7th Heaven

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7th Heaven Page 9

by James Patterson

  “You have any trips planned, Debra?” Conklin said, in his charming way.

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Good. Please don’t leave town without letting us know.”

  Chapter 45

  JOE WAS STILL ASLEEP when I crawled into bed. I gently shoved Martha out of my spot and snuggled up to Joe’s back, wanting to wake him up so that I could tell him what was bugging me. Joe turned toward me, pulled me close to his body, buried his face in my smoky hair.

  “Have you been barhopping, Blondie?”

  “House fire,” I said. “Two dead.”

  “Like the Malones?”

  “Just like the Malones.”

  I threw an arm across his chest, rested my face in the crook of his neck, exhaled loudly.

  “Talk to me, honey,” Joe said.


  “It’s about this woman, Debra Kurtz,” I said, as Martha got back up on the bed, turned around a couple of times, then curled into the hollow behind my legs, pinning me in.

  “Lives across the street from the victims. She called in the fire.”

  “Firebugs often do.”

  “Right. Says she got up for a glass of water, saw the flames. Called the fire department, then joined the crowd watching them put the fire out.”

  “She was still standing there when you arrived?”

  “She’d been there for hours. Said she was best friends with the female victim, Sandy Meacham, and she’d also been sleeping with the second victim, Sandy ’s husband -”

  “Weird definition of best friend.”

  I had to laugh. “Sleeping with her best friend’s husband until he dumped her. This Debra Kurtz has a key to the victims’ house. She also has a sheet. An old arrest for burglary. And guess what else? Arson.”

  “Hah! She knows her way around the system. So she what? Sets fire to the house across the street – and just waits for the cops to take her in?”

  “That’s what I’m saying, Joe. The whole package is too much. Kurtz had the means, the motive, the opportunity. ‘Hell hath no fury’ – plus once a firebug, you know, it’s a hard rush to kick.”

  “She strike you as a killer?” Joe asked me.

  “She struck me as a pathetic narcissist, in need of attention.”

  “You got that right.”

  I gave Joe a kiss. Then I gave him a few more, just loving the feeling of his rough cheek against my lips, his mouth on mine, and the fact of him, big and warm and in my bed.

  “Don’t start something you’re too tired to finish, Blondie,” he growled at me.

  I laughed again. Hugged him tight. Said, “Ms. Kurtz insists she didn’t do it. So what I’m thinking is…” My thoughts drifted back to the victims, soot-blackened water lapping around their bodies.

  “What you’re thinking,” Joe prompted.

  “I’m thinking either she set this fire because she’s so completely self-destructive, she wants to get caught. Or she did it and maybe she didn’t plan for her friends to die. Or else…”

  “Your gut is telling you that she didn’t do it. That she’s just a total wackjob.”

  “There ya go,” I said to my sweetheart. “There… ya… go…”

  When I woke up, my arms were entwined around Martha, Joe was gone, and I was late for my meeting with Jacobi.

  Chapter 46

  I MET CLAIRE at her car after work. I moved a pair of galoshes, a flashlight, her crime scene kit, a giant bag of barbecued potato chips, and three maps into the backseat and then climbed up into the passenger side of her Pathfinder. I said, “Richie got a translation of that Latin phrase that was written inside that yachting book.”

  “Oh yeah? And what did it mean?” she said, pulling her seat belt low across her belly, stretching it to the limit before locking it in place.

  I cinched my seat belt, too, said, “It roughly translates as ‘Money is the root of all evil.’ I’d like to get my hands on the sucker who wrote that and show him the victims all crispy and curled up on your table. Show him what real evil is.”

  Claire grunted. “You got that right,” she said, and pulled the car out onto Bryant heading us north, apparently deciding to take the 1.8 miles to Susie’s like she was racing the Daytona 500. She jerked the wheel around a slow-cruising sightseer, stepping on the gas. “You’re saying ‘him,’ ” Claire pointed out. “So that Debra Kurtz person is off your list?”

