Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1)

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Without A Wolf (A Big Woods Pack Novel Book 1) Page 5

by Cara Roman

he was, but I have known for years how lonely he was. Kian just gave up hoping

  there was a fated mate out there for him, and my brother isn't the kind of man

  who settles for less."

  Thinking about that as they drove toward the salon Emma wondered if

  anyone else realized how perceptive Kayla really was. The radio was on a pop

  station, and as the first notes of a catchy song started playing Kayla sang along

  loudly. After the first verse Emma was laughing and singing with her. Pulling into

  the strip mall with the salon halfway through the second song they stayed in the

  car belting it out to each other until it was finished. Kayla said, "my Mom's

  human friend owns this place. She has been cutting my hair my whole life. She

  doesn't know anything though, so zzzziiipppp." She mimed zipping her lips.

  Emma nodded her head that she understood Kayla pulled open the door and

  they walked in.

  Some salons are relaxing with calming light blue and green decor, geared

  toward stress relief. That was not this place. The walls were painted vibrant berry

  pink color. This place was unashamedly fun, made for enjoying being a woman.

  The kind of place women dished openly with each other about their sex lives, and

  everyone would ask how many times you got off, or asking how well he was hung. There were women seated in lilac purple chairs laughing with the stylists

  snipping away at their hair. A comfortable white loveseat next to a coffee table

  loaded with magazines and books full of hairstyles. Emma immediately loved

  everything about it.

  Before they could even sit down a stylish woman in her 50's with a light

  blonde bob haircut and square rimmed pink leopard glasses walked over

  wrapping Kayla up in a hug. "Oh, sweetie, its so good to see you! Is this the

  beautiful woman Hannah was telling me about? Said she got a call from Kian

  gushing about his new girlfriend! Hi, honey, Emma isn't it? I'm Tess, I can't wait

  to get my hands in that spectacular hair of yours. It's naturally that color too?

  Don't ever color it! Women have been coming to me trying to replicate that shade

  of auburn for years!" Leading them to chairs she asked, "Just a trim Kayla? I love

  that pixie on you. Makes you look like a woodland sprite."

  "Yeah Tess, just a trim. I really love it. Thanks for talking me into it." Turning to

  Emma she explained, "I used to always wear it really long."

  "What about you Emma?" Tess asked as Kayla walked away with the shampoo


  "Hhhhhmmm, I haven't had it cut in long time now. What do you think?"

  "Nothing too short, or you would be fighting frizz with those curls all the time.

  Maybe take a few inches off, and add lots of layers to really showcase all the

  texture, and maybe frame your face." Tess said running her fingers through the

  weight of Emma's hair. "Sounds good to me!"

  After getting shampooed, conditioned and settled back on to one of the

  purple chairs Emma watched Tess work on Kayla's hair. Taking little snips here

  and there it was almost magical, like a dance her hands were doing. It was

  obvious Tess loved her job, and she was very good at it. In no time at all she was

  running a blow dryer over Kayla's hair, and rubbing a little pomade in her fingers

  she touseled it just so. "Thanks Tess, now I don't look like a little boy anymore."

  Kayla laughed.

  "Oh, Kayla, you're beautiful. Nothing about you says little boy! And if anyone

  thinks that they're clearly lacking all common sense." Emma immediately said.

  Kayla seemed taken aback by the compliment, but Tess wasn't.

  "Exactly what she said. It takes a special kind of woman to pull off this look, one

  with an innate sense of style. And you my dear have it in spades." Giving Kayla a

  kiss on the cheek. "Come on Emma before your hair is completely dry." With a

  squeeze on Emma's shoulder she knew was a quiet thanks for what she said to

  Kayla, Tess got to work.

  An hour later they were saying their goodbyes. Emma's hair felt lighter on

  her head. "Your hair looks like flowing fire now Emma. I love it!" Kayla said as

  they were leaving. They picked up a pizza from the place a few doors down in

  the strip mall. "I've got loads of DVD's at home, and I should have enough wine.

