Dystopian Girls 4

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Dystopian Girls 4 Page 2

by Rodzil LaBraun

  "It is nice to see you feeling better," Riley said as she quietly closed the bedroom door behind her. Stella quickly covered her breasts with her arms in modesty. Riley then studied the view before her like it was a crime scene. I didn't bother to cover up. My second wife had seen what I have to offer several times before.

  "Handjob?" Riley asked my third wife. Stella nodded with a bashful grin and showed Riley her hand.

  "Well done," Riley told her with a tilt of her head, eyes widening ever so briefly. The statement was genuine. Unlike Alexa, Riley had no jealousy issues with the innocent young lady. "Why don't you go ahead and get cleaned up. I have some things to talk to Mason about."

  Stella grabbed her large tee and slipped it back over her sexy body. Riley watched as she did so, like a teacher examining a student, instead of their work.

  Riley was wearing one of the long sundresses like she did back when we first met. This one was lime green. I didn't particularly care for it. Her skin was so pale, a darker color looked better against her complexion.

  I sat up on the side of the bed and looked for my shorts on the floor. When Riley came around to my side, I fully expected her to hand them to me. Instead, she stopped directly in front of my knees and pulled her dress right up to her waist. In a swift motion she yanked her own cotton panties off, stepping out of them with her long thin legs. As someone with black hair, shaving was needed regularly to maintain the hairless look. Stubble was barely noticeable on her limbs but appeared as a shadow above her pale pink vagina.

  I was more than a little confused. Riley could clearly see that my sexual needs for the morning had been taken care of already. She was not one to get horny and come after me. Was she planning on mounting me before my boner went too soft?

  "I'll explain to Stella that it is part of her responsibility to clean you up afterwards," she then announced as she used her own panties like a washcloth. I leaned back and let her handle the necessary task. "How soon do you expect to be ready to deal with business this morning?"

  "Soon," I replied, eager to get a cup of coffee first. If Riley had known that I was awake before barging in, she would have brought a cup with her. She had taken to waiting on me hand and foot the last couple days like we were an old married couple. "Now, if need be."

  Riley tossed her soiled undies onto the floor and sat down beside me. I took a deep breath as I waited to hear what she had to say. She was a very serious-minded person once she was fully alert in the morning. It was not the first time that she was ready to handle business with me as soon as I awoke. It was a quality that I liked in her.

  "How did Stella do?" She asked in a softer voice.

  "Great," I replied.

  "Do you want me to give her some pointers for next time?"

  "No, I gave her enough instructions," I replied. "Besides, I like watching her learn."

  "I bet you do," she said with a smile. I remember back when Stella first joined us, Riley alerted the new girl to my fondness of her schoolgirl manner. After a brief pause, she asked, "Did I catch her showing you her pussy?"

  "Yes, I asked to see it. You told her to shave it, I see."

  "Of course," she answered with a nod. She knew what I liked as much as anyone. I could sit down and tell her all my sexual preferences in one go and she would grab a pen and paper, documenting the details without the slightest hint of judgement. That was Riley.

  "I love you, Riley," I told her. She had become my rock ever since Alexa went missing. I couldn't imagine how bad of shape I would be in if I didn't have her.

  "Love you, too," she whispered, then gave me a quick peck on the lips after peering into my eyes in search of emotional turmoil. "Get dressed. I'll have a cup of coffee waiting for you in the kitchen. Ling is helping me with breakfast this morning. I better get back out there before something terrible happens to your food."

  "What business do I need to handle?" I asked as she stood up.

  "Jamila has some news regarding progress on the skank treatments. And Jada wants to clarify some details regarding the gate. Which one do you want to meet with first?"

  I gave it some thought. I was actually looking forward to seeing every one of my female friends this morning. They all made me happy in their own way.

  "Jamila first," I told Riley. "Then breakfast. I'll deal with Jada after that. She might need me to go out there."

  "Good call," she told me. "Everyone has eaten except you and Stella. I'll let Jamila know that you are ready for her." With that she gracefully exited the room. I watched her tight little ass when she walked away, knowing for certain that she wasn't wearing any panties. They were all balled up in the floor in front of me. I found it surprising that she had Stella sleep with me instead of herself. Then again, with me in no hurry to get an early start, it was sort of understandable.

  'Let Jamila know that I am ready for her,' is what Riley said before she left. I was ready for her alright, just a few days ago. And no one currently longed for sex with me more than that girl did. But Alexa was dead set against it. I could see the looks that we were getting sometimes from the other ladies over the last couple days. People were expecting me to take advantage of Alexa's absence and get it on with the tiny hot bodied ex-skank. I just couldn't do it. Any thought in that direction made me feel sick.

  The day that Alexa was taken was an extremely hectic day. We fought off two separate groups of soldiers from the New Hampshire Avenue Militia. Nearly twenty skanks died in the battle, but none of us survivors, thank goodness. Ling's injury was the most serious but turned out to not be as bad as it looked. Either that or she was healing faster than normal.

