Theirs to Ransom

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Theirs to Ransom Page 11

by Stasia Black

  “You think her father will appreciate us showing up with his daughter half dead of sunstroke and dehydration?” Jagger snapped. “She grew up pampered. I should have calculated for that.” A pause, then, “You’ll carry her?”

  Finn hefted Sophia in his arms. “I got her.”

  Sophia blinked dazedly as Leo held up a water bottle to her lips. She drank several mouthfuls but then Leo pulled back. Rationing. Always rationing. And then they were moving again. Finn held her to his chest, arms underneath her back and her knees, bridal style.

  Not exactly the way she’d imagined it.

  Sophia buried her face against his chest and made an attempt to hurl her noodle arms around his neck.

  The bounce of his footsteps was so much less jarring than the horse, though, and not on the place where she was sorest, she could have wept from gratitude if she had any extra water in her body to spare. But from the way Finn’s breaths soon became labored, she could tell even through her fuzzy brain that this wasn’t a workable long-term solution.

  He wasn’t going to be able to carry her a half mile, no matter his bravado or his stubborn pride.

  This trip was showing both of them their limits.

  It was humiliating.

  It was humbling.

  It might just be the death of her.

  When Finn stumbled, Sophia thought for sure she was about to get a face full of dirt, or worse, cactus.

  Instead, though, another pair of arms smoothly caught her up, transferring her from Finn’s chest to another, much larger one.

  Not a word was exchanged and Sophia had to squint up into the sunlight to see who her rescuer was.

  Mario. Huge and silent as always. He didn’t look down at her. He simply stared straight ahead as he held her cradled to his chest.

  Unlike Finn, he didn’t hunch with the weight of her in his arms or seem slowed in the slightest.

  Finally, blessedly, Sophia let her eyes fall shut.

  She was asleep before Mario’s next footfall.

  Chapter Ten


  Leo stared in astonishment as his brother carried the woman up the stairs of the trailer twenty minutes later. Finn hurried up the stairs, slipping past him to push the door open.

  Mario didn’t get involved.

  In anything.


  Well, he did when Leo asked him to. Jagger barked orders to Leo, Leo relayed them to Mario—even if they were all in the same room—and Mario did them.

  It wasn’t that Mario was mentally slow or anything. And he did talk. Just not that often, and never to anyone other than Leo.

  Sometimes when Leo was busy doing something else, he’d come into a room and find Mario just sitting there, staring at… nothing.

  It was like Mario didn’t exist apart from Leo and that was a bit terrifying.

  It was too much responsibility.

  But it had always been that way. At least ever since Mom and Dad died.

  Mario had only been eleven at the time and he’d witnessed their murders.

  Leo had been out. The death riots had only just begun and he was sixteen and tired of being stuck inside. So he’d snuck out to his friends house and played video games all day.

  And come home to find his parents dead, his house ransacked, and Mario— Mario was sitting there by Mom, covered in her blood, absolutely silent. Leo didn’t know how many hours they’d all been there like that, but a lot of the blood on Mario was dried and crusty, so it had to have been a good long time.

  Leo had been raising him ever since. If he had to devote the rest of his life to his brother to try to make up for the day he failed them all, so be it.

  Mario was grown up now, just turned twenty last month. He was built like a brick shithouse. His neck was as thick as most guy’s thighs. But he’d always be Leo’s little brother.

  And the last two days were the first time in eight and a half years that Leo had seen the spark of anything resembling life flicker in his brother’s eyes.

  Because of her.

  Their wife.

  When Jagger told him he wanted Leo as one of the husbands, Leo had immediately demanded Mario be another.

  Jagger had seemed surprised. I didn’t think he—

  He does, Leo answered. He’d treated Mario to a trip to a brothel for his eighteenth birthday.

  Mario had spoken one word. Condom.

  A condom cost more than the whore herself but Leo was going all out and already had it on hand.

