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Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2)

Page 19

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Thank you, Vidhee.” The captain’s eyes glazed for a few seconds then he mentally returned. I’ve contacted maintenance and they will begin immediately on the generator. Lieutenant Talwana, please schedule a weapons test for all repulse cannons.”

  “Yes, My Captain.”

  “A repulse cannon? You have weapons mounted?”

  “Only for defensive purposes, Captain Marston. Our gravitonic bubble is sufficient to deflect most space dust and macro-particles. However, the larger rocks could penetrate our shield and damage Wisdom Seeker. We have cannons which fire gravity pulses for deflecting those which are deemed dangerous.”

  “You have a gravity shield totally encompassing the entire ship, and a cannon that uses gravity pulses for deflection?”

  “That is correct, Captain Marston,” Vidhee stated. “The shield is the reverse of the dome that covers your ship. Instead of the gravity sonics creating pressure inside the sphere, our shield creates gravity sonics, of much greater force, on the outside surface of the shield.”

  “Thank you for the explanation, Vidhee.”

  “You are welcome, Captain Marston.”

  “I see you have a crew manning the ship.” This came from Ambassador Suzume. “I thought Vidhee was running Wisdom Seeker.”

  “Ship operations are a joint venture. As we became more proficient in creating more capable AI’s, all of the Elonian clans passed a joint resolution that no AI could be in complete command of any government, organization, or electrical and mechanical devices. That resolution has since become a part of the Elonian Constitution. Wisdom Seeker is run through a joint effort of Elonians and Vidhee.”

  “In a state of extreme danger or emergency, I am authorized to assume command,” Vidhee stated.

  “Then during the time you spent with us, improving Buster, interacting with us humans, you were still running Wisdom Seeker?”

  “More appropriately, monitoring and coordinating, Ambassador Suzume. With the bridge crew controlling the activity and almost all of our different functions fully automated, I insure that everything operates at peak efficiency and in balance with each of the systems. I have a processing system which handles personal interactions and a secondary processing system which constantly interacts with the various systems on Wisdom Seeker.”

  “That brings up another question. Are you part of, or separate from Wisdom Seeker?”

  “Much like Buster manages Griffin, I am separate from Wisdom Seeker, but am involved in all aspects of its functionality.”

  “Thank you, Vidhee.”

  “You are entirely welcome, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Let me introduce the first bridge crew.” Captain Kakkarna changed the subject as he backed away from the visiting group, careful to not turn his back to his princess. Circling around to take up a position in front of his charges, he began.

  “You heard me speaking to Lieutenant Talwana. He is the senior officer in charge of our gravity systems, including the pulse cannons.” The indicated Elonian stood, turned towards the visitors and performed his salute of respect. He remained standing until Captain Kakkarna flicked an ear. Each of the identified personnel followed the same ritual as they were selected.

  “Mr. Jaham is our viewing operator. He is responsible for monitoring all of our sensor equipment, locating possible threats, detecting random radiations or spotting approaching asteroids. He is the one who spotted your ship and brought it to our attention.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Jaham. You have brought us to a new world of wonderment and knowledge.”

  “My pleasure, Ambassador Suzume.

  “Lumahani handles communications.”

  Krag and Keiko watched as the male synthetic stood and performed its bow of honor.”

  Lieutenant Nemoni is our second pilot and navigator. She is currently monitoring our approach to a large asteroid, one we wish to explore. Lieutenant Banajin is our Lead Pilot and commander of our flight squadron.”

  Pointing to an Elonian occupying a well-padded chair and surrounding console, “This is Sub-Captain Desinal. She is second in command and would take over if I ever became incapacitated or unavailable.”

  “Thank you for welcoming us, Captain Kakkarna.”

  “You are welcome.” Turning to his viewing operator, the captain requested, “Mr. Jaham, please bring up a display of Wisdom Seeker.”

