The Biker's Nanny

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The Biker's Nanny Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He began to thrust that single digit in and out of her anus, getting her used to the intrusion, in and out until she was begging for more. The burn stopped but started again as he added a second to her ass, stretching her open.

  Sliding a hand between her thighs, she started to stroke her clit, crying out as he pounded away inside her. She loved it when he fucked her.

  Only this time, Hawk stopped. He pulled out of her and moved her up the bed so that she was on her back. He held her knees up close to her chest and from the angle he had her, it was the perfect position for his cock.

  “Hold your knees.”

  She watched as he held his dick and placed it at her anus. He was slick with both of their cum, and she cried out as inch by inch he sank inside her.

  The burn was intense, and he waited for her to get accustomed to the first inch before sliding in the second.

  She’d never felt so full, and as she tried to push him out, Hawk slid in deeper until the entire length of his cock was deep within her ass.

  “Fuck, that is a pretty sight.” He gave her pussy a little slap, his fingers sliding across her clit, stroking her. “I can feel how tight you are. Your ass holding my dick, wanting it.” He pulled out of her and started to rock inside her.

  She glanced down between them, watching his cock as he filled her, going in and out, in and out.

  “I want you to come. Let me feel your tight ass wrapped around my dick.” He didn’t stop stroking her.

  The pleasure began to build, and even as she gritted her teeth, wanting it to last, there was no way for it.

  He brought her to orgasm, and she screamed his name as he started to rock back inside her. His cock seeming to thicken as he filled her.

  After her release, he held her legs, keeping her wide open as he fucked her ass.

  “Watch me, Jasmine. Your ass is mine. All fucking mine.”

  He rode her ass, and she knew she belonged to him.

  There was no denying it. He was hers just as she belonged to him.

  “Oh, fuck, you’re so fucking good. Such a dirty girl. My dirty girl.”

  His orgasm neared, and when he thrust inside her a final time, she felt every wave of his cum as he filled her ass.

  She closed her eyes as the pleasure rippled through her.

  Hawk pumped inside her, groaning one final time as he changed positions. His cock was still in deep, but his hands wrapped around her. He stroked her stomach, kissing her neck, sucking on the pulse.

  She felt happy.

  Stroking his arms, she stared across the room. Part of her expected him to be asleep, but he kept on kissing her neck.

  “Talk to me, babe,” he said.

  “What’s there to say?”

  “What you’re thinking about right now.”

  “My ass is a little sore.” She looked behind her. He was staring right at her. His arms tightened around her waist. “That was amazing.”

  “You’re amazing, Jasmine.”

  She nibbled her lip. “I’ve never been like this with anyone before.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The way I’m with you. The sex. The dirty talk. I’ve never been like that. Not even with my ex-husband.”

  She didn’t know why she was telling him this.

  “You weren’t hot like this in the bedroom?”

  Jasmine shook her head. “You probably don’t believe me.”

  He cupped her cheek tilting her head back. “I believe you. I’ve no reason to doubt you.”

  “I … when I’m with you it’s like I can’t help myself. It scares me. I don’t … I only want you, Hawk. With my ex, it was always one position, and it was so boring. I think I fell asleep a couple of times during it. I’d wake up to him snoring, and I was so unsatisfied. It was hard for me to tell him what I wanted. What I craved. I think it’s why our marriage started to fall apart. I couldn’t tell him the truth, and he didn’t know what was wrong with me.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. He just wasn’t man enough to handle the kind of woman you are, but I know who you are. I see you, and there’s no way I’d let another man touch what’s mine.” He kissed her hard. “Don’t think for a second that I’ll share you, baby. I never will. What we have. What we share, to me that is a fucking treasure, and I’m not going to let you go. Not now. Not ever.” He kissed her again, and she moaned. “Fuck, your ass is so tight. You want to be fucked again, don’t you?”

  He cupped her tits, and she arched up into his touch, wanting him, begging for him, needing only him.

  This was what scared her a lot. This wasn’t just about sex.

  She was starting to fall for Hawk, and if this was only sex for him, then she was screwed.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week later

  “Prez, you heard a word I said?” Red asked.

  Hawk looked up at his two men who were waiting for a response. He’d be calling church soon as they had another gun run to attend to. They were driving them across the state to hand over to the cartel for the war they were having on the streets. He should be thinking about the plan and how to execute it so his men didn’t get caught.

  Gun runs were always tricky as there was a higher risk of the law following their tracks, which was why planning was always key in these assignments. He didn’t want any of his men in jail for something like this. If any of them ended up in jail it meant deals had to be made to help with protection.

  Running a hand down his face, he tried to clear his head. He shouldn’t be thinking about Jasmine at a time like this. The woman had gotten under his skin, and now he couldn’t fucking focus.

  “Sorry, start from the top.”

  “There’s a lot of heat coming straight off the docks. We’re thinking bringing them back to the clubhouse, changing trucks, and then following this down the state line, taking back routes rather than main roads. Less traffic, less heat, and an easy deal,” Red said.

  He checked across the map and stared at the path. It was one they’d done many times, but he didn’t like changing vehicles at the clubhouse. That brought too much heat home, and he wasn’t willing to do that.

