Rikki's Awakening

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Rikki's Awakening Page 11

by Dawn Sullivan

  “When?” That was one thing he liked about the woman. She didn’t ask a bunch of questions. Just the important one.

  “Soon.” He didn’t have a set time, but he knew RARE was waiting for Keaton and his men to leave and Ebony’s to attack. They’d originally thought about taking the building while Keaton was still in it, but decided it was best they wait for dark. That was when they did their best work. “And, Anya?”


  “Vixen’s on our side.”

  They had just arrived back at Jasmine’s cell. Lifting a chart from a hook on the front of the door, Anya glanced over it. Then, taking out a keycard, she passed it over the small, black square by the door, grasping the handle to open it as a the tiny, almost inaudible click sounded. Her eyes going to his, she said, “I know,” before disappearing into the room. He followed her, standing just inside the small area, staying near the door. It was required that a guard be with her at all times when she entered a prisoner’s room. She was told it was for her safety, but they both knew the truth. It was to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid. The organization didn’t give a shit about her personal safety. Lucky for her, he did.

  Anya’s heart beat wildly as she opened the door to the lynx’s room twenty minutes later. She’d spoken to the fox and the wolf already, her back to the camera, her voice low, letting them know what was happening. They’d been at the facility longer than the lynx. They knew her, knew her heart and soul were good. That she didn’t want to hurt them. The lynx was different. He was wild, crazy with anger. She didn’t blame him. He was trapped in a small cell, which had to be hard on his cat. Add to it the tests and experiments she was required to do. Hell, it drove her crazy. She could imagine what he was going through.

  She was aware of Jeremiah’s presence behind her, and while it made her feel safer, she knew if the lynx went for her throat, no one would be able to stop him. For some reason, he hadn’t tried to hurt her, though. She hoped today wasn’t the day he changed his mind.

  The large cat paced around the small area, his muscles moving under the golden fur spotted with black. He was one of the most beautiful animals she’d ever seen, and Anya had to force herself not to reach out to touch him. Anya waited patiently for him to approach her, but instead, his eyes centered on Jeremiah, and a low growl built in his throat.

  “No!” she whispered, when he crouched low, as if to spring. “You can’t! He’s here to help.”

  The cat paused, his gaze going to her, his head cocked to the side as if he was listening to her.

  “I need to take a sample.” When he began to growl again, she whispered, “Please. I need to talk.”

  The great cat bared his teeth at her on a snarl.

  Anya sent a quick glance to the camera in the far corner of the room. “Please.”

  She watched as he began to pace around the small area again, looking over at them, his lips pulling back from his fangs in another snarl. She waited, praying he would let her near.

  Suddenly, he stopped a distance away from them. He stared at her, as if waiting. Anya took a deep breath and stepped in his direction. When Jeremiah put a hand on her arm to stop her, the cat growled low and deep in his throat.

  “It’s okay,” she said quietly, pulling away from him.

  “He’s unstable,” Jeremiah growled. “He could hurt you.”

  Anya looked at the lynx, her gaze going over the smooth, beautiful coat, and then back to those captivating golden eyes. “He has reason to be.”


  Anya sighed, her gaze skating around the room. “It doesn’t matter, Jeremiah.” And, it didn’t. She would give her life if it meant the lynx lived. She owed it to him, to all of them.

  “Your life means something.”

  “His means more.” To her, it was the truth.

  Slowly, she crossed the room, closing the distance between herself and the cat. Kneeling beside him, she whispered, “Please, whatever you are going to do to me, let me talk first.” A shiver ran through her at the powerful growl that moved up his throat. Lowering her head, she uncapped the needle in her hand. “The man behind me can be trusted.” Another deep growl that sent her heartbeat into overdrive. “He has friends close by. They are going to break in tonight and free you and the others. You need to be ready to fight.” Placing the needle close to his skin, she stopped. She was so tired of hurting people. So tired of living the life she’d been living the past five years. “God, I can’t do this anymore. I just can’t.”

