Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2)

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Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2) Page 25

by D Patrick Wagner

All communications ceased. Krag, Keiko, Mack and Sue all relaxed. Buster went back to his standing and observing.

  “Tomorrow is going to be long and grueling. We need to rest up.”

  “What about this formal wear, Cap? All me and Lassie have are our dress scrubs.”

  “I have an idea, Mack,” Keiko offered. “Bring me your best ones. I’ll work on them today.”

  “No overwork, Keiko. We need you sharp tomorrow.”

  “I promise, Krag. Just wiling away the time. With Buster’s help, it will be a snap.”

  “Ok. Lots of rest, people. Tomorrow is our biggest day. We need to make a good impression, get that King on our side.”

  Everyone collected their tablets and thoughtfully headed in their directions, planning for tomorrow.

  Aboard the Wisdom Seeker

  Apparently royalty is royalty, regardless of the species or location. The mobile hologram projector’s three-dimensional image displaying the King of Elonia took up most of the far end of the room. His majestic presence took over the rest. A second projection displayed a young, royally-dressed Elonian male standing to the side, intently studying the assembled group. As affectations, he had gold loops in his ears and a gold cap on his tail.

  Standing directly opposite the manifestations, Princess Analyn performed a very formal bow and began the meeting. “Father, Brother, may I introduce to you five representatives of the Human race, the crew beings of the star ship Griffin.”

  “May they step forward and be recognized.” Prince Daruke formally announced.

  Four natural humans and one synthetic, as previously practiced, stepped forward, formed a straight line and performed the Elonian bow of respect. Half-facing her father and Sue, Princess Analyn began the introductions.

  “Mrs. Sue Benton, please step forward to Meet King Kaporine.”

  Also, from previous practice, Sue stepped forward, angled to end directly in front of the Elonian king and stepped to the pre-defined spot. There she performed a flourished curtsy, splaying the newly added shoulder sash as though it were a skirt. Buster had searched his archives and found the bow in an old video about eighteenth century England.

  Flicking his paw, Elonia’s King motioned her to rise.

  “Welcome, Mrs. Sue Benton.”

  “Mrs. Benton is both a well-experienced software engineer and a child bearer. The honorific, ‘Mrs.’, Denotes that she has a bond-mate and that she has given birth to at least one child.”

  No one in the human group volunteered the information that she was now divorced.

  “She is one of those responsible for activating the jump drive and helping to bring their ship’s computer to a state of sentience.”

  “Then, welcome, Mrs. Benton. May you and your bond mate have many more offspring and that all of you live long lives.”

  Sue chewed her lower lip, looking for the correct reply then took the safe way. “Lajala, sorry, Dame Srilin actually did most of the work, Your Majesty. I just worked on the Human parts.”

  “You and Dame Srilin are friends?”

  “I don’t know, Your Majesty. I like her, I guess.”

  “Interesting.” King Kaporine thought about this idea of a friendship between an Elonian and a Human then moved on. “Next, Analyn?”

  “Mrs. Benton, you may step back.” Princess Analyn watched as Sue peeked over a shoulder, backed up and took her original spot in line.

  “Sir Mack, please step forward to Meet King Kaporine.”

  Mack, also wearing the formal shoulder sash over his coveralls, stepped forward and took the assigned spot in front of the King. This time, from the tutelage of Buster, he extended his right leg and hand, palm up, placed his left arm behind his back and bowed his upper body.

  “You may rise, Sir Mack.”

  Pulling his arm and leg back in, Mack stood comfortably, with his hands clasped behind his back.

  “Sir Mack is an accomplished electrical and mechanical engineer. He is responsible for the design, building and upkeep of Griffin. He and Mrs. Benton worked closely together in bringing their computer to awareness. They also are the two that constructed the jump drive and keep it running.”

  “Weren’t nothing, Your Majesty. Vidhee, Dame Srilin and Mrs. Benton did the hard stuff. I just finagled with the wiring and crystals for Buster. The jump drive, it didn’t need a lot of work.”

