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Reforming Kent: A Stand-Alone Angsty Bad Boy Romance (The Kennedy Boys Book 10)

Page 28

by Siobhan Davis

  “A couple of Kev’s colleagues are going to check out Kent’s car. Kev won’t let us go anywhere without him. Not after I told him the guy Kent almost killed is one of The Vipers.”

  “Not just one of The Vipers,” I say. “He’s their VP.”

  “This is real fucking bad.” Keanu places a bottle of JD and four glasses down on the island.

  “Tell us what you know,” Kyler says, running his hands through his hair.

  “Not much,” I admit, accepting a glass from Keanu. “Kent came into the bar. He was happy until he got a look at Clay. Then he lost it. Grabbed the bat we keep behind the counter and beat him to a pulp. Our bouncer let him at it until I begged him to intervene. Bugger pulled him away, and then Kent took off before I could stop him.”

  “I take it this was Kent’s first time meeting Clay?” Kalvin asks, and I nod. “Do you know why he reacted like that?”

  I take a big mouthful of whiskey, enjoying the burn as it glides down my throat. “All I have are theories.”

  “Let’s hear them,” Kyler says, sipping his drink.

  I don’t like admitting any of this, especially when I have no facts, but this is a life-or-death situation and my boyfriend is out there in danger, so this isn’t the time for holding anything back. “Something happened to Kent in the past. I don’t know what,” I add before they question me. “Just that it was something sexual.”

  The glass drops out of Kyler’s hands, shattering to pieces on the floor. His tan face pales, and he looks like he’s seen a ghost.

  “What?” Kalvin splutters, a look of horror on his face.

  Tears fill my eyes. “He has barely told me anything, but I know enough to understand it was bad. Really bad.”

  Tension seeps into the air.

  “Keats and I had come to the same conclusion recently,” Keanu admits, startling me. “Some things started adding up.” He closes his eyes for a second, and when he reopens them, they are flooded with unshed tears. “When Selena heard what happened, she told me she met with Kent earlier today. He told her he wanted to see a therapist. They talked for a bit, and she put him in touch with her therapist, Denise. I got Sel to call her. Kent made an appointment for tomorrow.”

  A sob escapes my throat, and my chest heaves. “He promised me he was going to get help and get clean,” I say, barely seeing his brothers through the glassy film covering my eyes. “It was the only way I could stay with him. I couldn’t stand by and watch another man I love destroy himself through addiction.”

  “Did he tell Sel anything else?” Kyler asks, his voice choked.

  “He didn’t give her any details, but he confirmed it.”

  “Fuck.” Kyler leans over the counter, burying his head in his hands.

  Keanu picks up the broken glass, placing paper towels down over the wet patch on the floor. Pain stabs me in the heart like it does every time I think about Kent being hurt like that. Kalvin looks shell-shocked while Kyler keeps his head down, his shoulders heaving.

  “Where is Kaden?” I ask, realizing he’s missing.

  Strain stretches across Keanu’s face. “He thinks it’s another one of Kent’s cries for attention, and he’s refused to get involved.”

  What a selfish prick. I’ve noticed Kent’s older brother seems to have an issue with him. He never wastes an opportunity to put him in his place, and they don’t seem close at all, which is weird since Kent is so close to Eva. “I can’t imagine that went down well with Eva.”

  “Probably not,” Kalvin admits, pulling himself up onto a stool at the island unit. He tops up our drinks, but I place my hand over my glass before he can pour more in mine.

  “Someone needs to be sober to drive.” Besides, my stomach is in knots and the previous mouthfuls of whiskey are sloshing uneasily around my tummy.

  “We shouldn’t drink anymore,” Keanu agrees. “We don’t know what we’re dealing with here. We need to stay sharp.”

  “Well, I fucking need another one after that revelation,” Kalvin says, knocking half his drink back. “Mom and Dad are going to be devastated.” He hangs his head as Kyler lifts his up.

  Kyler’s eyes are red-rimmed and his cheeks damp. His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat as he pins anguished eyes on Keanu. “I should have noticed. I should have realized.”