  “She has an alibi,” I told Claire through clenched teeth. I grabbed the dashboard as she cleared the yellow light. “Also, her alibis check out for the nights of the Malone fire and the Jablonskys in Palo Alto.”

  “Humph,” Claire said. “Well, about the two legible fingerprints on that bottle found at the scene. One belongs to Steven Meacham. The other didn’t match to anybody. But I’ve got something for you, girlfriend. Sandy Meacham had a good-sized blunt-force wound to the skull. Looks like she got clobbered with maybe a gun butt.”

  I thought about that – that the killer had gotten violent – then I told Claire how the canvass of the Meacham neighborhood had netted us no leads whatsoever. She gave me the results of the blood screen – that Sandy Meacham had been drinking, and that the Meachams had both died of smoke inhalation.

  It was all interesting, but none of it added up to a damned thing. I said so to Claire as she pulled into the handicapped zone right in front of Susie’s Café.

  She looked at me and said, “I am handicapped, Linds. I’m carrying fifty pounds of baby fat, and I can’t walk a block without huffing.”

  “I’m not going to write you up for this, Butterfly. But as for the land speed record you just set in a business district…”

  My best friend kissed my cheek as I helped her down out of the Pathfinder. “I love that you worry about me.”

  “Lotta good it does,” I said, hugging her, cracking open the door to Susie’s.

  As we plowed through the gang at the bar toward the back room, the plinking steel-band version of a Bob Marley classic surrounded us, as well as the divine aromas of roasting chicken, garlic, and curry. Cindy and Yuki were already at our booth, and Lorraine dragged up a chair for Claire. She dropped laminated menus that we knew by heart onto the table and took our order for a pitcher of tap and mineral water for Claire.

  And then with Cindy urging her on – “Yu-ki, tell them, tell them” – Yuki “volunteered” her news.

  “It’s nothing,” she said. “Okay. I had a date. With Jason Twilly.”

  “And you were careful what you said to him,” Cindy said, sternly. “You remembered that he’s a reporter.”

  “We didn’t talk about the case at all,” Yuki said, laughing. “It was dinner. A very nice dinner, no kissing or anything, so all you guys calm down, okay?”

  “Was it fun? Are you going to see him again?”

  “Yeah, yeah, if he asks me, I suppose I will.”

  “Jeez. First date in what, a year?” I said. “Think you’d be more excited.”

  “It hasn’t been a year,” Yuki said. “It’s been sixteen months, but never mind that. What’re we toasting?”

  “We’re toasting Ruby Rose,” said Claire, lifting her water glass.

  “Who?” we all asked in unison.

  “Ruby Rose. She’s right here,” Claire said, patting her belly. “That’s the name Edmund and I picked out for our little baby girl.”

  Chapter 47

  WHEN I RETURNED home from Susie’s, the sun was still hanging above the horizon, splashing orange light on the hood of a squad car parked right outside my apartment.

  I bent to the open car window, said, “Hey there. Something wrong?”

  “You got a couple of minutes?”

  I said, “Sure,” and my partner opened the car door, unfolded his long legs, and walked over to my front steps, where he sat down. I joined him. I didn’t like the look on Rich’s face as he opened a pack of cigarettes and offered me one.

  I shook my head no, then said, “You don’t smoke.”

habit making a brief return visit.”

  I’d kicked tobacco once or twice myself, and now I felt the pull of the many-splendored ritual as the match sparked, the tip of the cigarette glowed, and Rich released a long exhalation into the dusky air.

  “Kelly Malone is calling me every day so I can tell her that we’ve got nothing. Had to tell her about the Meachams.”

  I murmured sympathetically.

  “She says she can’t sleep, thinking how her parents died. She’s crying all the time.”

  Rich coughed on the smoke and waved his hand to tell me that he couldn’t talk anymore. I understood how helpless he felt. The Malones’ deaths were shaping up to be a part of a vicious serial killing spree. And we were clueless.

  I said, “He’s going to screw up, Richie, they almost always do. And we’re not in this alone. Claire, Hanni -”

  “You like Hanni?”

