Come Play: An Erotica Charity Anthology

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Come Play: An Erotica Charity Anthology Page 22

by Quin Perin

  “Do… do you do a lot of prostate exams?” Alex blurted.

  Nate looked at him over the mask, still holding the devilish silver devices that snared Alex’s gaze. “Very few prostate exams, but rectal exams form an important diagnostic tool, especially if the patient is semi or unconscious.” His attention dropped back down to Alex’s butt. “But I have to say, I’ve never seen an anus quite as pretty as yours before. I might have to photograph it for a medical text. Would you like knowing hundreds of horny young medical students were looking at your hole every day?”

  Alex blinked. An image flashed across his mind of a young Nate drooling over a picture of Alex’s hole in a medical text. Heat filled his groin.

  “I see you do. Quite the secret exhibitionist, aren’t you?”

  Without further comment, a nozzle pressed to his hole and cool gel coated his insides. It felt nasty and arousing at the same time. Alex twitched as the nozzle disappeared, to be replaced by Nate’s finger pushing inside him. Alex hadn’t expected that so soon so he inhaled sharply.

  “Sorry, I should have warned you first,” Nate said, but he didn’t sound apologetic in the least.

  “You know what, let's forget the temperature, you feel exactly right from this angle. And then we can move straight on to the–”

  Alex gasped and lurched as Nate twisted his fingers over and rubbed Alex’s prostate. His hips twitched at the spike of pleasure, but he didn’t know whether he was trying to get away from the stimulation or make it continue. All he knew was that he needed to move. The pressure eased up.

  “Easy there, Alex, breathe deeply,” Nate’s reassuring voice rumbled out, and Alex nodded, eyes still shut.

  When the fingers withdrew, Alex fully expected them to be replaced with Nate’s cock. Expected, wanted, but not yet desperate enough to beg for it. When Nate didn’t touch him or speak for several seconds, Alex opened his eyes.

  Nate was staring at him. With just his eyes showing, Alex couldn’t tell what he was thinking. The seconds stretched and under Nate’s passive blue gaze, Alex’s nerves fluttered.

  He must want me nervous.

  Why does he want me nervous?

  Fuck, is he nervous?

  Nate never got edgy; the man was as cool as a cucumber. Alex decided he must be wrong; this was another part of Nate’s game. The snap of the latex gloves as he pulled them off accompanied the heart rate monitor beeping a little faster. He didn’t want this to be over; didn’t want to go back to thinking about tomorrow. Nate activated a pedal bin near the small sink on the wall, dropped the gloves into it, and turned back to Alex.

  “Your notes include some details about a recent urination problem. I’d like to check your urethra while you’re here.”

  Alex’s eyes widened as Nate moved the cloth on the trolley and pushed it a little nearer so Alex could clearly see what had previously been hidden. A long, gently S-shaped stainless steel rod lay on a sterile silver tray. He’d never seen one before in real life, but he’d seen plenty of pictures last week. Nate had a sound. And he wanted to use it. On him.

  Alex swallowed, and tore his gaze away from the shiny object and to Nate.

  Nate pulled his mask down, revealing his strong, clean-shaven chin. Alex preferred him with a little stubble, it meant relaxed Nate rather than Dr. Cooper.

  “It’s up to you, Alex. But with the right equipment, the right lube…” A lopsided smile spread across his face. “If you liked it last time, I can promise you’ll love it now.”

  This was so damn weird, and wonderful, and…

  Nate crouched a little so he could meet Alex’s eyes again. “Is that a yes?”

  The man of his dreams wanted to do kinky things to him, things that might hurt. How the hell was he this lucky?

  Alex lifted the mask and let the smile he felt on the inside, show on the outside.

  “Yes!” Nate, gave the air a little fist pump, his eyes alight with delight.

  Alex couldn’t help laughing. “But if I can’t pee afterward again, you have to do it too.”

  Nate’s eyebrows wiggled. “What makes you think I haven’t done it before?”

