Logan’s Contract: Along Came Jones Book Four

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Logan’s Contract: Along Came Jones Book Four Page 12

by McCoy, Megan

  “Do you still want me to?” She clung to his neck and tried not to wipe her nose on his shirt, but what else could she do?


  That settled that, didn’t it? Oh, he was still talking. “Then next week, I want all the hours knocked out. I realize you’ve never worked thirty hours in a week, but I want it done. Do you understand me?”

  She nodded, thinking of how much she could get done, her room set up, some business cards made up, the displays, oh yeah, she couldn’t wait! Meekly she said, “Yes, Sir, I understand.”

  “Good. Then I want you concentrating on the wedding. Whatever you want done, you make sure is done.” He kissed her nose. “Then, after, we will honeymoon somewhere special.”

  “I don't have to fly, do I?” she asked, suddenly panicked.

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll handle everything,” he said and kissed her again. “Now, let’s get this spanking for lying to me about the doctor over with so we can go to bed.”

  “Logan, I’m not trying to get out of it…” Well, there went her never lying thing already, she sighed to herself. “But I just can’t. I really really really really can’t.” She whimpered and let out the most pitiful sob she could manage. “You don’t know how horrible it was or how much I still hurt.”

  “Stand up and let me see,” he said.

  Making a face, she stood up, legs still shaking, and turned her back to him, her nightgown still above her waist. Who did this? Why of all the people in the world did she fall in love with a spanking man? A switching man! A spanking she could handle, but never ever wanted a switching again, and reluctantly, she figured that had been his goal. Well, that worked out for him pretty well, she wouldn’t be lying by omission to him, ever again. That he’d find out about, anyway. Heck, she’d even tell him what she would be wrapping up and putting under the tree next Christmas if he wanted! No surprises! She squared her shoulders and ran her fingers through her hair. When would she have time to get it done between working all week next week, and getting settled into Logan’s house and— “Do I still have to finish the class since it’s over? Ow! Don’t do that!” How dare he smack her poor abused bottom? The one he abused.

  Logan spun her around and untied her nightgown. “I owe you a good paddling and you will be getting it at some point, so walk carefully, little girl. But right now you need some cream on that ass and some good loving, don’t you?”

  Well, what could she say to that? Only: “Yes, Sir.”

  * * *

  Katrina sighed and opened her laptop. The only good thing about this job was that she seemed to have an unlimited budget. The bad thing was that the bride, who she’d worried was going to out-bridezilla any bridezilla had seemingly checked out. Until today, she hadn’t heard a word from her in a few days, and, even worse, hadn’t heard from The Hot One in that amount of time either. Had she just been a distraction? Had he gone back home, wherever home was? Did it matter? Of course not. Sure there had been easy conversation, undeniable chemistry, a lot of laughter and he’d brought her out of her professional shell in a way she didn’t understand, but that meant nothing. Right? Right. She had to focus on Miss Ronnie, soon to be Mrs. Veronica Fischer-Jones and she had a long list of details she needed either checked off, handled or to be told to handle herself.

  Pushing her hair out of her eyes, she wondered why she wore it down today. Wearing it in a tight French braid daily was her trademark for a reason. It was practical and made her seem very professional, as did the glasses. People, brides, needed to take one look at her and sigh in relief, knowing she knew what she was doing, and to trust her. That she would make their wedding the best day of their lives. She was good at what she did and usually managed to keep her real thoughts and opinions totally focused on the end result and what the brides’ visions were.

  For some reason when she got around Lucas, The Hot One, her filter slipped. That was very odd because his identical twin brother didn’t have that effect on her at all. She could be the ultimate professional wedding planner with him. Lucas walked in the room, and whoosh, there went her brain. She didn’t like it. Well, that wasn’t true; she sort of did like it. She liked who she was with him, a giggly fun-loving person who felt desired. She didn’t want to feel desired though. Having a business to run took all her time. She had no time for casual sex much less a relationship. So why did she keep thinking about him?

  It didn’t matter why. She just had to stop and here came Ronnie, right on what passed for Ronnie time – half an hour late. Shoot, she might even be early in her mind! Who knew? Not her!

  “Hi, hon,” Ronnie said, sliding into the booth. She waved at the waitress and ordered a drink. “What can I get you, hon? Anything you want!”

  “I’m fine,” Katrina pointed to her half-full glass of lemonade. “But thank you, that was thoughtful.”

  “Anytime,” Ronnie said, waving her arm in the air as if to say, ‘nothing to it’. Well, it was the first time it had happened. She’d never asked before if she wanted or needed anything so, yay! Katrina smiled at her and looked down at her laptop. “We need to talk about the rehearsal,” she said. She didn’t even have the wedding party hammered down. Somehow she couldn’t think of Ronnie not having a huge wedding party.

  “Thank you, hon,” Ronnie said as her drink arrived. “What do you need to know? How hard can it be to walk down an aisle?”

  “Who is the best man? Katrina had her fingers poised on the keyboard. “The maid of honor? How many attendants are you having? I need to coordinate tuxes and dresses.”