  Following orders and previously plotted plans, the Elonian used his soft digits to tap icons on his control board and a three-dimensional image sprang over the analysis table set to one side of the operations crew. Leading his guests over, the captain circled the table and took up position at a control console.

  The two humans saw an oblong, cigar-shaped cylinder. No wings, towers, or engines were evident. A large spike protruded from the cylinder with a ball of the same circumference as the cylinder attached to the end.

  “I don’t see any exhaust ports or engines.”

  “We don’t use thrust-counterthrust for propulsion, Captain Marston. We use gravity. The large sphere generates a gravitational force which attracts the ship. The nose of Wisdom Seeker also directs a gravity force towards the sphere. The rod flexes and, in relation to the ball, the ship incrementally moves forward. The rod straightens and the whole pulse cycle repeats.”


  “We developed this technology about one hundred years ago. Before then, we did use the thrust-counterthrust technology.”

  “How do you maneuver?”

  “We have gravity actuators covering the hull which create repulsive forces that push Wisdom Seeker in the desired direction.”

  “Then gravity manipulation is your primary mobility engine.”

  “That is correct. However, under cowlings at the stern we do have the traditional thruster engines. They are for emergency situations only.”

  Krag and Keiko again exchange glances, on the same wavelength.

  Seeing that the humans had come to an end of this topic’s questions, Captain Kakkarna tapped an icon and a cut-away of his ship replaced the original holograph.

  “As you can see, Wisdom Seeker is comprised of twenty-three decks. We are currently here, on deck twenty-two.”

  A red dot appeared at the bow end of the indicated level.

  “This is the bridge. You entered at the bridge crew’s quarters and eating hall. If you had exited in the opposite direction you would have discovered the bridge crew’s entertainment rooms and workout gym.”

  “What is your bridge crew complement?”

  “We have six shifts of six people. For any given day, four shifts of four sedeca each man the stations. With a daily rotation of one shift, everyone receives two days of rest for four days of work.”

  “Thank you, Captain Kakkarna.”

  “You are welcome, Captain Marston.”

  “Deck twenty-three houses our research drone fleet. Wisdom Seeker holds sixty drones with both space and atmospheric capabilities.”

  “Are they powered with gravity engines?”

  “They are not. They are too small to hold the required equipment. They are thrust-counterthrust driven.”

  “What is the power source?”

  “The drones, and the rest of the fleet, are driven with magneto-plasma engines. The fuel source is super-compressed hydrogen.”

  Although familiar with the concept, Krag and Keiko had no detailed understanding of what Captain Kakkarna just described.

  “That is an answer for Mack to figure out.”

  “Deck twenty-one houses the ship’s non-bridge officers. Decks eighteen through twenty comprises the housing and living areas for the non-bridge crews which run Wisdom Seeker.”

  Each section of decks highlighted in different colors as Captain Kakkarna explained their purpose.

  “Number of crew?”

  “Counting the bridge crew, two hundred and ninety-four. Princess Analyn, her scientists, laboratories, storage and housing occupy decks thirteen through seventeen.”

  “How many sci
entists are on board?”

  “Counting assistants and students, thirty-six naturals and twelve synthetics, Ambassador Suzume.”

  “I would love to have a tour of those decks, Princess Analyn.”

  “Of course. I will set something up.”

  “Decks eleven and twelve are for the Royal Guardsmen. Those decks hold not only quarters but also full training areas and weapons ranges. Also, as the guardsmen are a community onto themselves, the decks contain eating and entertainment areas. The hull of those two decks open to allow the launching of assault or rescue craft. The Royal guardsmen are trained for ground fighting, aerial assault and space combat.”

  “How many guardsmen are on board?”

  “Sixty-four, eight squads of eight.”

  “Is this where you hold your tournaments?”

  “Yes, Captain Marston.

