In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Third Season

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In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete Third Season Page 11

by Frater, Rhiannon

  “But you made him doubt me. I didn’t expect that.” Arianrhod gave Vanora a sour look. “I didn’t expect that at all.”

  “He cut out of the tongue of the Oracle for telling him the truth,” Vanora snapped.

  “And why wouldn’t he, when he believed every word I told him?” Arianrhod circled Vanora at a leisurely pace, but her movements were predatory.

  “He will kill my mother, father, and brother because of you!” Clambering to her feet, Vanora struggled to keep upright on wobbly legs.

  “He doesn’t kill them. His minions do.”

  “I saw him kill my mother in a vision!”

  “A false vision cast by a wayward daughter who tried to keep you from your fate!” Arianrhod whirled about, the owl fluttering its wings to keep its hold on her. “At some point in my lineage, my daughters turned against me. They cast spells to hide the truth. They cast spells to hide themselves and their daughters. They clogged the air with their spells until the truth was buried with falsehoods.”

  Rage filled Vanora, hot and violent. “My mother tried to protect me from what you did! Your falsehoods!”

  Arianrhod smiled, lifting her chin. “But she couldn’t fight your destiny.”

  “It’s all a lie!”

  “Oh, no...once Aeron was transformed into a vampire, a new prophecy took hold of reality. And this one is very, very true. I created you. I took a piece of his soul, imbued it with my power, and cast the spell that would one day create you. My son needed a purpose. A destiny. I made him one. You.”

  Vanora nearly lost her balance as the words swept over her. No wonder Aeron’s touch brought her peace. She was a part of his soul. Shrieking, Vanora struck out at Arianrhod.

  The goddess caught her wrist as easily. “You belong with him.”

  “So many people have died because he believes his destiny is to purge the world.”

  “This world does need to be purged! Leto and her children must be destroyed! She had her chance to rule this world and she failed. Now it’s time for my son to rise up and be the new god. The children he has with you will be rulers of this world. Humanity will tremble and know the truth once more. They will see magic and power!” Arianrhod laughed with delight. “The Seven Sisters killed my brother, but now they are no more. My son will take his father’s place, and I have created the perfect queen for him in you.”

  “You can’t just steal my right of choice from me!” The anger inside Vanora was filled with hatred.

  “You never had a choice,” Arianrhod retorted with a sneer. “Leto hopes to turn you against Aeron. But she cannot change what will be. No one can kill him. I saw to that long ago.”

  “The cloak...” Vanora whispered.

  “Hidden. Safe. He is truly immortal.”

  “Like you?”

  “I’m dead.” Arianrhod frowned. “Killed by the same tribe who would have killed Aeron. I died in my other son’s arms. Once the mortal flesh was dead, so was I. That is the curse Leto placed on me.”

  “But you’re here...”

  “This is just a vision. The result of a spell cast long ago.”

  “So you could tell me what you did.” Vanora was dizzy and pressed her fingers to her temples. “Usurp my mother’s designs.”

  “I could see into the future. I knew what my daughters would do out of fear. I saw that your mother would cast the spells to hide your fate, subsume your power, and warp your thoughts against Aeron. I saw the false visions she placed into the universe, ready to lie to you on your birthdays. So I prepared...”

  Unable to stand any longer, Vanora collapsed. “What is my destiny?”

  “To stand at my son’s side, give birth to the new gods, and become the arbiter of my power.”

  “And I have no choice...” Vanora whispered.

  “You were made for him. You have no choice.”

  Behind the moon goddess the bonfire was only embers. Somehow, Vanora knew that when the fire died, so would the vision. With a cry of determination, she lunged forward and grabbed Arianrhod. The owl screeched, lifting into the air on great wings. Arianrhod was startled by the attack and lost her balance. Together the women crashed into the last of the flames.

  “Then give me my power,” Vanora growled and plunged her hand into Arianrhod’s chest.

  The universe was filled with white light...

  Vanora appeared before the Oracle in the temple.

