Betrayal: An Urban Fantasy Academy Series

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Betrayal: An Urban Fantasy Academy Series Page 9

by Bob Dattolo

  “I bet your blood tastes wonderful.” I sniffed, breathing deep, “We came here for some down time from the academy. If you want to fight? I’ll leave it up to you pussies to make the first move. I won’t be doing it. Russell made his move back near the club. You three? Talking a good game. That’s about it. As pathetic as it is. You fucking think your hatred of stricken is new to me? Everyone in my class knew it. I was target number one for most of them.” I smiled wide at that, “And yet I’m alive. I made it through. Now I’m here, and you’re playing who has the bigger dick.” I looked down at Mr. Floppy. “I’ll admit that you’ve got a nice package. Too bad I’m not interested. Then again, your personality is the larger dick in the equation. Same for your two buddies. They were at least mostly decent while we danced. No outright bullshit directed at me. I was willing to let it slide. I’m still willing to let it slide right now. Get the fuck out of the way. Go do whatever the fuck you want. Hell, maybe the three of you can tag team with Samantha and Angelica. Knock yourself out. But just like they’re sitting over there with this happening? You sit the fuck out when I go visit Russell and explain just how angry I am with him.”

  He shook his head and made a yappy mouth thing with his hand that kinda pissed me off, “Wah wah wah WAH wah wah. It’s like listening to those adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons that they haul out at Christmas. You drone on and on and on. You’re a stricken. You’re nothing. I’m a dragon.” He smiled over his shoulder at his boys, “And I think it’s time you learn just how dragons handle someone like you.”

  Power surged from all three of them as if they coordinated it. Which they may have. Makes me wonder how many girls go disappearing in the area because of them.

  Vijay’s spell kicked off, wrapping me, and stopping me from moving. It’s a pretty good spell, sort of like a telekinesis thing, just meant to hold someone still and not move something. Em’s spell pulled cement from the patio and created a ring of needle tipped spikes coming up and circling me. Pete’s, on the other hand, sent waves of pain through me. Pure agony. That’s what the spell reads as to me.

  Too bad my reaction to pain just isn’t what people expect it to be.

  His smile faltered as I continued to stare at him, letting the pain rip through me without reacting. I’ve had spells like this done before, and it’s shocking to me that I’ve had cramps worse than this, yet everyone treats it like they’re being dipped in boiling oil.

  More magic surged from him and flames began hitting me in various spots. That got some screams from me, although they’re not real. It just kept him doing it as I pushed my magic out without letting my hair light up.

  They wanted this. Not me. That means I get to have some fun that they won’t like.

  As the guys began laughing at my reaction, I hid a smile to the girls that they both picked up. Samantha had a worried look on her face until that point, then she snorted from her seat.

  That’s when my screaming stopped, and I turned my smile on the guys. Their laughter slowed but didn’t have enough time to stop before my spells went off.

  Gravity hit them, ramming them into the patio like the fist of God played whack a mole on them. At the same time, the spell holding me was destroyed, sending a flare back along to butthead for putting it on me. I’m not sure he even noticed the brutal headache from that since I can see visible bone on him.

  The fire spell went out as soon as Pete couldn’t focus on it any longer, so I didn’t need to worry about that. The spikes, though? I took control of them and sank them back into the patio, returning it to normal.

  Then I filled the guys with raw agony and slapped up a spell around us that limits how far their screams can carry.

  They screamed. Boy did they scream.

  Each of them tried again and again to get their magic to come out. Vijay was the closest, but that stopped when I stomped on his shoulder, crushing the bone. Em wasn’t doing too badly, but the crawling lines of flames parboiling his skin in an intricate design I rather liked put a stop to that and pretty much wiped out the agony spell for him from a pain perspective.

  Pete, though? I crouched at his face and eased up on some of the agony. “Pete? You made me angry. You attacked me. I gave you an out before you decided to do this. I really did. Too bad you didn’t really think I had magic. And that I could hit you with such a massive amount of weight.”

  We’ve talked about various spells again and again over the past several days, and I’m coming to find that some of my spells are more powerful than they’re used to. Like this gravity spell. I was able to look up several discussions about it, and the highest level anyone knows for a fact someone reached was something like three times normal gravity. For me just now? Ten times hit the guys, which is why they have so many broken bones and are bleeding like stuck pigs.

  My magic pulled back from him, allowing him a normal breath, except for the shattered bones making it a horrific experience for him, “What the fuck are you?”

  Wow, okay, that was hard to understand, “What the fuck am I? I’m the very, very angry dragon that you decided to attack. That you planned to rape. I’m the dragon that forced you to shift, which you then forgot about when you heard that I was a stricken. That should have been your fucking clue to bow and scrape and nearly beg me to ignore your aggression. But you didn’t. You decided to escalate. Now you’re finding that I’m not a stricken any longer. I’m not submissive. I’m very, very dominant. And you, my magic sippy cup, are dead. I hope you enjoyed your time here tonight and it was worth it to you for your last experience on Earth. I’ll be sure to visit your parents if they have a problem with what happened here tonight.”

