The Qadesh Club

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The Qadesh Club Page 22

by David Lashmar

  “The girl?” asked Francesca.

  “I told you. A cheap whore!”

  “Why did she need a passport?” Ernie was still wearing his policeman’s head.

  Morton looked at the Inspector puzzled, “She was an illegal!” What kind of dumb question was that, he wondered.

  The look on Ernie’s face told Morton that he had just confirmed one of his suspicions. He had known for years that they were smuggling illegal immigrants into the country it was another of their criminal activities but had never been able to prove it.

  “I’d love to carry on this conversation but I need to leave. It's not safe here!” Morton's statement took Ernie by surprise, “and I suggest that you do the same. He knows you have the files and by now he would have told them. That coward would sell his own mother to save his own skin. You're not safe here!”

  “Wait!” it was more of an order coming from Ernie than a request. “You mean they will be coming after you?”

  “And her! She’s got the files.”

  “As long as she's with me she's safe.” He was convinced that his police status would protect her. He gave her an encouraging smile.

  “Yeah! Okay supercop, you carry on believing that! I'll remember to send flowers!”

  “Cold Eyes,” she murmured, “but he’s…”

  “Not dead! He's in no shape to come after me but he's not the one I'm worried about!”

  “Cold Eyes?” he was a new one for Ernie so Francesca quickly filled him in about her abductor. “So he’s the new boy, eh? But not good enough!” Deep down Inspector Davenport felt a murmur of respect for Morton but soon pushed it out of his mind ashamed of himself. “I can offer you protection!”

  Morton grinned more from the irony of it than the fact that he needed any protection. “I don’t think so but do we still have a deal? I can give you the collar of your career. Well?”

  Ernie changed tacks. Something he had said made him feel uneasy, “You said that Francesca isn't safe. Safe from the same people that are after you?”

  He nodded, “You're quick, copper, and I can tell you now that there is no hiding from these people. You can keep running but they will always hunt you down.”

  “So why run? You might as well give yourself up and at least get some proper protection from the authorities.”

  “No thanks. I can look after myself.”

  “If these people are that relentless how long do you think you can run for? Where will you hide?”

  “I've got more than enough money for both of us. If necessary we can travel the world living in the best hotels and it would put just a small dent in my bank account. I can take care of us.” Morton was not bragging it was a truthful fact.

  Ernie felt the tension in his shoulders again as he controlled the anger in him. Was he right to let this criminal go just to make an arrest. A very important arrest and one that would bring him as many friends as enemies but it still grated on his conscious that he would have to let a villain go and, what was more, he was standing in front of him virtually bragging about how much money he had earned from his life of crime. “If, and as I said before, if you are telling the truth then I will …look the other way.” This was more painful than he thought it would be. “I can't speak for other officers, though, and if someone else decides to take an interest in you then there's nothing I can do. You are, after all, well known!”

  “Apart from you who else is interested in me?” asked Morton fairly confident that every file on him and Thanos had already been destroyed.

  Ernie knew he had him, “I'll do what I can,” he said begrudgingly.

  Suddenly a loud, flat buzzing sound pierced the tense atmosphere making them all jump. Instinctively they all turned their heads as one and looked at the white telephone hanging on the wall where the sound came from.

  “Expecting someone?” Ernie asked Francesca. She shook her head and lifted the handset connecting her to the security room at the front gate.

  “Miss Bianchi?” She immediately recognised the deep voice.

  “Hi, George,” her voice trembled slightly as she tried to sound as normal as possible.

  “Sorry to bother you Miss but there are two gentlemen here from Scotland Yard. Say they want to see you. Is it okay to let them in?”

  She looked round at Ernie and saw the relief on his face, “Send them up,” she said without thinking.

  Morton shot Ernie a dark look, “So, you called up the cavalry then!” Ernie realised what he said and shook his head. His look of relief suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a concerned expression. “So who did then?”

  “She was abducted earlier perhaps someone saw it and reported it,” he offered as an explanation. He felt the relief knowing that two of his colleagues were on their way to him. Maybe now he would not have to work with the criminal.

  “Took them long enough to respond or are all kidnappings treated this way?” Morton had a point. Ernie did not have to say anything. Suddenly his momentary feeling of relief was replaced by apprehension. Morton could see from his expression that this was not protocol. “Do you know any coppers from the Yard?”

  “Some. There are too many to know them all.”

  “I warned you that Thanos was untouchable by you. This club has members in very high places.” His warning went without saying but Ernie knew what he meant. “I'll be in the kitchen. This is your department.” To late to run he left knowing that he had no choice other than to trust the Inspector.

  Chapter 31

  Robert Montgomery sat in the chair facing the door and waited expectantly. He had the warm, familiar feeling in his groin again. His bare knees showed below the short, black silk dressing gown that he wore underneath which he was completely naked but he liked it that way. He enjoyed the soft, sensual feel of silk as it brushed gently against his skin.

