Lasting Shadows: Shadows Landing #3

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Lasting Shadows: Shadows Landing #3 Page 18

by Kathleen Brooks

  “Here’s your wife, Mr. Benson. I’m so sorry,” the nurse said.

  “Is she going to be okay?”

  “The next few days will be the most telling,” the nurse said in hushed tones. To Savannah it sounded as if she were at death’s door. “I’ll give you a moment with her as soon as I take her vitals, but then you’ll have to leave. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let you in in the first place. It’s a secure area and your wife can’t be exposed to any germs right now.”

  Savannah made a groan of pain and felt the nurse come to her bedside. “Mrs. Benson,” she said gently, “your husband is here. Isn’t that great?”

  The nurse slipped on the blood pressure cuff and turned it on. Savannah blinked open her eyes as if she were having trouble focusing them. “Penn? Is that you?”

  “Yes, pet. I’m here.”

  Penn moved to her side and pulled up a chair so he could sit next to her. He took one bandaged hand in his and the nurse stopped him. “I’m sorry, no touching. We’re guarding against infection,” the nurse told him, and Savannah was so grateful she was there. She’d keep Savannah safe from Penn.

  “Sorry. Oh, pet. What happened?”

  Savannah wanted to punch him. Instead, she grimaced. “Wrong place at the wrong time. They’ve told me the drive-by was meant for the police officer who was shot and I just happened to be too close. I was cheering on my Tigers at a bar. It was supposed to be a fun night out, and then I don’t know what happened.”

  Savannah heard the heart monitor speed up. She wasn’t faking the stress she was feeling. “Oh, Penn. It was so scary. I thought I was going to die.”

  “What has the doctor said?” Penn asked.

  “And who are you?”

  Savannah looked over Penn’s shoulder at Agent Castle dressed in scrubs and a white coat. Penn stood up and held out his hand for the doctor.

  “I’m her husband. Is she going to be okay?”

  “Nurse, did you let him in? You know it’s authorized personnel only.” Agent Castle ignored Penn as his coworker sputtered about how sad it was and that he should be able to see his wife. Agent Castle turned to Penn then. “You’ll need to leave after my report.”

  Penn nodded. “Is it that serious then?” he asked, his voice dropping as if he were concerned.

  “We don’t know yet. Right now, my main concern is keeping infection at bay. If she’s holding steady in three or four days, I can move her out of this ward and into a normal room without the extra security. Then you won’t have any hassle seeing her. If you leave a number with the nurse, we’ll call you daily to let you know how she’s doing,” Agent Castle told him.

  “I can’t stay with her?” Penn asked, and Savannah really wanted to punch him. He was probably enjoying the fact she lay there injured.

  “Sorry. It’s not in her best interest, and this ward is in a complete security lockdown. But, if she improves and becomes stable, we’ll move her when a room opens up.”

  “What could kill her?” Penn asked. “I mean, what are you so worried about?”

  Yeah, so he could kill her. Savannah had to school her features to appear as if she were falling back asleep.

  “Embolism, infection, stroke, heart attack, to name a few,” Agent Castle told him. “She’s very vulnerable right now. If there’s nothing else, say your goodbyes and the nurse will walk you out. Make sure she has the best number to reach you.”

  Penn came over to her and looked down at her. Savannah kept her eyes closed. “Goodbye, pet.”

  Savannah heard him blow her a kiss and then the FBI nurse was walking him out of the room. Agent Castle shut the door, but didn’t say anything as he looked around the room. “Okay, you’re all clear. I wanted to make sure he didn’t leave behind a phone or anything he would have to come back for.”

  Savannah yanked off the extra bandages that had been added for effect. “Thanks for staying with me. I felt safe with you here.”

  “I have an agent who will tail him from here, and I have another agent planted at his hotel.”

  “Thank you,” Savannah said as she worked to sit up in bed. She was sore and the numbing medicine was wearing off, but she was able to get up and walk now. It just wasn’t comfortable. “I believe I have a boat to catch.”

  “Here’s my number. If you need any help, just call,” Agent Castle said, handing her his card. “And I’ll see you when you get back in town. I’ll be here to help bring these guys down.”

