Zombie Queen

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Zombie Queen Page 20

by Mary Martel


  I wasn't too thrilled with Noble's decision to split us up this morning. We don't know who's across this lake. That gang we'd seen in town probably wouldn't be caught dead shitting in the woods, but these days, you just never know. People will do loads of things they never would've before like stealing or committing murder. I can't say I'm not one of those people. At the first sign of threat to our little ragtag family, I'd be the first to jump into the action, damn the consequences. It's just how it is now. Fight to live.

  Being honest, I'm just glad he took Joseph with him. We weren't friends in school, but he's easy enough to get along with. During those days of us holed up in that place, we became closer than I thought we'd ever be. Him, myself, and Dex. Not that I don't trust the dude. He just doesn't listen. Point proven when he'd almost gotten Dex killed in that stupid alley. Guilt immediately floods my stomach because if it wasn't for him being a complete airhead, we'd never have run into Emerald. I think even Dex would agree to it being worth it.

  Of course, back to this morning and how we got split as groups, we may have lucked out not getting Joseph, but that meant trading down for Sam. His attitude has been so sour over the past week or so that even I've wanted to punch the asshole. I don't see how Kemp has managed to hold his temper for so long. Out of all of us he's got the shortest fuse, and Sam has lit that damn thing plenty of times. Emerald may have a lot to do with that. Kemp probably knows he'll lose favor with her if he beats the moron to a pulp. I think we're all hoping that moods will be improving now that Em made herself clear on where she stands with us.

  Which is a whole other can of worms that I didn't think would ever be opened. I mean, who would ever think they'd be sharing what I guess is safe to call their girlfriend with another dude. Let alone six other dudes. Before her little speech, I wasn't exactly sure where we stood, but she'd driven the point home that none of us were going to be excluded. My heart had about beat out of my chest last night. Some of the older guys like Kemp and Graham probably miss the sex side of a relationship. In my case, you can't miss something you've never had. Back in school, I'd had girlfriends, and more than one of them wanted it. For whatever reason, it just never happened for me. I can't help but think that maybe I was supposed to be saving it for a moment with her. Who knew I'd turn out to be such a romantic shithead? Might've had something to do with those romance books of my mom's I read right after I hit puberty. Those things were better than the porn dvds my dad had given me. I kind of felt bad when Em caught shit for reading to Gramma Ross because I could've jumped to her defense, saying I read them too. Since I didn't, I'll have to make it up to her later and admit the truth. That maybe the gift of bringing her books here was for both of us and not just her. Be even better if I could talk her into reading them with me. Just the thought of her sexy voice reciting some of those spicy scenes makes me hard.

  Shame brings blood rushing to my cheeks. Here we are hunting what could be a threat out in the woods, and I'm distracted by wicked thoughts of a girl. Stupid, Russ. Flicking my gaze into the trees, I tune my ears that way to catch any sounds other than the crunching of the leaves beneath our shoes. Considering we can't be completely silent, I'm going to risk it and say who, or what, ever is out here will have the same problem, not allowing them to stealthily sneak up on us. The only other sound is a few birds in the trees and our mixed huffs of breath. Even the lake on my other side is still, making the surface look like glass reflecting the sky back toward itself.

  As the hours drag on and the sun gets overhead, I don't see how Dex isn't sweating up a storm in his hoodie. It's warm enough that I wish I was taking a dip in the lake instead of skirting around the edge watching for danger. Sometimes this life gets old. Another thing buried deep down inside in my box of secrets the world will never know is how tempted I was not long ago to just let this shit go. Who wants to live life like this? No one, that's who. In one of my darker, weak moments, I'd given serious thought to saying screw it and hoping for the best in my next life. I'm glad now that I didn't follow through with what I'd planned. More than just Emerald jumping into our lives, I know how much my death would've affected Dex and Noble. The former because we've become as close as brothers in the past year, something I wished I'd always had. Then the latter because the big guy takes our safety to heart, and it would've wrecked him. There are times in a person's life when it's okay to be selfish and think of one's self, but this wasn't one of them.