  Keanu places his hand on his brother’s back. “Don’t do this to yourself. You think I don’t feel like I’ve failed him too? I’m his triplet. I’ve been closest to him these past few years, and I didn’t know.”

  “You can’t blame one another.” I rub a hand across my chest as piercing pain rips through my heart. “We need to focus on finding him before something happens.” Either Kent will get into bigger trouble, hurt himself, or The Vipers will get to him. None of those scenarios end well.

  Kyler turns to face me. “Was it your foster brother? Is he the one responsible?” His nostrils flare, a muscle pops in his jaw, and his hands ball into fists at his sides.

  Tears well in my eyes again. “I don’t know, Kyler,” I whisper. “All I know for sure is Kent has a serious issue with Clay.”

  “It’s got to be connected.” Kalvin drains the last dregs of his drink. “You don’t almost beat a guy to death unless he has seriously wronged you.”

  “I wish he’d fucking murdered the bastard,” Kyler hisses, and the skin on his knuckles blanches white he’s clenching them so hard.

  “Ky.” Keanu jerks his head in my direction.

  “I won’t apologize for that,” Kyler says, leveling me with a fierce look.

  “I don’t expect you to. If Clay hurt Kent, I’ll end him myself.”

  Kyler opens his mouth to say something else, but he’s cut off by the sound of the front door slamming. We turn around as one, watching Keven approach.

  “Do you know where he is?” I ask, stepping toward him, pleading with my eyes.

  He shakes his head, and my stomach plummets to my feet. “His car was abandoned a few miles from the bar. My colleagues are working off the assumption he called an Uber to take him someplace because they canvassed the local area and no one saw a thing.”

  “They wouldn’t say even if they did,” I explain. “They don’t trust anyone in authority. The Vipers rule the streets, and everyone would be afraid to go up against them.” I’m hoping the crowd from the bar is the exception, but there is no guarantee even with the financial incentive.

  “Can’t you hack into his phone?” Keanu asks.

  “It needs to be powered on for me to do that,” Keven confirms.

  “Can’t you use his phone to track his location?” Kyler adds.

  “It seems it was dumped somewhere on the railway tracks at Mattapan Station. My colleagues are searching for it now.” Keven stares at me. “I did some research on your foster brother and The Vipers on the plane, and I didn’t like what I found. It seems Clay and his merry band of thugs were under investigation for a variety of criminal activities. I wasn’t on that task force, but I’ve spoken to one of the lead investigators, and it’s imperative we find Kent before they do. Do you have any idea where he could be?”

  “I have wracked my brain to come up with options, but I don’t know. We don’t go out much, preferring to stay in, and apart from work, college, and the gym, I don’t know where he hangs out.”

  “I spoke with his buddy Lance,” Keanu says, leaning back against the counter. “And he had no ideas either. It’s summer break, and most students have gone home.”

  “There is someone we could ask,” I blurt, just thinking of Jet. “A guy who sold drugs in the neighborhood around the bar. I know Kent has bought stuff off him before.” Kent was messed up when he left, and it wouldn’t be unthinkable for him to turn to drugs or booze.

  “Where can we find him?” Keven asks.

  I rub my pounding temples. “I don’t know. He wasn’t on the street corner when we were leaving, and he’s one of Clay’s guys, so he’s probably gone underground. I can ask my boss though. He might know.”

bsp; Keven talks quietly with his brothers while I call Rafe. I hang up a few minutes later, frustrated and scared. The four Kennedy men look up at me. I shake my head. “It’s a dead end. He doesn’t know where he lives. He also said The Vipers haven’t shown up at the bar, which is concerning. They’ve been expecting them.”

  “That usually means they’ve already gotten what intel they need,” Keven says, scrubbing a hand over his prickly jawline.

  “Damn it.” I quickly explain about the customers who were filming, how we confiscated their cell phones, and the financial reward I offered.

  Keven listens intently, showing no emotion on his face before pulling out his cell. He places a call. “You need to swing by Ramshackle and pick up a bunch of cell phones that were confiscated. We need to examine them to see if someone sent a recording or a message externally. That might be how we trace The Vipers.”

