The Enchanted: Council of Seven Shifter Romance Collection

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The Enchanted: Council of Seven Shifter Romance Collection Page 133

by Juniper Hart

  Why would I think anyone would wear a lab coat to a party? That’s something Kate would do. She glanced up and saw Jeff sauntering into the dimly lit cabin, and she turned her back quickly.

  “Is there a secret door out there?” she joked, but the cook seemed to catch the seriousness in her tone.

  “Yep. Right this way.” He led her in the opposite direction of where Jeff stood, seeming to scan the crowd for her. Lisette followed him up the back stairs and into the center of the boat where the staterooms sat. “Come on,” he coaxed, gesturing for her to follow as he let himself into one room at the back.

  “You can’t go in there!” she said. He only shrugged.

  “Suit yourself, but I can tell you that I have been staff on this boat for five years, and I have never been caught smoking by anyone.”

  Lisette was sold, her desire for a cigarette almost unbearable. He let her inside behind him, and the two stood in a small guest room. The chef headed toward the far side of the room and pulled back the floor length drapes, revealing a small balcony.

  “Ta da!” he declared, opening the sliding glass and ushering her onto the tiny platform. They were far enough away from the party that the lights did not illuminate the space where they stood, but Lisette could still hear laughter and music as they lit their cigarettes.

  “So, are you a doctor’s wife?” the cook asked conversationally. Lisette scowled at him.

  “Are you the busboy?” she retorted, inhaling a drag of her smoke. He looked taken aback by her tone and question.

  “I’m Chris,” he replied, tapping his ash over the steel railing. “I’m the chef on this monstrosity. But I thought the jacket would have given that away.”

  Lisette smirked. “I’m Lisette, and I’m a doctor,” she told him. “I thought my incredible brilliance would have spoken to that.” She couldn’t help wondering if he would have asked Kate if she was the wife of a doctor, or if he would have assumed she was at least a part of the medical staff.

  He would have asked her if she was a nurse, minimally, she thought with some bitterness. She forced herself to focus her anger on the chauvinistic pig with whom she had trapped herself into sharing space. Chris’ mouth dropped open.

  “You’re a doctor?” he asked in disbelief, and Lisette felt her anger flare. She tossed her butt over the side of the boat, turning to leave.

  Why are you so surprised? He’s a stupid mortal. They can’t tell their asses from their heads.

  “Yeah, shocking, huh? They even let women vote and drive cars these days. What is America coming to?”

  “No! That’s not why I’m blown away,” Chris called to her retreating back. Lisette paused.

  “No?” she asked caustically. “I just looked like a doctor’s wife?”

  “Well, yeah. You’re incredibly beautiful,” he answered. Lisette spun on her heel and stared at the cook. “And most of these guys have really hot wives.”


  He shifted his eyes downward in embarrassment. “You’re gorgeous, but I’m sure you already knew that. Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  The gravity of his words seemed to ignite Lisette, and she covered the space between them in two strides, grabbing Chris by the face and placing her lips on his.

  He gasped in surprise, instinctively moving back, but Lisette pushed him against the railing, her tongue exploring his. Chris recovered quickly, his large hands encircling her model-like waist and yanking her against him.

  A fire had been lit in the sensuous blonde, and she felt a heat rise through her body as her fingers began to explore his meaty chest. Teasingly, she twisted at his nipples, her sharp nails grazing the tender flesh. She ground herself further against him, feeling him pulsate through her too tight skirt. Slowly, she moved her hips as if to dry hump him, wanting him to react. Her hands moved down his body, grasping at the thick black belt around his waist and pulling it off as if his trousers were on fire. Grabbing his unit in her hands, she pulled her mouth back from his deep, almost maniacal kisses and dropped to her bare knees on the stone balcony, taking him into her mouth without warning.

  “Oh, my God,” Chris moaned, throwing his head back, his arms gripping the rails. Maintaining his balance with one hand, he grasped a fistful of her silken tresses. Before he could release, however, Chris leaned forward to pull Lisette to her stilettoed feet. She had no time to argue as he spun her around, bending her at the waist over the railing. His fingers tugged her underwear aside before driving himself into her.

