A Mystery Groom for Christmas

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A Mystery Groom for Christmas Page 9

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  A small man ran up the street and into the building. Kirk pointed at the mess. “Can you fix this?”

  He nodded. “But I know they tore some of the wire down before town because the telegraph quit before they attacked.”

  “You have someone who knows how to fix it?”

  Smitty shrugged. “I can. I’ll check back the way you came and work my way into town.”

  Kirk nodded. “Good. Take someone you trust with you and a couple of our horses.”

  Kirk and his men edged around the sides of the next building. “Careful, we’re getting close to the hornet’s nest.”

  Clark nodded. “I’ll stand watch.”

  Inside, Kirk shouted. A flash of fire from above signaled a gunman firing. Kirk dove for cover and fired back, wounding the man. After a couple more battles, they had five more men to take back to the makeshift jail.

  Finally, they had the hotel and saloon left to do. Shots were continually coming from the buildings, and Kirk and his men had to take cover.

  “Keep an eye out for any trying to get behind us.”

  Clark found him. “Most of those we took prisoner want to fight with us. We got the ones who fired on us in a different building.”

  “Good. Find guns for those you trust.”

  After a day of fighting, Kirk saw a white flag from one of the windows. “Hold your fire.”

  Kirk stepped out. “Come out. We can talk.”

  A rugged bear of a man stepped out of the saloon. “We got no quarrel with you. Leave our town, and you can go while you’re still alive.”

  Kirk stared at him. “Do you have any other women you’re keeping captive?”

  With a sneer, the man shrugged. “That’d be our business. This is our town.”

  “We’ve got half of your town back there, and they want you gone.”

  “Is that so. Well, that’s not very neighborly of them. I’ll remember that.” He shouted. “You hear that. We’ll take it out of your hides any who are fighting against us. These men have no jurisdiction over this town.”

  “Good men always have jurisdiction over lawlessness.” Kirk saw a rifle barrel in a window of the hotel. Quickly, Kirk brought his gun up. “Surrender now and tell that man in the window to drop his gun.”

  “I was under a flag of truce.”

  Kirk pointed to a window in the hotel. “Tell them to throw down their guns, or you’ll be the first to go. Oh, and by the way, I don’t make a deal with the devil.” He looped a rope around the man’s neck. “Now, back up real slow. And while you’re at it, tell them to turn themselves in and let the women go.”


  “Then you better hope none of them fire because you’ll go down first.” Kirk backed up until he was even with the telegraph office. He shoved the big man toward the door. “Tie him up good and tight.”

  Bill came to him. “How we going to get the rest?”

  “We’re going to have to keep going building by building.”

  Bill nodded. “That’s what I was afraid of. How about we sit tight for a bit and let them think over the fact we got the boss. Maybe Smitty will have the telegraph fixed by then.”

  “Sounds reasonable to me.” Kirk waved the men into the stores and told them the plan. Just to make sure the leader of the gang was quiet, they stuffed a handkerchief in his mouth.


  Early in the morning, Mary Louise had heard several horses gallop out of town. That would be Kirk and the posse. She prayed for them. Prayed he would come back to her so they could make plans. This was her test.

  She knew it.

  She would have to pass if she wanted to marry her sheriff. If she couldn’t take it, she needed to know now. And now, even after he’d just left, the minutes felt like a year.

  Kate had told her that Peter was going too. Angus and Fred. So, she wasn’t the only woman to be fearful for her man. She thought about joining Kate for breakfast. But then Mary Louise knew she needed to face this alone.

  Her hand fell on her Bible that she kept by the bed. She looked at the book. Not alone. That’s what Suzy had tried to tell her. That no matter what came her way, she wasn’t alone.

  That’s what she’d have to rely on. The Lord was her shepherd. The Lord was with her regardless of what happened in that horrid town. Yet, even in that when she’d driven into Dry Springs, it wasn’t a Godless town. For God was always with her, and He would be with Kirk and the other men.

  And God was here beside her now. In her heart and soul, comforting her, giving her strength and courage. She could trust the Lord where Kirk was concerned. And Mary Louise knew that meant in life or death.

  For when they married, it would be until death parted them. And no one knew when that could be. But Mary Louise did know that God would never depart from her. That was her sure foundation. Her assurance.

  She readied for the day and managed to eat an egg and some toast. She grinned. She hadn’t told Kirk that she could barely cook toast. Well, if, … when, she corrected herself, he came back, she’d tell him.

  After all, he should know before they were married that she was a lousy cook and really didn’t care to improve. She enjoyed eating out. Her father had tried to get her to learn and gave up.

  She wondered how he would take the news of her marrying a sheriff in a small, Texas town. She did miss her father. She sat down and wrote him a letter explaining what she was doing and how she would not be going back to Tennessee.

  In her mind, she had plans that they’d marry at Christmas. Perhaps Christmas Eve so they could awake together on Christmas Day. That’s what she wanted. In fact, even as a little girl that had been her dream.

  Maybe Father would come to the wedding.