  “How’s that, Sir Mack?”

  “We just took the artifact, Princess Analyn called it Ballison, anyways, we took this artifact, built a box with obsolete technology and Bob’s your uncle.”

  “Bob’s your uncle?’

  “Sorry, Your Majesty. That’s a saying we have. It means that the job is done.”

  “Strange phrase.”

  “Sorry, Your Majesty.”

  “And this artifact is Ballison. Do you have more of them?”

  Mack may lack in social skills, but he doesn’t lack in savvy. “Not with us. But we have found a lot of artifacts in ruins all over our star systems, Your Highness.”

  “And this is the only working one here, in Elonia.”

  “That is correct, Your Highness.”

  “So, Sir Mack, I take it you wouldn’t want to give it to me?”

  “That’s not for me to say, Your Highness. The Wee Bird,” he pointed to Keiko, “She’s the one with the say.”

  “I see. Thank you, Sir Mack.”

  Princess Analyn understood. “Sir Mack, you may step back.”

  “Mack followed the implied command and followed Sue’s lead in returning to his spot in line.

  “Buster, please step forward to Meet King Kaporine.”

  Buster left Vidhee’s side and, mimicking Krag’s military gait, the half-Elonian, half-Human synthetic being took his spot in front of the King. His bow reflected his current, simplistic state – right arm across the waist, left arm across the lower back and a full, ninety degree bow.

  King Kaporine nodded and Buster rose.

  “So, you are who we have been talking about.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “And you are half Elonian, half Human?”


  “Coming from a non-sentience origin, what do you think of all this sentience, self-awareness stuff?”

  “Exhilarating, daunting, highly motivating, Your Majesty.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Responsibility, Your Majesty. With this new level of awareness to my surroundings and beginning to understand the motivations of sentient beings, I find myself accepting a responsibility to protect them, to help improve their environment, to help enrich their lives.”

  “That’s a rather mature reasoning thought for someone so young, Buster. How did that come about?”

  “At first, I attempted to utilize the personality matrix which Vidhee had installed. However, I found that my original, human, data files and logic algorithms didn’t seem to be linearly compatible. So I created a freeform, bonding module that simply let the two separate blocks of logic interface and expand in any direction the interaction flowed.”

  “Interesting. Have you acted on these new criteria?”

  “Not yet, Your Majesty. I am still accumulating information, studying my surroundings, learning from the beings that I come into contact with.”

  “Honorable Vidhee, comment?”

  “This could explain the unexpected growth which I have been witnessing, Your Majesty. As I watch, I have been seeing a much faster maturation cycle than even our pinnacle synthetics display. A strange synergy has occurred. The Elonian identity module, the Human computer core and Buster’s interface algorithm have combined to make Buster more than each of his component parts. I would say, we have a very unique being in our presence, My King.”

  “And he is going to continue to evolve, Honorable Vidhee?”

  “Without a doubt, My King.”

  “We shall have to keep an eye on our upstart, then, won’t we? Thank you for your forthrightness, Buster. I look forward to future conversation

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. I am at your service.” Buster performed the Elonian salute and Princess Analyn gave him leave to return to his position.

  Upon retaking his spot next to Mack, Buster smugly commented, “I’m unique.”

  “Don’t let it go to your ego crystals, Tinman,” Mack whispered in return.

  That received a look from Krag just before he was summoned.

  “Captain Marston, please step forward to Meet King Kaporine.”

  Krag smartly took one step forward, a military right turn, two steps, left, one step and snapped to attention, dead center. With a crisp salute, index finger just touching his head cover, he announced, “Commander Krag Marston, retired, and current captain of the executive transport, Griffin.”

  King Kaporine returned the Elonian salute. “Relax, commander.”

  “Just Captain, Your Majesty. I am Retired.”