  The door opened and Ridge stood with the rest of his family. Olivia brushed by them and smiled at Agent Castle before turning to Savannah. “You’re all set. You have immunity from the FBI, the state of South Carolina, and the president of the company. He sends his most sincere regrets that you’ve been involved. He really is a nice guy and thinks very highly of you. He also sends his thanks for returning the money.”

  “Are you ready?” Ridge asked as he brought in a bag from a local boutique.

  Savannah was banged up. She was hunted. She’d been unknowingly involved in a massive embezzlement scheme, but she wasn’t down for the count yet. She had one more play to make. “Let’s go.”


  Ridge woke up with his arms around Savannah. They were in a stateroom on Ryker’s yacht and it was heading toward the Caribbean as fast as it could go. They’d reach the small banking island northwest of the Bahamas in a day and a half. They’d already spent a good amount of time on the boat and expected to arrive that night. Ridge had to hand it to his cousin. Ryker loved luxury and speed. And right now that was perfect.

  “Are we there yet?” Savannah asked sleepily.

  “Our ETA is around midnight tonight,” he told her. “We’ll sneak ashore in the small skiff as the yacht goes back out to sea. We’ll get a hotel room and then grab the money as soon as the bank opens. I’ve already talked to the captain and agreed to a meeting place and time.”

  “You think Ryker would mind if I never got off the boat again? This is pure heaven.”

  Ridge got out of bed and opened the curtain. Outside was nothing but beautiful, sapphire blue water. “Ryker was right. This is so much better than flying. Plus no one is checking your passport so long as we’re careful. No way for Penn or his associate to know you’re not at the hospital.”

  “And it gives me time to heal.”

  Ridge turned back to her and sat gently down on the queen-sized bed covered in a white and navy comforter. “How are you feeling?”

  “Very sore,” Savannah admitted. “I need to take my medicine too.”

  “Well, Ryker is Ryker. We have a captain and a small crew on his boat. I’ll tell the chef we’re ready for breakfast. Do you want to eat out on deck or in here?”

  “On deck. I have one day to enjoy this and I’m going to do just that,” Savannah said as she held out her arms and fell back against the bed.

  It seemed the discomfort had grown during the morning as Savannah moved around, but after her medicine and some stretching, she felt somewhat better. She grimaced when she got up and began walking, but after a couple steps her body relaxed into the achiness and it became bearable.

  They’d spent the entire day relaxing, talking, and pretending that everything was fine. They were just a normal couple on a date. On a yacht. With a chef. And a steward. Running from someone who wanted to kill her. On her way to pick up eleven million illegally obtained dollars. So, yeah, just a perfectly normal date.

  But the warmth of the sun, the wind, the ocean breeze, and time with Ridge when they didn’t need to constantly be on guard had more healing power than the hospital. So by the time the sun had set and the stars shone in the night sky, Savannah was ready to go.

  Ryker’s assistant had gotten her a pair of ultra-light black linen pants that were not only cool enough for the hot weather, but also hid all of her wounds. She paired it with a long-sleeved khaki tunic. It was very chic with the statement pieces of jewelry that had also been included. While fake, they make her look like she was part of a wealthy family on

  Savannah very carefully packed those clothes for the next day before she slid her feet into her sandals. That night she was in a maxi dress that reached the ground. She lifted it up to her thighs as she climbed onboard the small skiff.

  They didn’t turn on the boat’s lights as Ridge took the wheel. They began to make the twenty-minute boat ride to shore and Savannah felt her whole body tighten in fear. Would they be stopped? What would happen if they had to show their passports?

  “Tell me again why we are going to this huge hotel?” Savannah asked. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the motor as Ridge expertly handled the boat.

  “It’s just where Kale said to meet our contact.”

  “And this contact can get us into and out of the country?” Savannah asked for probably the fifth time today.

  “That’s what Kale says, and he hasn’t given me any reason to doubt him.”

  Savannah wrapped her arms around herself and watched the coastline growing closer and closer. Bright lights lit up a beach dance club, and as they got close enough, she could hear the music and see people dancing.