  We certainly expected a third invasion that same day. After all, we did just kill a bunch of their folks. The loss of their three troop transport vehicles and dozens of weapons was likely even more of an irritation to them. Reportedly, they had tons more soldiers and plenty of firepower. The next two hours after noticing Alexa gone, we couldn't sit around and cry about it, or go running off after her. We had no idea which way she had been taken, or how long she had been gone. Besides, the impending invasion of more forces had to be our priority.

  While waiting for an attack that never came, we continued to improve our tactical situation. In our down time, we discussed what additional improvements could help solidify our position. We all stayed up half the night in anticipation, then slept in shifts after that. Even the next day, there was no attack. I was thoroughly baffled.

  Of course, I regretted not going after Alexa right away. If only I had known that there would be time. Tamika must have taken her while we were distracted with the New-HAM forces. How, I did not know. My wife should have been able to detect in advance every move the young and sexy soldier would make.

  The other scenario was that more soldiers flanked us, kidnapped Alexa, then retreated without harming the rest of us. It seemed much less likely, but either way the militia group that Tamika referred to as the ninety-five army had my wife. Tamika knew that Alexa was a mutant, so perhaps she would get a reward for turning her in. There was rumored to be a delay before executions, of at least a week. Interrogations and ability testing. If that was true, we still had time to find her. But I couldn’t take that chance. The time had come to go rescue my beloved wife.

  Our delay waiting for an attack lost us too much time to follow a trail. I spent every waking moment since then alternating between stressing over any impending invasion and twitching to go searching for Alexa. That battle inside me was now over.

  Jamila did loosen up around me considerably since the kidnapping. She was not following my first wife's strict orders at least. And no one else was holding her to them. I was halfway through my first cup of coffee when she eagerly greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was always a joy to be with her. Seeing her return to her bubbly self was good, too.

  Jamila also no longer wore clothing from head to toe to cover that sexy little body of hers. Dressing like that had to be frustrating for her in this constant heat. T
oday she wore a short pair of light blue shorts, the bottom inch flipped up. They may have been designed that way. An orange button down shirt was tied into a knot above her belly button. She knew that was my favorite color. Three inches of her flat brown belly was exposed, as was a tapered waistline that couldn't have been more than twenty-two inches around. Black and orange flip flops matching the top completed the ensemble.

  Around her neck was a leather cord that hung down to her meager cleavage. Dangling from the end was a shiny letter M, probably silver, possibly white gold. It was the first time that I had seen it. I didn't know her last name. Perhaps it started with the letter. Or, hopefully, it was for Mason. I pulled my eyes away from it before she could notice. I'd rather not know for sure, just in case it wasn't her telling the world that she belonged to me. If it was, I wondered how the other girls would view it.

  "I have good news," she said after releasing the embrace. "Twenty-seven women show improvement."

  "Twenty-seven?" I was shocked. That was a much higher percentage than expected. With the recent skank deaths, I estimated only forty test subjects. "How many took the treatment?"

  "One hundred and four," she said, exuding pride.

  "Wow! Where did they all come from?"

  "You are drawing more women every day, Mason," she told me, pressing a tiny forefinger to my chest.

  "Me?" I laughed. "I think it is you drawing them in. They are not used to a healthy person caring so much for them. I'm sure it is a big change."

  "Word in the gutter..."

  "The gutter?"

  Jamila laughed, showing me that flirty smile of hers. "It’s like word on the street, only it is skanks, so we call it the gutter. They are in a low place, Mason, until they find us. Anyway, the word has spread that there is a man that is good and strong and treats all women with respect."

  "Uh-huh," I replied, figuring that she was twisting details to flatter me. "And that a wonderful young lady is handing out zombie flu cures."

  "That helps, too,” she nodded.

  "Where are they all living?"

  "They skank," Jamila answered plainly. She had a habit of saying that. Maybe she was allowed to since she used to be one. Kind of like people of the same race using terminology that others couldn’t without being offensive. "They sleep wherever. But that is what I want to talk to you about. We need to separate those healing from those that are not. And take more houses in neighborhood. The two best for reborn, others for skank tribe."


  "Yes, like me," she smiled again, drawing attention to her fully healed body with her arms wide. "A nice lady named Melanie said she felt reborn after two doses of treatment. I decided to steal the word. Is that okay?"

  "I love it."

  "Good," she replied, dragging her fingertips lightly down my chest, then to her mouth. The display was meant to tell me that she was having trouble keeping her hands off of me. Her attraction to me was quite arousing, but I couldn't act on it just then. Or anytime soon. "Do you want to pick out houses, or should I let them do it?"

  "You said just two houses for the reborn?" She nodded. "That's thirteen or fourteen people per house. It will be a little crowded don't you think?"

  "Better than it was," she replied. I understood why she felt that way. Even after being completely healed she was happy to sleep in the garage.

