to admire me, to thinkthat I was their hero, and no other country's. I think I can seeadmiration and affection in the eyes of the civilians and sailors thatsupply me the food and the other things I ask for. They ask me everyonce in a while if I'm all right, if I need women. I tell them Idon't, that I'm reconciled with living like I am. And that's true; Iwant no other woman except Helen, and her I can't have, for deviousreasons; my name is just anonymous to the world. Smith talked me intothat--his idea was that if no one knew who I was, I'd be just thatmuch harder to find. He explained that there are several other islandsset up the same as mine, with almost the same conditions and the samesurroundings. He calls it camouflage on a grand scale, and he's theboss. I know I'm not very smart; just smart enough to know that thereports in the _Times_ about other people in other parts of the worldwith my capabilities are some of the grand-scale camouflage started bySmith's agents. I'm all alone, and I know it. But sometimes I wake upin the middle of the night and go for a walk along the beach and kickup a little sand with my bare feet like Helen and I did on ourhoneymoon. They asked me once if I really had to do that. I told themI felt like it, and they asked me why. I didn't tell them I was justlonesome.
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_FROM:_ _Morgan_
_TO:_ _Smith_
_MESSAGE: I don't care how many plants got hit. Draft another plant. Draft the T i m e s itself. But get those special editions to Miller and get them there today. Repeat, today! You're already one day late in getting started on those hints of probable attack. Better rush the softening up. The way things are going, all plans are off, and we may need him in a hurry. And that means we'll need cooperation. You know Miller. You saw those reports on the Suggs post-mortem. Do I have to draw diagrams for you? You've got unlimited authority. Use it. I'm serious about drafting the T i m e s if you have to. But GET THOSE PAPERS PRINTED AND GET THEM TO HIM TODAY...._
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