Reforming Kent: A Stand-Alone Angsty Bad Boy Romance (The Kennedy Boys Book 10)

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Reforming Kent: A Stand-Alone Angsty Bad Boy Romance (The Kennedy Boys Book 10) Page 35

by Siobhan Davis

  “It is fucking sensational,” Rachel says, waddling toward me. “Even if I do say so myself.”

  I turn around, wrapping her in a gentle hug. It’s hard to do anything else with the large baby bump getting in the way. Rachel is due to give birth to their second child next month, and everyone has been teasing her and Brad like crazy since we got to the cabin last night, joking it’s triplets or quads.

  I seriously thought Brad was going to stab Kent in the eye when he asked a typically inappropriate question about how much bigger Rachel’s boobs had gotten. He still likes to wind Brad up any chance he gets, and I’d like to say his big mouth doesn’t get him into trouble these days, but that would be a lie. I love that Kent is still uniquely himself and what he’s been through hasn’t altered his personality too much.

  “Thank you,” I tell her. “I’m honored to be the first woman to wear a dress from the new Rachel McConaughey brand.” Rachel left Miranda Fanning last year to set up her own label, and her first launch is only three weeks after the new family addition is supposed to arrive. She is ridiculously busy, and I felt very loved when she insisted on designing and making my dress. Alex made Shania’s flower girl princess dress and Selena’s matron of honor gown.

  We didn’t want the whole extravagant hotel wedding, so when Faye and Kyler offered us the use of their Connecticut cabin for our big day, we jumped at the chance to hold it here. It’s only family and our small network of friends, including some of Kent’s colleagues from his law firm and our employees from Tenley Ink.

  Lance is here with his wife Emma. He’s the only one of Kent’s former Harvard buddies in attendance, because Kent isn’t in contact with Mitch or Topher anymore. Mo, Kady, and Rafe are here too, as is Ford and his wife Michelle. Even Pete and a couple of my ex-colleagues from Denver Ink made the trip, and I’m touched they went to so much effort.

  Things were good after Kent and I reunited the day Austen found me at Denver Ink. We had no choice, but to do the long-distance thing for the first six months. I didn’t want to walk out in the middle of my apprenticeship and Kent was in his last year at law school, so it meant living apart during the week, in the short-term. But we spent every weekend together. Either I traveled to Boston or Kent came to me.

  Until I got pregnant, and that changed everything.

  We had stopped using condoms when we got back together since I was on the pill. Plus, the chances of getting knocked up were slim, given my condition. Or so we thought, which was why we weren’t as careful as we should have been. Shania wasn’t planned, but she was the best surprise ever.

  When I discovered I was pregnant, I immediately handed my notice in to Pete, packed up my stuff, and booked a seat on the next plane to Boston. I didn’t tell Kent until I showed up at his door, crying tears of joy as I explained we were going to have a baby. He was beyond thrilled, and his excitement matched my own.

  Someday, when Shania is old enough, we will bring her to Tillie’s grave and explain she has an older sister watching over her from heaven.

  Turned out, I wasn’t the only one keeping surprises, because Kent had been in talks with Austen for months about opening a tattoo shop in Boston as a joint venture between Austen and me. They had just signed a lease on a state-of-the-art premises in a prime city location, and Kent was planning to tell me when he flew in for the weekend. All the paperwork was in my name, and Kent handed the reins to me then because he knew I would want to be involved in every aspect of setting up my own business.

  And that’s how Tenley Ink was born. Austen and I have a fifty-fifty partnership deal, but I actively manage the business. He helps out off-season, and we both have a select number of clients we personally look after. The business has only been up and running a year, but it’s already a massive success. We are in the process of setting up a franchise business, and once everything is in place, we plan to look for partners to open branches across the US.

  It’s more than I could have ever dreamed of.

  And it’s all thanks to the man waiting outside to marry me.

  Kent has made all my dreams come true in more ways than one.

  When he proposed last Christmas, I couldn’t stop crying tears of joy.

  Now, today, when I marry my soul mate, with our baby daughter by our side, surrounded by family and friends, my life will be complete.