  We should be set." On the drive outside of town Emma texted Kian.

  "What are you gonna do without me tonight?" "Watch a game, drink some beer. Listen to my brother snore. Kayla booted him

  to my place tonight. Rather have you here. You smell good ;)"

  "Tell him to snuggle you if you miss me too much. :P"

  "Yeah, right! Have fun babe."

  "I already am! We got haircuts......"

  "I'm sure I'll be getting a call soon from my Mom then. Knowing Tess she is

  already on the phone with her."

  "I liked her, and Kayla said she made my hair look like fire."

  Kian sent her a fire emoji, so she sent a kissy face back. Then he said "See you

  tomorrow, miss me."

  "Always." Emma answered as they pulled up at Kayla's house.

  Emma reckognized it since she passed it on her way to Kian's every time.

  Kayla had the first house on the private drive Kian lived on. She knew all the

  pack lived close together, but he hadn't pointed out who lived where. It was a big

  old farmhouse, two stories, light blue with a large front porch painted white. "The

  house has been here for over a hundred years. When my grandfather was young

  he built the private drive and bought up land all around here. That way the pack

  could buy chunks of it for their own homes. It's where I grew up. Mom left it to

  Kole and I to share. Kian already had his place by then."

  "It's lovely Kayla, I can almost see you three running around as kids." Emma

  said. The inside was all done in jewel toned shades with white trim. Rich sapphire blue walls, teal sectional couch, bright yellow throw pillows, wooden

  coffee table painted a glossy ruby red. The kitchen had white cabinets with a

  gorgeous shimmering blue granite countertop. It shouldn't have worked, but

  somehow it did. It was comfortable, and inviting, the kind of place meant for


  "I like alot of color. Kole bitches that its too much, but he doesn't change it."

  "This place screams you. I can see why my rental looked so boring to you."

  Nodding her head Kayla set the pizza down. "Red or white?"

  "Never red." Was Emma's immediate response.

  Laughing Kayla got them out glasses "got it." Wine and pizza in hand they settled

  on the couch.

  Two movies and three bottles of wine later Emma and Kayla swore they

  would make this a regular thing. Kayla headed up to bed, asking if Emma wanted

  to come up to the guest room. Too tired to bother she grabbed one of the

  blankets tossed on the couch and told Kayla she was good where she was. That

  way she wouldn't wake her when she got up for work. Feeling thankful she

  remembered to set her alarm and plug her phone into the charger earlier she

  drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 9

  Starting the shower the next morning Kian shouted for Kian to get his ass

  out of bed and start the coffee. "It's your damn house." Came the muttered

  response. Knowing once Kole was awake he was up Kian hopped in the shower.

  Hearing his phone ring while he was mid-shampoo Kian rinsed off qui
ckly. By the

  time he was out the ringing had stopped. A voicemail dinged as Kian wrapped a

  towel low around his waist and walked out of his bathroom. Turning it on speaker

  to listen while he pulled on jeans, navy blue thermal henley for the day.

  "Kian, I will be out of state for a few days, I expect you to handle everything while

  I am gone. Put Kole as foreman at the site, you stick to the office. I'll be letting

  Cathy know. We can discuss your place in my pack upon my return. I suggest

  you use this time to evaluate whether this Emma is worth it." Russ ended the


  Shaking his head, Kian definitely needed some coffee after the bomb his

  uncle just dropped into his lap. Gulping down his first cup of scalding coffee

  before it had the time to cool he fried up a half dozen eggs, and a pound of

  bacon. Kian was slathering butter on a stack of toast as Kole walked in. Freshly

  showered himself, his hair was still wet. Kian looked up from the toast, "Whoa,

  whats got your eyes glowing already?" Playing his voicemail to Kole, Kian sat down to eat. Putting the food in his mouth

  and chewing mindlessly. "Holy shit man." Kole loaded his own plate with food.