  The room had been laid out exactly as he had asked for. Entering the room a wooden frame made to his specifications was fixed to the wall on the left whilst directly opposite the door was a single leather upholstered chair. Between the chair and the door a large hook had been securely fixed to the ceiling and a single bed with a very thin mattress lay against the other wall. On a table tucked away in a corner were ropes of various lengths and colours along with an assortment of hand and foot-cuffs, whips and other assorted implements.

  His heart skipped a beat in excitement as the door opened and he saw her for the first time. With a shove from the host she almost fell over as she entered. Unaccustomed to wearing such high heels she shuffled rather than walked to the centre of the room as the door closed behind her leaving her alone with her predator. She clasped her hands tightly together in front of her staring at the ground too frightened to look up. She may have been young but she was not stupid and she knew what awaited her!

  Montgomery went to her and gently lifted her head with the tip of his perfectly manicured forefinger. She was beautiful. Her large, soft oval-shaped, brown eyes looked up innocently at him silently begging for mercy as they reflected her fear. Taking her gently by the hand led her to the chair and slowly slipped off the black silk gown that lightly covered her slim body. He sat in front of her opening his legs and slowly masturbated as he took his time feasting his eyes on every slight curve of her slender young body.

  Once again the club had kept their promise and came up with exactly what he ordered.

  Her breasts were still in their infancy, small with large nipples and dark areola. Her waist was tiny which was partially due to her impoverished upbringing and partially due to her developing curves while her legs, although shapely, were relatively long for her height and thin.

  She preferred to look down at the floor rather than in his eyes. Never before in her young life had she been dressed as she was now; matching bra and briefs, hold-up stockings and the highest heels she had ever seen on a pair of shoes. Everything was in black including her lipstick and eye shadow.

  Montgomery reached out and closed his eyes as he lightly run his fing
ertips along her thigh relishing the feel of her soft skin before standing up and removing his own black gown revealing his nakedness beneath.

  Leading her to the wall he tethered her wrists and ankles to the wooden frame using the leather ties and slowly started licking his way from her feet up along her trembling legs. This, he thought, is going to be a very long night.

  Chapter 32

  Ernie scrutinised their warrant cards very carefully looking for anything out of place had no reason to suspect that they were anything but genuine Scotland Yard officers.

  “Good evening, Sir,” said the first one. His warrant card identified him as Detective Sergeant DeAnda. He was a short, stocky man with an air of confidence bordering on cocky. His partner was slightly younger and equally well built but his face looked as though it had recently used as a punch bag, “This is Detective Fent. Just a few questions to ask Miss Bianchi, if you don't mind, sir? Er, may I ask who you are?” Ernie introduced himself and showed them his credentials the attitude of the two men changed almost immediately with the younger officer becoming very nervous. “Same line of work, Sir. Nice to meet you. Anybody else on the premises, Sir?” He carried on quickly before his superior officer could ask any awkward questions, “Miss, we had a report tonight that suggested that you had been kidnapped. Obviously, that’s not the case.” He smiled a warm, sincere smile that transformed his face. “Are you all right?”

  Something about the way the question was asked started alarm bells ringing in Ernie's head. No policeman, when asking a suspected kidnap victim if they were all right, would presume that just because they was standing in front of them that they are okay.

  Francesca nodded dumbly, “I'm fine. Just fine,” she answered.

  “The report gave your car details so we just follow it up. Just to make sure,” the senior officer still sounded sure of himself.

  Ernie was now sure that there was something wrong, “Why weren’t the local boys sent round to investigate?” he asked shrewdly.

  “You know the procedure, Sir. In a serious matter like this the Yard likes to take a leading hand. Leaves the locals to sort out their own patch.”

  Wrong answer, thought Ernie. “Well now, as you gents can see there is nothing untoward here. Must have been a prankster. I'm here now with Miss Bianchi so I can personally vouch for her safety. Thanks for your time and making sure that everything is as it should be but we don't want to take up any more of your evening. I'm sure you have other more important things to do. Goodnight gentleman.” He made it very clear that this conversation was over emphasising his point by moving towards the door. The two officers looked at each other before following Ernie out of the room.

  Hiding in the kitchen Morton spied through the crack in the doorjamb and realised instantly something was wrong. As the senior officer walked past the door and came into view he saw his hand reach for his back pocket and then the unmistakable glint of a knife blade.

  Morton hesitated. If he allowed the knifeman to proceed with his orders then it would take care of his problem but it would also place him at the scene of the crime even though he had not committed it he had done nothing to prevent it. The thought of Kim suddenly came to mind followed by Francesca and then his mind was made up for him as the young intruder from the previous night also came into view!

  Stepping silently from his hiding place he grabbed the young soldier around the neck with his left hand while his right fist slammed into the unprotected kidney and in the same movement rammed his face into the door lintel smashing his nose as blood run down the white woodwork.

  The sudden commotion behind them made both Ernie and the bogus detective swing round in time to see the young man's face meet with the wooden door frame. At first they were both slow to react but Morton was already stepping past his first fallen victim and was closing in on his second. It was only then that Ernie saw the knife and realised what was happening as the second assailant turned his attention to his unexpected opponent but before he had raised the knife Morton hit him with all his considerable weight sending the man crashing backwards into Ernie and then in an unconscious heap onto the floor.

