Amish Rose

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Amish Rose Page 9

by Samantha Price

  Hezekiah laughed, seeming to find what she said particularly funny. “I thought you didn’t believe Mark and she were having a relationship.”

  Tugging with agitation on her kapp strings, Nancy said, “I don’t know. She’s very secretive. I hope all the girls aren’t going to be like this. My hair will go more gray, grayer than it is already.”

  Hezekiah shook his head.

  “What was that for?” Nancy asked. The approval of her husband meant everything to her and she didn’t like it when they disagreed about things.


  He had a definite gleam in his eye as though he were amused about something.

  “Tell me what you think is so funny.”

  He took a long, deep breath, and then said, “I don’t think she’s secretive at all. She’s not sneaking out to see anyone or lying to us. Now, if she did, I would say she was a secretive or a deceitful person, but she’s not doing that. You need to calm down and stop expecting the worst of situations.”

  Nancy bit her lip. “Is that what I’m doing?”

  “I think it’s just because you’re over-anxious and want the best for our girls. Trust in Gott and He will look after them and find them good husbands.”

  “You’re right. Jah, I know you’re right.” There was a sudden clang in the kitchen, which sounded like a large saucepan had been dropped on the floor. Then an argument broke out between the girls. “I better get in there and supervise, or I’ll have no kitchen left.” She stood up and then leaned down and gave her husband a quick kiss on his cheek before she hurried off to the kitchen.

  Nancy decided not to mention anything to Rose about inviting Jacob to dinner. Not tonight. She would wait to see if she also went out with him on Wednesday night like she’d planned. It wasn’t as though she was thinking the worst, like Hezekiah said, but it was very likely Rose might cancel Wednesday night.

  * * *

  Rose was nervous about her buggy ride with Jacob. Earlier in the day at the markets, Mark had let her know that Jacob had asked to borrow his buggy to take her out. That was the only comment Mark had made about her going out with his cousin.

  The twins teased her a little bit about Jacob over dinner, but after their father cleared his throat and glared at them, that was the end of that. Then their mother pointed out that Rose would get out of cleaning the kitchen and doing the washing up that night, and that made the twins grumble about the unfairness of being the youngest.

  When Rose heard the buggy coming to the house, she was delighted. Not only would she get away from the twins’ constant chatter and complaints, she’d get to be alone with Jacob.

  “Bye, everyone,” Rose called over her shoulder before she headed out the door. She got to the buggy before Jacob had a chance to jump down.

  “Hi, Rose,” he said in a deep, manly voice as she climbed in next to him.


  He turned the buggy around and set off down the driveway. “I’ve got a lovely new buggy at home. It’s embarrassing to collect you in a rickety buggy like this.”

  “It’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

  “Nothing wrong with it except it’s fit for the scrap heap—the junk yard.”

  “It gets Mark to where he needs to go. That’s all that concerns him. He’s a practical man.”

  “Well, enough talk about Mark. You see him every day and I’m sure that’s enough.” He chuckled. “You must think I’m a dreadful person the way I speak about Mark sometimes.”

  “Nee, I don’t. I know you don’t mean it.”

  “I don’t. I’m just fearful that you might like him if I’m totally honest with you. I guess that’s immature. I’m working on being a better person because you deserve the best.”

  Rose was delighted that he was showing honesty as well as vulnerability. “Denke. That’s a nice thing to say.”

  “It’s true.”

  She hoped that meant he was going to stay longer. “How did you like your day at work?”

  “Making buggies is nothing like I thought it would be.”

  “Do you like it better than upholstery?”

  He leaned toward her and corrected her. “You mean upholstering?”

  Rose giggled. “I don’t know the right way to say it. I meant whatever it was that you used to do.”

  “I don’t know that either of those things suit me, but I’m thinking of sticking with the buggy making for a little longer. I’m starting to like it here.” He shot her a dazzling smile.

  “I hope you’ll stay a long time.”

  “Would you like to go back to the park where we were yesterday? I noticed that it had lights and a walking trail. It would be a perfect place.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “I don’t want to keep you out too long tonight. I figured that your parents might not let you go out again on Wednesday night if they think I’ve kept you out too late tonight. Wednesday will be our real date night.”

  “I’m sure that will be fine with them, whatever time I get home.”

  “You might not know your parents as well as you think. I’m telling you now, they wouldn’t be fine if you got home too late.”

  Rose wondered how many girls he’d been out with and how many parents had been cross with him for bringing them home late. She didn’t ask because she didn’t want to know.

  When he stopped the buggy at the park, he stepped out and raced around to help Rose down before he secured his horse.

  She loved the feel of her hand enclosed in his strong hand. He let go of her sooner than she wanted him to because he had to secure his horse to the post. To her delight, he took hold of her hand once more as they wandered onto the path.

  “It’s such a beautiful night,” she said, staring up into the starry sky.

  “It’s a beautiful night because I’m with you,” he said and then released her hand to put his arm around her shoulder. Then he pulled her close to him.