  "I honestly don't get why this pisses him off so much. She is a shifter for

  chrissakes." Kian said polishing off his first piece of toast.

  "A broken one. Guess he doesn't think the next generation of Deckers should

  come from Emma. Have you considered that your pups might not be able to shift


  "That doesn't matter to me Kole. I love her."

  "Look, I like her, she seemed to have pulled the stick out of your ass that's been

  there since Dad died." Kole said. "Maybe Mom can talk to him? But you better

  get your wolf calmed down because it's making me feel on edge. You don't

  wanna be picking Emma up like that."

  "I'm trying Kole, shit. My wolf is screaming at me to protect my mate." Kian had

  his hands braced on the counter, the tension rolling through his body. Taking a

  few deep breaths, making the effort to calm himself one muscle at a time. "Load

  the dishwasher and clean up will ya? I need to go pick Emma up. Seeing her will


  "Alright man."

  "Keep things going smooth on site. We don't need delays." Kian said as he

  walked out to his truck.

  Gathering up the dishes Kole set about putting the kitchen to rights. Not bothering to knock Kian used his key to let himself into the house he

  grew up in. Kayla might have changed the look of the place, jazzing it up with

  splashes of colors everywhere, but it still felt like home to his heart. Probably

  always would. Still clad in her pajama's Kayla wandered down the stairs.

  "Morning big brother. I took good care of your mate last night as promised."

  Kissing the top of his sisters head as she hugged his waist. "I knew you would

  Kay. Your wolf is a real ripper."

  Nodding her head "damn right she is. Don't forget it."

  Emma walked out of the hall bathroom then, and all thoughts drained out

  of Kian's mind. She was dressed for the day already, dark pink scubs today. She

  had on what he noticed was her work makeup, a little mascara on her lashes,

  and rosy tinted lip balm. Her dark red hair was full of attitude and curling around

  her face. "I like your hair babe." Kian leaned in for a kiss. Wrapping her arms

  around him Emma opened her mouth and he rolled his tongue against hers.

  Rubbing her bottom lip with his thumb Kian added, "Kayla, yours looks real pretty


  "Such a good man." Emma smiled.

  "Thank you. I had a great time last night Emmz." Kayla said putting bagels into

  the toaster. "Kian already ate, do you like butter or cream cheese on your bagel, I

  have regular and the strawberry kind."

  "Ooooo! Strawberry definitely." Emma smiled. While the girls ate their breakfast Kian filled them in on his voicemail.

  The stress of the last week and a half was beginning to take its toll on

  Kian. Working with Cathy every day was exhausting. She made it very clear

  multiple times that she wasn't too sure they should welcome Emma into the Big

  Woods Pack. He knew she purposefully made extra paperwork for him every

  day. Trying to keep him at the office late so he wasn't able to spend much time

  with his mate. Didn't matter, that wouldn't lessen his affection for mate. But sure

  suceeded in pissing him off. He was leaving the office on time today, even if he

  had to fire Cathy to do it. Hell, he was considering doing that anyway. Cathy

  could have worked for the FBI as good as she was at gathering information.

  There is a monumental difference between staying informed about his pack

  members, and the endless gossip she spread. How his uncle got anything done

  was beyond him.

  As soon as the clock ticked over to five Kian gathered his stuff to leave.

  Putting power into his words Kian said, "We are done for the day Cathy. It is time

  to go." Knowing better than to argue with him didn't stop the dirty looks she was

  aiming his way as she shut her computer down for the day and grabbed her

  purse. Pulling on her coat she walked out of the office with an exasperated huff.

  Glad that for once she kept her comments to herself Kian locked the office up

  and drove home. Knowing Emma would be at his house soon Kian decided he

  was going to throw some steaks on the grill for dinner. All thoughts of having it ready for Emma when she got there fizzled when he saw Kole's dark blue truck

  parked in his drive, and his brother pacing in the front yard.