  “Six through ten hold supplies and repair materials. They also hold the fabricators and printers for parts and equipment. Deck five is the engine room and engineering. Deck four contains all of our repair equipment and service synthetics. When Lieutenant Banajin is not monitoring Wisdom Seeker’s flight, he is in charge of decks three and two. Three houses our pilots. Two is the storage and repair center for our explorer ships and squadron of defenders. It is also our launch bay.”

  “Those are powered by the Magneto-plasma engines?”

  “That is correct, Captain Marston. Elevators link deck three with deck two. That one is the launching deck for any of our manned craft. The drones release directly from the top of Wisdom Seeker. And you’ve already seen deck one. That is the main storage bay.”

  After Captain Kakkarna’s overview of Wisdom Seeker, the tour group drifted to the bridge crew’s eating area. Taking seats, the humans ordered water. Princess Analyn and Doctor Roshnak ordered their beverages of choice. Sir Mahajani once again assumed his position, standing just behind his princess, poised for any required action. Commander Tarunga and his guardsman took up post at a table just out of earshot but close enough to pick up any visual queues. Vidhee stood, coiled her mechanical tail around her waist, listened and watched, recording and analyzing everything.

  Discussions, questions and answers flowed back and forth. Krag and Keiko learned more about the Elonian civilization and Wisdom Seeker. Princess Analyn and Doctor Roshnak learned more about this alien race of humans. During the conversation, Lieutenant Varrini brought his three charges into the eating area. The two following guardsmen joined their comrades at the overwatch table.

  Sitting and totally obliviously, Mack cut into the conversation. “Cap, you should see those engines! And their space fighters!”

  “Mack, calm.”

  “Sorry, Cap. It’s astounding, their tech. Pa’s little boy has gone to heaven.”

  While Sue followed suit and sat, Buster took up position beside Vidhee. The two Wi-Commed each other and traded data packs, keeping both updated on the past two sedeca.

  The service synthetic served Mack and Sue their water then delivered the chief engineer his preferred drink.

  Two professional women, one an Elonian princess and the other the human daughter of an interplanetary ambassador, spoke quietly, laying the groundwork for future negotiations.

  Princess Analyn knew that she negotiated from a position of power. She also knew that she was bound by Elonia’s constitution which specifically prohibited the coercion of another sentient being into acting against his or her will. Within those conflicting parameters, the princess endeavoured to manipulate the Human Ambassador into voluntarily surrendering the jump drive.

  Ambassador Suzume knew that she negotiated from a position of weakness – a helpless ship stranded hundreds of light years from home. She knew that they both wanted something. The human ambassador hoped that they could reach a compromise where each got what they wanted. It was just a matter of working out the logistics and detail.

  Feeling the meeting winding down and insuring that no future faux pas could be made, Keiko rose and raised her glass. “Humanity has a tradition. It is called a ‘toast’. It is usually performed at the end of something accomplished or as a welcoming. Someone makes a small speech and everyone raises their glasses and drinks to celebrate.”

  The rest of the table stood and raised their glasses.

  “To a new-found world. To a new-found species. To new-found friends.” Ambassador Suzume raised her glass above her head, brought it down and took a swallow. The others repeated her gesture as the three humans voiced, “Here, here.”

  Having had Ambassador Suzume in her presence on multiple occasions, Princess Analyn had learned some of the human’s subtle signals. The princess set her glass down.

  “I think this is a good way to end the day. We each have things to do and things to discuss. As previously agreed to, we will be at the Griffin tomorrow, at your nine o’clock in the morning. I am looking forward to your presentation.”

  Recognizing a royal dismissal, the five humans, one being synthetic, and the four guardsmen filed towards the exit. As the guardsmen returned their charges to the alien ship, Princess Analyn, Lieutenant Varrini and Doctor Roshnak retook their seats.

  “Vidhee, come sit.”

  Vidhee followed her princess’s implied command and sat.

  “Doctor, what do you think?”

  The doctor’s tail swayed in the air as he thought. “I think it went very well. I’m still learning their body language and communications, so I can’t be completely sure, but I think the tour raised their curiosity.”