  “Sure. Don’t you?”

  Conklin shrugged. “Why does he know so much and so little at the same time?”

  “He’s doing what we’re doing. Wading through the sludge. Trying to make sense of the senseless.”

  “Good word for it. Sludging. We’re sludging, and the killer is laughing – but hell, I’m a bright guy. I can translate Latin platitudes into English! That’s worth something. Isn’t it?”

  I was laughing with Rich as he joked himself out of his blue mood when I saw a black sedan crawling slowly up the street in search of a parking spot. It was Joe.

  “Oh, look. Stay and meet Joe,” I said. “He’s heard a lot about you.”

  “Nah, not tonight, Linds,” said Rich, standing up, grinding out the butt of his cigarette on the pavement. “Maybe some other time. See you in the morning.”

  Joe’s car stopped.

  Richie’s car pulled out of the spot.

  Then Joe’s car pulled in.

  Chapter 48

  “YOU EVER USE THIS THING?” Joe was asking me about the stove.

  “Sure I do.”

  “Uh-huh? So what’s this?”

  He pulled a user’s manual and some Styrofoam packing out of the oven.

  “I use the stove top,” I said.

  He shook his head, laughed at me, asked if I could open the wine and start the salad. I said I thought I could handle that. I uncorked the chardonnay, tore a head of romaine into a pretty blown-glass bowl Joe had given me, and sliced up a tomato. I reached around Joe for the olive oil and spices, patted his cute behind. Then I settled onto a stool near the counter, kicked off my shoes.

  I sipped my wine and with a Phil Collins CD playing in the background, listened to Joe talk about three accounts he’d landed for his new disaster-preparedness consultancy and his upcoming meeting with the governor. Joe was happy. And I was glad that he was using his modern, larger, fancier apartment as his office – and making himself at home right here.

  And my apartment was a darned cute place, I have to say. My four cluttered but cozy rooms are on the third floor of a nice old Victorian town house, and there’s a deck off the living room where the sun sets on my sliver view of the bay. It was becoming our sliver view of the bay.

  I topped up Joe’s wineglass, watched him stuff a couple of tilapias with crabmeat and slide the pan into the oven. He washed his hands and turned his handsome self to me.

  “The fish will be ready in about forty-five minutes. Want to go outside and catch the last rays?”

  “Not really,” I said.

  I put down my glass, hooked my leg around Joe’s waist, and pulled him to me, grinning as I saw my better idea flash into Joe’s blue eyes. He drew me closer, slid me off the stool, and gathered me up, cupping my butt and grunting theatrically as he carried me down the hallway, saying, “You’re a load, Blondie.”

  I laughed, bit his earlobe, said, “You didn’t think 130 was a load when you were younger.”

  “Like I said. Light as a feather.”

  He dropped me softly onto the bed, crawled in next to me, took my face in his big hands, and gave me a kiss that made me groan. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and Joe did the almost impossible, pulled off his shirt and kissed me at the same time, tugged off my pants, and also somehow managed to kick the door shut to keep Martha out of our private moments.

  “You’re amazing,” I said, laughing.

  “You haven’t seen anything, yet, baby doll,” my lover growled.

  Soon we were both naked, our skin hot and slick, limbs completely wrapped around each other. But as we grappled together, making the delicious climb to ecstasy, an image of another man came winging into my mind.

  I fought it hard, because I didn’t want him there.

  That man was Richie.

  Part Three. HOME COOKING

  Chapter 49

  JASON TWILLY SAT in the front row of the gallery in Courtroom 2C, right behind the elfin Junie Moon, taking notes as Connor Hume Campion answered Yuki Castellano’s softball questions. Twilly thought Campion had aged tremendously since his son disappeared. He looked haggard, stooped, as though Michael’s death was literally killing him.

  As he looked at the governor and Yuki together, Twilly felt a shift in his thinking, and a new structure for his book appeared in his mind. Yuki was Michael Campion’s defender, and she was the underdog; feisty and shrewd and at the same time endearing. Like now. Yuki was using the former governor’s celebrity and heartbreak to both move the jury and block the defense.