  Mario disappeared upstairs with the first girl who approached him. He came back down forty-five minutes later.

  Did you—


  How was it?

  Never again.

  The next time Leo visited a brothel, Mario stayed outside.

  The truth was, Leo’d had no clue how Mario was going to respond last night when they’d all gone upstairs with Sophia.

  But when she’d gone down on Mario, Leo had snuck peeks at his brother’s face and been so shocked at what he saw there, he’d been distracted for minutes from the beautiful pussy in front of him.

  Mario had looked alive. He’d looked like a man. Like a normal guy getting sucked off. Well, normal-ish. Mario’d looked like he was half in love with his wife already. And all she’d done was give him a blowy.

  And then today, carrying her for what was more like a mile.

  Leo hadn’t told him to do it.

  He’d just walked over and grabbed him out of the other sop’s arms. Cause that guy was gone in love with her, too.

  And then Mario had carried her here without a single look in Leo’s direction.

  Leo couldn’t decide if he was upset by that or fucking elated.

  Because on his worst days, if Leo was dead honest with himself, there were times he resented the responsibility of Mario.

  Day in, day out, all day, every day, knowing that if he wasn’t in the picture, his brother would just sit there and stare at the fucking wall? He’d forget to eat, and drink. Jesus Christ, there were days he had to remind Mario to take piss breaks. It was too fucking much. It was hard enough after the Fall to take care of yourself, much less yourself and another person.

  Sometimes he wanted to scream at Mario—everybody’s lost somebody. Get the fuck over it and man the fuck up!!!

  And then he wanted to pound his own head against the wall. Because what kind of monster wished his own brother gone? Especially after what happened. Sure, everyone had lost someone, but Mario had only been eleven. And it had happened right in front of his eyes.

  It wasn’t something a person ever got over.

  Leo had certainly met plenty of insane, violent fuckers since those days. Lots of other people had gone just as nuts after all that happened back then. At least Mario had just gone quiet and a little… unmotivated.

  But what if it didn’t have to be that way forever?

  What if Mario found something else to live for?

  Jagger and Toby and the others pushed past Leo after tying up the horses.

  Leo hurried up the stairs behind them.

  The trailer was abandoned who knew how long ago but was in good shape. Roof was still intact and it was so dry out here, the carpet hadn’t molded or anything. It just smelled… unlived in. Musty, like an attic or a closet no one ever opened.

  It was fully furnished still, too. Rioters must have missed it back in the day because everything was still in good condition.

  Mario had laid Sophia on a dusty couch inside the trailer and he was crouched down beside her, pushing her hair out of her face.

  And the look in his eyes was so… so fucking tender, Leo took a step backwards.

  Who the hell had body snatched his brother?

  “Here, I’ve got some more water for her.” Finn came hurrying over with a plastic cup full of water, no doubt from the saddlebag Leo had seen him carrying inside earlier. The cup was a nice touch, though. Maybe he’d found it in the cabinets.

  Leo had been to this trailer b
efore. He’d slept here once on a trade run to Odessa. Jagger had been running trade through to Texas for a few years now. It was fucking dangerous because of that crazy bitch up in Colorado. She liked to think she had New Mexico on lockdown. No news in, no news out.

  Jagger played it smart, though. He and his crew kept their mouths shut, hugged the southern border, kept quiet about the war and what was really going on in Colorado, and consequently, they lived like desert kings. Well, all right, Mario and Leo were more like servants to the king, but considering their access to water and food, it was more or less the same thing.

  “Sophia.” Finn held the cup to her lips. “Soph, here. Drink this.”

  He tipped the cup up too steeply and water dribbled down her chin and onto her shirt. She blinked up at him tiredly and to Leo’s utter shock, Mario snatched the cup from Finn.

  Mario cupped the back of Sophia’s head and helped her sit up a little. Then he held the cup back to her lips, oh so carefully.

  Mario treated her like she was porcelain, and slowly, she sipped water from the cup.

