For Love of a Laird (Irvines of Drum Book 1)

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For Love of a Laird (Irvines of Drum Book 1) Page 17

by Mia Pride

  “Ye’re a bloody fool, Rob!” Reginald swung back and knocked him on the side of this jaw, causing him to fall back into the corridor. “Ye should have told her how ye felt! I did this for ye!”

  Getting up on his feet once more, Robert charged at Reginald and knocked him back against the wall with a thud. With an incredulous snort, Robert pinned his brother against the cold stone wall. “For me, or yer cock? All ye care about is bedding women! I ken how ye looked at Elizabeth! Ye wanted her for yerself! Ye lied to her, tricked her into a false marriage, and then lied to me about bedding her! Why?” He shook Reginald hard, but his brother pushed him back and they began grappling, each man attempting to best the other for the hundredth time in their lives. Sticking a foot out, Robert tripped Reginald and gripped his arms, pushing him onto the ground, before straddling him. “Tell me why I shouldnae knock all yer teeth out this verra moment?”

  “Do whatever ye want, ye stubborn arse! But we did this for ye. I kenned ye loved her but wouldnae admit it, and Tilda kenned Elizabeth loved ye, but was afraid of falling for a man who couldnae love her back. Ye are both fools!” Reginald spat. “I wished to make ye jealous, so ye could admit how ye felt for the lass. Apparently it worked.”

  Before Robert could finish processing what his brother had said and decide to climb off him or pummel him, the door nearest Reginald’s head flew open and Robert looked up to see Elizabeth and Matilda standing in their shifts, wool arisaids wrapped around them with their mouths agape in shock.

  Another door opened and Mary stepped out, rubbing her swelling belly with a wry smile on her face. “Another Irvine brother fight. ’Tis a shame Alex isnae here to knock both yer heads together.” Making a tsking sound, she looked up and saw Elizabeth and Tilda, smiling widely. “I told ye Robert would box his ears.”

  “What in God’s name is all this noise?” a booming, deep voice shouted from the next door down. “A man can get no sleep in this cursed keep!”

  “Hush, William!” Elizabeth scolded her elder brother, who crinkled his brow when he saw the scene before him.

  “Ye married into the worst clan in all of Scotland, Lizzie!”

  “William! I am not married! Now do shut up!”

  William’s mouth opened, then closed again and Robert understood the man’s frustration and confusion. He would have to deal with her brother’s ire before he could make things right, but now was not the time.

  Stepping forward, Elizabeth’s small bare feet stopped before him as she looked down at what must have appeared to be a childish scene. Putting out a hand calmly, she looked at him and frowned, silently begging him to stop with her honeyed eyes.

  “Ye’re an arse,” he groaned to Reginald as he climbed off him, putting out a hand to grab Elizabeth’s hand before putting out another to help Reginald off the cold stone floors.

  “As are ye,” Reginald grunted, wiping debris off his backside and appearing rather embarrassed to be caught in such a position.

  “Ye are all arses,” Mary chimed in cheerfully from her chamber door. “The lot of ye. Alexander would have enjoyed this scene verra much. Figure yerselves out before ye make a mockery of yer clan.”

  “Too late for that!” William finally said, and Robert could do naught but sigh and run his hands over his face wearily.

  “Ye are an arse, as well,” Mary said calmly, looking in William’s direction.

  “What did I do?” he asked, scratching his head and glaring at Mary.

  “I dinnae ken. But all men are arses in the end, aye? Some lassies as well.” Looking at Elizabeth and Matilda, Mary shrugged and slammed her chamber door shut.

  “Will someone tell me what is going on?” William stormed over to Robert and Reginald, fire in his eyes. “I am regretting this cursed peace between us right now when all I wish to do is run ye both through, and I dinnae even ken what ye did… but I ken ye did something!”

  “We all did, William. None of us is innocent in this.”

  Scowling, William looked at his sister, then glared silently at Robert and Reginald before storming back toward his chamber, mumbling curses under his breath. “Will, wait!” Elizabeth pleaded, following in his wake while clutching to her arisaid.