  Lisette cried out, struggling for support, but Chris was like a wild, rabid beast. Deeper he plunged, clinging to her slender hips as Lisette’s cries turned into feverish pitches of wild passion. She began to release, pushing herself tightly against him, until he, too, was at the mercy of his passion.

  As they came down off the lusty high which had overcome them both in the heat of the moment, Chris set Lisette down from where he had her elevated against the railing. Suddenly, they heard a shriek of laughter, and two jet skis scooted out around the side of the boat toward them.

  “Dammit, they’re pulling out the water sports! Get inside!” Chris hissed, pulling Lisette into the stateroom before she could pull up her panties. They collapsed on the floor, giggling. “Well, Dr. Lisette,” Chris said, helping the blonde to her feet. “That was fun. Will you give me your number? We can do this again sometime.”

  Lisette fixed her mini dress and peered at her reflection in the small mirror above the tiny dresser. Wiping her streaked lipstick, she ran her fingers through her luxuriant mane of hair before turning to smile at Chris. She scoffed.

  “Oh, honey, didn’t you hear me? I’m a doctor. I don’t answer calls from the help.” With that, she spun and sauntered out of the room, leaving Chris to stare after her, flabbergasted.

  Graham still had a few hours before his surgery, but he found he was unable to free his mind. No matter what he tried to do, he couldn’t stop thinking about Kate on that boat. The more he considered his emotions, the more he realized that it had nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with how little he trusted Michael Walter. Why was he asking interns to his party? He never did that… did he?

  The problem was, Graham had no idea. He had never gone to one of Michael’s events.

  I’ll send her a text and let her know I’m thinking of her, he thought, reaching for his phone, but just as quickly as he picked it up, he put it back down. Just leave her alone. If she needs something, she’ll let me know. Anyway, she’s with Dr. Engles. She’s fine. What I need to do is get out of this office.

  It was the first bright idea he’d had all evening, and he rose from the comfort of his high-back leather chair to make his way out of his office in the labs. The floor was quiet at that hour, and Graham was almost reluctant to leave the sanctuary of the lab, but he knew if he continued to sit there, he would only get lost in his own thoughts. He needed a clear head for the upcoming surgery, and he wasn’t going to get it there.

  As he turned the corner, he noticed a patient in the hallway outside the glass wall. His face was pressed against the panes, peering in with an almost maniacal expression on his face.

  The demon! Graham froze in his tracks, his mind racing. He had all but forgotten about the patient that Kate had warned him about. As he stood, staring at the unmistakable misanthrope in his midst, his sixth sense flared wildly. Unexpectedly, he felt his body shifting beneath his lab coat, and he had to will himself to stay in his mortal form. His brain was screaming danger with flashing red lights, and it took Graham several seconds to recapture his breath before he sauntered forward, making his presence known to the man.

  “Are you lost, sir?” Graham asked, pushing open the security door to stare pensively at him. He doesn’t look like Helios. He’s not even blue-eyed.

  Anthony Lockhart raised his head and stared blankly at Graham for a long, silent moment, as if he was trying to place him.

  “You’re Dr. Griffin!” he chortled. “Aren’t you?” />
  “I am.”

  “I’m a big fan of your work, doctor. I’ve been reading about your breakthroughs, both with the mortals and the Enchanted. Just stellar stuff.” He grinned a smile that Graham knew was supposed to be disarming, but it only served to make his skin crawl.

  “This area is off-limits for patients, sir. Can I see you back to your room?”

  A hideous leer formed on Lockhart’s face, and suddenly, Graham could read his intentions clearly. The incisors in his mouth began to throb at the gumline, and Graham knew he was in danger. But before he could morph fully into his bear form, the demon backed away, raising his hands.

  “I was hoping for a tour of the facilities,” he said. “But I’m sensing some hostilities.”