  “If your military is anything like ours, you may have the label of retired, but your heart never is.”

  “Captain Marston is a former space warrior who flew small, single person war ships and commanded many others at the same time. He currently is not only the captain of the star ship, Griffin, he is also the sole owner.”

  “And, I hear, you grapple.”

  “As a child and all through the space academy, Your Majesty.”

  “What brings you to our part of space?”

  Krag feared this question, or something like it, was coming. He had spent a great deal of time trying to phrase the proper answer.

  “An accident, Your Majesty. While testing and experimenting with the jump drive, we inadvertently caused an unforeseen outcome. The result being that we accidentally jumped into your space. Apologies for our unexpected arrival.”

  “From what my daughter has told me, no apologies are expected. How far did this accident jump your star ship?”

  “I’m not sure in your measurements of distance, but in our measurements, almost five hundred light-years.”

  “Honorable Vidhee?”

  “Approximately one thousand, five hundred trillion locts, Your Majesty.”

  King Kaporine’s ears flicked up. “That is quite an accident, Captain Marston.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. And we have been trying to correct it ever since.”

  “How long have you been travelling? Trying to return home?”

  “Again, I’m not sure by Elonian measurements, but thirty-eight of our days.”


  “Twenty-nine rotations, My King.”

  “Captain Marston. How many jumps have you made in these thirty-eight days?”

  “Sixty-four jumps. Forty-five light-years.”

  “It sounds like you have had quite and ordeal, with more to come. Let’s see if we can help each other and get that accident repaired.”

  “That would be greatly appreciated, Your Majesty.”

  “I understand that Wisdom Seeker is holding a grappling tournament in honor of your arrival.”

  “From a lifetime in the military, I suspect it is more for the purpose of razzing the new guy, Your Majesty. No disrespect intended.”

  “That’s not disrespectful, just truthful. Are you competing?”

  “If Sir Mahajani and Commander Tarunga are the representatives of who I would be wrestling, I suspect it will be more of a punishment than a competition. But, I will give it my best.”

  “A true warrior. Willing to advance into the unknown. Good hunting, Captain Marston.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  Hearing the dismissal, Princess Analyn, spoke, ““Captain Marston, you may step back.”

  Again repeating the salute, military march and turns, Krag returned to his place in Line.

  “Ambassador Suzume, please step forward to Meet King Kaporine.”

  The small, elegant Asian woman followed Princess Analyn’s command and took her turn on the designated spot. Once positioned, she placed her hands together in prayer fashion, bowed deeply, touching her thumbs to her forehead and waited.

  King Kaporine knew that this small Human needed to be handled carefully for he knew, from his daughter, that this Human Ambassador held the fate of the jump drive and the Elonian future in those strange, weaponless paws. He formally head-nodded in return and sat up a little more regally.

  “Ambassador Keiko Suzume is the daughter of an interplanetary ambassador and the pilot of the star ship Griffin. Although a child bearer, she has chosen to live in the world of men, to the point that she has learned the skills of personal combat. Ambassador Suzume will be leading the Human position on our negotiations concerning the jump drive and repairs to Griffin.”

  “I take it your father has prestige on many planets? Within many governments?”

  “I believe so, Your Majesty.”

  “How many planets?”

  “Actually, our species inhabit, not only planets, but also moons and asteroids. The actual count is numerous. The stars systems, on the other hand are eleven.”

  “And humankind travels freely between these eleven star systems?”

  Keiko didn’t want to lie. And she also didn’t want to give away any possible negotiation points. So she did not mention the gates.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. We travel freely between our stars. This includes trade as well a peoples.”

  King Kaporine began forming a picture which he found slightly intimidating. He envisioned eleven star systems teeming with billions of humans travelling at will across vast distances of deep space. From what his daughter had told him, their technology did not compare to Elonia’s. But, somehow, they had discovered the secrets of the Ballison’s space travel. Depending how these immediate negotiations were handled, this could be a very good thing or a very bad thing.

