Bound for Love

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Bound for Love Page 5

by A R McKinnon

  She was quiet for a long time. So long that Grayson had begun to think she wouldn't say anything.

  "I don't want you to stop." Her voice came out timid almost as if she was embarrassed. "I'm not sure why I don't. Any sane person would run in the other direction. Not invite someone to hit them, especially someone they barely know"

  "I know you're nervous, but we are not going to do anything that you don't agree to. During your punishment I'll ask you how you are, how you're feeling, and you need to tell me. I need you to be honest with me or this doesn't work. Understand?"

  She nodded but Grayson needed the words. "Unless I've taken away or limited your ability to speak then I need the words. We'll use colors for now because it's easy to remember. Green and you're good to go and ready for more. Yellow you need to slow down. Maybe we need to use caution and talk things through, and red we stop immediately. Just like driving the car, got it?"

  She nodded again before hastily adding "Yes, Sir.". He hadn't told her to call him Sir. He normally didn't go for the cliché master slave bit, but hearing her call him “Sir” as she accepted her subservient roll pleased him.

  "OK, I'm going to put you back over my knee and you're going to take your punishment. I won't always tell you what I'm going to do because the anticipation can be a huge part of the enjoyment between us, but for now because it's new I'll tell you. I'm going to put you over my knees and spank you. You'll get ten swats for acting like a defiant little girl who can't pleasure me without throwing a tantrum, and using your teeth to show your anger instead of talking to me like an adult." His tone held such authority and disappointment.

  Lucy blushed crimson and he knew his words had hit their mark. "Are you ready?" he asked, giving her a moment to decide if she wanted to back out.

  "Yes, Sir." Her voice was soft and timid and he wondered if she was aware of the change.

  "What is your color, Lucy?" He asked, situating her in his lap again.

  "Green, Sir."

  "Very good. Then let's begin."

  The first swat landed on her bare flesh with a light pop. Grayson rubbed the slight sting away before delivering a similar smack to the opposite cheek. Lucy kept tensing every time he lifted his hand and he knew if she continued, the harsher blows would hurt twice as much.

  "Stop tensing up. Don't try to anticipate the next slap, just absorb them and focus on the warmth that spreads through you."

  He landed another blow this time a little harder and she did much better not flinching under his hand.

  Grayson varied the location and strength of his blows, never landing in the same place twice and by the sixth spank Lucy was mewling and arching to meet his hand.

  "What's your color Lucy?"

  "Green!" She let out a long moan and Grayson had to grit his teeth to keep from laughing.

  "You do remember this is a punishment, right?" He asked, slipping his hand beneath her panties, not surprised to find her very wet. "Don't come unless I give you permission. You wouldn't like the consequences if you do." He cautioned her giving her another slap, this one was harder and caught the low curve of her buttock.

  Her muscles contracted around the two fingers he had slid into the heated moist depth of her pussy and as he dealt out the last of her punishment, he realized she clenched around his fingers each time his other hand fell.

  He paused between the ninth and tenth stroke. "Come." Grayson issued the command as his hand fell and Lucy splintered into orgasm, wailing out her release.

  The last spank had landed the hardest, and he knew that when the orgasm was over the fire blazing in her backside would be twice as painful, the endorphins having faded.

  Heat radiated under his hand and Lucy continued to shudder. He lifted her from his lap and carried her to the bathroom.

  Once enclosed in the space, he quickly stripped her out of her clothing. Her sobs had dwindled to sniffles and eventually to shuddering breaths punctuated by the occasional hiccup.

  Grayson ran a bath and stripped out of his own clothing. The tub was plenty big enough for them both and it was a good thing too because aftercare was something he took very seriously. Grayson wouldn't leave her alone now unless he was sure it would benefit her state of mind. He lifted her and gently placed her in the hot water.

  She hissed in pain when the hot water met the heat of her skin. He ignored the sound as best he could and kept a restraining hand on her shoulder when she moved to rise from the tub.