  “You nervous?” Keanu asks as I rub my hands down the front of my black Armani jacket for the umpteenth time.

  “What groom isn’t nervous on his wedding day?” I arch a brow. “You were shaking like a leaf the day of your wedding and so pale I thought you were gonna puke.”

  “That’s a lie,” he replies, straightening his tie. “I was nervous, but it was the good kind of nervous. Exactly the kind you are experiencing now.”

  I roll my eyes, but my brother isn’t wrong. So far, everything has been perfect, and I want to keep it that way. I want today to be a day we will both cherish for the rest of our lives.

  I stare at the placid lake in front of us, grateful we chose to have the wedding at my brother’s cabin. It’s beautiful here and completely private. We’ve managed to keep today a secret from the media, and that’s helped to alleviate a lot of stress.

  I cast an appreciative glance at the gorgeous garden surrounding us. Kyler and Faye’s property extends for miles in all directions, and there are several places on the vast estate we could’ve chosen to conduct the ceremony, but the rear garden behind the luxurious cabin is the perfect spot.

  The grounds are beautifully landscaped with an abundance of shrubs and colorful flowers. We built a temporary deck right in front of the lake for the ceremony, and Mom did a great job decorating it with pretty flowers. Presley’s love affair with flowers continues, as is evidenced by the sheer volume of flowers on display today. We are virtually drowning in flowers, and I know my girl is planning on pressing all of them and using them in her artwork.

  She has given up her side business as she just didn’t have the time to manage it, but she still loves creating pictures in her spare time. All my brothers have at least one Presley creation in their homes, and Mom and Dad have pieces all over their Wellesley house.

  We bought a house a few miles from my parents, just before Shania arrived. Our place is close to my other brothers who live in the area, and while I never imagined I would return to live in Wellesley, we are happy there. Shania gets to play with her cousins daily, and my parents are very active in our lives. Mom has taken a back seat in her interior design business so she has time to spend with her grandchildren, and she’s always willing to babysit or help out if we need it. Dad too. We are lucky we have them because life is hectic, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  My eyes skim over the rest of the grounds, landing on the large marquee where we’ll conduct the party. We hired a party company who will play games and other fun activities with the kids, in the small side marquee, while the adults feast on lobster and champagne. And we have a guy coming in an hour with a few bounce houses to keep the kids entertained. He even has one for the adults for later, after the kids are in bed. That should be fun. My lips twitch at the possibilities.

  “Oh, here comes Rachel. That’s a good sign,” Keats says from his position beside Keanu, and we turn to watch Brad’s heavily pregnant wife waddle up the aisle.

  She’s not the only family member pregnant today. Both Lana and Cheryl are also pregnant, but they are not as far along. Lana is expecting her third child with my brother Kalvin, and Cheryl is expecting her second child with Keven. Their son, Taylor, turns two in August.

  I’m expecting an announcement from Keanu and Selena any time now. They are the only couple in the family who haven’t had kids yet. Both are exceptionally busy with their jobs, and Keanu previously said he didn’t want to bring any babies into the world until they have the time to devote to their family. Now that Keanu’s fashion brand and his modeling agency are well established, and very successful, and Moonlight finally op
ened its doors last year, I think they will take some time out to start a family.

  The music starts, and my shoulders relax as Elvis’s “Love Me Tender” plays over the loudspeakers. Everyone should expect Elvis to be played a lot today because he’s played a big part in our love story.

  My heart is full to bursting point as I turn around with Keats and Keanu by my side. All nerves disappear as I watch the first of the bridal party appear on the deck at the back of the cabin.

  I’m so ready to do this because I can’t wait to make Presley my wife.

  Our guests stand, and I share a knowing look with a few of the guys from work. We’ve attended a lot of weddings this year, as many of our friends settle down.

  After I passed the bar, Stearns and Westfall offered me a full-time position, and I didn’t hesitate to accept. From the first summer I interned there, it has felt like home. After they took on my case and ensured I got justice, I knew there would never be any other law firm I would want to work at. I also offer free legal services to residents of Moonlight in my spare time, and it’s good to be in a position to help other victims of sexual abuse.