  “Shit.” Kalvin rubs the back of his neck. “We’ve got to get those recordings. If it gets out, they’ll arrest Kent. They won’t need Clay’s statement to press charges if they have video evidence.”

  We all know Clay won’t press charges. That’s not how he’ll retaliate.

  “I’ll get that money tomorrow and give it to Ford,” Keanu says, coming up behind me. He removes his hoodie, handing it to me. “You’re shaking.”

  I didn’t realize I was or how every bone in my body feels ice cold. I pull his hoodie on, tuning the others out as I try to think of where Kent might go.

  All the blood drains from my face as a thought pops into my mind.

  Keven ends his call, walking toward me. With a gentle touch, he clasps my face in his hands, forcing my terrified gaze to his. “What are you thinking?”

  “The drug house,” I whisper. Tears leak out of my eyes. “He was with me the day I found Chris. If he wanted to get high, I think he’d go there.”

  We don’t know that he does. All of this is conjecture. But he was in a murderous rage, and if Clay is involved in his attack, it could’ve sent him spiraling. I saw the same thing happen to Chris enough times to guess Kent has probably sought solace in booze or drugs. He’s smart, and he knows you don’t take out a gang member without swift retaliation, so he wouldn’t risk going to a bar. He’d want to go somewhere to lie low. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that is where he is.

  “We need to hurry.” I grab Keven’s arms. “We need to go now.”



  “Fucking hell, Presley. Why the fuck did you bring him here?” Kyler asks when we pull up in front of the old dilapidated hospital turned drug den. He stares at me with blatant disbelief.

  “I wasn’t thinking straight that day,” I truthfully admit. “Then I figured maybe it might’ve done him some good. I think it did, because I don’t think he’s touched anything stronger than weed since we found Chris.” I can’t be one hundred percent sure though because I spent a lot of the days after Chris died in a numb haze.

  “Don’t take it out on Presley,” Keanu says as a second blacked-out SUV pulls up alongside us. “Kent would not want that.”

  Kyler sighs. “I’m sorry.” He squeezes my knee. “I’m just so worried.”

  “I know. I am too.”

  “I think you should stay in the car. Let me and my colleagues search the place,” Keven says, twisting around from the driver’s seat to stare at us.

  “You’ll need me to navigate that hellhole,” I explain. “And don’t even think about arguing with me. I know my way around, and I’m local. I’ll help you get out of there alive.”

  Two car doors open beside us, and Kalvin presses his nose to the window. “Where is everyone else?” he asks, his brows scrunching.

  “Sinead and Colin are doing me a favor,” Keven says. “I’m trying to keep this on the down low to protect Kent.”

  “Fuck that shit, Keven!” Kyler explodes, and I jump a little. “His life is in danger! We need every available person looking for him before The fucking Vipers get to him.”

  For the first time ever, Keven looks ruffled. “Don’t fucking tell me how to do my job, Ky!” he shouts. “If I make this official, Kent will be arrested. He almost beat a man to death.”

  “He’s a fucking scumbag criminal!” Kyler shouts, and I flinch.

  “If he gets a record, his law career is over before it has begun,” Keven argues. “I’m trying to protect him and his future.”

  “We need to take that fucking scumbag down!” Kyler rants. “Send someone to the hospital to give him a lethal injection.”

  All three of his brothers stare at Kyler like he’s lost his mind.

  I can relate because I’m so confused.

  It’s not like I don’t know who Clay is, but I’ve deliberately never pried into his gangland activities. I’m feeling pretty stupid and naïve right now.

  Why didn’t I ever question it?

  Because I looked the other way, not wanting to lose Clay from my life. I still don’t know what he’s done, what he’s involved in, whether he was personally involved in whatever has happened to Kent, or whether he really is a risk to my life, and I’m so conflicted.

  Am I right to turn my back on him fully without knowing the facts?

  I know Kent wouldn’t attack him for no reason, and I’m giving my boyfriend the benefit of the doubt.

  Perhaps the fact I didn’t hesitate to take his side tells me everything I need to know.

  I’m ashamed to admit that deep down I’ve known Clay isn’t a good man. I’ve chosen to deny that truth to keep him in my life, and I’m disgusted with myself. Everything I thought I knew has been turned upside down, and I still don’t have the facts. I have a feeling once I do I’m going to feel even more sickened and ashamed.