  “This is the hotel,” Ridge told her as he slowed down and cruised past the dance club part of the resort.

  “This looks like a five-star hotel,” Savannah said quietly even though they couldn’t be heard over the music.

  “There’s the private marina Kale told me about.”

  Savannah looked into the shadows and saw the marina. It was small, but solidly built with soft glowing lights. As they approached the one open spot on the dock, the shadows moved.

  “There’s our contact,” Ridge said. He tried to remain calm, but Savannah could hear the tension in his voice as they approached. The man pulled off his baseball cap and suddenly Ridge cursed in surprise. “Holy shit. I don’t believe it.”

  Savannah was reaching for anything she could use as a weapon when the man grinned and waved at them. “What’s up, cuz? How was the trip?”

  “Cuz?” Savannah whispered as her hand wrapped around the small fire extinguisher as Ridge just shook his head.

  “Dylan”—Ridge laughed as he tossed the rope to his Keeneston cousin—“what the hell are you doing here?”

  “My brother-in-law said you needed some help. You know me, always willing to illegally invade a country for family.”

  Ridge turned to Savannah to see her face full of confusion. “Savannah, this is my cousin, Dylan Davies. He’s married to Kale’s sister, Abby.” Ridge turned back to his cousin. “Does Abby know you’re here?”

  “Who do you think knocked the guard out and scrambled the security monitors?” a woman’s voice said from the shadows. A second later, Abby emerged in a black sequined mini dress. Her bright blue eyes stood out among the dark hair cascading down her back. “Hi, I’m Abby Davies,” Abby said to Savannah as she held out her hand to help Savannah out of the boat.

  “Savannah Ambrose.”

  “And I’m Ridge Faulkner. I’m sorry I couldn’t make the wedding,” Ridge told her as he hopped out of the boat and shook hands with Dylan.

  “Don’t worry about it. This is way more fun. Come on, Sebastian has a suite for us. I ordered room service and it should be there soon,” Abby said, motioning for them to follow.

  “Who’s Sebastian?” Savannah asked.

  “Sebastian Abel. He owns the hotel. He’s the one who gave me the codes needed to shut down the cameras for a little while. He’s also giving us an off-the-books room,” Abby explained as she led the way down the docks as if she owned them as opposed to sneaking into a foreign country.

  “I think Ryker knows him,” Ridge said to Dylan who nodded.

  “Probably. Power and wealth, they all stick together,” Dylan said.

  “But what about the FBI agent we need to witness me getting the money?” Savannah asked. Ridge laced his hand with hers, trying to calm her. He could tell she was very worried. He was too, but Dylan and Abby didn’t seem worried, and that helped keep him calm.

  “I’m doing it,” Abby said cheerfully. “I’m your cousin, after all.”

  “You are?” Savannah asked, her voice full of doubt.

  “Well, your boyfriend is my husband’s cousin.” Abby shrugged. “Close enough. Dylan and Ridge will stay outside the bank and keep their eyes open for anything suspicious. You and I, cousin, will go into the bank and withdraw the money.”

  “You’re FBI?” Savannah asked, and Ridge knew Abby didn’t miss the doubt in her voice.

  Abby shook her head. “Hell no. That’s the Parker branch of the Davies family. They’re all FBI. I’m CIA. Well, when I feel like it.”

  “When you feel like it?” Ridge had to know more.

  “Let’s just say I’m part-time. But my signed account of the money transfer and my escorting the money to Agent Castle will be legal. Plus, as a CIA agent who is ‘undercover,’ the courts don’t demand my name, and I won’t be called to testify.”

  “That’s genius,” Savannah said, and Ridge felt her relaxing. She turned then to Dylan. “Are you CIA?”

  Dylan shook his head. “Nope. Special Forces. When I feel like it,” he said, echoing his wife’s words. “Now it’s mostly what I’d call private contract work. Like helping you.”

  They stopped talking as they entered the opulent lobby of the beach resort for the wealthy. A quick elevator ride up to a floor that only had four rooms on it, and then they were at their suite. Only calling it a “suite” didn’t quite do it justice. A marble entranceway opened up into a massive living room and kitchen area with a dining room table big enough for twelve people separating the two rooms.