  "How about this," I told her. "We start cleaning one house at a time and moving them in. Once we have enough that they feel comfortable, we'll stop. I'm thinking they'll be needing four houses total."

  "Four?" she said in surprise. "Okay. But you no clean. Reborn clean. We come for help with repairs or moving when needed. What houses?"

  "There are four on this street besides ours. Unless they are in too bad of shape, it makes sense to put the healthier women in them. There are six more houses on the access road between here and our new gate. The women not responding to treatment should gradually move over to them."

  "Skank row, got it." Jamila gave me another quick hug and a peck on the cheek before thanking me and exiting the kitchen. Not only was I glad that so many women were healing from their atrocious diseases, I was very lucky to have Jamila as my ambassador. She never shied away from helping those less fortunate.

  The next person through the door was my best buddy, Bianka. As a lesbian, the gorgeous blonde could never become one of my lovers. Acknowledging that fact helped us form a strong friendship over the last couple weeks. I was already fonder of her than I was any male friend that I had in my past life. I just had to keep my head on straight around her.

  Her super sincere, though not very toothy smile when seeing me lit up my heart. I grinned back at her, feeling silly for how many teeth I was showing.

  "Good morning, Mason," she said as she approached. I held open my arms and she walked into them. The embrace was brief, like the kind I would have given a bro while shaking his hand. "How are you this morning."

  "I'm good," I couldn't help but say. Bianka was so worried about me since Alexa was taken. I was sure that she missed my wife, too. A couple heartfelt conversations had me saying some things to her that I would never have said to anyone else. Her support was possibly as beneficial to helping me keep my shit together as Riley's.

  "Cool," she said, staring into my eyes to see if I was lying. It was hard not to feel a little better when so many exquisite women cared this deeply for me. "I was hoping to talk to you about an idea of mine."

  "Sure," I said as I took a seat on the barstool.

  "He hasn't had his breakfast yet, Bianka," Riley said from the stove. "And Jada is next on his list of appointments."

  "Yes ma'am," she replied to my wife, and acted like she was about to leave.

  "I can talk while I'm eating," I said.

  "I'll keep it brief, then," Bianka answered, waiting to see if Riley would object. My second wife had become more than my primary mate in Alexa's absence. She was also my secretary. People had to go through her to get to me usually. I believed that she was also limiting my exposure to problems in the camp and coordinating the effort to comfort me. "I was thinking of teaching some classes for the girls that heal up good."


  "Yeah. Combat skills really. Jada could help, too. She’s almost as bad-ass as me."

  "Do you think many of them will be interested?" I asked after nodding my agreement with her statement. They were both certainly warrior goddesses. Jada perhaps more physically strong, but not nearly as skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

  "Are you shitting me, Mason?" she seemed legitimately confused by my statement. I had assumed that the newly reborn would not be all that eager to get into any fights. Riley handed me my plate of pancakes and slightly burnt bear bacon. As I began eating, Bianka continued. "They all want to do their part. Not only have you welcomed them in while they were still diseased, but now you have provided them with a cure. They are devoted to you, even more than the army of skanks."

  Wow, I thought. I've come so far since a few weeks ago alone in the beer store. Now I have beautiful women at my side, a squad of reborn in training, and a self-sacrificing skank tribe. I would never have imagined it, not in a million years. It was a good feeling, but it brought one very important thing back to mind. It all started with Alexa.

  It was entirely possible that none of this would be mine if I had not been able to get Alexa to join me. Back before nearly everyone got sick, my dad encouraged me not to break up with a girlfriend before finding her replacement. He claimed that men that already had an attractive woman were much more desirable in the female eye. Seeing me with Alexa, then Jada, no doubt improved my attractiveness in many of female minds.

  Hiding my sudden emotional dip from thinking about my missing wife, I replied while chewing, "Sounds good. Coordinate with Jamila."

  "Will do. Thanks," she said as she turned to leave. Then something shiny caught my eye as I was trying to catch a glimpse of her perfect tan breasts. A necklace. I figured that I was imagining things, but
I had to know for sure. It was too big of a coincidence.

  "Bianka," I called her back. She turned to face me. "Is that a new necklace?" I asked.

  "Yes," she said as she came closer, pulling it out of her blouse for me to examine. The chain looked expensive, but nothing compared to the charm at the end. It had several sparkling diamonds. I had no idea if they were real. She must have found something to polish it with, because it looked as good as if it was displayed at a nice jewelry store downtown in Chevy Chase Maryland. It was also the letter M. "Jamila got it for me."


  "Yeah," she replied quietly, a smile creeping across her lips like she was incredibly proud of it. "M for Mason, of course. She has those women of hers looking everywhere for them. She wants all the girls in this house to wear them. It identifies us as your top ranked women, I guess."

  "Huh," was all I could manage to say. It was just one more thing to blow my mind. I felt unworthy of such a compliment.


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