  Parking next to his brother's truck Kian stepped out of his. "Whats going

  on Kole?"

  "When is Russ coming back? I wasn't cut out to be in charge of the crew. I am so

  tired every night from all the decisions every single fucking day. I'm not you, thats

  the perks of being the younger brother. You have to be responsible Kian, but

  thats never been my thing."

  "And I'm not Kole? I've got Cathy buzzing in my ear every day about who got a

  new car, who's trying for a baby, who might be wearing too much makeup lately,

  and how she thinks Emma isn't right for our pack. The paperwork is all fucked up,

  Russ wasn't as on top of it he should have been. I'm sorry you haven't been able

  to hunt pussy down in Grand Rapids in a few fucking days. This is the first night I

  am even going to be able to eat with my mate!" Kian ran his hands through his

  hair frustratedly as Emma arrived, pulling her car up behind his truck.

  "I just want to know when Russ is coming back. You know my wolf is wild. He

  needs the action for me to keep him in line! Pussy isn't everything to me Kian!

  Fuck you!" Kole yelled, letting a pissed off growl roll out of his throat his eyes

  gone a bright silver, and the air was heavy with fur.

  "Calm yourself down now Kole!" Kian said low.

  Past all reason a wolf ripped out of Kole. With a look telling Emma to stay in her car Ready for a fight Kian let his wolf have him.

  Emma watched as a humongous wolf landed on four paws. Kian as a wolf

  was breathtakingly magnificent. Golden fur darkening to black across his back

  and ears, bright silver eyes, giant paws. As deadly as he was beautiful Kian

  launched at his brother. Emma could hear the sound of teeth knashing together

  over all the growling. It was obvious that the brot
hers were both brawlers, and

  they had fought each other often. Through her mate bond with Kian she could

  feel his anger at Kole, and his surge of adrenaline coursing through her own

  veins. The air was crackling with so much dominance Emma had to fight her

  knees buckling under all the weight pressing against her shoulder blades.

  Locking her spine, refusing to bend. Emma absolutely would not be weak in front

  of her mate.

  Kian's teeth latched onto Kole's neck and they both stilled. It was clear

  that Kian could end his brother's life if he wanted. Kian held his brother for a

  moment waiting to feel Kole comply. The golden wolf backed up a step and

  shifted into Kian. He watched his brother a moment, then demanded he change

  back. Kole immediately shifted back into his skin. He was bleeding from a claw

  marks on his thigh, and a bite on his shoulder. His whole chest was darkening

  with purple bruising. Shaking his head Kole walked naked through the snow

  towards his truck. Not bothering to cover his swinging dick Emma arched an

  eyebrow. Shrugging his shoulders Kole hopped up in his truck and backed out of the drive.

  Emma looked back at Kian who was still standing in the yard. There was a

  cut under his eye, and some brusing down his side. Her heart was racing, her

  body felt electrified. "I can feel your wolf. He is pacing inside of you." He

  narrowed his eyes on her taking a deep breath through his nose. No doubt

  smelling how turned on she was. His dick rose, hardening as he walked briskly to

  her. Not slowing his step he bent down picked Emma up by the waist and tossed

  her over his shoulder. Rubbing his hand up her thigh Kian squeezed her ass

  hard. It was rougher than he usually was, but she moaned liking this side of him.

  He carried her through the front door into the house.

  Setting her down he leaned in lips crashing on hers hard. Biting her lip he

  pushed his tongue into her mouth instead of waiting for her lips to open up.

  Pressing his dick against her middle Kian backed her up against the wooden

  door. Emma ran her hands up his chest around his neck into his dark blonde

  hair. Emma kissed him back, her own tongue dancing with his. He was growling

  into her mouth, and it broke all of the restraint on her control. Emma dug her nails

  into his scalp. Kian pulled back long and looked down on her with the hungriest


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