  Siana gasped in fright, scrambling back from the coals.

  “What is this?” Siana wailed. “What happened?”

  “I know the truth. We’re done here,” Vanora answered.

  The temple disappeared.

  Vanora slipped into the white magic once more…

  Alisha was asleep in the mausoleum. Vanora could see her gentle face in the dim light. Crouching, she gently rested her hand on her sister’s shoulder.

  “I’ve found you,” Vanora sobbed with relief. “I found you.”

  In the darkness, another form stirred.

  A werewolf.

  Leto had taken Alisha, and one of the Likos guarded her.

  Vanora pressed a kiss against Alisha’s brow. “I will come for you later.”

  She willed herself away from the mausoleum.

  The white light came again…

  Armando’s bedroom was as elegant as she thought it would be. Sprawled on his velvet coverlet, he was deep in his vampire slumber, his dark curls soft against his brow. Vanora’s heart wept at the sight of him. Remorse filled her knowing the pain she would bring him. It was unbearable to even think about hurting him.

  Armando loved her so much.

  Even if she shared a soul with Aeron, the love for Armando still burned within her.

  Moving to his side, she touched Armando’s hand. It didn’t bring the immediate peace that Aeron’s did, but it elicited other wonderful emotions within her. Happiness filled her as she dragged her fingertips up his arm to rest on his chest. Just to be near him made her feel so safe and content.

  Leaning over him, she knew that though they were not meant for one another, she loved him completely. Nothing Arianrhod had done could change that.

  “I’m in danger, Armando. Terrible danger. As soon as the spell breaks, I’ll be on the run. Wait for me here. Don’t leave. I need you.” Kissing him, she felt the sweet softness of his lips against her own. “I love you.”

  Vanora gagged and kicked the cast iron pot away from her.

  Greg swore and scrambled after the burning coals that slipped over the edge onto the floor. Shedding the sheet, Vanora ran naked to the bathroom and threw up in the sink, unable to make it to the toilet. Trembling violently, she embraced the solidity of the world once more. After being a phantom in the past and briefly in the present during her visitations with her loved ones, she was glad to be flesh once more.

  Rinsing from the sink, she fought to keep the rest of her stomach contents down. She swished water around in her mouth and then straightened to look at herself in the mirror. In the dimmed lighting of the room, she saw that she looked the same even though it felt like years had passed.

  “Uh, sweet tits,” Greg said cautiously.

  Vanora cast a dark look over her shoulder at him.

  “You weren’t here for most of the day,” he continued nervously.

  “I know,” she answered.

  “I wasn’t even sure you’d come back.”

  When the incubus handed over her clothes, Vanora noted he was shaking. “Thank you for staying.”

  “” Greg wasn’t even staring at her bare breasts, but at her eyes. “You’re different.”

  “I’m pissed.” Vanora set her clothes on the counter and pulled on her panties. She didn’t even care if Greg saw her naked. If he tried to touch her, she’d hurt him. That thought made her feel stronger, yet also sad. A ruthlessness she hadn’t been aware of before filled her now.


  “Long story short...Aeron’s mother was a goddess that Leto bound into a morta
l body. When she saw in the future that her son, Aeron was going to die, she thwarted the Fates. She stole his thread of life. That’s why no one can kill him.”

  “Whoa.” Greg’s eyes widened. “Whoa.”

  “I don’t think I can kill him unless I find it.”

  “That sucks massive rotting zombie dicks,” Greg groused.

  “But I will find it.”

  “Because you are...a goddess now?”

  Vanora latched her bra then pulled on her sweater. She wasn’t sure what she was anymore. “Sorta.”

  “How’d you go all Super Saiyan?”

  “What?” Vanora tugged on her jeans.

  Greg actually blushed. “Dragon Ball Z reference.”

  Despite the seriousness of the moment, the thought of Greg watching the animated show brought a tiny smile to her lips. “Nerd.”

  “Yeah, well, life isn’t all blow jobs and orgies.”

  “So is that Super whatever-you-said a good thing?” Vanora started to pull on her socks and boots.

