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Titans Page 22

by Kate O'Hearn

  “Themis, it’s me, Astraea. I’m not one of those monsters!”

  Themis took a moment to focus and touched Astraea’s cheek. “Are you really you?”

  “Yes,” Astraea said. She looked back at the others. “We’ve come to get everyone out of here.”

  Themis sat up and put her arms around Astraea weakly. “I am so sorry I sent you into the orchard. Please forgive me. I never knew those monsters were around. I would never have sent you in there if I had known. I just wanted you to see how hard the night dwellers worked.”

  “How could you not know?” Zephyr asked. “You are a seer. You should know everything. Especially at Arcadia, considering that those creatures have big areas beneath it where they are storing their food.”

  “I cannot feel or sense those things that are hurting us—even when they are right in front of me. It is like they are not there, even though they are. Even now, I can’t sense them. I feel the Titans and Olympians and you, but not them.”

  Tryn entered the cell. “Do you know how many are locked in here?”

  Themis shook her head. “I lost count—there are too many. I fear I do not even know how long I have been in here. Those terrible things, every time they touch me I feel so weak. They have not fed us either. We are starving and parched with thirst.”

  Astraea gasped. “That’s unbelievable!”

  Zephyr approached her. “Are you strong enough to stand? You can lean on me and I will take you out of here.”

  “Thank you, child.” Themis rose unsteadily to her feet and leaned heavily on Zephyr for support. “We must set the others free before those creatures return.”

  “We’re calling them Mimics,” Astraea said. “They can change shape to look like us.”

  “I have been duplicated twice. I do not think they live very long. But there are so many, they just keep coming back.”

  Outside the cell, Themis moved away from Zephyr and leaned against the grimy wall. “Leave me here. Go now and free the others. I will be fine.”

  Astraea hated to leave her behind, but she nodded and went to open the next cell door. Inside they found a Titan. Just like Themis, he was almost too weak to stand and hadn’t been given food, nectar, or water either.

  “That is why there are no guards,” Tryn mused. “The Mimics are starving everyone to keep them under control.” He looked at Jake. “Without ambrosia or nectar, Titans and Olympians become vulnerable. It won’t kill them, but it makes them very weak and unable to fight.”

  “Not to mention the Mimics draining them all the time,” Astraea added. She looked down the long corridor of cells and realized just how many there were to check on this level alone. “Zeph, would you keep opening cells and see if you can get everyone outside? I’m going to go look for my parents and Jupiter.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Tryn said.

  “Me too,” Jake agreed. “I need to find Molly.”

  They started off at a jog, searching each cell. Though there were many from the ruling council, Astraea’s parents and Jupiter were not on this level. They ran back to the growing group. “They’re not here. We’re going to try the next level down.”

  Zephyr nodded. “We’ll free everyone here. Those stairs are just too slippery for us. Be careful. I still don’t like that we haven’t seen Mimics here.”

  “Why would they need guards if their prisoners are too weak to fight?” Tryn asked.

  “That, or this is a trap,” Cylus suggested. He raised his sword. “But we’re ready for them.”

  Astraea looked at her small group of rescuers and smiled. They were young, inexperienced, and considered worthless by the Mimics. But the Mimics were wrong, and undervaluing the Titan “spawn” would be their undoing. “All right, just keep freeing everyone. We’ll be back.”

  Astraea, Tryn, and Jake ran back to the stairs and went down another level. As they entered the corridor, they saw an open cell door. Jake reached for the key on the wall and they walked quietly down the length of the corridor.

  When they approached the open cell, they heard a soft moaning. Astraea’s hands flew up to her mouth to keep from screaming when she saw what was inside.

  Two Titan-looking Mimics were standing back as an almost formless gray, pulsating Mimic wrapped itself around a female centaur. The centaur’s head was lolling weakly to the side and she whimpered in pain as her energy was drained.

  Moment by moment, the Mimic holding her was changing shape and slowly taking on the appearance of the centaur. The more it drew form and energy from the real centaur, the weaker she became. When the transformation was finished, the Mimic released the now unconscious centaur, and she collapsed to the floor.