  She was taken aback a little at the suddenness of his movements.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, holding her firmly.

  “Jah, I am.”

  “Me too.”

  They both laughed. They walked the next few minutes in silence.

  “Why don’t you put your arm around my waist?” Jacob suggested.

  It didn’t feel right, but Rose put her arm around him just the same. This was something she wasn’t used to and it was the closest she’d been to a man. At the same time, it felt good.

  “That’s more like it,” he said. “I’m so glad I met you, Rose.”

  “Me too.”

  “I have a serious question for you.” He stopped abruptly and turned his body to face her, causing her hands to fall down by her sides.

  “What is it?”

  “How do you really feel about me?”

  She gulped and didn’t know how to answer. What if she told him how much she liked him and he didn’t like her as much? The last thing she wanted was to embarrass herself or have him laugh at her. Pushing nerves aside and hoping God would reward her honesty, she said, “I like you.”


  “Jah, I do.”

  “Gut because I like you an awful lot.” He started walking again. “I see good things in our future, Rose.” He pulled her tighter toward him.

  She put her arm lightly around him where it had been before. “Like what?”

  He glanced down at her. “Marriage, of course. What do you think about that?”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking you just yet, but if things keep going as well as they have been, I will ask you to marry me. How does that make you feel?”

  “It makes me feel very happy.”

  “That’s just how I want you to feel.” He stopped again and then he slid both hands down to take hold of hers. Now he was looking down into her eyes. “You’re so beautiful, Rose. One of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. You’re so pale and delicate, like a true rose.�

  Embarrassed and feeling heat rising in her cheeks, Rose went to walk away, but he wouldn’t let her hands go.

  “I mean it,” he said.

  He spoke with such intensity that Rose became a little nervous.

  “I really want to kiss you right now,” he said, letting go of one of her hands. With his fingertips, he pushed back her prayer kapp and took hold of some loose strands of her hair.

  Rose had no idea what he was about to do next. She was surprised when he leaned forward and smelled her hair. He was so close that Rose could smell his musky masculine scent. She desperately wanted him to kiss her, but at the same time, wanted to reserve her first kiss for her future husband. Right now, she didn’t know for certain if he was the one. Fearing that he would kiss her, she stepped back before he could do so.

  “What’s wrong? Have I offended you?” He took a step back.

  “Not at all. We should probably head back now.”

  “Normally I would say no, but we’ve got Wednesday night to look forward to.” Hand-in-hand, they walked back to the buggy under the moonlight.

  It was the first romantic night Rose had ever had.

  “Are you all right, Rose? Am I moving too fast with our relationship?”

  “Nee, not at all. I’m looking forward to Wednesday night.”

  “Me too.”

  Their ride home was fairly quiet with neither of them speaking very much.

  When they arrived at Rose’s house, Jacob said, “Should I come in and say hello to your parents?”

  “Nee. They’re not expecting you to.”

  “Maybe I should walk you to the front door.”

  “I’m fine.” Rose quickly got out of the buggy in case he tried to kiss her. When she was out completely, she turned back to face him. “I’ll see you on Wednesday night.”

  “Jah, I’ll be here at eight. Gut nacht, Rose. I won’t be able to think about anything else until I see you again.”

  Rose giggled and said a quick goodbye before she turned and headed to the house. Her parents were awake and waiting for her. When she walked through the front door, they were sitting together on the couch and looked up as she closed the door behind her.

  “You’re early. Did things go alright?” her mother asked.

  “Wonderfully well. I’m so looking forward to Wednesday night.” Rose sailed past them and headed up the stairs, pleased that they didn’t ask anything further.

  * * *

  The next day, and the following day, Mark was strangely quiet. Rose made no comment about it to him because she knew he was upset about her seeing Jacob. Rose wanted nothing to ruin her Wednesday night with Jacob because he’d said that Wednesday night would be special. Even though it was far too soon and she didn’t really know him, Rose daydreamed about Jacob asking her to marry him. It would be wonderfully romantic if they both knew so soon after meeting that they were destined for each other.

  * * *

  At last, Wednesday night arrived and as Rose waited on the couch to hear the clip-clopping of horse’s hooves, her mother sat down beside her.

  “Since after tonight you will have been out with Jacob twice, it would be nice to invite him to dinner. Your vadder and I would like to get to know him better.”

  It was no surprise to Rose that her mother said that. She’d been expecting she would be asked to invite him to dinner. “Sure. I’ll ask him. Any particular night?”

  “Before you go out with him again. It doesn’t matter which night.”

  Rose leaped to her feet when she heard the buggy. “Jah, I’ll ask, Mamm. That’s him now.” After she had grabbed her black shawl by the front door, she headed out of the house.

  Her heart pounded when she jumped into the buggy beside him, and by the look on his face, he was just as pleased to see her.

  “Hello, my sweet Rose.”


  “Let’s go.” He turned the buggy around and trotted the horse down the driveway.

  “Where are we going tonight?”

  “I don’t know. Is there any particular place you’d like to go?”