  Kyler captures my attention just as Selena and Hewson step down onto the red carpet. Kyler, Keanu, and I laid out a temporary decked path, which is serving as our aisle today. Kyler has tears in his eyes—joyful ones—as he looks at me, and I know he’s happy for me. We’ve spent more time together in recent years, and we’ve talked a little about the things that happened to us as kids, and it’s brought us closer.

  Kyler wraps his arm around Faye, holding her tight as she clutches a wriggling Caoimhe in her arms. Their youngest daughter is fourteen months old, and she was born three months before Shania. I can already tell the girls are going to become the best of friends because they always gravitate toward one another whenever the whole family is together.

  Selena and Hewson walk toward us with matching smiles. Hewson turned eleven last month, and he’s one of the few family members who has always accepted me as I am. Of course, he doesn’t know what happened to me, because we shielded the kids from the news as they were too young, but he was always happy to hang out with his Uncle Kent. Probably because I was the craziest one back then. I can’t believe he’s eleven, and he’s so freaking tall already. His arm is looped through Selena’s as he escorts her up the aisle, holding the ring boxes in his other hand.

  When they reach the top, he lets go of Selena’s arm to shake my hand. “Congrats, Uncle Kent. Presley’s a total babe.”

  I hear Mom murmur how he’s a miniature Kalvin, and she’s not wrong. He’s a total little charmer in the making. We do this elaborate knuckle-touch maneuver he taught me before I pull him in for a brief hug. “Thanks, dude, and she so is.” He walks off to his parents, taking a seat in between his mom and his sister Hayley.

  I kiss my sister-in-law on the cheek. “You look beautiful, Sel.” She’s wearing a knee-length red silk and lace dress that clings to her killer model curves.

  “I’m delighted for you, Kent.” She hugs me warmly. “Be happy because you deserve it.”

  A massive lump swells in my throat, and I wonder if I’ll get through this day without crying.

  Of course, Keanu can’t resist kissing his wife even though it’s not exactly protocol. But the minister doesn’t mind. Eva beams at me as I glance over my shoulder at her. She asked us if she could officiate the wedding when we told her we didn’t want a religious ceremony, and we accepted her offer on the spot.

  Things are still a little strained between Kaden and me, but I appreciate he doesn’t let it affect the close relationship I have with his wife. In time, I’m hoping we’ll be able to fully leave the past in the past and have the kind of relationship I now have with the rest of my brothers. I think it helps ease Kade’s guilt knowing how much I still adore, respect, and rely on Eva. Milly and Matthew stand beside their dad in the second row, giggling excitedly as Shania comes into view.

  I give my daughter my full attention as Austen lifts her off the deck, placing her chubby little legs down on the aisle. He has to bend his legs and crouch down to hold her hand, but he doesn’t mind how silly he looks because Austen and Keaton adore our little girl as if she is theirs. Shania only started walking three weeks ago, so she’s a little wobbly on her legs.

  “Dadadadada,” she shrieks when she spots me, trying to run to reach me faster.

  Not gonna lie; the way my little girl looks at me, like I’m the center of her universe, turns me to mush every time. I didn’t think it was possible to love anyone as much as I love Presley, but the instant Shania entered the world, I realized how wrong I was.

  I held our daughter for the first time as the medical team was stitching Presley up, and when she stared up at me with these big trusting eyes, I knew I would move mountains to ensure she grows up happy, healthy, and safe. From the second she curled her tiny little finger around mine, I have been completely and utterly in love with my daughter. This perfect little creation that is part Presley and part me. She has my eyes and my cheeky disposition, but she’s the spitting image of her mother in every other way.

  My little princess is gonna break hearts someday.

  Someday in the distant future, very far away.

  Like, I might permit her to date when she’s thirty.

  Or maybe forty.