  The far side of the living room, dining room, and kitchen area was a wall of sliding glass doors that opened onto an enormous balcony with full-sized sofas, chairs, and a hot tub.

  “Your room is to the left. Ours is on the other side of the kitchen,” Abby said right before the bell rang. “That’s room service. Why don’t you put your stuff away and meet us on the balcony. We’ll go over tomorrow’s plan before bed.”

  Ridge followed Savannah to their room and almost ran into her as she stopped to stare at the pure luxury. A giant king-sized bed. A sitting area. A large marble tub with a sunroof over it so you could sit in the tub and open the window to feel the ocean breeze while relaxing. And that was before she saw the shower.

  Savannah looked at the clock and then looked at him. “I could stay for an extra day or two, what about you?”

  They both laughed, then he kissed her. They spent most of the day kissing on the boat, but since they began preparing to sneak into the country, things had been tense.

  Just like every time he kissed her, he instantly wanted more. Having Savannah in his arms was heaven. “Come on. Let’s get this meeting over with so I can have you all to myself.”

  Savannah sighed. “Sounds good, but I don’t think she’s really CIA.”

  Ridge laughed as he opened the door to their end of the balcony. “I don’t either. But whoever they work for, they’re on our side.”


  There was no way Abby Davies was CIA. First, she looked way too upset that she didn’t have to shoot anyone as they made their way into the bank the next morning. And second, Savannah didn’t think a CIA agent would hand her an arsenal of weapons to carry as if she were an agent. Call her old-fashioned, but she’d never seen a cop hand a civilian two guns, four knives, and a stun gun. Savannah felt completely weighed down as they walked into the bank through the private entrance for high net worth clients.

  “Breathe,” Abby said with a bored look on her face. She was dressed similarly to Savannah in an understated outfit well suited to the very wealthy. “Dylan said everything is clear outside. Everything is fine. It’s just another bank and another withdrawal. You’ve done this a million times in your life. Got it?”

  Savannah forced herself to breath. “Got it.”

  “Miss Ambrose,” a man in a black suit with smooth ebony skin said smoothly as he greeted her. He se
emed to sail across the polished floor toward her. “It is so lovely to finally meet in person.”

  “Thank you,” Savannah said, smoothly slipping into the perfect-wife persona she’d used at all of Penn’s dinner parties. She looked at the man’s nametag with just the tiniest flick of her eyes. “Javon.”

  “This morning you said you wanted to withdraw your money? I hope we didn’t disappoint you in any way,” Javon said with a touch of worry as he led the women to his private desk.

  “Oh no!” Savannah immediately went full Southern belle. “Don’t you worry about that at all. You’ve been so wonderful, Javon. It’s just that my cousin,” Savannah said, motioning to Abby, “and I have always longed to do some yachting. A boat that we must have came up for sale. It was nerve wracking trying to get a deal made. Darn Londoners were trying to steal it out from under me. But, I was able to get it on the condition I pay with cash within three days. My nerves are shot, Javon. Until I have that money and hand it over for the title, I’m likely to have a breakdown.” Savannah laughed at herself and patted Javon’s arm.

  Apparently used to dealing with wealthy clients, Javon nodded understandingly. “So, would you like the full amount in cash or a bank check?”

  “Cash,” Savannah said sweetly. “Thank you, Javon.”

  “We offer a security service for hire if you’d like,” Javon said as he began typing on his computer.

  “Thank you, we have someone with us. Someone very discreet. I’m sure you understand,” Abby said, speaking for the first time.

  “Oh, I do. Our bank is known for its discretion. There,” Javon said, not looking up from the computer. “I have the order in and they’ll be packing up the bags as we speak. Now, I have some papers for you to sign and of course, I need to see your passport.”

  “Of course,” Savannah said, pulling it from her purse. Her heart stopped beating, and she forgot Abby’s instructions on breathing as Javon looked over it and entered something into the computer. Then he closed it and handed it back to her.


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