  Relief spread over Mary Louise as she thought about a wedding and not being a spinster. She beat back the doubts as the devil’s thoughts crept in to say she might be a widow before she was even married.

  “No!” She grabbed the Bible and read Psalm 91. Then she repeated the Lord’s Prayer. Your will Lord, not mine. You have the plan for my life and Kirk’s.”

  The day passed slowly. She paced around the small room and tried to calm her heart. She was losing the battle when there was a knock on her door.

  She opened it to see Doc Lancaster.

  He came in and sat down. “I thought you could use some company. I got to thinking of you and Kirk and how life can be so fragile. But I wanted to tell you how tough and unyielding life can be, too.”

  “Would you like some coffee?”

  He nodded. “I’ve seen men and women who should have died, but they lived. No reason other than the Lord wanted them to. And I’ve seen others that should have lived, but they didn’t. I know Kirk. I know he waited a long time to find a woman he wanted to marry. And I know how excited he was to find you. To realize that you were the one for him. I’m telling you this because if there is any way possible, that man will be back for you. I wanted you to know that.”

  She handed him a cup of coffee and sat down. “The Lord sent you to me, Doc. I was struggling. I know this is a test for me. I want to marry him, and I know I need to be prepared for days and nights like this. God sent you just as I was failing. Thank you for coming.”

  The older man smiled. “You’re welcome, and you’re right. You won’t ever be alone. None of us knows the day or the hour that we’ll meet the Lord, but we can all know that we aren’t alone. If you need me for anything, don’t be afraid to come down to my office.”

  “Thanks, Doc.”

  “And I was thinking you might want to go and have a talk with Kate. I think she’s probably a little nervous about now. School is out, so maybe you can give her a visit.”

  “I’ll do that. Right now.” She grabbed her shawl and walked with Doc out her door. Kate’s room was just down the street from Mary Louise’s house. As she was walking toward it, she saw Kate walking with John to her house.

  “Kate, I thought we could get a bite at the café. I know John would like that.”<
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  Kate nodded. Both had worry on their faces. “They aren’t back yet?”

  “No, but it’s several hours to Dry Springs and back. I’m sure they’ll be back tonight or tomorrow morning.”

  John looked at Kate, and she hugged the boy. “It’s going to be all right.”

  The boy nodded. “Can I go to Jim’s. He’s got a new colt.”

  “Sure. You do that. Come back before dark, though.” Kate watched her soon-to-be-adopted-son scamper toward the livery.

  “The wedding is only a month away.” Kate stopped and looked at her.

  In that look, Mary Louise saw every worrisome question. Why now? What if? All the ones she’d asked herself. She took Kate’s arm, and together they walked into Heart’s Café. “I’ll buy your dinner. I could use a friend.”

  Kate sat down and held her head in her hands. “Mary Louise, I can’t take this. Sometimes I think it was easier when I didn’t have anyone to care about. Now, I have two. Peter and John.”

  Mary took her hand. “It’s going to be all right. I know it. Let’s have a good time and talk about your wedding.”

  “I’d rather not. If you don’t mind. I’m just so nervous. I don’t want to talk about it and have some—”

  “Kate, nothing is going to happen. We must believe that. We can’t live in the worrisome parts of the future. I want to celebrate your wedding because I plan to marry that sheriff in December.”

  Kate smiled. “I’m sorry, Mary Louise. I was so caught up in my trouble, I wasn’t aware. Oh, congratulations. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you. You know that is going to leave Adelaide and Diane. And only one mystery groom.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. “I hadn’t thought of that. What will they do? We need to pray for them. Do you know who the mystery groom is?”

  “Kirk said he was one of them. Peter was one. Angus was the third one.”

  Kate smiled. “I bet he is. I’ve seen him hang out with Peter and Kirk.” She sighed. “But that means one of the ladies is going to be left behind. I hate to see that.”

  Mary Louise nodded. “Plus, there is no guarantee that Angus will choose either one of them. Did you see Fred Pollins and his new bride, Rebecca? She is a mail-order bride.”

  “That surprised me. I read your article in the paper about them. Well done. It made me wonder why we never knew about Fred.” Kate laughed. “I can’t believe that I’ll be married within the month.”

  “I’m so happy for you. John looks like he’s adjusting well.”

  Kate grinned. “He’s a wonderful boy. Peter has already adopted him, and as soon as I am married, I’ll adopt him, too. We’re so very happy.”

  Mary Louise took her hand. “And you will continue to be.”

  “Thank you, Mary Louise, I needed to hear that. I’m afraid that John and I both have fears, and we only managed to make each other feel worse.”

  “Claire will get him laughing and keep him busy.”

  “Yes, she will. She’s been like a grandmother to the boy. I’m sure once they leave the boarding house, it will be hard on John.”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s strong and brave. And a lot of that because of you.”

  They stayed, talked, and ate dinner. John joined them and then ran off to the boarding house because Claire made a cherry pie.

  Finally, it was late. Mary Louise pointed at the time. “I don’t think the men will be back until tomorrow. I am tired, so I’m going to get a good night’s sleep. You do the same. I know you have school tomorrow.”

