Nerds in Force

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Nerds in Force Page 14

by D. R. Grady

  “We can’t just leave them there.” Then Eric homed in on Chad and Harlow. “You two know where they are?”

  Harlow nudged Chad who obediently tapped out something on his keyboard. Seconds later a map of their region of the world glowed on the screen. “We’re here.” Harlow tapped Toliliel.

  Chad used the mouse arrow to circle one of the surrounding islands. “We own this island. Riley is a friend and she knows our island and the key code into the cottage there.”

  “You own an island and have a cottage on it?” Verity blinked at this new info. As though her family weren’t royalty who likely owned plenty of houses themselves.

  “We and the twins bought the island years ago because we had transport employees who sometimes needed a safe place to dock and stay when these bad storms crop up. It’s a beautiful place and has saved lives.” Harlow said this as though every employer provided likewise for their employees.

  “And you think Riley and her supervisor made for that island?” Verity’s narrowed eyes could mean anything.

  “It’s the most viable option. I’m not sure that we know her supervisor but we do know her.” Harlow gave the operative equivalent of a shrug.

  “I’m going after them.” Eric spoke from the shadows and the light from the computer screen etched his face in hard lines.

  The lines could also have something to do with his hardened jaw.

  “It might be best to bring them here.” Harlow contemplated the screen. “What they’re trying to accomplish is probably what we’re attempting to accomplish?” This question she directed to Verity.

  “Yes. With Chad, we’re making a lot more inroads into the situation.” Verity didn’t hesitate.

  “Wait, why are you three working on a Sunday?” Harlow’s eyebrows nearly touched.

  Three blank faces turned to her. “We’re trying to figure out who is after us,” Verity said. Her slanted look indicated she doubted Harlow’s cognitive ability.

  “You need to take a break.” Harlow reached out and tapped a few commands on Chad’s computer. He tried to stop her but the woman was strong and determined. The screen blanked then it offered a countdown.

  “What did you just do?” Verity sounded as close to panicked as he’d ever heard.

  “We can’t log back onto our computers until tomorrow morning.” Chad stated this sorrowfully, as though it wasn’t his first experience.

  “Nice,” he complimented Harlow.

  “Come and join the real world, you three.”


  Harlow pushed hair off her forehead as she led the way back into the cozy sitting room upstairs. A quick check of the room revealed no others in the space. She headed for the sofa and Keith dropped beside her, tugging her into his arms as though perfectly natural.

  She savored the moment. This had never been her lot. A few boyfriends in high school and college but those had certainly not carried this weight and emotional intensity.

  “I thought you were about to get killed.” Amusement threaded his statement.

  “Those three have been working nonstop. They needed time to relax.” Harlow didn’t regret her decision. She had stood toe to toe with Verity and told her to go relax. In the end, Molly, Savannah, and Cian Hunter had backed her. They had drug the computer geek off, along with Chad, to enjoy a little downtime.

  Harlow didn’t expect to get thanked for making the three take a much needed break, but she stood by her decision to lock them out of the computers. And she had informed Verity in no uncertain terms she’d do so again.

  She had not revealed that she could reverse the lockout and the twins hadn’t ratted her out. Their subtle way of supporting her decision. She had thanked them for that.

  Gage had tweaked her nose, of course, while Finn patted her head. But they had agreed that a break was needed.

  Neither of them spoke of Eric who had grabbed his bag, hugged his sister, mother, and popped Keith on the shoulder before he left the house. Riley might need rescuing. If she didn’t she’d let Eric know. Still, joining all of them here made better sense than keeping her and her colleague separate.

  They might all have a piece of this perplexing puzzle. It made sense to share what they had and hopefully it would come together. Verity’s interest had peaked when they mentioned Nesla and her Nunes relatives.

  “Verity was excited to research Nesla Nunes.” Keith mentioned this as an aside.

  “I was just thinking that.”

  “I wonder about her husband. His disappearance is suspicious.” Keith stretched out his long legs. They were muscled and strong looking.

  She admired that in a man. And since she could, settled a little more comfortably against him. Neither had brought up the discussion of whether they were dating. In the back of her mind she feared that answer. She decided to avoid it. For now. Eventually she would ask but not right now. Right now she intended to relax and enjoy the man who had chosen to spend his free time with her.

  “It is. It always has been. I remember my grandfather speaking about his disappearance.” A flash of pain jolted her the way it always did when she thought of her grandfather and his relationship with the Nunes family. They hadn’t treated her family well.

  They hadn’t treated anyone well.

  “I haven’t had many dealings with them.”

  “I have.” Her mouth turned down. “They’re not kind people.”

  His eyebrows rose. She felt this more than saw it. “Why…” But he trailed off and must have taken the time to think about things.

  “The Nunes family have made a lot of money over the years. We’re not entirely sure of all of their interests, but they’ve accumulated more wealth than most on this island.”

  “Second only to the twins?”

