”


  “You’ll see.”

  “I have no clothes.”

  Morton actually laughed. Even Kim had never heard him laugh before. It was a deep, belly laugh that would have suited the stereotype butcher, a large man with a huge stomach like the plastic manikin that stood outside so many butcher shops. “There's a twenty-four hour supermarket on the way. We'll stop off there.”

  After shopping he drove across to North London where he stopped outside a Chinese restaurant. After a quick conversation with a sleepy looking Chinaman he escorted Kim from the car. “You’ll be fine here. Hu and his family will look after you until I get back. Don`t go out and stay in your room. Okay?” She reminded him of the little schoolgirl he had rescued all those years ago - frightened and alone. He pulled her to him and wrapped his thick, powerful arms around her. “It’ll be okay.”

  She had never felt as lonely and afraid as she did just then as she watched his tail lights disappear along the dark street.

  Chapter 21

  Francesca looked at him incredulously, “What do you mean not proof`?” she was getting angrier by the second. “Any blind person can see it's him!”

  Ernie took his time before answering giving her time to think rationally, “I agree. Anyone can see that it's someone who looks like him,” he waited for what he had said to sink in, “but you prove it is him and not just someone who just happens to be the spitting image of him. Trust me, I know. I've been down this road before. Numerous times!”

  She crossed her arms tightly across her chest and turned her back on him flinging her long hair out behind her. There was an awkward silence as she accepted the truth in what he said. ‘So how do we prove it?’ she snapped.

  He looked placidly at her, “We catch him in the act. With the proper authorities present,” he added.


  He pursed his lips and nodded slowly once, “That’s a good question!” He was stumped. He had no idea as to how they were to catch these people without some help or a huge piece of luck.

  Before leaving Ernie made a copy of the list of names contained within the folder and they arranged to meet the following night.


  Thanos` troubles did not end when he left the office that day. He had to try and explain away the scratches on his face to a very angry and suspicious wife! Sitting alone in his study he was still wrestling with his conscience about betraying his long time friend.

  His greed had got the better of him some time ago and he had been resenting the fact that he had to share, what he saw as, his profits with a very silent partner.

  He knew that Morton was not the leak but during the course of the day he had continually gone over things in his mind until he had convin
ced himself that, for whatever reason, Morton had to go. The attack on him in Madinsky`s apartment had a lot to do with his final decision. Morton, he decided, could no longer be trusted. He needed a new more obedient servant to serve his purposes now that he was in the big league. That, he thought, was the difference between himself and Morton. He saw his future in providing services for the rich and famous up and down the country while Morton still only wanted to concern himself locally.

  He retired to bed that night with mixed emotions but it still did not interfere with his sleep.

  He was already in his office the next day when Grimshawe arrived. “How did it go yesterday?” he inquired.

  Grimshawe hesitated before answering wondering if now was a good time to explain about the accident or leave it until later. Now, he decided. Sooner or later he would have to explain. “Er, there was a slight problem boss,” he avoided Thanos`steely glare by looking though the window.

  “Explain!” he said slowly.

  He took deep breath, “I, er, kind of run into her. But it was not my fault. She stopped real bloody quickly at these lights. Really she was too close to stop and she should have kept going. Fucking women drivers!” the excuses only stopping as Thanos silently held up his hand.

  Thanos could feel his blood pressure rising. Was he surrounded by imbeciles? “What do you mean exactly by run into her?”

  Grimshawe`s face was reddening by the second. Christ, he thought, the boss must think I can’t drive. “Like I said she stopped quickly at a green light, well amber actually but she should have kept going but instead the stupid cow slammed on the brake and I hit her.”

  Thanos needed more clarification, “Hit her where exactly?” he asked slowly.

  Grimshawe heard the dangerous tone in his voice, “I rear ended her! But its okay the van can’t be traced and I split the scene real quick!” he spoke quicker than usual.

  Thanos raised his hands to his head and dramatically gently massaged his temples. This early in the morning and already I'm facing problems, he thought. “Didn’t she see you yesterday?” he asked, “Did she recognise you?”

  Grimshawe did not answer. His silence said it for him.

  Thanos stood up quickly but before he could vent his frustration on the hapless Grimshawe the door flew open so violently that as it hit the wall it almost slammed shut on itself again only Morton's outstretched hand prevented it from closing.

  His huge frame seemed even bigger as he filled out the doorway. Thanos froze. He had seldom seen Morton in a bad mood over the years but this was something new even for him. The atmosphere in the room changed dramatically.

  Morton walked slowly into the room totally ignoring the presence of Grimshawe. “You fucking little shit!” his voice was low and controlled but the contempt came through clearly. Thanos sank back into his chair as his knees gave way beneath him. For the first time he felt genuinely afraid of his giant partner. “You got a fucking problem with me tell me to my face like a fucking man! If you’ve got the balls!” Thanos was still silent too afraid to open his mouth, ”You! Fuck off!”

  Grimshawe looked casually at Thanos as though totally untroubled by Morton, “Boss?”

  Morton turned his head slowly and looked at him as though he was regarding a piece of dog shit, “I'm your fucking boss and I'm telling you to fuck off!” Even though the level of his voice had not risen the tone was even more menacing. Grimshawe locked eyes with him before looking at Thanos for orders.