  Morton saw the look on Ernie's face, “The young one attacked me yesterday at my place,” he offered by way of explanation. Ernie looked at him knowing that he should thank him for probably saving his life but for some unknown reason the words would not come out of his mouth. “It's okay, you don't have to thank me,” the sarcastic tone was not lost on Ernie.

  “Who are they?” Ernie looked at them.

  “don't know.” Morton looked thoughtfully at them as well. “That one,” he nodded at the younger one as he stirred back into consciousness, “him and his mate tried to kill me last night! A different one. Not him.”

  “So where is his mate now then?” Ernie was really thinking aloud and certainly did not expect the answer he got.

  “Dead!” Morton did not even look up from the young soldier until he felt the Inspector’s eyes burning into him. “Self defence,” he explained, “there were two of them and one of me and they attacked me in my apartment. He fell onto his own knife.” He looked up wishing he had not said anything, “Believe me or not, I don’t care.” He looked thoughtful again and then spoke, “There will be more outside.”

  “What? How do you know that?”

  Morton carried on slowly, “Because if I was doing the job I’d have a driver outside ready to get me out of here if things went belly up!”

  Ernie nodded. This was his line of work and he would have to trust and be guided by Morton. “Just the one?”

  Morton looked very serious and shook his head, “No. There’s got to be more. I wouldn't do a job like this without backup. Too many things can go wrong.”

  “Job like what?” Ernie was not so sure that he wanted to hear the answer.

  “This is a contract. They want her dead!”

  Francesca breathed in sharply, “Oh, my god!” They had both forgotten that she was there. Her hands were balled up into tight fist below her chin as she starred wide eye at the men sent to kill her, “Oh, my god!” she repeated. Ernie quickly went to her and put his arms around her without saying anything.

  “I’ll take her back to the yard. She’ll be safe there.” The look of disbelief on Morton's face told Ernie that he did not agree. “What, you think something can happen to her there! It's probably the safest place in London. She'll be surrounded by police officers.”

  “Yeah,” Morton answered slowly, “and how many of them can you trust? I mean really trust!” Morton's life had taught him to have a natural distrust for anyone especially those who were in positions of authority. “Let's put it like this. How many files on me and Thanos have gone missing?”

  Ernie was stunned. How could he have known unless… then the realisation hit him. “You've got people on the inside at the Yard?” he could not believe it even though he was saying it.

  “One or two but they’re not the ones you want to be worried about. It's the ones who pay them that you want to worry about! Think about it. Reports and files disappear. Evidence goes missing. That’s a bit more…” he searched for the right word but could not think of it, “that’s a bit more power than even Thanos can muster. Someone higher up has a lot of pulling power and as soon as she turns up in a station anywhere in London they'll know.”

  “Who?” asked Ernie anxiously, “Do you know?”

  Morton shook his head, “Out of my league.”

  For once in his career Ernie was out of his league. This was a game he was not used to where the stakes were not just whether or not someone went to gaol but lives were on the line. Normally he would have the backup of the entire police force at his disposal but tonight, for the first time in his long career, he was alone and had to question the honesty of the force starting at the top! “You said you knew where they could find Montgomery tonight. Would you care to furnish me with that information? If we can prove that this club exist then we are all safe.”

  The young ex-so
ldier leaned against the door frame and groggily regained his feet watched carefully by Morton who waited until he was at the right height and suddenly moved across the narrow hallway with surprising speed and kneed the young ex-soldier in the stomach. The force of the impact almost lifting him off his feet as Morton grabbed the hair on the back of his head and smashed him back into the frame. The unconscious man fell back to the floor this time with blood pouring from a nasty gash above his left eye.

  Ernie looked at him with disgust, “Was that necessary!” he was appalled at the callous way in which Morton was able to attack the defenceless young man.

  “You want to make him a cup of tea?” Morton retorted,, “He would kill you as soon as look at you. That's his job. That’s why he’s here! Getting back to your arrest do you honestly think that will make a difference? I told you these people are above the law. You can't touch them. All that will happen is that they will hang Montgomery out to dry, move on and carry on as though nothing has happened. Thanos can be replaced with a new supplier. New locations can be arranged and life will carry on.”

  “You’re forgetting we have the file!” Ernie sounded triumphant as though the file would solve all the problems.

  Morton shrugged, “Big deal. So, some poor sap takes a fall for using hookers, maybe one or two of them screwed young girls, maybe boys, they’re disposable. What can they prove? Nothing. I guarantee you for every perv you’ve got in that file there's at least a dozen more like him out there using the services of the club and they'll just carry on because the club provides exactly what they want. Where else can they get it? Nowhere! I'll give you your collar but don’t be stupid enough to think that you’re about to change the world. Nothing will change and you won’t get many thanks. Trust me, you step on the wrong toes and eventually you'll pay the price!”


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