  As long as she was with him, she didn’t care where they went. “Not really.”

  “I’ll find a nice place where we can take a walk.”

  “That sounds good.”

  Jacob stopped the buggy on a deserted road. “This looks as good a place as any to take a walk in the moonlight. Just like we did on Monday.”


  He jumped down from the buggy and held out his hand to help Rose out. When she was on the ground, he kept hold of her hand. She liked the way he made her feel special. Pointing to the sky above, he said, “See the moon, Rose?”

  Rose looked up at the moon that hung low in the sky—a crescent moon. “It’s so beautiful.”

  He squeezed her hand as he stared at her. “Not half as beautiful as you.”

  When she glanced up at him, he stopped walking and looked into her eyes. Then he let go of her hand and placed his hand on the small of her back. He drew her close to him and lowered his head until she felt his warm breath tickle her face.

  She stepped back. “Nee.”

  He took a pace forward. “What’s wrong?”

  “I want my first kiss to be when I’m married and not before then.”

  He stared at her in disbelief and then whispered, “Don’t you see, Rose? I’m serious about you. If we both feel the same way, we will be married to each other.”

  “Really? You feel that way?”

  “I do.”

  Once again, he put his hand behind her waist and this time he pressed her body against his. When he lowered his head, she turned her face and he was left to place his lips on her cheek. His lips were warm and soft. She wanted to kiss him on the lips, but had made the decision a long time ago to wait until her wedding day for her first real kiss.

  He suddenly stepped back. “You’re being quite ridiculous. Is there something wrong with you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If we’re going to marry one day, why not kiss me now? Do you want to keep me waiting?”

  Rose was upset at his outburst and didn’t know what to say. Should she allow him to kiss her? She wanted to, so what was the harm? She stared at him open-mouthed, wondering what to say.

  “I’m sorry, Rose. I shouldn’t have gotten angry. It’s just that my feelings for you are strong and you’re beautiful. I find you irresistible.”

  His words made Rose feel good, and he had apologized to her, which made her feel better. She had been taught to forgive so she did just that.

  “Say something,” he said.

  “I forgive you.”

  He put out his hand and she took it. Together they walked down the moonlit road.

  “Where shall we live when we marry? How would you feel about coming back to live with me?” he asked.

  “I’d like to live close to my parents, but it doesn’t really matter.” She gazed up at him and he smiled.

  After ten or fifteen minutes, they turned back to the buggy.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  “A little.”

  He put his arm around her and held her close. When they got to the buggy, he stopped. “Rose, I just need to kiss you on your beautiful lips. We need to seal our future with a kiss.” Before she could respond, he pushed her against the buggy and brought his lips down hard against hers.

  He was kissing her before she could stop him. She knew that the right thing to do would be to push him away, but she didn’t. As they kissed, he put his hands behind her back and pulled her hard into him until she found it hard to breathe. She finally pushed him away with both of her hands, and then gasped for air.

  He laughed at her. “I think you liked that, didn’t you?”

  She wiped her moist mouth with the back of her hand. “I said I didn’t want to kiss you and you made me.”

  “What’s the difference if we kiss now or later?”

  “It matters because you took awa
y my choice.” Rose wondered whether she was being silly about waiting for her wedding day to be kissed. Many girls didn’t wait anymore.

  He put his arm around her. “It’s hard for a man to wait for a kiss from the woman he loves.”

  Her heart melted when she heard him say that he loved her.

  “You do love me, don’t you?” he asked.

  “I do.”

  “Then that makes everything okay. Do you see that?”

  Rose nodded, but would’ve felt better about things if she hadn’t had her feelings overruled. “I suppose so.”

  “Anything we do is okay because we’re in love, and soon, when it’s time, we’ll tell people.”

  “Okay.” Rose nodded again, pleased to be almost engaged, and she knew that would make her mother thrilled.

  “Let’s walk some more.” With his arm around her, they walked quite a distance in the darkness with the only light coming from the moon above them. “One day, I’ll ask you to marry me. I’ll ask you properly.”

  Rose would scarcely be able to wait. “My mother said to ask you to come to dinner.”

  He laughed. “See? Your parents like me. That should make you feel better about that kiss just now.”

  “I don’t feel bad about it; it’s just that I didn’t expect it.”

  “You should have. All couples kiss and some do more. It’s only the normal thing that everyone does.”

  If only someone had told Rose how things worked.

  “How about tomorrow night for dinner at your folks’?” he asked Rose.

  “Jah, that’ll be fine. Mamm said any day would be okay.”

  “Come on. Let’s head back,” he said, swinging her around to face the buggy.

  When they arrived back at Rose’s house, he pulled her close to him before she got out. This time, it was easier to kiss him because she’d already done so before.

  “Don’t forget I love you, Rose.”

  “I love you too, Jacob.” She got out of the buggy and headed into the house, wiping her mouth with her fingers. He was a little forceful, but perhaps that was what men were like when they were alone with a woman they were dating. At times like these, she could’ve done with an older sister who would’ve been able to give her advice.


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