The Enchanted: Council of Seven Shifter Romance Collection

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The Enchanted: Council of Seven Shifter Romance Collection Page 131

by Juniper Hart

“I don’t know. I know that watching Veronica die while everyone stood around helplessly was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I thought maybe I could make a little difference, give someone’s sister peace at some moment. It might preserve Veronica’s memory. It’s stupid, I know. Hopeless.”

  “No!” Graham told her firmly, cupping her face in his hands. “It’s noble, and you’re a good soul. Your sister would be very proud of you.”

  Kate stared at him, the two lost in their own thoughts and in each other’s eyes. He felt her relax in his hands, and he pulled her close. She pulled back laughing.

  “I just got pizza on your shirt,” she informed him, pointing at the stain on his crisp, white shirt.

  “I don’t care,” he told her, smiling. He pulled her back to him as she placed the slice back in the box on the bed, and immediately, her tiny frame curled into him. The two fell asleep, full of pizza and warmth, in each other’s arms.

  It had happened by complete, delicious accident. Michael was not actively seeking it, but it fell directly into his lap, as if fate had smiled on him.

  And it’s about damned time it did, he thought smugly.

  Dr. Amanda Shetler had called Michael in for a “consult”. Never mind that the consult was to be in the research department, or that she was a dermatologist and had absolutely no use for a general surgeon under normal circumstances. Michael slipped into the pristine back offices undetected, where he and Amanda spent twenty memorable minutes forgetting about Carlingview and their respective spouses on the floor of her lab office. No sooner had they both erupted into a heap of passion than Dr. Shelter’s pager went off.

  “Dammit, I have to get to oncology,” the resident told Michael, rising from her straddle over his horizontal body. “Some idiot mortal with a melanoma.”

  “How are they still around?” Michael mused aloud, and Amanda shrugged.

  “Can you let yourself out?” she asked, hurrying to make herself presentable.

  “Yeah, I think I know my way around here well enough,” he joked as she straightened her skirt. He watched the chubby redhead scurry off and shook his head. I need to up my standards a little bit. The old blood around here is getting stale.

  As if on cue, Michael saw a brunette head down the hall, away from reception. Immediately, the attending recognized Kate Luthor, and he crawled to the window, remaining close to the floor as he watched her disappear into the last lab at the end of the corridor.

  What’s she up to? Michael wondered, yanking up his pants. He got the distinct impression that she was trying to be covert. His curiosity overriding his mild concern for being caught in an area in which he had no business being, he sauntered out of the dermatology lab and followed the pathway back toward Dr. Griffin’s research room. I’ll have to go say hello. I still haven’t invited her and that hot friend of hers to a party on my boat. I have to get on that. Lisette hasn’t had a proper visit from me in a while, either.

  Plastering a genial smile onto his face, he rose his hand to knock on the glass, but before he could, his eyes fell on another figure in the room. Dr. Griffin sat hunched over his desk, and Michael stepped back. He had no interest in seeing the head of neurosurgery that day. He was running out of fake smiles already, and it wasn’t even noon.

  I’ll have to make it a point to swing by when she’s alone. Maybe she’s looking for a mentor. Gods knows Griffin won’t teach her anything good—not like I can. Michael chuckled and turned to leave, but as he pivoted, his breath caught. Dr. Luthor had walked up behind the neurosurgeon to peer over his shoulder at the computer screen. As she stood, her hand slowly rose and touched the nape of his neck.

  Oh, she is a brazen little witch. I had her pegged all wrong! Michael thought gleefully, waiting for Griffin to react furiously. It was no secret that Dr. Griffin was married to his work, and despite the flash and glitz he presented to the media, Michael knew he kept his business and private life quite separate. He didn’t know what he was missing. Many had tried and failed at seducing the brilliant doctor, often running off with their badly scarred tails between their legs.

  He was a fool. He could have had any doctor or nurse he wanted—even at the same time, if he desired—but he was too busy pushing his nose into a microscope. It was surprising that the little dark-haired thing was making a move on the great Dr. Griffin.