  “Good,” Mario murmured and Leo took another stuttering step backwards, hitting the door he’d just come through.

  “Can I fuckin’ talk to you?” Toby’s ugly voice cut through the quiet room. “Boss?” The last word was tacked on snidely.

  Jagger glared his direction, apparently not in the mood. Still, he jerked his head toward the hallway and Leo looked on as Jagger, Toby, and Toby’s two thugs all headed to the furthest room and shut the door.

  Leo barely waited a second before following them.

  He spared one last glance his brother’s way, only to see Mario completely absorbed in helping Sophia take another sip of water, Finn watching on anxiously.

  Leo walked as quietly as he could down the hallway, wincing as his foot landed on an especially creaky patch of flooring right as he got to the door of the last bedroom.

  He needn’t have worried though, not with how loud Toby was being. Leo put his ear to the cheap door but he could almost make out the words even before he settled in.

  “What the fuck? We just gonna sit here and pamper the bitch? I wanna get fucking paid, and I want to get paid now.”

  “You think her father’s going to pay if we show up with her dead at his doorstep?” Leo recoiled at Jagger’s impassive words but he didn’t move his ear away from the door.

  Toby scoffed. “Bitch won’t be dead. But she don’t have to be all plump an’ shiny either. Who gives a fuck if she’s a little road worn? In fact, I plan to wear that pussy o’ hers out plenty before we get her back to daddy.”

  “You remain as ever the epitome of cultivation and gentlemanly pursuit.”

  “What the fuck does that—”

  “We’ll stay here until she’s feeling better. And at no point will you rape her.”

  Leo breathed a little easier at that. Until Jagger went on.

  “And as soon as we find a Satellite phone that actually works, we’ll call her father and demand a king’s ransom for her return. If he declines our offer, then you can do whatever you want to her.”

  Leo jerked back from the door, staring at it in horror.

  He heard footsteps coming toward him and hurried back to the living room, only making it there right as the door opened behind him.

  Sophia looked more awake now, and she was smiling sweetly up at Leo’s brother. She reached out and squeezed Mario’s hand, and the look on his face—Leo’s heart flipped at seeing it. It was like when his brother looked at his tiny wife, he was seeing the sun rise for the first time in eight and a half years.

  And right then, Leo knew that whatever happened, now there were two people on this earth he would lay down his life to protect.

  Chapter Eleven


  “How are you feeling?” Jagger sat on the edge of the mattress in one of the bedrooms. Because of the dry climate, the mattress had survived the years more or less intact and after they’d spread two semi-moth-eaten blankets over it, it was the most comfort they could offer Sophia.

  “I’m fine,” she said, two high pink spots of color rising in her cheeks as she tried to push herself up into a sitting position.

  Finn was right there to push her shoulders back down and even Mario took a step forward from where he stood like a foreboding sentry against the wall, where he’d been a permanent fixture since they’d moved her in here yesterday.

  The sun was going down now and after a day of Toby’s bitching, Jagger had finally set him loose on the whiskey early before the dumb fuck made a scene of some kind.

  This morning they’d sent Toby’s two lackeys back to Carlsbad to pick up a trailer and bring it here. It would slow them down—already it was a day’s wait to send them and another for them to get back with the trailer. But that was how long Jagger should have waited in the first place for his new bride to heal from their wedding night.

  But he’d never expected for her to actually be a virgin! How the hell was any woman left on this earth still a virgin?

  She shoved Finn away, eyes flashing. “I said, I’m fine. Stop treating me like I’m made of glass. So I should’ve drunk some more water and worn a hat with a wider brim yesterday. But I’m far less sore and I’m sure when your men get back tomorrow, I’ll be fine to get back on the trail and—”

  “Sure will,” Jagger said. “Cause you’ll be riding in the trailer.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She’d been sleeping when Jagger told Leo and Toby’s guys to go back for the trailer.

