One Weekend in Aspen

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One Weekend in Aspen Page 30

by Jaime Clevenger

  “Think about it for a minute. We’re going out to eat with a grocery bag full of ramen. And Emily’s a chef. You think she wants your packaged ramen?”

  Alex stopped walking. “Okay, listen, the bag’s not completely full of ramen.”

  “What else is in there?”


  Lara’s confused look turned to a knowing smile. “Oh. She wants to be tied up.”

  “Close, but not exactly. She said she’s always had a fantasy of tying someone up. And having her way with them.”

  Lara’s mouth opened as she put two and two together. “Damn. You’re braver than I thought. Ever been tied up before?”

  “One time, but I got out of the knots. This time I’m not going to try. Gonna let it happen. Let her do what she wants.”

  “No wonder you’re nervous about this.” Lara slapped Alex’s shoulder and laughed.

  “Mostly I’m excited.”

  “All right. I take back everything I said about your ramen. You’re one crazy dude, you know that?” Lara stopped talking and leaned to the right, squinting at someone across the street. “Is that Emily over there?”

  Alex followed Lara’s gaze. She spotted Emily standing on the opposite side of the street, waiting to cross at the light. In a yellow sundress with her long brown hair pulled back, she was so beautiful Alex didn’t have words. Her heart settled in her throat and she wondered again if surprising her was a good idea. Emily was talking to her friend and not looking their direction.

  “That is her, isn’t it?” Lara asked again.

  Alex managed a nod.

  “Then that must be Gianna. She’s hot. Like, really hot.” Lara caught Alex’s arm. “How do I look?”

  “Like you’re ready for a hot date.” Alex looked down at the grocery bag in her arms. “Maybe I shouldn’t have brought ramen.”

  * * *

  “Remind me again how I let you talk me into a blind date?”

  “You’re gonna love Lara. Promise.” Even if seeing Lara again brought back memories of Aspen and made her miss Alex more, it’d be worth it. Getting Gianna a date was the least she could do.

  The light changed, and Gianna looked like she was having second thoughts. Emily caught her hand and pulled her into the intersection. “If you aren’t into Lara, we’ll stuff ourselves with jerk shrimp and fried plantains. My treat. Either way, it’s a win.”

  They crossed the street and joined a short line that had formed outside the restaurant. Emily turned back to Gianna. “Maybe we should get some of those Creole doughnuts too. I’m so hungry. Smelling all these yummy spices makes me want to eat someone.”

  Gianna held up a finger, making an O shape with her mouth.


  “Behind you.”

  Emily turned around. Her heart skipped a beat. It couldn’t be. Alex.

  “Hi. I, uh, was in the neighborhood and—”

  Emily leapt off the ground. Alex caught her, laughing, and spun in a circle before setting her feet down. Emily ignored the press of tears. She didn’t care if they fell or not. Alex was here.

  “So, it’s okay that I’m here?” Alex said.

  “Yes.” Emily met Alex’s lips for a long kiss. God, she’d missed her. She didn’t want the kiss to end, but then Gianna—or maybe it was Lara—cleared her throat and Alex pulled back. She didn’t loosen her hold on Emily, though, and her face broke in a wide smile.

  “Hi,” Alex said again.


  “I was nervous that maybe you wouldn’t be happy that I’d show up without warning—”

  Emily pressed her finger to Alex’s lips. “I am completely going to make you pay for this stunt. All night long.”

  “All night, huh?”

  “Unless you had other plans.”

  “You are my plans,” Alex said. “And you know it.”

  Emily did. She didn’t know how she could be so sure of something that felt too good to be true, but there was no doubt in her mind. “I love that you came a week early to hang out with me, but I am going to have to work some of that time.”

  “I kind of have this work thing too…”

  “What do you mean? I thought all of your clients were in Asia.”

  “This would be a different work thing.” Alex took a deep breath. “Tonight, my only plans are you. Tomorrow, I have a job interview for a company based in San Francisco.”

  Emily’s mouth fell open. “You’re thinking of moving here?”