  “Them and perhaps the van den Roos. There are also the Morris siblings. I expect they have as much money as the twins but they don’t splash around their wealth.”

  “Where does your family fall into that list?”

  “I don’t know.” She wasn’t prevaricating. “Our focus isn’t on making money. Obviously we do. But that’s never been our goal.”

  “Your goal has always been to provide jobs for the locals.”

  “Yes. To give them security and make this place where we live thrive. My ancestors had this vision and it’s been drilled into us from an early age.” She kept getting distracted by his large hand. It rested on his thigh. The other arm kept her close and that hand rested on her forearm. Normally she might feel caged in but this man made her free. Offered her respite.

  “Your family sound impressive.”

  “I hope we are. I and my family believe it impinges on one’s honor to cheat others for the sake of money. That’s not what we’re about. And we’re certainly not about harming others.”

  “But this Nunes family, they are?”

  She shifted on the sofa, not certain how to answer that. “I don’t know for sure.”

  “We can have our team look into it.”

  “Yes. If Eric finds Riley and company, they’ll only aid in our research.” A thought occurred to her. “Only, she’s still in the military, isn’t she?”

  “I believe so.”

  Did he just kiss my head?

  A shiver danced up her spine. The good kind. “She and her supervisor have to take orders, right?”

  “They do. However, if her supervisor is an officer they probably have some leeway. At least here on Toliliel.”

  “Riley is an officer.”

  “And they fled the island because of obvious activity. From what I remember of the commander here, he’d rather they be safe than try to dictate their every move and make them check in.”

  “If they do let their whereabouts be known it might go badly for them.”

  “Yes. It’s probably much better if they keep quiet about where they are. They’ll be able to help dig up something we can take to the authorities if we believe this Nunes family are a problem.”

  “You know, I’m not sure
there are multiple of them now. From what I’ve gathered all that are left are Nesla and maybe an aunt.” Harlow had to take a moment. “The aunt keeps to herself. She’s a little older than Nesla, maybe by ten years, and she’s not like the family at all.”

  “Really, there are that few? I’m sure I went to school with one. I don’t remember being impressed with him.”

  “Perhaps they left the island, but I believe more than a few of them have ended up disappearing…”

  She and Keith sat up in sync.

  “Oh no.”

  “Perhaps this break isn’t the best thing right now for our computer gurus.” Keith surged to his feet and hauled her with him. The man liked touching her. He kept her hand in his as he made for the door.

  Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she tore through the halls with him on the way to find the others.

  What Pandora’s Box were they about to open?


  They no sooner entered the room than Verity had something pithy to say. “Ah, come to join our relaxation?” She didn’t sound upset by this.

  Harlow crossed the room in easy strides to drop onto the couch beside Verity. The two sat close, the way friends do. Harlow inspected Verity. “And you look way less tense. The break did you good.” She showed no signs of fear of this woman and Verity didn’t seem concerned about Harlow. Their friendship already appeared on solid footing.

  Verity’s interest levels piqued. “What did you discover?”

  Hunter leaned forward as well. He sat close to Verity.

  Keith waited for Harlow to give them the information, but she looked to him. “I’ll fill in as you give them the facts on what we just discussed.”

  He shook his head. “I think you have a better take on the situation. I’ve been gone for a few years.” Maybe an understatement, but still.

  She took a deep breath. “Our discussions led us to conclude that the Horgate family’s mission on this island is to provide jobs and security to the people. The Rembrandts have some interests here, but most of their employment is outside of Toliliel. We didn’t discuss much of the van den Roos family but another one has come to our attention. The Nunes family are not kind. That’s been my experience through the years. Keith remembers going to school with a Nunes. I think that man has disappeared.”

  Gage and Finn both started. “We knew a female. Haven’t heard about her in years.”

  “There have been more than a few disappearances of those family members over the years.” His mama put this forth. “Harlow is right. They’re not a nice family but they are smart and have wielded a lot of power.”

  Chad gestured to the tablet in his hand. “Harlow, is this the woman you’re talking about?” He kept rubbing his thigh in a methodical, self-soothing way. He passed it across Hunter and Verity to Harlow who sat on the other side of Verity.

  Hunter caught sight of the woman on the tablet. He stilled. More so than his usual, to statue-like stillness. He took the tablet from Chad and muttered something. Verity’s focus landed on the woman on the screen, her eyes narrowed and deadly.

  Harlow leaned over her to take a look at the woman. “Yes, Chad. That’s Nesla Nunes, now Nesla van den Roos.”

  “I know this woman.” Hunter jabbed the tablet screen.

  “How do you know her?” Verity’s energy matched her fiancé’s.

  “This woman was there the night I nearly died. She was the gunrunner.”

  This explosive statement was met with utter silence. The silence before the fallout.

  Keith hadn’t ever experienced anything like it before.

  “Of course she’s a gunrunner. That would explain all the money her family has made over the years without seeming to have much in the way of businesses.” Harlow sounded disgusted.