  I watch Dex's profile in my peripheral as I keep my focus on the lake. His hood is pulled up over his head, but he seems to be walking with a little less weight on his shoulders. The physical difference is astounding. There's no hunch to his shoulders or anything. I make a mental note to check in with him later to see what's going on inside that head of his. I'd do it now, but we need to stay as quiet as possible.

  Then, as though he's trying to annoy the piss out of me, even if he doesn't know where my mind is, Sam whispers, "Hear that?"

  The three of us halt where we are as we stop to listen. I don't hear shit, and I'm about to give him a murmured earful when I notice Dex's eyes narrow as he replies just as quietly, "Nothing. No birds or anything."

  Shit. Now that they've brought attention to it, I can't not notice it. In my experience, there's one main reason why the creatures go silent. Something or someone is invading their home space. They'd been loud as hell on the other side where we’d started, so I don't think the change is due to the three of us.

  I drop into a crouch to make myself a smaller target, and the other two follow me down. Three pairs of eyes are directed into the woods, doing a scan of our surroundings. According to Em's details, we shouldn't be close enough to where she saw the smoke, but if whoever it was is on the move then we might run face first into each other. We got lucky finding Em and Sam, even if the dude deserves a roundhouse kick to the forehead most days. Not all humans still have their humanity. Point proven easily by the gang we'd spotted, doing things that I know will haunt my memories ‘til I draw my last breath.

  Squatting in total silence for another ten minutes or so, I make the motion with my hand to them that we should keep going as quietly as possible. We're sitting ducks where we are right now. Standing as one, we carefully make our way toward our rendezvous point where we're supposed to be meeting Noble and Joseph. Each of us carry a short range weapon, but I've also got our 9 mm tucked under my belt above my ass. Noble has one too, but we aren't supposed to use them for anything but absolute emergencies. They're easier, but like Em pointed out, but noisier too. Keeping both the living and the dead away from our tiny safe haven is on the top of the list of priorities.

  Another twenty or thirty minutes or so of walking in the same direction yields no further sounds of wildlife or anything out of place. Tension rides my shoulders and back hard enough that I feel like I'm close to snapping in two, and a snap of a branch ahead of our position has us dropping right back down into a crouch again. My fist closes tightly enough around the wood cutting ax I'm holding to make my knuckles go white. It may have been dull when we'd first found it out back in the barn, but Noble had taught me how to keep it sharp around the edge with a stone. My trusty weapon has taken off more undead heads than the pistol at my back. It's grotesque, but damn, does it do the job right.

  Just as I'm thinking of moving us forward a few feet, Sam takes the decision out of my hands by standing and walking to a tree barely large enough to completely cover the width of his body. Man, I seriously just want to peg him a time or two with the blunt side of my ax. Dumbass doesn't know how to follow orders. Damn, he's just as bad as Joseph, but if he wants to run on ahead and get himself eaten or slaughtered so be it.

  Running forward ahead, he tucks himself behind another tree. Dex's eyes flash to mine in question, asking if we should follow. I want to give the dude's back a big one finger salute and write him off, but Em might give a shit if something happened to him. Holding out two fingers to Dex, I'm hoping he'll understand my meaning of waiting until Sam is two more t
rees ahead. He nods, and we both wait. Once he hits the mark, Dex goes first, and I pull up the rear. I'm surprised at how silent everything is, including the three of us.

  That is quickly interrupted with the snapping of more sticks and the shuffle of feet. Preparing myself to swing the ax, I almost miss the murmur of voices. One of them our crazy redhead friend. Glancing to Sam in the lead where he's got the better view, I feel like I'm sucking on a sour lemon waiting for him to let us know what's going on. We're going to need a serious discussion on following orders and trust after this.

  Sam's spine straightens before he flicks a look over his shoulder and motions us forward. He steps from the cover of his tree before I can warn him not to. Thankfully, it's me who needed to have a little faith in the man. Doesn't piss me off any less that he strayed from the plan, but I'm glad he didn't get any of us or himself killed in the process.