  “Totally. You powered up. Got a lot more magic coursing in you. I can see it.” The incubus looked impressed, yet cautious.

  Vanora realized he was afraid of her.

  “The other super-fucked up thing is you were totally right about me being the mother to a new race of vampires. Aeron’s mother is behind that, too. She used a piece of Aeron’s soul to make me. Since he was supposed to die, she had to create a new destiny for him.”

  “You. You’re his new destiny.” Greg grunted. “She’s a total cunt.”

  Vanora twisted her hair into a bun on the top of her head and tucked the ends inside to keep it secure. “Yeah, well, she was a very devoted mother.”

  “She was something…a raging bitch I would say.”

  “Meanwhile, Leto wants me to kill him. I’m pretty sure of that. The Fates definitely want him dead for defying them. Siana the Oracle-”

  “You saw Siana...” Greg said in a hushed voice.

  “Yeah, but I think she may want me to help him.”

  Greg shook his head adamantly. “No, no. I don’t believe it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because she’s my wife.”

  Vanora stood, put her hands on her hips, and stared at Greg. “You said Aeron killed your wife.”

  Greg’s round face grew even redder. “He did kill her. That’s how she became a vampire. Until he’s dead, she’s lost to me.”

  Flinching, Vanora remembered Siana showing her the scars on her neck.

  “You know why I want vengeance?” Greg glared at Vanora. “Because he blinded her when she told him a prophecy he didn’t like. He gouged her eyes out.” Greg’s body vibrated with the intensity of his anger. “I managed to get her away, but he found us later. I was away when he attacked. He…brutalized her. When I found her, she was near death. He’d drained her. I held her as she died. I buried her with my own hands. What I didn’t know was that he’d given her some of his blood.”

  “And she rose from the grave.”

  “And he was waiting for her. He’s kept her with him all this time.”

  Closing her eyes, Vanora wondered if her entire life was full of lies. “Okay. So she wants me to kill him, too.”

  Greg was silent in his pain. Arms folded across his wide chest, he glared at his shoes.

  “We need to get out of here, Greg.”

  “The vampires...”

  “They don’t want them. They want me. Leto disappeared during the ritual. At first I thought I sent her away, but now I know I was wrong. She’s looking for me. Her wolves are probably scouring the city right now. Technically, I’ve been staying in one spot all day. My trail ends here.”

  “Long enough for them to sniff you out,” Greg said with a nod, fishing his keys out of his pocket. “You’re right. Let’s bail.”

  Vanora pulled out her cellphone and typed a message to Sheila explaining she had to leave and where to find Alisha.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Not sure yet. We just need to get away from here.” Vanora swiftly strode through the house. “Once the sun is down, we need to get Armando, then Alisha.”

  “You know where she is?”

  “She’s alive, and Leto is hiding her. And I know where.”

  “Shit, girl. You definitely powered up.”

  Vanora grabbed her purse and scarf on her way to the garage. “You have no idea.”

  “So is there a plan?”

  “Not yet.” Vanora dug out her sunglasses and slid them over her eyes. “Nothing definite.”

  “But you’re going to kill Aeron?”

  Tears filled Vanora’s eyes, and she pressed her lips together.

  “Aww, fuck. You love him. You didn’t before!”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Vanora snapped.

  “What about Armando?”

  “I love Armando. I will be with him.”

  “But you want to be with Aeron more.”

  “My choice is Armando.” Vanora slung her purse over her shoulder.

  “But what you feel for Aeron...”

  “It’s not my choice to be with him! I don’t want to be with him.”

  Looking at her doubtfully, Greg shuffled his feet.

  “I may be the result of a spell. I may have the power of a goddess inside me. Maybe I am a witch. Maybe I’m something altogether new. But that doesn’t take away the fact that I am also Vanora Socoli, and I will choose how I live my life.”

  “Even if you have to fight your own heart and soul?”

  “Aeron has my soul. Armando has my heart. But I have my mind and power. Let’s go. Now.” Vanora shoved the door to the garage open and entered.