  “No hostilities,” Graham assured him gruffly. “But the lab isn’t open for public viewing.”

  “Pity. You should tell everyone what you’re up to in there. You’d think you would be eager to share your findings.”

  “When they are ready for publication, everyone will hear,” Graham growled, folding his arms over his broad chest. “I’m sorry, sir, but you really will have to go.”

  “What are you working on now? I heard that you might have found antidotes for some obscure poisonings.”

  He’s not subtle at all, Graham thought, his jaw firming. “We’re doing different research here, but nothing I’m at liberty to discuss. I really must be going,” he said.

  “Don’t let me stop you,” Lockhart said, but he didn’t move. “Have a good night, Dr. Griffin.”

  “You really can’t stay here,” Graham insisted, losing his patience. “Please, go back to your room.”

  Their eyes clashed, and Graham felt a stab of uncertainty again as the demon sneered.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble,” Lockhart laughed, releasing his gaze from the doctor. “I mean, what would I do if security came?”

  The sarcasm in his tone wasn’t lost on Graham, and he didn’t respond. There was nothing the most experienced Enchanted team could do against a demon bite. They had no demons on staff to defend against even a sickly counterpart.

  Kate was right about him; he’s dangerous and up to something. Graham knew what he had to do—investigate this unexpected patient covertly and without arousing the suspicions of the demon.

  A terrifying thought occurred to him as he watched Lockhart saunter away, his pulse racing. Could he be an agent of Helios? Or Helios himself? Graham didn’t know how the latter might be, but demons were not ignorant to magic of their own. Could Anthony Lockhart be Helios in disguise? If that were the case, Graham’s night was about to get much worse.

  Either way, he was due for surgery. Whatever Anthony was up to was going to have to wait until he was finished with his work for the night.

  Gritting his teeth, Graham made his way toward the elevators. but he couldn’t slow his thumping heart.

  So much for clearing my mind, he thought grimly. It’s going to be a long night.


  How can someone get lost looking for the bathroom on a boat? Kate asked herself, shaking her head at her own silliness. She knew she was drunk, but she didn’t expect it to be so difficult to find a room with a toilet, despite her state. She wasn’t even sure where she was on the yacht. She could hear the party going on in full swing all around her, but she stood alone in a tiny hall with several closed doors. In all fairness, the vessel was huge. Still, she couldn’t help feeling ridiculous as she stood helplessly, hoping for a sign.

  I better be careful, or I’ll end up driving this thing, she thought, giggling. She tried a door and found herself looking into a beautiful stateroom with expensive furniture. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at her surroundings in awe.

  Just when she thought she had seen the pinnacle of luxury, she found herself staring at something else that took her breath away. Not that Kate was overly impressed by money, but even her simple-living style couldn’t help appreciating the things that the wealthy could afford.

  How much money do the attendings make? she thought, not for the first time, as she went to back out of the room, which clearly wasn’t what she was looking for. Before she could leave, a movement caught her eye.

  “Well, come on in, Kate,” Michael Walter called, stepping out of the ensuite bathroom to her right. “No need to linger in the doorway.”

  Startled, Kate stepped back. She hadn’t realized there was a room within the room.

  “I’m sorry, Dr. Walter,” she choked. “I—I was just looking for the bathroom. I didn’t know anyone else was in here.”

  Michael chuckled and nodded understandingly. “There’s one in here. Come on in. I don’t bite… hard.” He winked at her, and Kate smiled weakly, the nervousness she had felt at the beginning of the evening sweeping back over her.

  She stood uncertainly in the doorway until Michael strode forward and gently pulled her fully into the room. Kate was feeling uncomfortable, being alone with him.

  That’s ridiculous. This is his boat.

  “It’s right there,” he told her, gesturing toward the door from which he had just appeared.

  Kate shuffled off toward it, securing the thin wood door behind her like she was worried he might come in after her. Sitting on the toilet, she dug her cell from the depth of her handbag. There was still no text from Graham, but she had expected as much. He would be in surgery all night. Still, she had hoped to hear something from him before he went in.