  Michael observed with perverse pleasure, knowing the backlash would be swift and severe.

  If he fires her and she runs out of here in tears, I will be waiting outside for her to cry on my shoulder. I won’t push her away, that’s for sure. But that was not what happened, and Michael watched in shock as Griffin’s hand reached up and stroked hers resting on his neck, leaning his head against her caress. What the hell is this? The great Graham Griffin is sleeping with an intern?

  Slowly, Michael backed away, his mind whirling. What was he going to do with this little tidbit of information? He knew such intel was worth its weight in gold, but he also had to know how to play it and when.

  “What are you doing here, Dr. Walter?” He started at the sound of Sara Creighton’s voice. She stared pointedly at him from the reception desk, and Michael smiled weakly at her.

  “Oh, I was just looking for…” He trailed off for a moment, realizing he might be caught in his own lie. She arched an eyebrow at him.

  “Looking for?” she asked flatly, waiting for him to finish. Michael felt a spark of anger.

  I’m basically the chief of surgery! You have no right to question me, you bitch! When he was chief, she was going to be the first one forced into retirement. Sara Creighton was a legend in the hospital, there was no doubt. She knew everything about everyone, and it made someone with much to hide exceedingly nervous. Needless to say, Michael found her presence unnerving.

  He grinned sheepishly. “I was looking for Dr. Shetler, but I just got paged that she’s in oncology,” he told her with as much earnestness as he could muster. Nurse Creighton did not look convinced by his explanation.

  “How strange,” she muttered, scowling. “Amanda just left, and I didn’t see you come in, so I don’t know how you could have missed her.” Michael’s smile froze in place.

  “Weird,” he finally spat. “I must be tired. That’s what happens when you’re head of a department.” He hoped his condescending words weren’t lost on her.

  Nurse Creighton scoffed. “Yeah, I imagine you would be, with your… vigorous schedule,” she shot back, shifting her eyes back to the computer screen before her. “You really shouldn’t be in here. You don’t have a lab.”

  Michael’s mouth pursed into a fine line of anger. He willed himself not to explode at the smug nurse.

  “See you later, Sara,” he called, exiting the lab, mentally flipping her the finger.

  Forget about Sara Creighton, he thought, trying to contain his anger. His mind filtered back toward the innocent-looking Kate Luthor. I have more interesting things to think about.


  Kate’s sixth sense was screaming at her, but no matter how she tried, she couldn’t understand what it was trying to tell her. Since she and Graham had connected, life had become much easier in so many ways.

  She’d stopped feeling like their relationship was tentative and embraced the new love in her life, relishing the moments they spent together. Graham’s schedule was still grueling, and he was consumed with his rounds and overseeing his department, but he tried to allot time to spend with her on her days off, both in and out of the lab.

  Graham had awakened something in Kate which she had never experienced, both sexually and emotionally. She found herself lost in his intense eyes and missing him terribly when they were apart. In the few relationships Kate had had over the years, she had never wanted another the way she did Graham.

  “You should move in with me,” he teased one morning when Kate was sneaking out of the condo before dawn. A wave of dizziness washed over her as she stared at him wistfully. He immediately saw her longing and put on a stoic expression. �
��I wish you could,” he told her quickly. “But I think it’s best we keep our relationship low profile—for now. You know what will happen when the world gets a hold of this. It’s just stress we don’t need.”

  She nodded quickly, ashamed at her naïve idealism, and forced a smile. It was a conversation they’d had before, yet it still made her slightly melancholic. Be grateful for all you have, she chided herself. We’re in no rush. We’re not going anywhere. We can take our time.

  “Of course,” she replied, grabbing her jacket. “It wouldn’t be proper.”

  Graham grabbed her arm as she started for the door.

  “Kate, I don’t want to hide you from the world. You have inspired something in me that I have been searching for my whole life. It’s just…” She watched him out of the corner of her eye. He sighed deeply. “I am up for chief of surgery next year when Chief Schwartz retires. Any appearance of impropriety will be a mark against me. And there are other contenders, too.”