  Ronnie took a big sip of her drink and Katrina noticed her eyes welling with tears. What? Just... what? She didn’t want to deal with whatever this was. But there was no one else, so she guessed she would have to. That is the reason she got paid the big bucks, she reminded herself.

  Ronnie took a big drink and looked at her and said, “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know what?” Katrina didn’t understand.

  Ronnie’s eyes fell and she took another drink. “I don’t think I have anyone to stand up with me,” she said in a rush. “I don’t know what to tell Logan. He has his brothers and I have…” She took another drink and blinked very hard as if it would keep her tears back. It didn’t. Why did people think it would?

  “No one close enough to you who can make it?” Katrina said as kindly as she could. “Logan insisted on a short timeline, didn’t he? And you moved here not too long ago. It's hard for people to get off, isn’t it?”

  Ronnie nodded. “My best friend is off traveling with her husband, and really, I don’t have any cousins or anyone to step in. I just moved here like you said, and just have been so busy…”

  “I know. I moved here not too long ago, also, I understand. It’s hard making friends as adults, isn’t it?” Somehow she could really picture Ronnie as the type to have a whole entourage of acquaintances, but yeah it wasn’t hard to imagine that she didn’t have many friends. She was rather hard to get to know.

  “Okay, well, let’s see what we can do,” she said professionally. “I’m certain Logan’s brothers’ wives would stand up with you. Have you asked one of them? His brothers will be in the wedding party, right?” Including The Hot One, she figured as best man. Suddenly, Katrina found herself looking forward to the rehearsal. “We can have one of them walk you down the aisle.”

  “I’m walking down with Logan,” Ronnie interrupted. “We’re walking down together. We did decide that.”

  Well, that was unusual, but very thoughtful of her to finally get around to telling her. “Okay then, we can have one brother escort the parents to their seats, then the other two brothers each walk a wife down and then they can all just sit in the front row, and it will be just you and Logan in front of the officiant. How does that sound?”

  “Does it make me look…” Ronnie paused and dropped her voice and Katrina saw the glimpse of vulnerability in her that Logan had to see. “Look pathetic?”

  “No, sweetie,” Katrina p
atted her hand. “It makes you look like you are marrying into a family that already loves you.”

  Ronnie’s face instantly cleared. “Yes, of course, you are right. I’m so glad Logan found you. I can’t tell you how much it’s helped me out, having you. So what else do we need to work on?

  “Bridesmaids dresses and tuxes,” she pulled up a site on her laptop. Oddly enough Ronnie seemed decisive and interested, and they got that settled fairly quickly. They went on to the next items on her list and Katrina could hardly believe how focused she seemed. Maybe she had a twin, too and the real bride showed up today? That made her laugh out loud and Ronnie looked at her.

  “Sorry, just thinking of a show I was listening to last night,” she tried to cover. Luckily for her, she saw The Hot One and The Sensible One walking toward them. “Someone is here to see you,” she said to Ronnie who had her back to the door.

  “How’s all the planning going?” Logan asked as he dropped into the seat by Ronnie and kissed her head.

  “Spending all your money,” she informed him. “Every single dime!”

  “Oh, no,” he moaned, “every dime? How will we buy shoes!”

  “That is a problem,” she admitted. “You will have to work harder. Make more!”

  “Hello, Katrina,” Lucas said, as he sat down by her. “Getting things accomplished today?”

  “We really are,” Katrina said, trying to ignore the heat racing through her body. Then he smiled at her, and she melted. Oh, this was not good at all.

  * * *

  Ronnie looked around in satisfaction. Her new sign was being delivered in a few days, and thanks to her, the women in their town would be able to come to Ronnie’s Room and find already put together work outfits. She selected them from the items people donated to the thrift store and mixed and matched and made them into stunning outfits sure to wow the prospective employers. From clothes to shoes to bags to accessories, she could make sure they were well turned out for whatever job they were applying for. This would really change lives, she knew. She’d even found several women to come in once a week and do makeup tutorials and had made contact with a lingerie company to see what kind of deal she could work out. Sometimes foundation garments made the outfit.

  She’d turned in her court documents and now she was free and clear. Well, of court anyway, thanks to Logan encouraging her nightly with that nasty clear paddle of his to get her hours finished up. She wanted to be here anyway, he hadn’t needed to paddle her every night! But, well, anything was better than a switching. That would never happen again. She’d been reading a little on the computer in her downtime and found out a few things she wanted to talk to Logan about when he picked her up for lunch today.

  Two weeks until their wedding. In two short weeks, she’d be Mrs. Veronica Fischer-Jones. Ronnie Jones. The first sounded like a lady who lunched, her goal in life. It couldn’t be more perfect. The latter, more like the fun, energetic, laid back woman she really was. She would embrace both sides of herself, and also, turn into the savvy business woman that Logan was always telling her she could be. Suddenly, she rather regretted not paying more attention in that business class. Maybe it could have taught her a little bit about growing and marketing her new business? Well, she felt certain Logan would make her take some classes after their honeymoon. She wished she knew where they were going. He’d told her to pack an overnight bag and he’d get her whatever they needed when they arrived at their mystery destination. She liked anything to do with shopping so was happy with that plan, but hoped it didn’t involve flying. He knew that she was terrified of flying, though, so fingers crossed he wouldn’t do that to her.