  “Anya. You have to. They could be watching. Listening.”

  Anya looked into the golden eyes that were staring back at her curiously, and she slowly shook her head. “I can’t, Jeremiah. I won’t hurt him anymore.”

  “It’s a fucking needle, Anya. He will be fine.”

  Lifting a shaking hand, she placed it gently on the lynx’s neck. He stiffened, but didn’t pull away. “He doesn’t like needles.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what he likes.”

  Anya’s fingers sank deeper into the lynx’s fur, and she whispered, “I do.”

  “They will kill you.” She knew Jeremiah said it for the benefit of the cameras. Keeping up a role he was playing. She was tired of the act. Just plain tired.

  “They were going to, anyway.”

  “They will move up their timeline.”

  “Let them.” Lowering her head, she whispered, “I am so sorry for everything you’ve been through. I hate this place. Hate the things they do. But if I have to choose between my life and yours, I choose you. I promise you, I will get you out of here tonight, or die trying.” Raising her head, knowing she was on dangerous ground, she ran her hand over his neck one last time. “Thank you, lynx, for allowing me near. For letting me touch your beautiful fur. I won’t forget you, even in death.”

  Rising, she slipped the needle into her pocket and turned to the door, her back to the lynx. If he wanted to kill her, he would do it. She was walking the tightrope of life right now, anyway, and she knew she would fall soon. Squaring her shoulders, she began to walk toward the door. She waited for an attack that never came. Soon, she was in the hallway with Jeremiah at her side. Tears filled her eyes as she glanced through the large glass window that separated her from the cat. He was staring at her, tracking her movements.

  “Stand strong for just a little while longer, Anya.”

  “I don’t know that I can,” she admitted, raising a hand to rest it on the clear, cold glass. “All of the pain and suffering, it’s just too much. I can’t do it anymore.”

  “You won’t have to,” Jeremiah promised, his hand going to her arm to gently pull her away from the window. “Our plan has been put into motion. It won’t be much longer.”

  Anya sighed, and after one last look at the lynx, turned to walk away. She was on borrowed time. She felt it. She may not live through the night, but the others would. The ones who were being held like animals, poked and prodded, experimented on. They would all make it, because she would accept no less.


  Rikki waited patiently, her gaze never leaving the building or the area around it. It helped that she could hear Jeremiah’s voice, even if she was unable to communicate with him. At least, she knew he was alive. Her heart had gone out to him when he found the wolf pup. She’d felt his pain and anger through their mate bond, and tried to send him love and comfort, but really had no idea how to do it, or if she even could. She wished she could reach out to him telepathically, but he didn’t have any psychic abilities, and she wasn’t strong enough to hold the link on her own. It would seem her big, strong bear was a softy where children were concerned, as were most shifters.

  Then, she heard another woman’s voice, and jealousy had slammed into her hard and fierce. She couldn’t comfort her mate, but whoever Anya was, she was there with him. Right next to him. It pissed her off. Until she calmed down enough to listen to their conversation. After that, she was ashamed of herself. Anya was obviously someone Jeremiah had met before, a
nd she could hear how much the woman was suffering. She cared about the prisoners. Was willing to put her life on the line for them. Rikki heard the love in her voice when she spoke to Jasmine, promising the fox shifter she would be free and going home to her little girl soon. Heard the fierce determination when she told the wolf that he would be back with his pack within the next couple of days. And, just now, heard the sorrow in her voice as she told the lynx she would give her life for his. Anya had guts, Rikki would give her that.

  Shit, we are going to have to keep an eye on that Anya, Phoenix growled. We don’t need any fucking martyrs right now.

  Agreed. She means well, but we aren’t going to let her give her life for anyone in there. Angel’s voice was strong with conviction. She lives and comes home with us.

  Ya know, you and Chase keep taking in strays like this, and you are going to have to build more apartments, Phoenix drawled.

  Then, we build. What we don’t do is sacrifice lives.


  Keaton’s on the move. It was Trace, who was stationed at the back of the building.