  His eyes widened, “No, please don…” his voice cut off as I grabbed his head with both hands and began squeezing, eliciting screams that made me wet to hear. This time, instead of hiding it, I used the other power draining spell and sucked him dry as I laughed.

  His corpse got dropped to the ground, and I moved to the other two. “You two, on the other hand? You weren’t really threatening to rape me. But you helped him. You attacked. That means I get to add the two of you to my fun time happy murder plans.”

  “No, please!” Vijay manages that much before the pain causes his voice to break up.

  Em manages to move his arm, which had to be a fucking nightmare, “Please don’t, please don’t kill us! I’ll give you everything!”

  That got a laugh from me, “Oh, you’ll be giving us everything in a moment. Everything that matters right now.” A thought solidified that had been floating around, and I looked up to the girls, “Samantha? Angelica?”

  “Uhh, yeah?” Samantha now has a worried look on her face. Possibly because I just drained a decently powerful dragon and there are two more at my feet. If I get these two, I’m not sure any of them would be able to challenge me and expect to win. Unless they got lucky.

  “I’m hoping you two are a bit thirsty. I know you had a bit of fun with them, but they’re dying here in, oh, 20 seconds. If you want to top off your tanks? Come on over. I’ll be happy to add their power to mine, but I figured you guys connected earlier, so…”

  They exchanged looks before slowly getting up and coming over. Angelica spoke first, “You’ll really let us do this?”

  “I will.”


  “Your parents are willing to kill you if you’re not powerful enough. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you?”

  “Umm, a dragon friend? I mean…I turned on you. I didn’t help you. Fuck, I only made it out because of you! Same for Samantha!”

  “I told you, my dragon is a unifier. I may be dominant, but we’re all stronger together. I’d be more than happy to make it through the next two years with no challenges and no deaths in the trial. If we can do that and you make it through the last one and your parents accept you? Then that sounds good to me. Now, don’t feel pressured, but he’s gonna succumb to a crushed throat in five seconds or so.”

  Samantha leaned over Vijay
and smiled, “Sorry, Vijay. We warned you not to fuck with Maddie here. You were a pretty good lay, I’ll give you that. I bet I’m gonna cum even more tonight when I masturbate at feeling your power in me.”

  Ahh, a girl after my own heart.

  That started the throat crushing and power draining.

  My silence spell disappeared as I stood up, “I’m gonna go visit Russell now.”

  Samantha cocked her head, “Sounds like they might be done?”

  “I hope so.”

  She smiled at me before nudging the corpse at her feet, “Thank you for that. You didn’t have to do that. For either of us.”

  Neither of them reacted to my shrug, “Maybe not, and maybe you guys think I’m an idiot for doing that since I could have sucked all three of them dry, but I think of you three as my friends. Even though we may not have started out that way. That means something to me. If we all rise together, then maybe no one gets pulled down out of fear.”

  Angelica tilted her head at my words, and I knew her dragon was driving, “You are a very interesting girl, do you know that?”

  “I don’t try to be?”

  “Yet you are. No dragon I have ever met thinks like you do. You really are a unifier, aren’t you.”

  “I am. I meant what I said before the trial. If all of the weaker students stayed with me, I would have done everything I could to get them through. No one needed to die in that fucking thing. None of them needed to become a stricken.”

  Their looks tell me they don’t believe me, although they’re starting to believe that I believe it. And that’s all that really matters to me at the moment.

  Instead of waiting with them, I headed up the stairs to find two huge dragons. He’s a solid 50 feet long, and she’s coming in shorter than he is. That’s about normal for their types, though. Seeing her silver-gray scales against his light blue ones is pretty cool. I never appreciated how well those colors go together.

  Neither of them caught me approaching. Now I’m really sad I didn’t get to catch the action. He’s hung huge, and it looks like they were going at it like dogs. Her tail is to the side and he’s still curled under a little and is still inside of her. Damn, that’s a massive penis.

  Parece caught my scent first and lifted her head, eyes going wide at seeing me approach. She was on her feet and moving to the side in like a second, leaving the confused Russell in place. He didn’t realize I was there until I started talking.

  “Hey there, Russell!” He jerked around to look at me, “You attacked me. That means you’re fair game.”

  The girls came up the steps behind me, and I heard them move over to Parece and whisper something to her. I couldn’t make out what it was, though.

  He frowned at seeing me, “What the fuck do you want? You can’t be done with Pete already. There’s no way he’d let you go this soon.” He sniffed, not smelling cum. Well, not from me. He does smell blood, though, which gets a growl from him as he jerks to his feet, wings extending partway as he semi crouches, facing me, “What have you done?”

  I didn’t try for a coy smile, it just sort of happened, “What have I done? I took out the trash. Pete and your boys decided to attack me. Just like you did. I gave them an out. They had numerous chances to stop their headlong rush into being a juice box. They decided to chance it. They failed.”

  “There’s no way you’d have been able to even make them sweat! You’re a fucking freak!”