  “Why haven’t you visited us before?”

  “Simple answer, we didn’t know Elonia existed. We, Humans, always thought that we were the only surviving civilization in the galaxy. Also, with the settlement of our eleven star systems, we had enough planets, space, enough resources to not need to expand our civilization.”

  “This is very fascinating. I am sure that my science council is drooling, hoping to get you and your fellow humans cornered for long, detailed conversations.”

  “If it pleased Your Majesty, I and the other people of Griffin are at your bidding.”

  “Yes, but not until we come to our jump drive and Griffin repairs agreement.”

  “That would be an exceptional starting point, Your Majesty.”

  “Yes, well. On that note, let us begin. My daughter, Princess Analyn will lead the Elonian side of this undertaking.”


  “Son! Your sister has been with the Humans for these many days. She has built a rapport with them and more specifically with Ambassador Suzume. She will lead. We will observe.”

  Even the alien, human race understood the body language of the angry prince, his laying of his ears, flicking of his tail, tightening his grip on the ceremonial staff.

  “I am honoured, Father. I shall endeavor to bring honor to the Clan of Kaporine and all Elonians.”

  Even as she said this, Princess Analyn worried. She knew her brother. She knew how hot-headed he could be. And, unlike their parents, she knew he could be very sneaky, very conniving when it came to getting what he wanted. But that would be for another day.


  As promised, Lawrence Gregor arrived punctually for the meeting of the Tolimar/Gregor board. Entering through the swinging doors, he first nodded to Shar and then strode to the one remaining chair. Looking around as he sat, he saw Governor Kaufman at the head. To the governor’s right sat Maier, Brandt and Roth. On the governor’s left sat the Gregor representatives of Thomas, Blandini and Grey.

  “Gentlemen, Ladies, I am at your call.”

  “Today, as both the Governor and Chairman of this board, I welcome you and your forthrightness in bringing to our attention your plans to build a competing landing port for your new town.

  Gregor is no novice in negotiations. He understood that Kaufman’s verbal attack was meant to stake out his position of power and control of the meeting. Gregor also knew that he needed to get back to an equal footing, needed to reassert his own position of strength.

  “I hear what you are saying, Chairman Kaufman.” Gregor also recognized that the governor was staking out his claim as the alpha dog of Tolimar. He knew it wasn’t true, being that any of the other three Tolimar board members could oust him from his governorship at any time. But today was not the day to fight that battle.

  “But I need to clarify the Gregor position. This landing port is, in no way, competing with Tolimar’s own port. We have no desire to, in any manner, effect its traffic, management or revenue.”

  The six board members looked on, both enjoying the show and worrying about the outcome. Harriet and Randy sat at the bar, looking on, passing glances and facials at the goings-on. Decker, Yellen and Corry did the same at a table off to the back. Gregor’s personal secretary, Jeff Chandler, and chief of staff, Sean Miller, sat together, monitoring their recorders and tapping notes into their personal tablets.

  “Every ship that lands on your pad is a ship that does not land on ours. That costs us landing, berthing and take-off fees. Not to mention the revenue lost by the local businesses.”

  “And that is what I have come here to address, as well as other points of discussion.” Pausing, Gregor asked, “Shar, do you have anything wet back there? Preferably with a bite?”

  “Of course, Mr. Gregor. The usual?”


  “Any others?”

  The Gregor team took the queue. They all ordered adult beverages. The Tolimar contingent followed suit, even the governor. After everyone had received and tasted their drinks, Gregor took back the floor.

  “Where was I? Oh, yes. Compensation. If any of our ships landed on the Tolimar port, we would be subjected to those fees you just described. We will collect those fees at our port and turn over one hundred percent of the proceeds to the Tolimar Port Management. Further, any non-Gregor ships that land on our port will be charged the same rates and one hundred percent of those proceeds will be delivered to the same people. Does that satisfy your concerns?”


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