  Twilly would start the book with Yuki’s opening statement, flash back through time using poignant moments in the boy’s life as told by the governor, flash forward through the trial and the witnesses. Focus on Davis ’s maternal defense. Linger on the vulnerable Junie Moon. Then end the book with Yuki’s closing argument. The verdict, the vindication, hurrah!

  Twilly turned his attention back to the governor.

  “Mike was born with a conductive defect in his heart,” Campion told the court. “It was being managed medically, but of course he could die at any time.”

  Yuki asked quietly, “And what did Michael know about his life expectancy?”

  “Mikey wanted to live. He used to say, ‘I want to live, Dad. I have plans.’ He knew he had to be careful. He knew that the longer he lived, the more chance -”

  Campion stopped speaking as his throat tightened and his eyes watered.

  “Mr. Campion, did Michael talk to you about his plans?”

  “Oh, yes,” Campion said, smiling now. “He was training for an upcoming world chess tournament, on the computer, you know. And he’d started writing a book about living with a potentially fatal illness… It would’ve made a difference to people… He wanted to get married someday…”

  Campion shook his head, looked at the jury, and addressed them directly.

  “He was such a wonderful boy,” he said. “Everyone has seen his pictures, the interviews. Everyone knows how his smile could light up the darkness, how brave he was – but not everyone knows what a good soul he had. How compassionate he was.”

  Twilly noted that Diana Davis’s face was pinched, but she didn’t dare object to Campion’s meandering testimony about the pain of losing his son. Campion turned and looked squarely at the defendant, spoke directly to her, sadly but not unkindly.

  “If only I could have been there when Michael died,” Connor Campion said to Junie Moon. “If only I could have held him in my arms and comforted him. If only he’d been with me, instead of with you.”

  Chapter 50

  “THE PEOPLE CALL Mr. Travis Cook,” Yuki said.

  Heads swung toward the double doors at the back of the courtroom, and a young man about eighteen years old, wearing a gray prep school blazer with a crest over the breast pocket, walked up the aisle, came through the gate.

  Cook’s bushy hair looked patted down rather than combed, and his shoes needed a polish. He looked uneasy as he swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but. Then he stepped up to the witness stand.

  Yuki said good morning to her witness and then asked, “How di
d you know Michael Campion?”

  “We went to Newkirk Prep together.”

  “And when did you meet Michael?”

  “I knew him in our freshman year, but, uh, we became better friends last year.”

  “In your opinion, what caused this friendship to grow?”

  “Uh, Michael didn’t have many friends, really,” Travis Cook said, meeting Yuki’s eyes briefly, then looking down again at his hands. “People liked him, but they didn’t get too close to him ’cause he couldn’t play any sports or hang out or anything. Because of his heart condition.”

  “But you didn’t have the same problem becoming friends with Michael?”

  “I have severe asthma.”

  “And how did that affect your friendship?”

  Travis Cook said, “What he had was worse, but I could relate. We talked about how bad it sucked living with these things hanging over us all the time.”

  “Now, did there come a time when you told Michael about the defendant, Ms. Moon?”


  “Travis, I realize this may be a little uncomfortable, but you’ve sworn to tell the truth.”

  “I know.”

  “Good. And what did you tell Michael about Ms. Moon?”

  “That I’d been with her,” he mumbled.

  “Please speak up so the jury can hear you,” Yuki said.

  The boy started again. “I told Michael that I’d been with her. A lot of us had. She’s a nice girl for someone who… anyway. She’s not crude or anything, and so…” Travis sighed. “And so she’s a good person to break you in.”

  “Break you in?” Yuki asked, turning away from the witness, looking at the jurors. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Do it for the first time. You’re not worried about what the girl’s going to think of you or anything. I mean, you get to be yourself, have fun, pay her, and leave.”

  “I see. And what did Michael Campion say when you told him about Ms. Moon?”


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