  The Hummer is still out front, Rikki breathed, slowly scanning the area.

  They aren’t taking the Hummer. Trace paused. Looks like they are heading through the woods. Silence for a long moment, then, They have an SUV back there camouflaged under some tree limbs and brush. Do I stop them, boss?

  Rikki knew all it would take was one word from Angel, and all three of the men would be eating Trace’s bullets.

  No, let them go. Connors is on our side, and he seems to be in deep. Since we are taking Jeremiah out, it would be nice to have an ally on the inside. Can’t kill all but him. It would be too suspicious.

  Roger that.

  Although Rikki agreed with Angel, her finger still twitched at the thought of putting a bullet in the likes of Keaton. The bastard had left her mate to die. He didn’t deserve to live himself.

  You sure they won’t detonate a bomb in there? Rikki couldn’t help but ask the question. The thought of Jeremiah buried under all of that rock and rubble scared the hell out of her. There was no way he would survive.

  Positive. The reply came from Vixen, cool and calm. I know you have no reason to trust me, but Ebony doesn’t roll like that. She may not enjoy the actual act of killing, but she loves to see the destruction caused by it. If she doesn’t come here herself, she will be watching via all the camera feeds inside. She won’t blow the place up.

  I really hate her.

  You don’t know the half of it.

  Where are you at, Vixen? Angel asked, interrupting them.

  Basement. Followed Jeremiah down earlier.

  He doesn’t know? Rikki questioned. She found it hard to believe that Vixen had followed Jeremiah into a stairwell and he didn’t realize it. He was far too good for that.

  Yeah, he knew. He let me.

  Hate to interrupt, but we have some activity over here. Sapphire. She was on the east side of the building with her sniper rifle, scanning the area. Assholes in black headed our way. Would be harder to see in the dark if it wasn’t for the bright silver emblem on their chest. Dumbasses.


  Yeah, but I can’t quite make it out.

  I see them coming from over here, boss. So, they were coming from the back of the building where Trace was, too. Which meant they were probably going to surround the area, going in all three doors available to them.

  Yep, there they were. Got them over here, too. It looked as if they weren’t taking anything to chance. They wanted every last person in that facility dead.

  Vixen, get moving, Angel ordered.

  Rikki wondered in the back of her mind how Vixen felt taking orders from the RARE leader, but she heard, Already dancing with one of the guards left behind. He’s fighting hard. Not giving in.

  If you don’t think he’s redeemable, take him out, Angel ordered. We don’t have time to mess around. I’m sure an alarm has already been triggered somewhere.

  Got it.

  Rikki, Trace, Sapphire, go!

  Rikki pulled the trigger, watching in satisfaction as one of the bastards fell. Then another, and another.

  Shit, there’s a ton of them, Trace snarled. They just keep coming.

  Ebony wasn’t taking any chances. Keep picking them off. Everyone else, move in.

  All right, you bastards, Phoenix said at Angel’s order, Let’s play.

  Rikki growled, slowly moving her rifle, taking out as many of Ebony’s soldiers as she could. It didn’t matter how many of them Ebony sent, they weren’t getting to her mate.


  “I took out one of the guards. I’m not sure where the other one is.”

  Vixen. Jeremiah hadn’t seen her since she followed him down the stairs earlier. “Main floor,” he grunted, his Glock kicking in his hand as he pulled the trigger. The man in front of him dropped to the floor, the gun falling from his hand. Scientist his ass. If that bastard was a scientist, he would eat his own balls. The large bastard had come at him, holding the revolver like he knew how to use it.

  “That bitch put some of her own men down here,” he snarled. “These aren’t scientists.”

  “Doesn’t look like it,” Vixen agreed, a sai appearing in her hand, and then it soared through the air until it was embedded in the throat of another threat headed their way.

  He heard Anya scream, and took off at a run down the long hallway. “Get them out of their cells!” he yelled, not looking back.

  He found her in her office, her hands raised as she slowly backed away from one of the male scientists. “What are you doing?” she cried.