  You’ll be home in bed by the time he is finished, Kate thought, dropping the phone back into her handbag, shrugging off her disappointment. If I had a key to his place, I would be home in his bed when he was finished, she thought ruefully, remembering the joke he’d made about her moving in with him. Maybe I should revisit that issue.

  Kate reminded herself that she was drunk. There would be no moving in with Graham, at least until he had secured his job as chief of surgery. She needed to get that idea out of her mind, tempting as it was. She shook her fuzzy head and washed her hands, exiting the bathroom where Michael still stood.

  “Thank you for letting me use the washroom,” she told him, moving toward the exit, but he blocked her path. Kate stood back in surprise.

  “No problem. I told you I would be right here if you needed anything,” he said. Kate didn’t know how to respond and flashed him another small smile instead. She tried again to move past him, but he purposely blocked her way, causing her heart to pick up speed.

  What is he doing? Awkwardly, she looked at him with confused brown eyes.

  “Are you having fun, Kate?” he asked genially, and she bobbed her head earnestly. He was just checking up on his guests. No need to be dramatic.

  “Yes! This boat is beautiful. Thank you for inviting us.” Michael grinned.

  “It was the first purchase I made when I was promoted to attending. Of course, I purchased it with money I made from a past career. I wanted to reward myself for all the hard work I put in. I like beautiful things, you know?” There was no mistaking the innuendo in his voice.

  Kate willed herself to be calm. He’s had too much to drink and is acting a little flirty. Don’t panic, she told herself, though it was easier thought than accomplished. She tried to brush past him, but his athletic frame remained firmly in her way.

  “You’re a beautiful thing, Kate,” Michael said, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. “And I know you like attendings.”

  Kate froze, the polite smile slipping from her face. He knows. I knew he was hinting at it earlier.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she whispered, mortified. Slowly, his hand stroked her cheek, his fingers tracing over her chin, where he cupped her jaw between his thumb and index finger.

  “I think you do,” he purred. “There is nothing that Graham can give you that I can’t do better.”

  She jerked her head back, her dark eyes narrowing furiously.

  “That’s a disgusting thing to say,” she snapped, incensed at the wor
ds. “Stop it.”

  “Oh, Kate, stop playing so innocent. I saw you two in his lab. I know you’re with him. I’m just giving you the opportunity to be with a real man for once, you know, if you think you can handle it.”

  Without thinking, Kate’s palm reached up and slapped Michael’s leering face. He reeled back in stunned shock, giving Kate the opportunity to wrench open the door.

  “You are not a fraction of the bear that Graham is,” she hissed. “He’s an alpha, a neurosurgeon, and renowned researcher. You’re nothing but a male slut who spends his life overcompensating, and I wouldn’t let you touch me with a ten-foot pole. You’re a predator, and if you don’t leave me alone, I’ll go to the chief.” Her intention was to escape before he could respond, but before she could storm from his view, Michael’s voice rang out, freezing her in her tracks.

  “You better tread lightly, little girl, because I’m going to be chief of surgery soon, and you’re going to be out of a job.”

  Kate did not turn, fleeing from his words. Could he possibly be chief of surgery when Schwartz retired? Graham seemed to think he was in line for the job, but what if he was wrong? What if Walter ended up with the position? If that was the case, what would happen to Graham and to her? Oh, what had she just done?

  Kate ran back to join the party, swallowing back tears of fear. She didn’t see Lisette lurking in the shadows of the hallway, watching the scene with intense and curious eyes.

  Graham could tell something was amiss with Kate and had been since the night of the party on Michael Walter’s boat. When he had asked her about her evening, she’d given him a stock answer, indicating that nothing was wrong, but Graham had grown to understand Kate almost intrinsically. He didn’t need her to spell it out for him to know she was upset. He just was not sure why.

  She wasn’t standoffish with him; on the contrary, she was more committed than ever in both their work and private relationship, but she had become more reserved.


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