  “Go to bed, Lizzie,” he growled over his shoulder. “I dinnae wish to discuss this nonsense right now! I am out of patience with ye! We will talk in the morn!”

  “But… I have to tell ye—” The door slammed in her face, and Robert saw Elizabeth flinch before turning around to face him with a frown as she began to move slowly toward him.

  “Ye are all mad. See if I ever help ye again,” Reginald scoffed and limped away, wiping blood off his lip. Robert wanted to shout that falsifying a marriage with the woman he loved was the worst help he had ever received, but he was weary and sore, wishing only to end this cursed night so he could be with Elizabeth in the morn.

  Matilda grabbed Elizabeth’s arm before she ever reached his side and dragged her back, slowly shutting her chamber door, leaving Robert alone once more, wondering how everything had become so very complicated. His nose and jaw hurt like hell from his second fight of the night with Reginald, William was ready to simply drag Elizabeth back to Dunnottar, and Robert had to somehow convince the man that he was worthy of Elizabeth, which seemed an impossible feat at the moment. Never had he felt less worthy in his entire life.

  The night grew late, but Robert’s mind was too occupied to even consider sleeping. Likely, he would be up until dawn, deciding how to best move forward and start his future with Elizabeth. He could not wait to call her wife, finally remove her clothing and see what beauty lay beneath. The thought alone had driven him mad for many sennights. The reality would surely be enough to bring him to his knees in worship. But that seemed a long way off and, for now, Robert needed fresh air and time to think in the still, quiet night.

  Turning back toward the stairs, Robert climbed to the top of the tower, letting the familiarity of the battlements soothe his frazzled nerves. The sound of trees rustling in the forest below filled his ears and the cool night air filled his lungs. Ever since he was a wee lad, coming up here to oversee the land had been his favorite place of solitude. He felt safe here, though never had he expected to be the laird of the lands that now surrounded him.

  “I miss ye, Brother,” he said to the wind, wondering if Alex would ever hear his words. Either way, he felt compelled to speak to him. “Ye left a right mess behind. One widow. One lover carrying yer child. A castle and a title and lands that now fall to me to care for, none of which I ever wanted.” Feeling the pain throbbing in his cheek, he knew he would have a bruise. Nothing worse than before. The three brothers were known for a good fight now and then. Without Alex, it was up to him and Reginald to beat the shite out of one another from time to time. He just wished it wasn’t because of Alex’s widow.

  “That isnae entirely true. I mustnae lie. As much as it shames me to admit this now, I coveted yer wife, and I am verra sorry. I loved the lass from the moment I saw her. Had ye lived, I would have done well enough hiding my emotions for her. I would never have betrayed ye and I hope ye ken that. But then ye went ahead and got yerself killed by that bastard, Hector. I was so angry at ye for leaving me. I didnae want yer life and I refused to love yer widow out of spite. I pushed her away until she decided to marry Reginald. But ye must ken that already, aye? Ye probably are laughing yer arse off at us. Are ye not?”

  Swallowing down his grief, Robert found his usual spot along the wall, the same spot he and his two brothers had carved their initials into the rough stones as children. Running his finger along the cold ridges of etched memories, Robert sighed. “I have been a fool, Alex. But I plan on making everything right. I am in love with Elizabeth. I thought it was wrong before, but nothing has ever been more right. I should have married her when she asked me to from the beginning. Ye had asked it of me, as well, and I ken ye were jesting, but it would have been best for us all.”

  “Alex asked ye to marry me?” He heard Elizabe
th’s voice and his head snapped up. He had been so deep in his thoughts that he had not heard her approach, nor saw her from the side. Hair plaited and draped over one shoulder, she was wearing the same thing she wore before, a simple linen shift with the Keith plaid wrapped around her shoulders.

  “The Lady of Drum should wear the Irvine plaid,” he said softly with a smile and signaled for her to join him against the wall.

  “I didnae mean to interrupt ye in a private moment. I couldnae sleep and thought to come up here.”

  “Aye, how could ye sleep after the night we had? I am sorry I woke ye in the first place, disagreeing with Reg.”

  “Ye call that a disagreement? I wouldnae like to see ye truly angry with him then.”