  Alex was still trying to get his head around the idea of Nate using a sound on himself, when Nate spoke again.

  “So, the secret is, keep things sterile, the right lube, the right size sound, and gently does it.”

  Uneasiness buzzed at the back of Alex’s head. Nate was being Nate, and he was talking like a doctor about to do a procedure. It crossed a line in Alex’s mind, the line between boyfriends and the one between doctor and patient. He never wanted Nate to think of him as his patient again.

  “I trust you, doctor,” Alex said. After a sharp glance, Nate took the hint and pulled his mask back up; so did Alex.

  He concentrated on erotic thoughts, trying to get hard so Nate could insert the thing. It wasn’t difficult at all. All he had to do was imagine Nate naked, being on his knees, and…

  “For most people inexperienced with sounds, inserting them when flaccid is best, it leaves more room for the urethra. It’s more difficult to pee when you’re hard, right?”

  “But…” Alex’s face heated but he had to ask the question. “But all the guys I saw on the internet were hard, even those who said it was their first time?”

  “Firstly, porn isn’t real. How many ‘virgin’ videos do you think involve real virgins?”

  Alex shrugged and then nodded, he had to give Nate that one.

  “And secondly, those guys have most likely spent months if not years, stretching their urethras. Sounds come in all diameters.”

  Alex swallowed eyeing the rod on the trolley again. “So that’s the smallest one?”

  “No, that’s the next size up. One that is too small can do damage as it moves too much. You could puncture a hole in your urethra, and that’s as bad as it sounds, excuse the pun.”

  Nate’s words dealt with the remains of Alex’s erection as if someone had poured ice water on his cock.

  “Excellent,” Nate glanced down at Alex’s cock that seemed to be trying to inch back inside him. “You really have quite phenomenal control.”

  Bollocks, you just play me like a fiddle. Alex smiled but left the thought unspoken. Nate got a kick out of manipulating him, and letting him know that might make him stop. Alex quite liked it.

  He jumped a little as without saying anything else, Nate sprayed Alex’s cock with a disinfectant spray. The scent filtered down through Alex’s soul. Pain and care were coming. Another pair of latex gloves were pulled from the box. Alex closed his eyes, trying to ignore the sound of Nate covering himself.

  “Gloves really do it for you, huh?”

  Lips pressed together, Alex nodded.

  “Well that’s going to make working a little tricky; I’m going to be thinking about you every time I pull on a pair now.” Nate sounded vaguely annoyed, as well as turned on. The thought of Nate getting turned on by using gloves at work gave Alex a delicious naughty thrill. Hell, yes, he hoped it made Nate uncomfortable.

  He opened his eyes to see Nate squeezing a line of clear lube along the length of the sound. Damn it looked long, and lethal, like something you’d use to murder someone, and it was about to go in his dick. Delicious dread crept up his spine. Leaving the lubed sound on the metal tray, he took Alex’s rather embarrassingly shriveled dick in his fist. Yes, Alex wasn’t the biggest guy in the world, but Nate’s hand almost engulfed him. His gaze flicked over to the sound that looked more deadly by the second. The damn glow stick had hurt, that… he swallowed.

  A blob of lube falling on his slit brought his focus back to Nate. A thumb rubbing over his sensitive head made him jerk.

  “Sorry,” Nate murmured. He didn’t look or sound in the least apologetic as he carried on working the lube into Alex’s slit. When he turned and reached for the sound, Alex blew out a breath, closed his eyes and tried to relax.

  “No, you need to watch this, in case you get the urge to try it on yourself again.”

/>   With reluctance, Alex opened his eyes again. Nate, wearing his mask and lab coat, held his cock gently between two latex covered fingers, with the sound poised an inch away from the tip. Alex’s hole clenched. Nate didn’t ask if he was ready, or if he still wanted it, he simply placed the smooth tapered tip of the sound against Alex’s slit.