  Toby’s men had looked less than pleased at the prospect, their eyes immediately moving to Toby. Disloyal sons of bitches. Jagger was their Governor.

  Not for much longer if Toby had his way, no doubt.

  It was why he’d insisted Toby’s right hand men come along. Just how bold would they be? Would they try to kill Jagger outright on this little trip?

  Well he was staying a step ahead of them.

  Because that whiskey Toby was downing so eagerly in the other room?

  It might be laced with arsenic.

  Not enough to kill the bastard. But it would keep him weak and he’d have the hangover from the seventh level of hell come tomorrow morning.

  It was also a handy excuse for the stomach upset and all the vomiting that would be coming in a few hours. Not that that would deter Toby from drinking if the past were any indication.

  But it would keep the man from coming anywhere near Sophia during their little respite.

  “I don’t need a trailer,” she said, aghast. “I’ll get used to the saddle. I was just especially sore because of—” her eyes dropped and she fiddled with the edges of the blanket. “Well, you know.”

  But then she sat up, smiled cheerily, and threw off the blankets. “I’m fine. Much better now. I’ll go get dinner prepared, even. I’ve just been lazing around all day and—”

  Jagger moved in front of her to block her, then urged her back down on the bed and sat beside her.

  “Don’t be stubborn, little dove.” He pushed a lock of hair back out of her face. Her hair was so soft and when bright green eyes flashed his way in surprise at the gentle touch, he almost pulled back.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, and the vulnerability in her eyes sliced him in the guts in a way that took him off guard. “This isn’t how I envisioned the first few days of my marriage.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for,” he said, unable to look away from her. He forced himself to, though.

  It was one thing for the big oaf Mario to be bewitched by her. But Jagger? He’d hardened himself to everything soft left in the world a long, long time ago.

  Not even Sophia Wolford could touch him.

  He’d enjoy her while time allowed and then fetch the best ransom he could get for her from her bigwig father.

  That was all.

  “But if you are feeling better…” Jagger put his hand on her knee and slid it up her thigh. “I can think of another way we could pass the time.”

nbsp; “Jesus Christ, she’s been ill,” Finn jumped in but Sophia just glared at Finn and put her hand on top of Jagger’s to stop him from pulling away.

  Her bright eyes came back to Jagger’s. “Don’t stop. I’m fine now. And I— I’ve been wanting to. To try it again.”

  Her cheeks were pink again as she looked from man to man. There were only the three of them in the room, Jagger, Finn, and Mario. Leo had gone with Toby’s men so they could bring back extra water. At least that was the excuse Jagger had given. Really he’d wanted eyes on them at all times.

  Leo never liked to be separated from Mario but Jagger had overheard Mario telling his brother it was fine, one of the few times Jagger had ever actually heard the giant speak.

  Leo had promised to come back as quickly as possible. Another reason to send him along.

  Jagger watched Sophia’s tongue slip out to lick her lips as he slid his thumb up her silky inner thigh even higher.

  She was wearing the tiniest pair of sleep shorts he’d ever seen since it was hot, and a barely there tank top that did little to hide her peaked nipples.

  He reached up to pinch one and she let out a little breathy moan.

  Finn, who was seated on the other side of the bed, stood up and dragged his hands through his hair, pacing away from the bed.

  “Finn,” she called and he spun to look back at her. Poor kid’s face was agonized.

  Jagger couldn’t read the look on Sophia’s face. Things had been tense between her and the boy, he’d noticed, but it looked like Sophia was offering some sort of olive branch.

  And because the guy wasn’t a dumb fuck, he took it, swallowing hard and walking back toward her. Right when he clasped hands with her, she reached out her other hand to Mario.

  Mario was far quicker than Finn in hurrying to her side.

  He didn’t stop there, though. He came to the foot of the bed and climbed up between her legs. The big man clearly had an agenda.

  Jagger lifted an eyebrow as Mario’s big fingers coasted up the outside of her thighs and then slid in the top of her shorts.


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