  “Right?” I ruffled my hair, “I sort of am. I’m also a stricken, which just adds to things. They learned that, and that’s when they decided to bet all their money on black. Too bad it came up red. As in blood red.” I couldn’t help giggling at the bad joke. One of the girls behind me groaned at hearing it.

  They’re smiling as I look over my shoulder at them, “Right? That was pretty bad, but it fit!”

  Parece’s widening eyes let me know something was happening, then I was wrapped in freezing dragon breath that instantly started building a thick layer of ice around me. It didn’t stop me from looking back to him as he came closer, really pushing the breath.

  As he towered over me and exhaled directly down on me, his magic went wild and more and more magic started pouring out of him. Ice spikes formed on the inside and attempted to ram into me. Constriction. Locked limbs. Blinding lights. Then a machinegun fire of other spells that he more than likely practices.

  Instead of fucking around, I let the ice hit me and break as my magic fired off as well, countering each of the spells where I thought they’d cause me issues. He has no idea they’re being stopped, which is too funny to me.

  Then his breathing stops, and I can hear his muffled laughing through what has to be at least three feet of solid ice. He’s a vague moving blur that I can’t quite see clearly, while I look like an icicle to him. “Now you’re fucking dead, you freak! They’d better be okay, or I’m gonna tear this fucking building down!”

  He didn’t seem to know what to do when my magic triggered again. It’s hard as hell working magic against a dragon. It tends to break up on our scales. Yet some do get through. The more physical ones. I knew immediately that the others were failing. My attempt to lift him fizzled. Changing his gravity just bounced away. Three attempts at cement spikes just shattered. Two metal blades did hit him and fucked up his wings royally, with a massive gust of wind sending him tumbling sideways.

  Then he looked on in horror as I shattered the ice with more power and evaporated the tons of frozen water with a thought.

  “No one can fucking…” his throat seized as I removed his ability to breathe by directing air away from his mouth, then I proceeded to fuck him up with spell after spell. At least 80 percent of them didn’t get through, but enough did that he was a bleeding mess by the time he started shifting back to human.

  I didn’t force him this time.

  He was still fucked in his human form, which isn’t surprising. Of course, since he can’t defend himself by just being a dragon now, my spells were even more vicious for him.

  That had me crouching near his head as he gasped, trying desperately to breathe and stay alive. “I don’t like you, Russell. Tonight didn’t have to go this way. It really didn’t.” Parece had shifted somewhere in that and came running over when I nodded to her. “They told you?”

  “Uhh, yeah? Can I really?” She looked so uncertain.

  “Go for it.” She crouched with me and I waited for her to signal that she was ready before I reached for his throat.

  I love bringing us together.

  Chapter 9

  The cops were through and gone by 4am, which makes for a late night. We were questioned with the truth spell and the cops got to watch the videos that were taken up there. That helped tremendously, especially since they have four dead guys that have to be reported. I did manage to clean up the blood with some magic just after the cops left. That was pretty much the point that we headed to bed.

  Parece and Samantha slept in together, which I was sort of expecting. They offered to share the huge bed, but I wasn’t feeling it at the moment. Angelica looked wistful but passed as well and we headed to our own rooms.

  That let me get a quick shower and then crawl into bed without much delay. I’m seriously not sure if I’m going to be able to make it today. I’ve been trained by a psychotic mass murdering earth dragon that being up by 5am is what has to happen. That means that I have…50 minutes of sleep before I see if his training still drives or not.

  Much to my shock, I woke up slightly after 2pm.

  Who am I fucking kidding? Horror filled me as an eye popped open and it was 4:59. Just like normal, I’m up before my alarm. It’s a kick in the pussy that I turned it off in the vain hope that I would get to sleep in late.

  One day I will do that. I swear I will.

  Today doesn’t seem to be that day.

  And no, unlike what I see in others, I can’t fall asleep once I’m awake. Literally the only times I’ve been able to do that since being taken at 13 was when Re
ggie ordered it so that I could heal more from various things that would happen to me. Usually being done by Levi’s parents.

  God, how I hated them.

  I don’t even hate Reggie as much as I hated them. He never, not even once, whipped me until blood showed. Never broke my hips with massive dildos just to hear me scream, then fucked me again and again. He treated me like a possession, but like one he cared about.

  Them, on the other hand? I was a hole. A screaming hole that they could torture and abuse and force to perform while they had orgasm after orgasm and left me in a bloody quivering pile, too injured to even drag myself from the room.

  God, I have the best dreams about killing them. I’m sad about not getting to kill Reggie too, it’s just that I had no real hope of being able to do that before. At least I got to see the videos of the cops killing him, that’s gotta be enough for me.

  My bare feet barely make any noise as I move around the huge space. I don’t know what to do. I’m exhausted, it’s just that I can’t do much about that. I’ve thought about trying to do a spell on myself to feel more awake, it’s just that messing with your mind and body could have disastrous results that you don’t even know about. There were passages in our textbook about people using magic to block pain, only to bleed out from an injury they didn’t know they had. Or to stay awake, only later realizing that they fucked up that part of their brain that allows them to sleep.


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