  Dex turns to confirm with me before stepping out after him. I take my time going after them, so I can keep scanning the trees around us. By the time I catch up, they're already sitting on a big log next to an old fire pit. Across from them are two guys, not much older than I am, with Kemp at their backs. Emerald is back there too, but she's got both swords drawn while slowly pacing without taking her eyes off the threat of the new guys. Noble and Joseph are standing just within the tree line next to the lake. The big guy's arms folded on his chest and Joseph sitting next to him holding his head. Those fuckers must've gotten the drop on them. My brows furrow and lips tighten into a thin line with anger I fight to hold in.

  "I think it's time one of you starts talking," Noble presses. It doesn't sound like they got here too much earlier than we did.

  The two strangers look at each other before the dark haired one turns to Noble. "I'm Gideon, and this is Colten. We're trying to survive just like you guys. We don't want any trouble or anything."

  "How long have you been out here?" Noble asks.

  Gideon shrugs, and his strip of hair falls into his face as the piercing on the other side of his face glints in the sun, "I don't know. About a week or so, I think. Days run together out here."

  We can all attest to that statement, but neither of them look like they're hurting for clothes or food. They look clean shaved too, which means they truly haven't been living in the wild long. Apparently, Noble and I are on the same wavelength because he hits them with another question.

  "Where did you come from?"

  At this, they glance at each other again. I know a lie getting formed when I see one, and I'm not alone. Emerald's pacing comes to a standstill behind the blond one, which may be the only reason they decide to tell us the truth.

  Blondie, or Colten, admits, "We ran away from the people we were with."

  "Why?" Noble asks. Even Joseph who has shifted his two-arm hold to one, looks at them with curiosity.

  Colten licks his lips before answering, "They weren't good people. It didn't start that way, but throw in a few bad apples wanting to be the next leaders of the apocalypse, and there we were stuck in the middle of it."

  Noble rubs the side of his jaw. "These people...are they the gang that's hanging around the other side of town?"

  Neither guy looks at the other before they nod this time.

  "And they just let you leave?" Noble asks.

  "Not exactly," Gideon replies. "Once you're in their clutches, the only way you leave is at the hand of Terrance."

  "That the leader?" Noble prods. Another dip of their chin and he adds, "So, how is it you managed to walk away?"

  "We didn't," Colten answers. "What part of we don't just leave alive do you not understand?"

  My focus is on the speaker, so it's easy enough to see Kemp flinch at his back like he wants to hit the dumb fuck for mouthing off. What those two dudes don't realize is they've got bigger problems at their back than they do with the big guy and other four of us in their face. Both Kemp and Em are crazy enough to stab them through the heart first and not bother to ask questions later.

  Sensing the tension building around the small clearing, Gideon picks up where his buddy left off. "We had to wait until we had guard duty together before we could make it out."

  "Are there any more of you?" Noble inquires none too gently. The question throws me off for a second because I didn't even stop to think that there might be more of them out here, possibly setting up an ambush as we speak. An uneasy feeling settles in my gut as my eyes skirt through the trees, looking for movement.

  I miss the shake of his head, but it's still quiet enough for the motion to be heard, even before he replies, "No. We're it."

  After so long with the big man, I can tell there's skepticism in his voice as he asks, "What's in the tent?" Without giving them a chance to answer, he lifts a chin toward it, locking eyes with Dex and giving him orders to search it.

  Three things happen practically simultaneously. Colten jumps to his feet with a yelled, "No!" as Emerald wraps a smaller blade around Gideon's neck, and his hands go up in surrender. Within the next second, Kemp drops blondie with a swift kick to the back of his knees. I have to admit, even in a moment like this, Emerald is sexy as hell, standing over the stranger looking all Punisher on him.

  Confident the two crazies have the strangers contained, our attention turns back to where Dex is slowly unzipping the tent.

  His strangled yelp of shock has Sam and me surging forward, weapons at the ready. A hand reaches through the hole, forcing Dex to fall back on his ass.

  "Stop, please," Gideon begs at the mercy of Em's sword pressing into his throat. "It's my brother. He's just ill. Not one of them."