  Finding a location along the way, he pointed at it. “We have our boys wait here. It’s secure and covered. We change vehicles, and carry on with the mission. We don’t have anyone in town talking about a big truck that pulled into the Satan’s Rulers MC and then cops are flooding the place.”

  “The sounds right, Prez,” Bear said.

  Ever since he’d claimed Renee—and he had claimed her—she wore the old lady jacket and even Bear’s ring, even though it wasn’t an engagement ring. It was just a ring that Bear always wore. It was his symbol of affection and ownership to her—the fucker had been happy.

  It was about time.

  Hawk had also heard a couple of the bitches talking that they weren’t happy Bear wasn’t interested in them anymore.

  When a guy fell for a woman, the whores lost power within the club.

  He thought about Jasmine. He wondered if she knew the agency had been in touch with him and had organized a meeting. He didn’t want to worry her.

  She loved her job, not that taking care of Bethany was a job for her. He saw her as his daughter’s mother more than even her biological mother.

  Running fingers through his hair, he sat back. “That’s what we’re going to do.”

  “Prez, you okay?” Red asked.


  “Look, these gun runs are a piece of piss so long as everyone’s head’s in the game. We need to know you’re with us here,” Red said.

  “It’s about Jasmine, isn’t it?” Bear asked, taking a seat.

  “I’m not a pussy. I’m not going to spill out my thoughts to you guys.”

  “We could help,” Red said. “Give you advice.”

  “I don’t need advice.” He wasn’t about to talk about his feelings or that he was in love with Jasmine.


  Even to himself, he sounded

like a pussy.

  “We’re not leaving until you talk,” Bear said.

  “I could make you.”

  “Yeah, and then you’d be sitting alone in this big office thinking about Jasmine. That’s who you’re thinking about,” Red said. “No need to deny it. Everyone can see how smitten you are with your woman.”

  “I don’t need to hear this shit.”

  “Why not?” Bear asked. “I pushed Renee away, and it was the craziest thing I ever did.”

  “You’ve been with her an entire week. Relationships get tricky, Bear. They get hard.”

  “And how much harder can they get? My woman knows I’m here with women I fucked. You think I don’t get a hard time over that shit? I’ve got to make it up to her.” Bear shrugged. “I’m willing to do what needs to be done for her to know I mean business.”

  “Jasmine’s a tough cookie,” Red said. “She can handle whatever you throw at her.”

  “You don’t know her.”

  “The night you took out that other MC. You set fire to the barn, and we listened to them scream. It was your decision. You always like to be alone, and you’d gone up to your room and Jasmine came down. We told her not to worry. That you need to be by yourself during that time. She went into the kitchen and served you dinner. She adapted for you. I imagine she was hurt by whatever you said to her. She’s not going to run from you. She’d stand and fight by your side. She’s a strong woman.”

  “I want to marry her,” he said, shocking even himself with that revelation.

  “Do you want to do this before or after the run, because weddings take a lot?” Bear said.

  “Aren’t you worried?” Red asked.

  “Why would I be worried?”

  “Hate to break it to you, but Renee and Jasmine are tight. You could be walking down the aisle before you know it.”

  “Renee doesn’t want to get married,” Bear said.

  Hawk and Red chuckled.

  “I fucking hate you two.”

  Bear got to his feet and left the room. Staring out the window, Hawk looked out over the clubhouse.

  “You could do worse.”

  “I have done worse.” He thought about Bethany’s mom. He’d had no problems putting that woman to ground. She’d been a piece of shit.

  “If you can’t live without her then you’re going to have to make a decision.” Red got to his feet. “I’ll organize the teams for the drop off and pick up. You’ll make the right decision.”

  Red left his office, and he ran a hand down his face.

  This thing between him and Jasmine, it wasn’t going away.

  Getting to his feet, he left the clubhouse, and went straight to his bike. Straddling it, he took off, heading home. What he needed was a long ride, but he didn’t want to be away from his woman.

  Pulling up outside of his home, he saw Jasmine’s car still in the driveway complete with Bethany’s car seat in the back.

  His woman was home.

  Entering the house, he didn’t hear her. Going to the back where the kitchen was, he caught sight of her in the yard on the grass with Bethany on the blanket. She was smiling as she held Bethany. His little girl was taking one step and then another.

  He covered his mouth and gasped as Jasmine held up a cell phone and was filming it.

  “We’ve got to show your daddy what a big girl you are. Yes, you are. That’s it. Look at you, Bethany. Such a big girl.”

  Stepping out of the back door, Jasmine looked over at him and smiled. “You saw?”

  “I saw.”

  “I got it on camera, but she’s walking.”

  Bethany sat on the ground and clapped her hands.

  Picking her up, he held her close, seeing that she was growing up so fast. He kissed her cheek, and Jasmine got to her feet. “Do you want a drink?” she asked. “Are you staying? I don’t know if you were just stopping by?”

  “I’m staying. How about we go out for dinner? You, me, and Bethany.”

  “I’d love that. She doesn’t scream as much.”

  He didn’t care if his girl screamed the entire time.