  “If I get the job, commuting from Tokyo would be a huge pain in the ass, so, yeah.” Alex’s smile seemed tentative. “Nothing’s for sure yet, and I wouldn’t take the job if you didn’t think me moving here was a good idea, but it’s a great company and I’m ready to move up. I’d get my own place, of course, and even if it doesn’t work out with us I won’t regret moving here. I want the job and—”

  “Stop talking.” Emily leaned close and whispered, “No pressure, but you better nail that fucking interview.”

  Alex laughed. “I like a little pressure.”

  “Good. Because I can’t wait for you to move here.” Emily wanted to jump into Alex’s arms again and give her an even bigger kiss. She wanted more than kissing, so much more, but they could take their time now. Soon they’d have all the time in the world. “I want to hear about the job. And all of your plans. But first, I’m hungry.”

  “Can I buy you dinner?” Alex asked.

  “You may.”

  Alex bumped against Emily’s hip and grinned. “It’s going to be hard to eat when all I want is you.”

  “Hmm. You’ll work it out I’m sure.” Emily kissed Alex—only a quick peck this time, but she hoped Alex knew it carried a promise for more to come. She suddenly remembered Gianna and Lara and felt a pang of guilt for ignoring them. When she looked at Gianna, however, she got a reassuring wink.

  Lara and Gianna were introducing themselves and laughing as if they already had some private joke going. Emily looked at Alex again and then at the line of people around them. None of it felt real. She was so happy she was floating, and everyone seemed to be smiling at her as if they knew it. Of course, they’d all seen her jump Alex, and they’d seen the kiss.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Emily said, touching Alex’s arm and shifting closer. She wanted to rub her hands up and down Alex’s body to convince her own body that she was real. As much as she’d loved their nightly chats and all that they did besides talk, she wanted more. Much more. And now, Alex was here.

  A grocery bag heaped with packaged ramen caught her eye. “Is that your bag?”

  Alex looked down at her feet. “Oh. Yeah. That’s for you.” She picked up the bag and handed it to Emily with a sheepish smile. “It’s a little silly.”

  “You brought me a whole bag of the world’s best ramen? That’s not silly. That’s amazing.” Emily’s mind jumped to what she’d pair with Alex’s ramen. There’d be time for meal planning later, of course, but she was already looking forward to it. And to cooking with Alex. “You’re the best.”

  “There’s another surprise under all the noodles. Something you might like even more.”

  Emily had no idea what it could be, but the look on Alex’s face made her think it would be best opened later. “Maybe I’ll save that surprise for when we’re alone?”

  “Probably a good idea. Does that mean you’re taking me home?”

  “I might take you home and keep you.”

  “I’d like that.” Alex smiled. “But first I have to tell you something.”

  Emily waited, suddenly nervous.

  “I know we haven’t gone on an official date yet or anything, and I know I promised I wouldn’t pressure you, so please don’t feel like you have to respond. It’s okay if you’re not ready. But I have to tell you because I can’t keep it inside any—”

  “I love you,” Emily said. The words sprang to her lips and she couldn’t hold them back. “I think maybe you were getting to that part, but I couldn’t wait.�

  Alex laughed. “I was getting to it, but clearly I was taking too damn long.”

  “It’s okay. You’re fast at other things.”

  “I love you too,” Alex said. “It’s not too soon to say it?”

  “Not too soon.” Emily smiled.

  “Then I’m gonna say it again. I love you. So damn much.”

  Emily didn’t think she’d stop smiling for the rest of the night. “You know how I said you weren’t good for me? I was wrong.”

  “It’s okay. I knew it all along.”

  “And you were right.” Emily caught the front of Alex’s shirt and pulled her close again for one more kiss. “That smug look on your face is driving me crazy. I might have to take you home right now.”

  “And tie me up?”

  Emily opened her mouth and then glanced down at the bag. “Tell me that’s my surprise.”

  “Maybe we should order our food to go and you can find out.”

  “Yes, please.” When Alex reached for her hand, Emily entwined their fingers. She didn’t ever want to let go.

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