  "Was he bitten?" Noble grinds out as those of us closest take a step back with me helping Dex back to his feet first.

  "No. Nothing like that," Gideon replies. The plea is still in his tone. "We haven't even come across any zombies since we made our way out here. He scratched his leg on the bottom of the fence when we were escaping, and now it's infected. We were just talking about heading back into town to get some antibiotics. If we don't, he's going to die."

  Emerald lets out a deep sigh that has more than one set of lips tilting up at the corners. Kemp is hitting her with a full-on grin. Getting to know her the way I have, I'd say that sound was for the stupidity of these dudes not being careful enough. I mean, shit, who the hell dies with an infection that isn't caused by the flesh eaters in the middle of the apocalypse? Dumbasses, that's who.

  "How long has he been like that?" Sam pipes up, rubbing his empty hand down the outside of his jeans.

  The strangers look at each other again, and blondie answers, "With the fever? Since about yesterday. I tried boiling some water and sterilizing the wound again, but I think it's past that point. There's pus and shit coming out. I'm not a fucking doctor, okay. I don't know what I'm doing."

  His voice cracks on the last sentence, and his buddy throws an arm around his shoulders. It must feel horrible to be so close to someone and know their likely last-living relative is dying, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. We're kind of in the same boat with Joseph and Gramma, but she's already told us she's ready to go just as soon as the fates cut her string. I'm not sure Joseph is ready to let her go just yet. Not like he'll have much of a choice, like these strangers in front of us. This isn't the magical land of doctors and medicine like it used to be. However, it just so happens that we do have a safe, clean environment and a doctor on standby. These dudes may have just hit the jackpot. But are we confident enough in ourselves to show them our space we've carved out in this new world?

  What kind of example does it set for keeping humanity alive if we don't? It's obvious Noble agrees in the way he looks first to me, then Kemp and Dex, saving Emerald for last. Neither Sam or Joseph get a vote considering the former is still staring at the ground like he's got a killer headache, and the latter is eyeballing the tent like he's planning to rip the damn thing down and strangle its occupant with the material. The four of us he consults all give a short nod. It's hard to say at this point i
f we're going to live to regret this decision, but I know I won't be able to sleep tonight either if we leave them out here helpless and alone. Watching them gather their supplies into packs, Dex and I take them to leave the stranger's hands free to help their buddy. He looks worse for wear, face white as a ghost and a sheen of sweat across his skin. Dude could look like Abraham Lincoln for all I care. The only thing I'm focused on is the nasty veins I can see running away from a gash in his leg and the glassy incoherent film over his eyes. He's not one of the undead. Yet.


  Graham lets off a string of what sounds like curses in Spanish as he sorts through the makeshift medicine cabinet in his office. The small space is overcrowded with all three of the newcomers, myself, Kemp, Noble, and Joseph. Poor dude had puked twice on the walk back here. Every time it made me want to shoot the dark-haired fucker in the foot for putting his hands on one of mine. Joseph has a concussion that we didn't even need Graham to diagnose. It was obvious in the slowness of his gait and the puking.

  In his fit of anger, Graham orders Dex and Russ, who've been standing guard in the hallway with Sam, to take Joseph to the couch in the living room after handing him one of those break and shake ice pack things and a warning to keep an eye on him and not let him fall asleep. It's possible the doc is just trying to clear the space in here as much as helping. He can try to force Kemp and I out, but it's not going to happen. I may have been too slow to get to Joseph on time, but I'm not leaving him and Noble alone with the strangers.

  Which, if I'm honest, aren't too terribly shabby-looking for dudes who’ve been staying in the woods for going on a week.

  Like I need any more man eye candy around here. This house is already fueled with testosterone, and I can't even deal with several of them as it is. Sometimes, contrary to some of my earlier inner musings, it's not always best to throw caution to the wind. That fucking wind is going to push me in some bad directions. I shove all that shit to a corner in my mind when the man on Graham's table starts moaning. Goose bumps race up my spine when that familiar sound hits my ears. He may not be an undead fuckface yet, but if the doc doesn't get the right meds, it's starting to sound like it's only a matter of time.


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