  Kate understood—of course she did. She had no idea why she was feeling so betrayed by his words. You’re becoming an obsessive thirteen-year-old girl. You knew what you were getting into when you started this. Well, you didn’t really start this, but you’re in it now, and you need to put on your big-girl panties and handle it like one. But she hadn’t anticipated this, not really. She had no idea how overcome with adulation she would become for the handsome doctor, or how difficult it would be to hide her true feelings at both work and home.

  There was a glow in her face which no one had ever seen, a slight skip in her step. Kate felt lighter, happier. Graham checked on her to ensure she was eating and sleeping when she had time, and he no longer texted her at strange hours. Then again, that was because she was with him during all the strange hours.

  Lisette picked up on her sudden happiness instantly.

  “You look different,” the sassy blonde commented. “And you’re home a lot more than you were. Did you get your hours cut?”

  “There’s just a lot of downtime in the lab right now,” Kate replied defensively. Lisette’s eyes narrowed, and she peered into Kate’s face.

  “No new research developments happening?” Lisette asked suspiciously, and Kate shrugged, shaking her head. She hated lying, but she had promised Graham. A small part of her savored the secrecy in their relationship, even if she didn’t like being dishonest with her best friend. “Are you getting laid?” her roommate demanded.


  “I can always tell,” Lisette told her, examining her face closely. Kate shifted her gaze. Her best friend smirked. “I knew it! Who is it?”

  Kate didn’t respond, and she found a reason to excuse herself, though she could feel Lisette’s piercing stare at her back.

  It’s only a matter of time before we get caught, Kate thought often, but the covert danger of their situation only added fuel to the flame of the wildfire growing inside her.

  Yet lately, something felt wrong, as if her hidden affair was about to be exposed. She had no idea from where the fear had stemmed. It simply blossomed one day unexpectedly and began to balloon in the depth of her gut. She began to take extra precautions, ensuring she was in her own bed before Lisette woke up when she was not on call and putting a code on her cell phone. Kate was not certain it was her roommate who was suspicious, or if it was only her guilty imagination, but she did not want to chance it.

  “Hey, Kate!”

  She raised her head and watched as Dr. Walter made his way toward her in the cafeteria. Kate tensed at his approach. That was another thing; suddenly, Michael Walter was everywhere. She ran into him on her general rounds, despite his ties to the surgical wing, and every time she stopped to eat in the cafeteria, she was certain to see him.

  You’re becoming paranoid. He works in the hospital. You weren’t paranoid when you saw Dr. Walter everywhere before, even when he showed up in your apartment. Graham has your head a mess. You need to get it together.

  “Hi,” she offered as Dr. Walter pulled up a chair and sat across from her.

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked, and Kate shook her head, even though he hadn’t waited for her answer before he was already sitting. She noted that he did not have anything to eat or drink with him, and she could not help wondering if he had come there specifically looking for her.

  Stop it, she growled silently. The man has just as much a right to be in the cafeteria as you do. Who died and made you the cafeteria Gestapo?

  “Who are you on rounds with today?” Dr. Walter asked, leaning back causally.

  “Dr. Reynolds,” she answered, popping a French fry into her mouth. She gestured at the plate to offer him one, but he shook his head, laughing.

  “Cardiology? And you’re eating greasy food? Aren’t you a rebel!”

  Kate admitted she hadn’t made the connection, but she wondered if it wasn’t a subconscious act of defiance. Adam Reynolds was a painfully thin man in his fifties, the head of cardiology and perpetually preaching the dangers of eating unhealthily. He was also the hospital’s most infamous hypocrite and could often be found inhaling Burger King in his Mini Cooper in the back parking lot. Kate chuckled and shrugged.

  “Maybe I am,” she giggled. Dr. Walter’s smile broadened, and he leaned forward.

  “So, I have been waiting months for this to happen, and I’m glad it did before the weather got too cold,” he told her confidentially.