  The guys are still arguing, and I’m done. If Kent is in there, we need to get him the hell out now.

  “Stop it!” I scream, and they instantly mute. “If your brother is in there, we need to get him out now, and we’re going to need all the help we can get. I’m guessing you all have guns?” Kent thinks I didn’t spot the gun he shoved in his back pocket the last time we were here, but there isn’t much I miss. Truth is, I was glad he had a weapon. Only an idiot steps inside this shithole without a means to defend themselves. It’s why I have my small handgun in my purse.

  One by one, they remove their firearms, and I extract mine from my purse, curling my fingers around the weapon and dumping my purse on the floor. “Don’t worry,” I tell Keven as he opens his mouth to speak. “I have a license.” I nudge Kalvin. “Let’s go. There is no time to waste.”

  We all hop out, and Keven makes quick introductions. I nod at Sinead and Colin before I lead the way, stopping just outside the door. “Do not make eye contact with anyone, and keep your guns close, but out of sight. It doesn’t take much to spook these people. I will lead with Keven. We are heading toward the second floor. One of The Vipers’ dealers sells from one of the individual rooms upstairs, and if it’s hardcore shit you’re after, you end up in the room where Chris overdosed. If Kent is in here, he’s in that room.”

  Knots twist and turn in my stomach, and acid crawls up my throat as I make my way inside. The big room is fully occupied tonight, and our entrance doesn’t go unnoticed. All the tiny hairs lift on the back of my neck as we stride through the space, keeping our heads down and our wits about us. I feel eyeballs glued to my back as we cross the room, but I can’t get distracted. I need to find Kent.

  There is a collective sigh of relief when we step out into the dank hallway. “Kev,” Sinead whispers. “I really think we should call this in.”

  “I agree,” Colin whispers. “I don’t like our chances of getting out of here alive. We need backup.”

  We come to a halt. “Okay.” Keven exhales heavily. “I think you’re right. I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

  “I’ll call it in,” Sinead says, “but keep moving.”

  I caution them about the broken stairs, taking my time as we as
cend to the next level, pointing out the places to avoid stepping. I’m panting by the time we reach the second-floor landing, but it’s not because I’m out of breath. I’m fucking terrified of what we might find.

  For the first time in years, I pray. I beg whoever is up there to let Kent not be in here or if he is to let him be alive because I will not survive if I lose him too.

  Adrenaline courses through my veins as I advance along the hallway, avoiding looking too closely at the occupants in the single rooms as we pass by. My heart is careening around my chest, and blood rushes to my head, making me feel light-headed. I sway a little on my feet, and Keven holds onto my elbow, steadying me.

  “You don’t have to do this,” he says in a low tone as we walk side by side. “You can stay outside.”

  “He’s the love of my life,” I say over a sob. “I’m not waiting out in the hallway when he might need me.”

  “He’s going to be okay,” he says, and I’m not sure if he’s trying to convince himself or me.

  “I feel sick,” I admit. “I will die if he’s hurt.” I rub my eyes, quietly sobbing as tears flow down my face.

  Fingers thread through mine. “We’ve got you, Presley,” Keanu says, squeezing my hand.

  Get a grip, Presley. It’s not like Kent’s brothers aren’t scared shitless too. “I’m okay.” I brush my tears away. “It’s the room at the end,” I add, walking toward it with renewed purpose.

  It feels eerily like déjà vu as I step into the room that taunts me in my sleep. The room is pitch-dark, and visibility is poor. The same disgusting smells slap me in the face, and I work hard to avoid puking. Low moaning sends shivers creeping up my spine as Keven turns on a flashlight, aiming it in front of us. Most of the beds are occupied again.

  “Jesus Christ,” Kyler says from behind me. “This is like something from a horror movie.”

  “He’s not here,” Kalvin says. “There’s no way he would come here.”

  We continue walking, and Keven swings the light around, flashing it in every face. Most everyone is comatose or too blissfully zoned out to do more than utter a few curses as we advance in the room.


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