  Grayson settled himself behind her. "Stay, the water will help." He picked up the soft sponge on the edge of the tub and began the slow methodical cleaning of her body.

  He could almost hear the wheels turning in her head and wasn't surprised when she tensed before speaking.

  "I liked that way more than I thought I would. I feel like I shouldn't have." She ducked her head until her chin nearly rested against her chest.

  "Says who?"

  "Everyone! Society, normal people."

  "So, I'm not normal then? There's something wrong with me?" He questioned gently, lacing his tone.

  She let out a weary sigh. "I didn't mean it like that." She craned her neck to look at him. "It's just that you hit me, and I liked it. I barely even know you and yet here I am naked with you while you've brought me to two of the most intense orgasms that I've ever had."

  Grayson smiled; Lucy was back in her normal fiery form. "It's your sexuality, Lucy. There is no right or wrong and the sooner you let go of the idea that there is, the happier you'll be." Grayson ran the soft bath sponge over her neck and shoulders massaging her tense muscles for a while before continuing. "Soak for a while I'll lay your clothes out for the ceremony." Grayson rose from the water wrapping a towel around his narrow hips and Lucy leaned her head back against the rim of the tub.

  THE STING FROM her punishment was gone, and the only thing that remained was the confusion it had left inside her. Lucy pushed away the thoughts swarming her head. Her fingers were starting to wrinkle, she needed to get out of the tub so that she had time to get ready.

  She rose gingerly expecting some lingering pain and was pleasantly surprised not to find any. Smiling she dried off and padded back to the bedroom naked, half expecting Grayson to be there waiting for her. Lucy's smile dimmed slightly when she realized the room was empty.

  Laying across the bottom of the bed was her dress of the evening a strapless shimmering red dress. On top of the dress was a note. Curiosity had her rushing over to grab the neatly folded square of paper.

  Lucy, I have no doubt you'll look stunning in the dress you picked for this evening. In honour of our arrangement this weekend I'd like you to wear only the items I've provided you with. He had signed the card with a simple G.

  Setting the note aside Lucy turned her attention to the clothes on the bed The strapless bra she had purchased to wear under the dress was there, along with her stockings and of course the dress itself but noticeably absent were the panties that matched the bra, and in their place as if glaring her from the bed was a garter belt obviously provided by Grayson.

  Jealousy that he would have another woman’s clothes here prickled over her skin threatening to bloom into anger at the supposed audacity that he would expect her to wear another woman’s undergarments. Gross! She spotted the fresh tag and felt foolish. She remembered him slipping away from her in the hotel with a cryptic promise to return. He had obviously visited one of the boutiques in the hotel before returning. She took a deep breath attempting to regain control over her emotions. Once she felt more herself, she glanced back at the lingerie.

  She couldn't wear it. Could she? The idea was scandalous. She'd look like a whore in the push up bra and garters with no panties.

  She was about to rummage through her luggage for the missing underwear when she remembered their agreement. He would dominate and she would obey that was the deal. He had decreed that she would go without underwear to the celebration and she knew if she defied him that he would punish her.

  Yes, the punish
ment would likely be sensual. She had no doubt she’d enjoy every minute of it. He had sensed her apprehension, had talked her through it. She’d never experienced that before. She had relished her punishment after that, but that was hardly the point. Lucy wanted to see if she could do this. She desperately needed to understand the soul deep need that had opened the chasm inside of her that refused to be ignored any longer.

  It was the thought of his disappointment that had her pulling on the clothing without another moment of hesitation.

  She was surprised at how sensual she felt once the lingerie was on. The man certainly knew how shop to showcase a woman's body. Lucy refused to think about that too closely though. She had to keep reinforcing that she hadn't known him long enough to be jealous.


  The commitment ceremony was every bit as spectacular as the wedding the day before. The large resort style cabin housed the few guests who’d been invited. Today the three of them stood alone with the officiate ready to pledge their love for each other.

  Allison exchanged rings with Jackson, and he added a band to her existing wedding ring which was now three bands twisted together in a delicate knot.