  “You are a traitor,” the man said, leveling a gun on her. “I’ve seen how you look at those abominations. As if you care about them.”

  “I do care,” she admitted. “They are human beings, too. They don’t deserve what you are doing to them.”

  “They are animals. And you, are a traitor. Which is why you will die.”

  Not hesitating, Jeremiah raised his gun and unloaded it on the asshole. “Let’s go!” They needed to get out of there quickly. Shit was hitting the fan, and they had to get topside. “Anya, now!” he hollered, trying to get her moving, but she stood staring at him in shock. When she looked around her office in confusion, he closed the distance between them, and frowned at the small circle of blood on her side that was slowly becoming larger and larger. “Shit, you’ve been hit.”

  Anya bowed her head, her hands going over the wound. When she raised her eyes to look at him, his beast growled at the resolve in them. “Go. Save them.”

  “Screw that,” he snarled, crossing the room to pick her up in his arms.

  “You can move faster without me, Jeremiah.” Her breathing was becoming labored, shock kicking in. “Please, they need to come first.”

  “I will not sacrifice your life for theirs.” Ignoring her pleas, Jeremiah cleared the office and ran down the hall to where Vixen was coming out of the wolf pup’s room, the tiny furball cradled in her arms, shaking with fear. His gaze went to Jasmine, and the wolf and lynx who waited impatiently at the top of the stairs. “Jasmine, I need you to take the pup so Vixen can fight. I won’t be able to since I’m carrying Anya.”

  “Dammit, I told you. Leave me behind. Their lives are so much more important than mine!”

  “No,” Jasmine said, rushing forward to take the pup from Vixen. “I wouldn’t have survived here without you, Anya. None of us would have. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  “You have to!” Anya argued, crying out in pain when she moved in Jeremiah’s arms. “Your family needs you. I have no one. I won’t be missed.”

  “You have us,” Vixen vowed, stalking past them to the top of the stairs. “We aren’t leaving you behind. End of discussion.”

  Tears fell down Anya’s face as she glared at them stubbornly. “Then, at least let me walk. I can do that!”

  Jeremiah hesitated, indecision crawling through him. He needed his hands free to fight, but he d
idn’t trust the woman not to sacrifice herself for them. She didn’t seem to see that her life mattered, too. “You sure you can?”

  “Yes,” she snapped, beginning to struggle in his arms. Her face went white with pain, but she smacked him in the chest. “Put me down.”

  Slowly, against his better judgment, he sat her on her feet. She swayed slightly, but then seemed to get her bearings. “Go,” he ordered, pointing toward the stairs.

  Anya began to move, slowly at first, but with determination. The lynx broke away from the others and came to walk beside her, the wolf right behind him.

  “Vixen and I will go first,” Jeremiah told them. “All of you, stay right behind us. I have friends above that will be watching for us.”

  “They are busy taking care of the shit ton of soldiers Ebony sent,” Vixen said, keying in the code in the pad next to the door. “That bitch wasn’t playing around.”

  Jeremiah held his breath, letting it out when the door opened. Until he saw Rena standing at the top of the stairs, her gun pointed at them. Rena’s gaze went past them to where Jennings lay in a heap, blood pooling around his body. “Shit.” Her arm was steady, but he could scent the fear that enveloped her. “Get back down those stairs.”


  Her wild-eyed gaze on him, she shook her head. “No! Back down the stairs, now!”

  “If we go down those stairs, we all die,” Vixen said quietly. “Ebony wants everyone in this facility dead. That includes you.”

  “No.” Rena shook her head in denial. “Why would she do that? You’re lying!”

  “Right now, she has several of her soldiers outside, trying to get in to kill what’s left of us,” Vixen told her. “Keaton and his men left, Rena. They are gone. We are all that are left. She wants all of us dead.”

  Jeremiah saw Rena’s jaw harden, her eyes going cold. In that one moment, he knew she would never listen to what they had to say. Never trust them. “I don’t believe you.”


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