  Shrugging and chuckling, Robert draped his arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him, enjoying the feel of her tucked close to his body. “We are brothers. We fight sometimes but ’tis how we move on. And nay, Alex kenned he had to marry ye. He only said that one night when he was sad about Mary. I wanted to marry ye, even then, but it wasnae my right. Once it was my right, I denied it until I pushed ye away and I will never forgive myself.”

  “Robert, ye need to let that go. I love ye and plan to make ye my husband as soon as possible.”

  Tucking a stray brown hair behind her ear, Robert felt a warmth flood his insides while he looked at her. “Ye are the most beautiful woman I have ever kenned. I am a fortunate man that ye could still love me after I have been such a bastard to ye.” Leaning in, he pressed his lips against hers and groaned in surprise and excitement when she met him halfway, wrapping her arms around his neck and eager to respond.

  Pulling away for a moment, Elizabeth licked her lips and searched his eyes, causing him to shift when his arousal became too painful. The way she looked at him was enough to nearly undo him and, having wanted her so badly for so long, Robert was struggling to keep himself together.

  “I love ye, Robert. Ye ken that, aye?” she whispered and kissed his lips softly, pulling away once more.

  “I do, and I am the luckiest man in the world for it. I love ye more than anything, Lizzie. I cannae wait to make ye my wife.”

  “Robert…” she searched his features one more time and bit her lower lip in a way that spoke of wanton thoughts and intimate caresses, making him bite back another groan. “I cannae wait either.” Slowly, Elizabeth climbed onto his lap and he saw a wee blush creep up her cheeks when she felt the evidence of his desire pressing at her backside. “I want to make love to ye, to be yers here and now, to ken that, when I walk toward ye on our wedding day, that we hold this secret between us.” Her arms wrapped around his neck once more and she waited for him to respond, though all he could do was feel her soft warmth, smell her sweet floral scent and all his resistance began to wane with every breath between them.

  “I want ye more than anything. Are ye certain that is what ye want? I plan to make certain we are wed within a sennight. I willnae wait longer than necessary to make ye my wife. We can wait if that is what ye want, love.”

  Shaking her head slowly and shifting in his lap, Elizabeth sighed and rested her forehead against his. “’Tis just that, ye see, I keep getting this feeling… down here,” she whispered and looked down the area between her legs, her shift creeping higher and higher up her thighs with every move she made.

  “Is that so, lass?” he murmured, knowing he would lose control if she so innocently continued to speak that way, yet he could not help himself from asking further. “What sort of feeling?”

  “’Tis hard to explain, but I only feel it when I am near ye, or see ye, or think of ye. ’Tis as if my body wants something it doesnae understand. But I ken what it is and I need to make it go away, Robert, before it drives me mad.”

  She was driving him mad with her words. Never had he loved a lass before, and never had he wanted to make love to anyone as much as he did her. In the past, it had simply been the need for release, but with Elizabeth, the need to love her, feel her, be one with her, was consuming his every thought. “If I am a fortunate man, that feeling will never go away, Lizzie. That is lust and I feel it every time I am with ye, or see ye, or think of ye, as well, love.”

  Leaning in, he took her soft lips with his own and felt his stomach tighten with need when she sighed and opened to him, allowing his tongue entry. For a few sweet and torturous moments, that was all they did, explore one another’s mouths, nibbling, tasting, and learning the feel of one another. Her hands slowly moved down to his chest, where she pressed one palm flat to his heart and looked up at him with a small smile. “I can feel it beating.”

  “It beats only for ye, my bride.”

  “I hope I never live to see the day when it stops. I shall never bear the loss of ye, Robert.”

  “Ye willnae lose me. Never,” he promised and picked up her other hand, kissing her fingertips softly, one by one.

  He felt a shiver run through her body and when he looked down, saw her nipples pebbled against her shift, begging for his touch. How he had longed to touch her breasts, see them, taste them. He knew they would taste sweeter than any honey. Hands gripping her waist, he slowly allowed them to move upward toward those perfect round temptations he had been dreaming of since the first day they met. When his thumb gently grazed her hard peaks, she flexed her hips instinctively and arched her back. “Ah, that feels wonderful,” she sighed. “I never kenned they could feel that way.”