  There were wild cheers as Allison kissed Marcus then Jackson with equal amounts of enthusiasm. As the ceremony had gone on the finer nuances of their relationship became clear. Boiled down Marcus could be labelled the Alpha male of their trio which naturally made Jackson the beta. Though clearly still dominant he seemed content to follow. However, watching them interact, really paying attention it was easy to see that they both loved Allison equally and she clearly loved them both. The pecking order between the men though sexual did spill over naturally into their interactions with each other; each may not have been consciously aware of it, but they respected it.

  When the ceremony was over many of the guests mingled with each other mulling around the food that had been set out. Lucy on the other hand didn't stray from Grayson. She didn’t know many of Allison’s friends and she knew none of Marcus or Jackson’s friends.

  It made Lucy unusually quiet, almost timid which brought out his protective, possessive instincts.

  Placing his hand at the small of her back he steered them towards a table of food, he grabbed her a glass of wine off the tray of a passing waiter.

  "You were right before." She admitted her voice low so only the two of them could hear.


  "I didn't get it. The three of them, but I think I understand now. Or at least a little better."

  Grayson felt a little shiver go through her and she worried her lower lip with her teeth nearly chewing off all her lipstick before she asked in an even quieter tone. "Have you — would you expect that, to share I mean." She tripped over the question so thoroughly that Grayson wondered if she was anxious to experience a threesome or dead set against it.

  "I don't share what's mine." His voice was hard and cold, leaving no room for any misunderstanding. If she wanted a threesome she'd just have to learn to live with disappointment.

  She let out a long shuddering breath on a relieved sigh. "Okay good. I mean not that I'm yours or anything but—" With a sharp pinch to her butt cheek, Grayson cut off the flow of words tumbling without thought from her mouth before she said something that would fluster her further and upset him.

  "For the record you are mine darlin'. Even if it's temporary that's what you signed on for. Don't you forget it, or I'll be thinking you're piling up punishments on purpose."

  "I didn't mean it like that. I'm just glad. I don't think I'd be comfortable with someone else joining us." She admitted spearing a pickle from her plate and taking a bite.

  "DID YOU FOLLOW my directions like a good girl when you dressed?" He asked and could see the effect that the abrupt shift in topic had on her.

  Grayson liked having her just a little off kilter; the slight imbalance kept her looking to him for guidance. At this stage it helped build and strengthen the foundation of their relationship. Each time he proved she could trust him, that she could count on him she relaxed further into her submissive role she was beautiful but she practically glowed as she realized the depths of her sexuality.

  She choked on the pickle in her mouth and had to swallow hard. When her throat cleared her gaze shifted around the room. He was sure she was anxious to see if anyone was listening. Once she seemed satisfied that their conversation was at least mostly private she whispered, "yes."

  "Show me." He demanded, angling them so that she was shielded from the room.

  "I can't." heat colored her cheeks.

  "Why? You did what I directed didn't you?" Grayson asked watching her throat work as she swallowed thickly. Seconds ticked by but he refused to rush her answer.

  "I didn't want to disappoint you." She admitted, like it was the most scandalous confession in the world.

  "Then show me." He knew his words held a hard edge but refused to soften it any. He realized when her pupils dilated, he'd made the right choice. She was aroused whether she’d admit it or not.

  Lucy cast another glance around the room then quickly, in a covert action, lifted the hem on her short dress. Grayson smiled as she allowed the fabric to fall back into place.

  "Good girl."

  ON THE WAY back to Grayson's house Lucy was seething with anger, both at Grayson and herself. She kept her eyes firmly glued to the passenger window refusing to look at him. She couldn't believe he'd made her lift her dress to prove she hadn't worn underwear, and what was worse? She'd done it.

  She felt like such a slut. Slut, the word reverberated around her head taunting her. She held herself rigid barely noticing the scenery as it whipped by them.