  Greg hesitated, then followed.

  The truck doors unlocked and Vanora tugged open the passenger door just as a chilling sound reverberated outside.

  It was the howl of a wolf.

  Episode 13

  The Gathering Storm

  All my life I have trusted my heart.

  Surrounded and protected by people who loved me, I had faith in their devotion.

  In return, I was devoted to those I loved.

  It never occurred to me that people I loved and cared for could ever betray that trust.

  But now I have learned a bitter lesson.

  I loved my mother, but she hid my legacy.

  I love Armando, but I am still uncertain I can fully trust him, edict or not.

  I love Aeron, but he will destroy the essence of who I am.

  I have been wrong to trust my heart.

  It is now time to trust my mind.

  My power.


  Vanora hesitated when she heard the howl of a wolf. And she was certain it was a wolf. The neighborhood dogs were in an uproar, and the hair on the back of her neck was standing on end.

  “Werewolf,” Vanora whispered.

  “Get in the truck,” Greg ordered.

  Standing with her hand on the door latch of the pickup, Vanora hesitated, listening. The howl came again, closer now.

  Sliding the garage door open and letting in the late afternoon sunlight, Greg glanced back at Vanora. “I said get in the truck.”

  “No,” Vanora replied, and after tossing her bag onto the passenger seat, she walked to Greg’s side. “They’re too close, they’ll find us, and it’ll be more dangerous out there.”

  “For who?” Greg ran his hands over his sweaty brow and slick red hair while staring anxiously at Vanora.

  “People. Humans. They’ll end up in the middle of the fight. We need to deal with it here.”

  “Werewolves are nothing to fuck around with, sweet tits. I can fight them off, but they’re going to wreck my pretty face. And yours. And the ruckus will draw attention.”

  “She doesn’t want to fight,” Vanora hesitantly said.

  “Who doesn’t want to fight?”

  “Leto, the She-Wolf.”

  Vanora was surprised to see the incubus recoil in obvious fear. “Leto? Then we defi
nitely need to go.”

  “So you know who she is?”

  “Oh, yeah. I certainly do. Get in the damn truck.”

  “She doesn’t want to fight, Greg.”

  “You don’t sound too sure,” the demon replied, picking up on the uncertainty in her voice.

  “Well, she may not want to fight, but she will if she has to.” Vanora tied her scarf about her neck and plunged her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. The day was incredibly cold and damp. She was afraid yet determined to hold her ground.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t want to fight, so I vote we leave.”

  Vanora wasn’t surprised when Leto stepped into view from behind an overgrown thicket of oleander bushes in one corner of the yard.

  “Too late, Greg. She’s here.”

  “Fuck my life.”

  Leto was clad in skinny black jeans, boots, and a black tank top. In spite of the cold, she wasn’t wearing an overcoat and steam slithered off her damp skin. With her long dark hair falling unfettered around her shoulders, a slow, feral smile slid onto her lips. A sleek gray wolf followed Leto, yellow eyes glinting.

  “Hello, Vanora,” Leto said. Her voice was like warm fur slipping over bare skin.

  Vanora shuddered.

  “Not running away are you, Vanora? With him?” Eyes narrowing dangerously on Greg, Leto snarled. “You disobeyed me.”

  “I was getting out of town when all of the sudden I had the urge to fuck up Aeron’s plans,” Greg replied, bouncing fretfully on the balls of his feet. “You should be happy about that.”

  Striding across the dead lawn grass, Leto snorted. “I had my own plans, and you ruined them by absconding with her.”

  “What were your plans?” Vanora asked.

  “Aeron finding you,” Leto answered simply.

  “But you’re not on his side.” Vanora didn’t budge when Leto stopped right before her.

  The wolf sat on its haunches at Leto’s side and yawned.

  “No. I’m not.”

  “And you helped me see the truth.” Vanora struggled to sort out why the goddess would have wanted her captured by Aeron.

  “Yes, I did.”


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