  Kate nodded. “Yes, I do. Thank you, Mary Louise. You have been a tremendous help to me tonight.”

  Mary Louise looked at her friend. “We helped each other. Thank you.” She walked back to her house. The stars were bright, and she thought of the night she’d slept next to Kirk and knew that they were meant for one another.

  Tonight, she wondered if he was looking at those stars, too. Somehow, she knew he was. She felt the connection and smiled. “Thank you, God. I know that he’s alive.”

  Chapter 14

  Kirk had slept but a few hours. All the lawless ones were holed up in the saloon. Throughout the night, Kirk had placed men around it, so they were surrounded. The word from some of the men they’d captured was that there were a few women held captive.

  Sometime in the early morning, Smitty had connected the telegraph and sent a wire to Waco. Soon, Texas Rangers would come and take Dry Springs back from the lawless ones. They just needed to wait for the men to come.

  Kirk had checked with his people, and none had been injured. Bill had said the same for his. Most of the men from the town that had helped them were excited to take back their city and make it thrive.

  Kirk watched the sunrise and hoped Mary Louise was waiting for him. This was a test for her. To see if she could handle being married to a lawman. He prayed she still wanted him when he returned.

  Finally, the Rangers arrived and took over the town. On the way home, Kirk took his men by the woods behind Lone Oak to check on the campsite. They searched the woods, but the men must have moved on.

  Kirk would have to talk to Jeff to see if he knew anything about where his father or brother had gone. After what they’d just been through, Kirk wanted to know what they were up to.

  Finally, they headed back to Lone Oak. Kirk wondered if he’d find Mary Louise waiting for him. Then he turned down the main street and saw her walking along the boardwalk.

  He rode beside her. “Going somewhere?”

  Mary Louise smiled. “I might be. I heard our sheriff was due back, and I was going to the jail to see where he might be.”

  Kirk stopped his horse and dismounted. “Come here.”

  Mary Louise stepped off the boardwalk and into his arms.

  “I couldn’t wait to get home to you. Then I wondered if you’d be waiting for me.”

  She looked at him. “I’ll always be waiting for you. I love you, Kirk.”

  Kirk knelt before her. “Mary Louise, will you marry me?”

  Mary Louise nodded. “Yes, a thousand times, yes.”

  He stood and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “That’s to keep you until we’re married.”

  “This December. Christmas Eve.” She kissed his hand. “It’s what I always dreamed of.”

  “I want to make all your dreams come true.” Kirk took her hand, and together they walked to her house. “I’ll start looking for a house for us. I’ll build it if I have to.”

  “We can stay in my house until we build one. Besides, wherever we are together, we’ll be home.”


  Mary Louise sat in Heart’s Café and waited. It was Thursday night, and she wanted to be there early. Soon her friends filed in. Kate first, then Diane and Adelaide, and finally Jennifer.

  In the weeks since her rescue, Jennifer had relaxed and begun to look happy and less haunted. Then last week, she’d expressed interest in joining the Mystery Groom Girls of the Thursday Night Club.

  Tonight, they were planning Kate’s wedding and celebrating Mary Louise’s engagement. But the important business was Diane and Adelaide. And now, Jennifer. Somehow, they needed to find more mystery grooms.

  As it stood right now, Angus McDonald was going to be attacked by three desperate women.

  As the women came into the café, they all hugged Kate and Mary Louise.

  Adelaide stood while the others sat at the table. “We just want to say how happy we are for you two. And thankful that you agree to keep meeting on Thursday nights. Jennifer is interested in marrying a good man now.” Although Adelaide had said it with a smile, she looked worried.

  Diane nodded. “Remember, one for all and all for one.” A bit of a sneer showed on her lips.

  Mary Louise nodded. “We’ll do all we can to help.”

  Kate smiled. “You ladies will find a man. I know it. I don’t think either me or Mary Louise knew where to look and all of a sudden, our men were right in front of us. It will happen for you too.”
  Adelaide cleared her throat. “Angus is mine.”

  Diane tapped her fingers on the table. “Actually, he danced with me more times at the social than with you.”

  With a look down her nose, Adelaide shook her head. “I let you have the last dance because I had the first. We’ll see in a few weeks at the next social.”

  Mary Louise glanced at Kate. “We need more grooms.”


  Author’s Note: Patricia PacJac Carroll – I hope you all enjoyed Kirk and Mary Louise’s story. I enjoyed writing it. And I know that a couple more ladies need their fellow, so stay tuned for the next story. A Contest for Christmas on Preorder and releases July 16th, followed by A Present for Christmas that is on Preorder and releases Nov 12th.

  ***The next book in the series is A Beekeeper for Christmas by Kim Grist. Be sure to check her book out for an enjoyable read.***

  I hope you’ll enjoy the series Spinster Mail-Order Brides

  Spinster Mail-Order Brides by Patricia PacJac Carroll

  A Miracle for Christmas

  A Mystery Groom for Christmas

  A Contest for Christmas

  A Present for Christmas




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