  Recalling how her skirt had barely fallen back into place just before Allison had approached them had shame turning Lucy's stomach until she felt she'd be sick. Allison had quickly enveloped Lucy in a tight hug thanking her for coming and for everything she'd done at the wedding the day before. Then she whisked her away with a quick apology to Grayson and barely a backward glance.

  Once safely in the sanctuary of the bathroom Allison pierced her with a hard stare that was enough to make Lucy squirm.

  "Are you alright you look like someone has your panties firmly in a twist."

  Lucy could feel heat rise in her cheeks "I'd have to be wearing panties for them to be in a twist." She grumbled. The last thing Lucy had expected was Allison's bark of laughter before she quickly covered it behind her hand. "It's not funny!" Lucy stamped her foot, her anger boiling over at Allison's mirth. "What kind of person demands that you don't wear underwear?"

  "Oh, Luce the guys do that to me all the time. I think it's some Neanderthal power trip, but truthfully I love it." Allison reapplied her lipstick and caught Lucy's eye in the mirror. "Are you okay? Despite the great things the guys say about Grayson I get the distinct impression that he's very intense."

  "Well, hopefully I can handle it, because I agreed to spend the weekend with him." Lucy waited for Allison to protest to tell her it was a bad idea and she knew in that moment if she had, Lucy would have called the whole thing off, but Allison stayed quiet.

  "Aren't you going to tell me it's a horrible idea and talk me out of it?"

  "Lucy, I am the last person who will judge you. I had a wild love affair with two men. I married both, well for all intents and purposes. Besides, you don't need me to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. It's only one weekend. Do what you want. We'll be close by if you need us. If you like it, you may learn something about yourself. If you hate it, well it's only one weekend." Allison reasoned before blotting her lips on a tissue.

  He pulled into his driveway and shut off the car before addressing her.

  "Tell me what's wrong." The four words came out as a command and made her jump as she was jolted from her memories of her discussion with Allison. His demand was issued as if her obedience was a forgone conclusion. As if she had to obey, as though they had been dating for a long time rather than just playing around. It stiffened he
r spine further. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to fuck himself, but his warm hand on her shoulder and the gentle “Please,” that passed his lips had her pausing. Though she still refused to speak no matter how much her heart was crying out to do so.

  "If there was more time, I would do things with you differently but there isn't time. You've only given me this weekend. It is vital that you communicate with me. This isn't like regular sex where we fuck, and you just push aside your discomfort if you want. This is deep, sometimes dirty sex where I'm going to push you, sweetheart." He paused and Lucy could tell he was giving her a chance to digest his words as they sank into her subconscious.

  "It's the kind of rough fucking where I'm going to make you beg and scream for me. If you don't talk to me, I won't know how far is too far to push you. Believe me darlin' I've wanted to push all your buttons and boundaries since the moment I laid eyes on you."

  His words, though raunchy, had heat blazing through her and she swayed towards him, finally releasing the door handle.

  It was possible his statement was bullshit. He could use these kinds of lines on all the women he seduced, but she didn't care. In that moment she wanted to beg and scream for him. She wanted to let him unleash every dark naughty desire that she had. So, she allowed him to draw her close and kiss her hard. She let him lift her out of the truck and all but carry her to the door with her legs wrapped around his hips. She didn't protest once.

  GRAYSON SUCKED THE soft skin of her throat between his teeth and knew that with her coloring he'd leave a deep love bite but as she craned her neck farther to the side and arched in his embrace, he didn't care one bit.

  Truthfully, he wanted to mark her. He had been fascinated with her from the moment she stormed into Marcus's apartment, her gaze shooting icy glares at both Jackson and Marcus, while her temper flared hot.

  Touching her that day sent an electrical current up his arm that arced through him straight to his dick, making him harder than he could remember being before. She’d short circuited his brain. All he could think about was laying her out on the bar top in Marcus's apartment, spreading the pale creamy thighs. He'd wanted inside her. In that moment it didn't matter what part of him had gained entrance finger, tongue, cock he didn't care as long as he brought her pleasure.


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