  “I have barely touched ye, love,” he chuckled, looking at the tie on her shift and placing his fingers there, waiting for her permission. When she nodded, he tugged the bow and loosened the fabric, slowly working the shift down her shoulders until her glorious breasts finally came into his view, her rosy buds tightening when the cold air hit them.

  “By all that is holy, ye are perfection.” Cupping each breast in his palms, he once again stroked her nipples with the pads of his thumbs, reveling in her soft whimpers of delight and the way her body seemed to move against his without her even trying. If she continued that, he would lose himself in a most embarrassing manner.

  Her breathing became shallow as she watched him touch her for the first time, and something about that drove him absolutely wild. “Ye like that, love?” he asked and when she nodded and continued to watch, he decided to lean in and flick his tongue over her erect nipple, pleased when her hips bucked and she moaned lowly. Giving her ripe breast a tender nip, he played with the other nipple before switching sides.

  Never had he known a woman more responsive, more innocent yet made for pleasure. She was trusting and passionate and he wanted to see how much more pleasure he could bring her without taking things too far. As much as he wished to bury himself to the hilt within her, he wanted to respect her maidenhood and save the true act for their marriage night and knew he could help give her relief in ways she may not yet understand.

  “Make love to me, Robert,” she whispered, shifting in his lap, driving him mad with need. Yet tonight would be only about Elizabeth’s pleasure. He had waited this long and could wait a few more days.

  “Elizabeth, my sweet lass, we will make love on the night of our wedding, but until then, will ye allow me to show ye pleasure in other ways?” Sliding his hands down her body, he rested them on her thighs and fisted the fabric of her shift, awaiting her response.

  Disappointment showed on her face, but she nodded and he smirked in response, knowing she would not remain disappointed for long. Running his hands slowly up and down the length of her slim legs, noticing her small ankles and creamy complexion, he gritted his teeth against his restrained need. Straddling his lap with her shift halfway up her thighs, he was so close to seeing that secret part of her he had dreamed about for so long. “Ye are so perfect, love,” he murmured, running his hands back up her legs, over her thighs while pushing the fabric up higher. Lifting her backside slightly, she allowed him to raise it up to her hips, exposing her from the waist down, her breasts still only inches from his face. She was glorious and, though
not fully nude, she was more lovely than he could have ever imagined.

  Placing her plaid on the ground behind her, he instructed her to lay back onto it, and she willingly did as he instructed. “What are ye going to do to me, Robert?” she asked softly, leaning up on her elbows to better see and the curiosity in her voice nearly undid him. She was a temptress and truly did not know it.

  Deciding to show her rather than explain, Robert looked down and took in the beautiful sight before him, running one finger slowly over her mound and delighting when she instantly responded, gasping as her hips bucked. Pushing her legs open a little wider, he explored her first with his gaze, wondering how he had become so fortunate a man, to have her love and trust in this manner. Slowly pushing one finger inside her, he watched her face when her mouth opened slightly and a small whimper escaped from her lips. “How does this feel?” he asked, pushing a bit deeper before pulling out and repeating the motion gently, getting her used to his touch.

  “It is so… good,” she sighed, tilting her head back. “But yet, I still need more. Is that wrong?”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “Nay, love. I am just getting started.” Elizabeth’s eyes widened at his words and a distinctive blush crept down her neck and over her chest, her bared nipples still puckered and erect. Slipping a second finger in, Robert groaned, loving the soft wet feel of her, the heat. He longed to remove his trews and bury himself deep within her, but knew he had the rest of his life to make love to her, even if waiting felt like his own personal hell.

  To his surprise, he looked up to see Elizabeth watching what he was doing, a look of longing in her eyes as he pushed in and out. She was so willing, so eager and nothing could have aroused him more than knowing he was the first man to cause her such pleasure in her life. With his other hand, he found the sensitive nub just above her entrance and gently circled the tip of his finger over it, delighting in her sudden moan of pleasure and the way she pushed her hips down, deepening his thrusts as he continued to move in a rhythmic motion.


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