  One of the Titan Mimics turned and looked curiously at Astraea, Tryn, and Jake standing there, watching. “How did you get here?”

  The other two Mimics turned with expressions of mild surprise and displeasure on their faces.

  “So that’s how you’re doing it,” Tryn said coolly. “When you hold them, you not only drain their energy, you get their genetic imprint to change your shape.”

  The Mimic centaur remained calm. “We do more than absorb their energy. We gather memories and experiences as well. Our process is efficient and highly successful.”

  One of the Titan Mimics nodded. “It is how we have defeated every world we have spread to. It is how we will take Titus and continue spreading throughout the universe.”

  The centaur Mimic noted their weapons and added, “Who needs foolish weapons like those, when all we require is a touch?”

  Jake gasped. “Wait a minute. I know you!” He turned quickly to Astraea and pointed at the centaur. “She’s the one who wanted to kill me in Zephyr’s kitchen.”

  The Mimic centaur took a step closer to Jake. “Are you the one who destroyed our Lyra? We all felt her fall.”

  “She was going to kill me,” Jake said. “I had no choice.”

  “There is always a choice, spawn,” the Mimic said. “But I will succeed where she failed. You will all die.” The Mimic centaur reared on her back legs and charged forward. She caught hold of Jake’s arm. “You will not escape this time.”

  Another Titan Mimic lunged at Tryn, while the third went for Astraea. But Astraea darted away from the reaching hand. She managed to slice the creature’s wrist with the tip of her dagger. Then, ducking around her, Astraea went for the Mimics holding Tryn and Jake.

  Tryn was helpless in the grip of the Titan Mimic, while Jake gasped and collapsed to the floor. Just like in the barn with Vulcan, it took only a moment to defeat her friends.

  Astraea had only seconds. She dragged her dagger’s blade along the arm of the creature holding on to Tryn, and then spun around and cut the centaur Mimic holding Jake just as Nesso unfurled from around his neck and bit into the creature’s hand.

  “Foolish spawn, your little weapons are useless against us. You cannot stop us!” The Mimic who tried to touch her before charged again.

  For a terrifying moment, Astraea thought the venom wouldn’t work. But then the creature stopped and started to frown. It swayed on its feet as an expression of curiosity crossed its face.

  “You’re right, I can’t stop you,” Astraea challenged. “But we know what can!”

  Because it had the largest dose of venom from both Astraea’s dagger and Nesso, the centaur Mimic was the first to start to dissolve. She released Jake’s arm and staggered back. “What—what is happening to me?” Her hand went to her head. “I feel—I feel . . .” Words were soon lost as her face started to lose shape and melt.

  The two remaining Mimics were also reacting to the venom. “You—you cannot stop us . . . ,” one of them slurred before its mouth dissolved completely.

  “It’s working,” Astraea cried. She lunged forward, caught hold of Jake, Nesso, and Tryn, and hauled them out of the cell as the Mimics melted.

  Moments later, all that was left were three gray pools on the filthy cell floor.

  Tryn was the first to wake. He shook
his head trying to clear it. “He only held my arm for a moment, but I was too weak to fight him, even though I wanted to.”

  Jake had been held the longest and took him more time to recover. When he awoke, he rubbed his head. “I feel awful. Those Mimics really pack a punch.”

  “They sure do,” Tryn agreed as he climbed unsteadily to his feet. “We can’t let them touch us.” Astraea handed Nesso back to Jake. “She’s unconscious again, but I can see her breathing. She must stop biting them. She’s our only hope, and she can’t risk her life like that.”

  “You try stopping her!” Jake said. “I’ve already told her not to bite them if they go after me, but she won’t listen.” He cradled the snake in his hands and kept her warm.

  “Her loyalty to you is a credit, but it could get her killed,” Tryn said.

  “Dude, I know. That’s what scares me!”

  Astraea nodded. “I just wish we had more like her.”

  The real centaur on the floor moaned and her eyes fluttered open. Astraea stepped around the gray puddles and knelt beside her. “Lyra, you’re safe. Cylus is here to rescue you. You just need to rest for a moment.”

  “Cylus is here?” Lyra moaned. “No, he must get away . . . they will hurt him.”