  I bend down as they approach, opening my arms wide, and Austen lets go of her hand when they reach me. Shania barrels into my chest, flinging her small arms around me, babbling “Dadadadadada.” My heart expands, like it does every time she calls me Dada. That shit will never get old. “Hey, princess.” I stand with her snuggled in my arms, dotting kisses all over her pretty face. She giggles, pressing noisy, wet, slobbery kisses to my cheek in return.

  “You good, dude?” Austen asks, clamping a hand on my shoulder.

  “Never better, man. Thanks for being a part of our day.” I wasn’t surprised when Presley chose Austen and Selena to be her best man and matron of honor today. She gets on well with all the spouses and my brothers love her too, but she is closest with Austen and Selena, so it was a no-brainer.

  “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” He looks over my shoulder, blatantly eye fucking his husband, before he steps over beside Selena to await the bride.

  Eliot cries out, and Keats and Austen almost give themselves whiplash turning to look at their son. Mom is struggling to hold the normally placid two-year-old in her arms. He has his arms outstretched, crying for his dads.

  They adopted him a year ago, shortly after they moved back to Boston, and they are complete naturals with their son. My dad takes Eliot into his arms, whispering in his ear, and whatever he says works like a charm as the little boy settles down. I can visibly see the strain lift from Austen and Keaton’s shoulders, and I smile. I love how happy my triplet is, and I’m thrilled he got everything he has always wanted.

  The music changes to “Loving You,” and I move Shania to my hip, pointing at the end of the aisle. “Look, there’s Mommy.” Mercifully, Shania keeps still, looking as mesmerized as I am by the vision walking toward me.

  Warmth blooms in my chest, and a messy ball of emotion clogs my throat as Keven leads my bride up the aisle. I thought Presley might have asked Ford or Rafe to give her away, but she asked my brother, giving me another reason to fall in love with her all over again.

  Presley and Keven share a special bond after he saved her life, and I’m glad she asked him. I can tell it means a lot. Keven is the unsung hero in our family, and I like that my bride wanted to acknowledge his importance in her life, in our lives, by asking him to walk her up the aisle. As they walk toward me, I can see how proud he is to be a part of our wedding because he’s not hiding his emotions today.

  My eyes stay glued to my love as she approaches. Presley is perfect. Absolutely stunning. So beautiful she steals my breath, and I can only stare as she comes toward me, wondering how I got so lucky, how I ended up with this amazing life.

  Tears cling to
her long lashes, and her eyes are glassy and glimmering with emotion when she finally reaches me.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I rasp, barely able to get the words out. “And I’m the luckiest asshole on the planet.”

  Mom rolls her eyes while Dad fights a smile.

  “I’m so happy for you guys,” Keven says, smiling. He takes Presley’s hand, planting a kiss on her knuckles. “Thank you for this honor, Presley. I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life.”

  One of my brothers murmurs, “Pussy,” and a few chuckles ring out. My money’s on Kalvin, especially when Mom whips her head in his direction, drilling him with a warning look, no doubt. Dad passes Eliot to Mom before stepping up beside us. He clamps his hand on Keven’s shoulder. Kev releases Presley’s hand, nodding at me before he leaves to take his seat beside Cheryl and their son.

  Shania wriggles in my arms. “Mama,” she screeches, almost jumping out of my arms.

  Presley takes our daughter, kissing the tip of her nose. “Love you, baby girl.” She hugs her for a few seconds before passing her to my dad.

  Dad holds Shania close, smoothing a hand up and down her back as her lower lip wobbles. Our daughter hates to be apart from either of us, and like me, she hates to feel like she’s missing out on something.

  “I’m so happy for you, son,” Dad says, his eyes alight with emotion. “And I wish you both every happiness for the future.” He leans in, kissing Presley on the cheek. “You’re already a part of this family, Presley, but it’s good to make it official.”

  He steps back, walking away to take his seat beside Mom. Eliot claps his hands in glee when Shania arrives, and Eva asks everyone to be seated.

  The music cuts out, and I take Presley’s hand, stepping forward until we are in front of Eva. We turn to face one another, and I hold her hands in mine, my heart soaring toward the heavens as I prepare to make my beautiful bride mine forever.


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