  Thanos used Grimshawe`s distraction to reach for the panic button on his desk. A buzzer sounded downstairs in the restroom used by his drivers. It was an unwritten condition of his employment that all drivers had to report to his office immediately when the buzzer sounded. There was strength in numbers and hopefully an outnumbered and unwanted guest would leave on his own accord.

  This would probably be true of anyone except that in this circumstance this was not so much an unwanted guest as a pissed off and unwanted partner. He had no idea who, if anyone, was downstairs and even if they were capable of defending him would they want to take on Morton!

  “What’s wrong?” he genuinely had no idea what had upset his partner.

  “Cut the bullshit wanker! You got a fucking problem with me?”

  Thanos thought very carefully before answering, “I’ve still got no idea what you’re going on about!”

  Morton took a step closer to him and even though there was a desk between them Thanos stood up and retreated quickly as far as he could go until he was against the wall. Morton's rage began to erupt. Grabbing the padded wooden chair in front of the desk he hurled it at Thanos, to slow to avoid it, instinctively turned to his right covering his head as best he could as it smashed into his left arm and shoulder.

  Grimshawe felt a wave of relief sweep over him as three of the drivers came crashing into the room even though they were probably not the best men for the job. They all stopped as one when Morton turned to face them. Grimshawe, his courage bolstered by the presence of the others, stepped forward to meet Morton.

  Morton turned and drew himself up to his full height towering over everyone in the room. Thanos, crouching cowardly on the floor, realised the dangerous situation he was in. There was no-way that these three, even with the help of Grimshawe, was going to defeat Morton especially in the mood he was currently in and so he did what he did best.

  “Geoff,” he asked innocently, “what’s going on, partner?” he used the edge of the desk as support as he carefully got to his feet.

  “You tell me! The two arseholes at my place last night! Your idea?”

  For once the confused look on Thanos` face was genuine but Morton had seen him act too many times to believe him. He shook his head, “No! Who were they?”

  Aware of a movement behind him, he spun round and struck out in one seamlessly smooth movement catching a portly middle-aged man wearing a red chequered shirt who had innocently stepped forwards. He was no fighter, as was evident from his physique and had no intentions of engaging the obviously angry Morton but received a crushing blow breaking his jaw for his stupidity!

  The other two collided together as they hurriedly stepped backward jostling to get through the door first and out of the way.

  “I've got no idea what you're going on about,” Thanos looked pale and his legs were shaking but he knew that trapped in an enclosed room with the angry Morton between him and the only way out meant certain trouble for him unless he could find a way to talk his way out of the situation. “Listen Geoff,” again the use of his first name, “it seems we have a problem. Just calm down and we can sort this out!” He was playing for time and that was all he would get. Maybe two or three minutes at the most before Morton came for him.

  “You little fucking ungrateful shit!” Morton was convinced that his partner was responsible. Totally dismissive of the two drivers present and ignoring the fact that Grimshawe was standing there he advanced on Thanos who was by now visibly paler.

  Grimshawe took a quick step forwards but stopped suddenly as a female voice called up the stairs that lead to the office, “Mr. Thanos I've called the police. You hear. I've called the police!”

  Maggie, Thanos` daytime controller, had seen as well as heard Morton storm up the wooden stairs and then moments later the buzzer sounded. She was no Einstein but even she was able to deduce that things were not as they should be. Besides, she had disliked Morton ever since he told her to try putting a bar of soap in her shopping trolley.

  Morton was not worried about the threat of the police but he knew only too well that Thanos would contrive to trump up the charges and that could make life difficult indeed for him.

  He pointed a steady finger at Thanos, “This ain`t over!” Turning to leave he slowed as he came face to face with the young Grimshawe. The atmosphere in the room changed dramatically to the point where it was almost possible to feel the electrical charge between them as both men squared up to each other.

  Though he was still shaking Thanos felt a quick
surge of excitement run through him. Was this the moment he had been waiting for when his newest young pup took on the experienced old dog but would he be good enough? What if Grimshawe had lost? Then there would be no protection for him from Morton.

  The moment passed and Morton continued on his way out of the building. For the rest of the day Thanos kept two very large minders sitting down stairs as well as the young Grimshawe close at hand at all times.

  Chapter 22

  Ernie arrived early for work the next day, which was not unusual, but what was different was his demeanour. His gait was lighter and he was actually smiling and even managed to say good morning to several people he passed but what really got him noticed was the humming! As he walked along the sterile corridors that lead to his dull office he was unconsciously humming a tune and that really got him noticed!

  For the first time in months he felt he had a purpose, a real reason, for getting out of bed every morning and dragging his tired body and mind through the same dull, monotonous routine but it was not just because of the information that had unexpectedly come his way. Tonight, he had a dinner date with a very beautiful woman even though it was only a business dinner he could not help feeling he wished it was otherwise.

  He sat at his desk in front of his computer and started to input the names and addresses he had gotten from Francesca’s green folder. He checked and crossed checked every piece of information he had but apart from the obvious things such as addresses that appeared under different accounts and those names that he recognised nothing stood out.

  After a wasted morning searching and finding nothing new he finally got around to his legitimate police work.

  After a meeting with Nick Redbourne and relaying the events of the previous day she was virtually ordered to stay in the office for her own safety. It was a decision she was glad was made for her, as she no longer had any confidence in the security provided by the management of her complex especially after what he had told her about security men. She wondered why it had never occurred to her after all things were just the same Stateside.


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