  “He’s safe, I promise you. He and his herd are helping the others just one level up. He’ll be so relieved to know that you’re all right.”

  Lyra nodded and her eyes slowly shut again.

  Astraea rose and looked around. “We have to get everyone away from here. Stay with Lyra. I’m going to look for my mom and dad.”

  She ran out of the cell and down the corridor. Near the end of the long row, she peered inside a cell and saw Jupiter lying on the cot. His hands were bound behind his back and his ankles were in shackles. His wife, Juno, lay on another cot opposite him.

  “Jake, Tryn! I’ve found Jupiter and Juno. Bring the key!”

  When the cell was opened, Astraea ran up to Juno while Tryn approached Jupiter. He reached for the chains on the Olympian’s wrist and broke them easily. Then he freed Jupiter’s ankles.

  “Wow!” Jake cried. “You are really strong!”

  Tryn nodded and helped Jupiter into a sitting position. He gently patted him on the face. “Jupiter, wake up. You must wake.”

  Juno opened her eyes, and when she saw Astraea, she embraced her tightly. “Thank you, thank you for finding us.” Her eyes went over to Jupiter. “How is he? They have attacked him most.”

  Jupiter’s eyes fluttered open. “I am fine, beloved,” he said weakly. He looked at each of them. “Trynulus, Astraea, what are you doing here? How did you find us?”

  “It’s a long story,” Tryn said. “We’re here to free you. Please, you must get up. We need your help.”

  “I am too weak,” Jupiter said. “Juno and I were among the first taken. We have gone without food and been duplicated too many times.”

  Jake reached into his backpack and pulled out the ambrosia cake he’d been saving. He broke off a small piece to keep for Nesso and split the rest between Jupiter and Juno. “Here, will this help?”

  Jupiter’s blue eyes landed on Jake. “A human in Tartarus?”

  Jake nodded. “Yes, sir. I was brought from Earth, but Astraea, Zephyr, and Tryn have been helping me try to get home.”

  Jupiter accepted the ambrosia gratefully but handed his share to his wife. “Here, beloved, you need this.”

  Juno smiled, and her gaunt face lit up. “No, husband, I have my own piece. You eat it. You must regain your strength if we are to fight those monsters.”

  Jupiter nodded and ate the ambrosia. He rose shakily to his feet. “I am not fully recovered, but I am better. Thank you.” He looked around. “Who is with you?”

  Astraea answered, “Well, there’s me, Tryn, and Jake. Upstairs there’s Zephyr, Cylus, and five other young centaurs.”

  “That is all?” Jupiter cried. “We have been rescued by children?”

  “They are old enough to save us,” Juno said gratefully.

  “Besides,” Astraea added, “the Mimics don’t care about us. They call us spawn and don’t think of us as a threat. So they leave us alone.”

  “Which makes us the perfect defenders,” Tryn added. “The Mimics won’t expect that.”

  “Mimics?” Jupiter repeated.

  “That’s what we’re calling them,” Tryn explained. “They duplicate Titans and Olympians and mimic them. The name just sort of stuck.”

  Jupiter nodded. “That is exactly what they are.” He sank back down on the cot beside Juno. “They have made many duplicates of us. Each time they do, we become weaker. If they did it many more times, I am sure it would kill us.”

  Tryn nodded. “There have been puddles from dead Mimics found on Titus. I am starting to believe they don’t live very long. That’s why they’ve kept you alive, so they can keep making duplicates. But once they’ve taken Titus, they won’t need to anymore.”

  “How many of our people have been taken?” Jupiter asked. He was leaning over with his head in his hands as he tried to recover. Juno leaned against him and rubbed his back lovingly.

  Watching them, Astraea smiled. Jupiter might be the powerful leader of Titus, but it appeared Juno was the stronger. They had been taken together, but she was recovering faster. “We’re not sure how many are here,” Astraea answered. “But the cells on the first two levels are full. I’m still looking for my mother and father.”

  Juno nodded. “I have seen them. They are on this level, further down the corridor.” She reached for Astraea’s hands. “Go to them, child.”