  “Lieutenant Varrini?”

  “Oh, we definitely raised their curiosity. If I read Mack and Mrs. Benton correctly, they acted like highly intelligent, very curious cubs. They asked very deep questions. It was hard to stay within the parameters we had defined during our planning meeting. And, if I read their body language correctly, they very much want some of the technology which we possess.”

  “That is my reading also. Vidhee?”

  “When Buster returned, we exchanged data packets. We also conversed. He indicated that Mack and Mrs. Benton showed great excitement. Lieutenant Varrini is correct. He stated that they both indicated great desire to learn our technologies.”

  “Do we believe that the Humans are amiable to negotiations?”

  “I believe so, My Princess.” Doctor Roshnak answered. “How hard the negotiations will be, that is between you and Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Then we are all in agreement.”

  Everyone around the table, as well as Vidhee, flicked ears and nodded heads in agreement.

  “Then let us see what this jump drive is and figure out how we can get it.”

  Aboard Odin

  Vice-Admiral Weiskoff, Captain Brewer and Lieutenant Clark sat, working through the scenarios that the Lieutenant had prepared. Then came the report over the intercom.

  “One hour out, Captain. Readings show the same formation they attacked us with at Nye-Nippon,” Sensor Specialist Bradley announced. At this range, visuals are almost simultaneous with actuals.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Bradley.” Turning back to the others, the captain stated, “Now we know. They don’t have much imagination, do they?”

  “I suspect that their experience is to overwhelm and smash their way to victory. Are they sitting in the center of the gate?”

  By this time Lieutenant Clark had switched the holo-display to the input from the sensor screen. “Yes, Vice-Admiral. Dead center.”

  “Ok. Let’s go with your dive to the top, trying to bait them into believing that we are making a run for it. Let’s see if they are as predictable as we think.”


  “You’re up, Captain.”

  The meeting disbanded with the three heading to the bridge. Each took their assigned pods, closed up and activated the compression pads.

  “Link all ships to Odin, Mr. Connors.”

  “When the other four ships of Weiskoff’s small flotilla reported as linked, Captain Brewer continued his commands.
r />   “Announce battle stations and pods, Mr. Connors.”

  “Aye, Aye, Captain.”

  The call went out. Less than ten minutes later all ships reported as ready.

  “Mr. Wright, take us up thirty degrees and fifteen west. Maximum thrust.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Everyone felt the press of gravity as Odin forced its mass in another direction and a faster speed. The Vice-Admiral watched his control screen and saw the tight formation, a quintet of ships reacting as one.

  “Good job, Captain. My compliments to the fleet.”

  “I’ll pass that on, Vice-Admiral.”

  Now that he had something to do, the emotional morass and the fits of anger ceased. Vice-Admiral Weiskoff took his place of command and mantle of strength. As he watched, the destroyer, Tyr, began to drift.

  “Captain Brewer, Tyr.”

  Glancing at his own command screen, Captain Brewer called the wayward ship directly. “Tyr, this is Odin, Actual. Tighten up.”

  “Tyr Actual. Apologies. Performing correction now.”

  The tenseness in the voice of the Tyr captain reflected the intensity pervading everyone in the small fleet. Five human ships charged towards an alien blockade with more tonnage, better armor and more powerful weapons.

  “Movement, Captain!” Sensor Specialist Bradley almost shouted.

  “At ease, Mr. Bradley. Speed and direction?”

  “Sorry, Captain. Just beginning acceleration, only two-tenths SOL. Heading toward an intercept course.”


  “Holding, three destroyers high, two battleships low, super dreadnaught centered.”

  “Vice-Admiral, Aliens holding true to form.”

  “How soon before they reach six-tenths SOL?”

  “Mr. Bradley?”

  “At current acceleration curve, twenty minutes.”

  “Lieutenant Clark?”


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