  “What’s that?” Kate asked, her eyes scanning the cafeteria, half listening to Walter’s banter. He was becoming like a chatty girlfriend, and while he didn’t annoy Kate, she would much rather be in Graham’s company. She knew the chances of seeing her lover in the break room was unlikely, but it didn’t stop Kate; she was constantly looking to catch a glimpse of him.

  Still, Graham maintained his elusive nature in the hospital, and sightings of him were as fleeting as they had been before.

  “Call me a stalker, but I have been keeping an eye on the intern rotation, and I finally see that you and Dr. Engles aren’t on call Saturday.”

  Kate’s eyes shot back to look at the head of general surgery, her brow furrowing slightly at the confession. Why would he be watching our schedules? That’s a little weird, isn’t it?

  “Okay, I know that sounds creepy,” Michael rushed on, smiling disarmingly. “But I have been wanting you both to be at my party. I have been holding off making plans so you can both come.”

  Suddenly Kate remembered the first conversation she’d had with him, and her shoulders relaxed slightly. She grinned back at him, a flattered feeling overtaking her wariness.

  “Are you having a party on Saturday?” she asked, her mind racing. Would Graham be invited to the party, too? If not, should she ask him? No, she couldn’t do that— it would be too obvious. Surely, he would be on the guest list. All the attendings were friends… weren’t they? Kate wracked her brain to think of a time when she had ever seen Graham in the friendly company of another physician. She could not envision such a sight.

  Graham doesn’t have any friends! Kate suddenly realized. For all the flashy pictures she’d seen online, from galas to weddings, the bear was a loner. He’s naturally solitary.

  “I am having a party on Saturday,” Dr. Walter confirmed gleefully in response to her question. “The boat leaves the dock at seven o’clock. I’ll have someone text you the address. Make sure you mention it to Dr. Engles, in case I don’t catch up with her.”

  Kate smiled. She had a feeling that Dr. Walter would find her beautiful friend if he had to check every room in the hospital.

  “I’ll tell her,” Kate assured him. “I’m sure she’d love to go, too. What can we bring?”

  “Just your lovely selves. I will have a staff cater to our every whim,” Dr. Walter replied, rising from the orange plastic chair. He winked conspiratorially at her. “My parties are legendary. Ask anyone,” he told her as he turned to leave.

  Kate intended to do just that. She wanted to know what she was getting herself into.
br />   Graham opened his mouth but did not immediately respond, several thoughts popping into his head.

  “Graham?” He forced a smile, even though his gut was wrought with apprehension.

  “No, Kate, I didn’t get an invitation, but I have a craniectomy scheduled on Saturday night. It has already been postponed twice, and the patient is running the risk of fluid buildup on his frontal lobe.” He studied her face for a moment, and a strange part of him hoped she would decline to attend Michael Walter’s party knowing that he would not be there.

  How incredibly childish of you to think like that, he chided himself, unable to stop the sense of unease he was feeling. He did not know if he was experiencing jealousy or if there was a genuine cause for his worry, but there was an emotion washing through him which was both foreign and unsettling. Maybe it’s because of the host, Graham thought, and that wasn’t fair, either. He barely knew Michael Walter well enough to make a judgment like that. He knew that the bear had been passed over as alpha of a neighboring pack several times over the centuries, but he had always seemed to take the rejection in stride. On the other hand, Michael had a reputation around the hospital for being somewhat of a pig.

  And you have a reputation outside of the hospital for being a playboy. What’s the difference? He corrected himself instantly. Had. You had a reputation for being a playboy. You’re not one to judge anything.

  “If you’re in surgery that night, then maybe I’ll go with Lisette,” Kate mused aloud, and Graham found himself nodding in agreement, despite his desire to forbid her from going. He could feel her casting him a sidelong look, as if she expected him to protest her plan. He was not going to be that guy. She wasn’t his property.

  “Of course you should go. No point in wasting away in your apartment… unless you want to waste away in mine,” he joked, but he was half serious about the proposal. Kate laughed, not detecting the somberness in his words.

  “I think it will be fun. I mean, Dr. Walter took the time to schedule it so us newbies could attend. It would be rude not to make an appearance.”


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