  “Here.” Jake handed the key to Astraea. “Get your parents. We’ll stay here and make sure these two are okay.”

  Astraea ran down the corridor searching for her parents. In the final cell, she saw two cots. Her hands were shaking as she inserted the key in the lock. Throwing open the door, she charged inside. “Mom, Dad!”

  Aurora was lying on her side, and her once-lovely white wings were filthy and askew beneath her. She lifted her head weakly. “Astraea?”

  Astraea knelt by her side. “Yes, Mom, it’s me. Please, you must get up. We’re getting you out of here.”

  Aurora started to rise, and Astraea moved over to her father. “Dad, wake up.”

  Astraios opened his eyes. “Wha-what are you doing here?”

  “We’re rescuing you. Please get up before they come back.”

  With Astraea’s support, her parents made it to their feet and walked slowly from the cell. When they reached Jupiter and Juno, her father looked at her. “Where are the others? Is Hyperion here? What’s happening on Titus?”

  Astraea, Tryn, and Jake filled them in as quickly as they could, covering everything they had experienced and discovered about the Mimics. “I’m sorry,” Astraea finished, looking at Jupiter. “But Brutus sort of destroyed the palace to help us. We were trying to reach the arch to go to Xanadu for help, but the Mimics have destroyed it.”

  “The palace is the least of our concerns,” Jupiter said. He reached for Astraea’s hands. “Thank you for trying to reach Xanadu. You have been brave, and I am grateful. But we are on our own.” He shook his head weakly. “I have been such a fool. We knew there was a problem with all the humans and other creatures arriving on Titus. We hid them in the prison for their protection, but we were arrogant to believe we could solve the problem of their arrival without alerting everyone. Our secrecy has allowed the Mimics to slowly take over.”

  “You must not blame yourself,” Juno said to him. “We are all at fault for not being vigilant.”

  Aurora was shaking her head. “It is so difficult to believe.” She looked at her husband. “I am so sorry I ever doubted you, Astraios. There really were humans on Titus.”

  Astraios nodded. “And now we have been rescued by one.” His grateful eyes landed on Jake. “Thank you.”

  “Nesso is the one to thank.” Jake pointed to the snake around his neck. She was awake again and holding on to her tail. “She�
�s way more important than me. We put some of her venom on daggers, and the Mimics melt when we cut them. But she’s alone here. If we had more snakes from her world, we could really do a number on those walking bags of goo.”

  Jupiter peered closely at the snake and frowned. He rubbed his beaded chin. “I am certain I visited her world an age ago and saw snakes just like her. We can go back there and get some more.”

  “Not without asking first,” Jake said defensively. “Nesso and her kind are intelligent. We can’t just take them without permission.”

  “How can they give permission?” Aurora asked.

  “It’s easy, we just ask,” Jake said. “Once Nesso bit me, we could communicate.”

  Jupiter’s eyes opened wide. “Really? One of her kind bit an Olympian and they became gravely ill. But she was never able to communicate with them. How is this possible?”

  Tryn came forward. “There must be something in humans or maybe just Jake that makes them compatible.”

  Nesso released her tail and lifted her head to Jupiter. “You mussst have hurt one of my kind. We do not bite without provocation.”

  When Jake repeated Nesso’s message, Jupiter nodded. “Of course. Then we must ensure that we do not provoke your kind again. But we would be grateful for your help.”

  “We will help,” Nesso hissed softly.

  Jupiter looked to Jake, and he translated. “She said they would help.”

  “Thank you,” Jupiter said to the snake.

  Astraea’s parents were holding on to her for support. “What do we do now?” her mother asked. “I am too weak to fight.”

  “We all are,” Jupiter said. “I am still unsure that we can defeat the Mimics. If they catch hold of us, we will be instantly bested.”

  “I know,” Tryn said. “I was holding my dagger, but the moment a Mimic grabbed my arm, I couldn’t move.”

  Astraea held up her own dagger. “But they do work if we can cut them before they touch us. This was dipped in Nesso’s venom, and it destroyed three of them easily.”

  Jupiter nodded. “This may work, but none of us are strong enough to wield a weapon.”


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