  First their grand and glorious wedding, however. Oh, had she ever renewed her driver’s license? She needed to look at that. Apparently airports and customs checked ID more thoroughly than bars did.

  Ronnie looked around her room and made a few adjustments. There was going to be a soft opening right after the honeymoon and then a grand opening, with pictures in the paper and a ribbon cutting and a cocktail party, thrown by her new friends from the Arts Council. Tonight was her first official meeting as an official member, and she wondered if she’d be sworn in, or simply welcomed and if she’d have to go with a sore bottom. Maybe he wouldn’t have time to spank her between dinner out with Lucas and Katrina and her meeting with the Council. Lucas was going back home until just before the wedding, and she had a small suspicion that Katrina would be very glad to see him when he got back. There could be something between them, who knew?

  She liked Katrina, and of course, she liked Lucas. Not that she had anything to say about anything. Maybe she should warn Katrina about the Jones boys’ bossy ways and how they let that bossiness come out. Well, no. She wasn’t going to do that; Katrina could handle herself she felt pretty sure. Better than she could. Katrina probably read contracts.

  Looking at the clock on the wall, she yelled, “Allie, hon, I’m heading out!” Only half an hour late to meet Logan for dinner. He would be so pleased. Maybe she should stop and, oh— She remembered, she lived with him now; she didn’t need to stop at home to change anymore. She changed at their house. It was odd, but she was getting used to it. Sometimes, anyway, but she would, she assured herself. It would feel natural and right, soon. He was easy to live with and she loved all the affection he threw her way. The paddling she could do without, however.

  Swiping her phone, she hit his number.

  “Logan, I’m on my way,” she said.

  “Sure you are. You’re still at the store, aren’t you?”

  Stepping outside the door, she said, truthfully, “Nope, I’m out of the store and heading home.”

  “See you in a few minutes, then,” he said.

  Smiling, she thought about seeing him in a few minutes. Yes, she planned to talk to him tonight, before they met up for dinner with his brother, and before her meeting. She’d learned about this thing called Hard Limits and she had written up a short contract for him to sign. He would read it, but that was okay. It said no switching ever again. Hard Limit. It said he had to lay off the spankings, mostly and never spank as hard as he did now. She didn’t need spanked hard to get the message! And no corner time. Hard limit. Yes. He would sign her contract, Katrina would throw her the wedding every girl dreamed of, and her business would take off, and she would live happily ever after.

  A few hours later she crossed her arms and glared at her husband-to-be. “No.”

  “Sign, little girl, just sign it so we can go eat.”

  “You wouldn’t sign mine, why should I sign yours?” she demanded and gave him her best glare, pulling her blue and pink tipped hair up.

  “Because yours was ridiculous. I mean, really, don’t spank so hard? What kind of contract says that?”

  “Oh, unlike the one that says you can spank me whenever you want?” Why did her glare just not work on him? It was frustrating.

  “Just sign it,” he said, and turned his tablet to her, handing her the stylus.

  What was she going to do? She grabbed it out of his hand. Two out of three wasn’t bad. She’d still have the wedding of her dreams and her business, but she was signing his contract instead of him signing hers. Why did he always win? It wasn’t fair. Scribbling her name, her maiden name for one of the last times, she dropped the stylus dramatically and said, “There. Are you happy now?”

  He smiled at her, kissed her nose and grabbed her arm. “Soon as I warm that cute butt up before dinner, I’ll be happy.”

  “Logan!” she wailed. “I don’t want a spanking!”

  “Then I guess you should have read the contract,” he said, and as her dress rose above her waist, while she was over his knee, she had to agree with him.

  She should have read the contract.

  The End

  Megan McCoy

  Megan McCoy lives in the heartland of America, surrounded by corn, soybean fields and hot guys on tractors. At home, she's raising kids, Chinese Cresteds, and poodles, training them all with a
tender hand and heart, while saving her sternness for the alpha males in her books. Getting up at three in the morning to write leaves her time for a few hobbies - gardening, canning, bike riding, bread baking and taking in strays.

  Don’t miss these exciting books by Megan McCoy and Blushing Books!

  Her Choice series

  His Firecracker

  The Dilemma

  The City Girl

  Her Choice, Always

  Her Choice Forever

  South Dakota Dreams series

  Stormy’s Trouble

  Talia’s Time

  Wynter’s Waif

  Wynter’s Wife (12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2017)

  Sailor’s Search

  Along Came Jones Series



  Logan and Ronnie

  Logan’s Contract

  Single Titles

  Two Weeks of Joy

  An Old-Fashioned Relationship

  Hard Wired Desires


  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2016

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2017


  An Old-Fashioned Relationship

  Connect with Megan McCoy


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