  Alex had pushed the glowstick in firmly, but Nate circled the tip of the sound, almost tickling Alex with it. The first few millimetres slipped in. Cold, and a full feeling rather than a burning stretch.

  “Better than before?” Nate asked.

  Alex couldn’t tear his gaze away from Nate’s latex covered hands manipulating his body. “It's odd; doesn’t hurt though.”

  Nate glanced up at him. “You didn’t say it was better. I’m not going to hurt you, Alex, whether you want me to or not. I’m in control here, not you.” The intensity of his gaze over the mask turned Alex on.

  They both focused back on Alex’s cock as he started to harden. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from the filthy erotic sight of his cock, gradually swallowing the sound as it swelled. The pressure inside increased and moved down. Fuck, it looked hot, and it felt fucking fantastic, or at least that was what Alex thought before Nate’s fingers, which had been holding him lightly under the head, moved a fraction.

  “Whatever you do, Alex, don’t move.”

  His whole world shifted and shook with every half centimeter movement. Nate only used two fingers under the head of Alex’s cock, and tiny shifts of the sound; it still overwhelmed him. In the back of his mind, he knew the gasps and moans he could hear came from his own throat, but he couldn’t concentrate on that, couldn’t do anything but bask in the hypersensitivity enveloping him.

  Nate took him to the brink, every muscle tense, then he stopped. Panting, Alex noticed the frantic beeping he’d been hearing slowing a little. The devious bastard was using the pulse monitor to edge him. Alex loved him a little more.

  Looking down, he watched the sound rising like a fucking magic trick, without Nate touching it, then he placed a single finger on the top and eased it back in. Alex could feel his body squeezing it, but he wanted it deeper, wanted to see the whole damn thing disappear. Nate brought him to the brink again and again. His vision closed down, every muscle burned and trembled until he was a sweaty needy mess, with no thought of the past, the future, or time passing.

  “Hmm, I’d really like to see how palpating your prostate would make you react right now, but oh dear, no hands.”

  Alex forced himself to focus on the man between his thighs. The delicious, wicked, promise in Nate’s eyes made everything tense.

  “Hold it,” Nate ordered. With shaking hands, Alex reached forward took his cock in one hand and the sound in the other.

  Nate tore the mask from his own face. “No one else gets to fuck you, not even Knutts.”

  Before Alex could even focus on how Nate could be jealous of himself, Nate had pulled down his scrubs, slicked himself up, and positioned himself at Alex’s hole. Then he repossessed both Alex’s cock and the sound.

  If anything, Nate pushed in even slower than he’d moved the sound, or at least that’s how it felt to Alex. Alex panted at the stretch, combined with the sound being withdrawn a little.

  “Too much?” Nate asked.

  Intense didn’t even cover it, but stopping it, or telling Nate to slow down would be failing them both. He shook his head.

  “You need to tell me if you’re in pain, got it?”

  Safety lectures were not what he needed right now; he didn’t want to be dragged back to reality.

  “Please, please, I need–”

  “Hey, I’ve got you, remember?” Sincerity radiated from Nate even more than his desire. Alex nodded, his mouth didn’t seem to be working for anything else but taking in shaky breaths.

  Nate pushed in a little more, and Alex felt as if he was lighting up from the inside as Nate bumped against his prostate. The millimetre movements of Nate’s cock in his ass, his fingers on his shaft and the sound inside felt like he’d been caught up on a tidal wave. He didn’t know which way was up, where he was, even his name. The angle he reclined at, meant Nate couldn’t go very deep, and Alex wanted all of him. Despite Nate’s orders, his hips tilted up.

  “I’m going to take it out now.” Alex fought the fog in his brain. He wanted it to come, wanted it never to stop. Gritting his teeth, he shook his head.

  “Let go, Alex, I’ve got you,” The whispered words, and the feel of the metal sliding out of him, and Nate thrusting in hard and fast broke the dam, and everything fell apart.

  “There, deep breaths; you’re ok, in and out,” Nate’s calm voice broke through the velvety blackness cradling him. A hand brushed his hair off his face and lips pressed to his forehead.