  This was his family.

  Him, Jasmine, and Bethany.

  Jasmine went to walk away, and he caught her hand, pulling her to him.

  “What is it?”

  “I killed her.”


  “Bethany’s mother was a traitor. She was about to sell out the club, and she was leaving Bethany all day by herself to fend for herself.” He stopped. “I killed her.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Jasmine asked.

  “Because I need you to know that this for me is real. That I want this with you. The way you take care of Bethany, I know you won’t hurt her. You care about her.”

  “I love her.”

  “Her real mom didn’t. She couldn’t give a shit. She left her here alone. Off fucking whoever would have her, trying to sell out the club.”

  Tears filled Jasmine’s eyes, and she stared at Bethany. “I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t sell out the club.”

  “I’m not a good person.”

  “You are. You’re a good person that does bad things.” She stroked Bethany’s cheek and then kissed his cheek. “Do you want me to leave? Is that why you’re telling me?”

  “No, I don’t want you to go.”

  “I’m not going then,” she said. “You’ve got me, and I’m not going away until you kick me out.”

  She swiped away the tears. “I’ll get you that drink.”

  He watched her walk into his house.

  He was screwed.

  When it came to Jasmine, he wasn’t going to be able to walk away.

  He didn’t want to.


  Jasmine didn’t feel so good. The visit from the agency didn’t go very well, and as she sat at the dinner table with her notice of being let go, she felt like the biggest fucking failure in the world. They had been made aware of her relationship with Hawk Dark and were not happy that she’d abused her position. There had been a supervisor from the agency who’d decided to do a silent check on her. He’d caught her with Hawk and reported her immediately. Even though it was her first offense they didn’t believe in offering second chances.

  From that day forward, her contracts had been terminated and she was permanently removed from the books.

  Biting her lip, everything seemed to come crashing down around her. It had been only a couple of months with Hawk, but now, her life, the possibilities, were all gone. That little girl upstairs taking a nap meant the world to her. Hawk, damn it, for all of his brash biker ways, she fucking loved him.

  What was she going to do now without a job? Would they send another nanny?

  She felt sick to her stomach and so sad over everything.

  What if this was just a bit of fun for him?

  He’d declared her as his old lady, but did that really have any meaning at all? She wiped at her nose and got to her feet as she heard the door open.

  “Babe, you won’t believe the day I’ve had. First Bear and Renee called me this morning and told me they eloped. That they’re not waiting around to get married.”

  She forced a smile to her lips as he came into the dining room.

  He took one look at her and then at the table. “What’s up?”

  “It’s nothing. Renee called me. She said she’d throw a party or we could have a girls’ night. She sounded excited.”

  Hawk picked up the letter off the table.

  “I had a meeting with them tomorrow,” he said, looking at it.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry. They have already fired me, and they’re well within their rights. I broke all of their rules.” It was the first time ever she’d ever broken so many rules. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” She ran fingers through her hair and took a step back.


  “No. I’ve never crossed any lines or boundaries. I’ve been a nanny and that’s all. That’s all I wanted t
o be. All I needed to be and I’ve never felt that I needed to change that.” She blew out a breath. “I can’t even believe I’ve done this now. I mean, what is happening to me?”

  “Are you in love with me?” Hawk asked.

  Her gaze went to his. “Excuse me?”

  “It’s pretty simple. Do you love me or not?”


  “If you don’t, I get it. I’m a single dad. I’ve got a kid that when you first met her wouldn’t stop crying. I’m a Prez. I do a lot of bad shit to a lot of people. I’ve even admitted some of what I do, and I’m not willing to change. I can’t change. This is who I am, but I know that there isn’t any other woman in this world that can make me feel so fucking afraid and excited all at the same time.”

  She frowned, looking at him. “What?”

  “When I’m with you, no one else exists. It’s just you and me, and I couldn’t give a fuck about anything else in between. You set me on fire, and I’m so fucking afraid that you’ll look at me and see me for what I am, and that’s a man who doesn’t deserve a woman like you. I know I’m lucky, and I’m telling you know, I am completely, one-hundred percent devoted to you. None of the … other women appeal to me.”

  Jasmine couldn’t help but smile at his different choice of word for the women of the club.

  “I don’t promise you that every day is going to be easy, but I do promise you that when times are tough, I’ll be by your side. That I won’t stop loving you, nor will I stop fucking you and making you scream my name. I will make that my vow to never walk away from an argument, and if I don’t like the way it’s going, I’ll pound your pussy until we’re friends again.”

  This made her laugh. Tears filled her eyes, and she gasped as he tore up the letter.

  “You’re not my kid’s nanny, and I’m not your boss. You’re my woman, Jasmine, and the only people who matter are me and Bethany. Not them. Ignore them. You’re my woman through and through, and I will be the one to take care of you. Forever. Now tell me what I want to hear, baby. Tell me.”

  Staring into his eyes, she knew without a doubt what he wanted to hear.

  “I love you too.”

  He cupped her face and slammed his lips down on hers. This felt so right. She couldn’t be in a world that didn’t have him in it. He’d awakened a part of her soul and now there was no turning back.


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