  Something was on his face. The air tasted a little metallic. The oxygen.

  Feeling like he’s been run over by a steamroller, Alex pried his eyes open. Blue eyes fixed on his from a few inches away.

  “Hi.” Nate’s soft smile made his heart swell. How did I get so damn lucky?

  Alex couldn’t muster the energy to reply, but he did manage a slight smile.

  “Good?” Nate asked. Alex wasn’t sure if Nate referred to his current condition, or what he felt about the scene, but it didn’t matter. Alex was so good he didn’t think he’d ever move again.

  Nate’s attention flicked briefly to the blinking monitor, and Alex registered the pressure on his finger again.

  “I think it’s time we got you to bed, don’t you?”

  Moving, getting dressed, going back home, would spoil the high. The monitor beeped a little faster.

  “Calm down. We’re only moving a few doors up. You don’t even have to walk. Stay exactly where you are.”

  Alex blinked, trying to work out what was happening, but at the same time, he didn’t want to know, he craved keeping the foggy boneless sensation for as long as possible. A soft, warm blanket covered him.

  How long was I out? He’d never passed out during sex before. Taking a deep breath, he tried to work out if the cylinder contained anything apart from oxygen. He could get used to this floating blank sensation.

  Nate reappeared with a wheelchair. Lifting the mask, Alex tried to speak, swallowed, and tried again.

  “What’s in this?”

  Nate’s lopsided smile warmed him from the inside out. “Nothing but oxygen. What you’re feeling is all your own body’s doing. Now, let's get you tucked up. Don’t worry if you shake a bit, that’s normal.”

  Sitting up had Nate dashing over. For a second, Alex thought he was overacting then dizziness swirled.

  “Wow,” he said, blinking fast.

  An arm went around his shoulders, pulling him against a strong body. The brief panic melted away.

  “Steady there. Let me do my thing, ok?”

  Alex nodded, and managed a weak, “Yeah.” He paused, then before he could think about it, words he’d kept locked inside flowed out. “I love you. Don’t ever leave me.”

  A kiss pressed to his sweaty, tangled hair. “Never, but I might have to kick Dr. Knutts to the curb. I’m jealous.”

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  Brotherly Love



  Fourteen years ago

  Jay's parents divorced so early in his life that he had no memory at all of their marriage. He grew up spending the week with his mom in Park Ridge and every other weekend with his papá and abuelos in Chicago. It seemed normal enough to him, until one day, when he was seven, his mother sat him down and said she was getting married to her boyfriend, Jim, and that the two of them were going to live with Jim and his son in Naperville, wherever that was.

  “But I have a papá,” he'd

  His mother had kissed his forehead. “Jim will be your stepfather, and he'll never take the place of your father, but he has a son who'll be the little brother you've always wanted. Won't that be nice?”

  “What's his name?” Jay asked, cautiously interested.

  “James, just like his dad.”

  “But that's my name!”

  “Well,” his mother had said, “it's their name, too. You have to share. But you're Jay and he's Jamie and his dad is Jim. Okay?”

  Jay nodded, but he was still unsure.

  The next weekend, as he and his father watched the fireflies dance in the forest preserve behind his abuelos’ house, Jay told his dad about how he would be getting a new brother.

  His dad had shaken his head and crushed his cigarette out on the concrete steps that led into the kitchen where Abuela was making pozole for dinner.

  “That man will never be your papá,” he said.

  “I know that,” Jay had assured his papá. “That's you.”

  “Damn straight. And that niño with your name, he's not your brother. Don't forget that. He's not your blood. You can be his friend, if you want, but he's not your family, like me and your abuelos. Understand, cariño?”

  Jay nodded, uncertainly, because he wasn't sure he understood at all. But he hugged his papá and smiled when his papá hugged him back.



  Jamie: Yo. I need a favor. Like a really big favor.

  Jamie: Dude. Come on. Please!


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