  “I thought the family had plenty of investments.” Finn rubbed a hand over his face.

  “Don’t they have a shipping business?” Gage bumped his brother with his elbow.

  “They do. But remember all that talk that their ships might carry freight other than Toliliel goods?” Finn bumped his brother back. It looked like a purely reflexive movement.

  “They are in the shipping business. I’m guessing it’s legitimate, because they’d need a cover, and I know we’ve used their ships sometimes to haul out bumper crops.” Harlow kept her gaze on Chad, who sat on a chair beside the couch. His repetitive motions increased. She rose and located his weighted blanket.

  Once he felt the weight Chad’s movements stopped. He shuddered once then appeared to collect himself. Harlow hovered until she determined he was okay.

  Then she seated herself between Keith and Verity on the couch. She cuddled him ever so slightly. He appreciated her need for subtlety. No sense in splashing their relationship all around. Although the couples in this house right now boggled. His sister and Montgomery were engaged, as well as Verity to Hunter and her sister Molly headed in that direction with Beau DuBois if they weren’t already.

  “They use those ships to transport guns.” Hunter said this with the finality of someone who had tied loose ends in his mind.

  “You can close that case.” Verity reached out and took her fiancé’s hand.

  “I can. But we need evidence we can take to a jury.”

  “Although we’re working toward a non-corrupt judicial system, don’t hold your breath here on Toliliel.” Harlow warned and his mama nodded.

  “She can be tried in America or if we’re good, Rurikstan,” Verity suggested.

  “Both a possibility but we need to be able to access the computers.” Hunter spoke directly to Harlow.

  “We have a lot more information now than we did five minutes ago. Give yourselves the rest of the day to figure out how you’re going to conduct the investigation. You’re not going to get much of response today since it’s the weekend.” Finn offered good advice.

  “I already know exactly how to conduct the investigation.” Chad piped up from beneath his blanket. He was huddled under it but his fierceness at the moment matched Harlow’s. Their shared genes finally shined through.

  “You do?” Harlow remained gentle.

  “She tried to kill Grandy. And she did kill Great-Granddaddy and maybe Dad. I’m gonna bring her down.”

  “How are you planning to do that?” Verity asked with interest.

  Chad shrugged. “Hack into her computer.”

  “She’s got a lot of traps and triggers if she’s who we’ve been searching for,” Harlow warned.

  Chad’s eyes narrowed. “Who do you think designed a lot of those traps and triggers? If she’s from here, she’s probably using my software to protect her information.”

  “Your software?” Verity’s tone dropped a notch.

  “I created the very best security software in the world. People from Toliliel get a reduced rate.” Chad’s eyes turned cold.

  Keith approved.

  “When do you sleep?” Verity looked like she was ready to spring from the couch and dig into this right now.

  Chad didn’t answer her question. “I’ve been perfecting this software over the years. I’m pretty sure she just updated her version. I remember wishing I hadn’t let her have it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve never liked her. She’s really beautiful but meaner than a Saltwater croc.”

  Chapter 16

  Harlow entered the kitchen Monday morning seeking coffee and food. She really hoped Keith was cooking this morning. He stood in front of the range, spatula in hand and she stopped to take him in. The man fired every nerve-ending she possessed. He sent blood rushing through her veins in a frenzy that couldn’t be healthy.

  He must have caught sight of her. “Good morning.”

  “You’re a gorgeous man.” Oh no, I didn’t just blurt that, right? Her feet took her across the expanse of floor to stand beside him. Not even an ounce of chagrin accompanied her. The man was fine. He made all coherent thoughts scatter. Unfair, really.

  His eyes crinkled at
the corners. “Thank you. My brother doesn’t agree.” Keith bent to kiss her.

  “Your brother is male and related to you.” Maybe they weren’t blood brothers but they were definitely brothers. And their brotherhood definitely still counted.

  “Good point.”

  “I, on the other hand, am a woman with excellent observational abilities.” She preened under his admiring gaze.

  “You are a fine example of all that makes a woman.” He kissed her again. And fumbled along the counter. He set the spatula down so he could tug her fully into an embrace.

  Their torsos collided in a sweet melding and she sank into him, her hands lifting to thrust into his hair as she savored his heat, taste, and minty-woodsy scent. All these years and no woman had snatched up this man. Harlow vowed not to be like those silly women.

  She had the good sense to know a great catch when she spotted him. Everything about Keith appealed to her. Their lips merged in a kiss she never wanted to end but an annoying timer beeped obnoxiously behind them.

  Harlow growled at it.

  Keith laughed.

  “If you want breakfast you have to let me finish making it.”

  She didn’t express that she’d rather have him. Her stomach did protest its empty state so she probably should see to it.

  A cup of coffee accompanied her to the other side of the counter bar where she perched so she could watch the man in action. His muscles rippled and tauted in the most appealing way she’d ever seen. If questioned she would have sworn that she’d never been mesmerized by a man’s muscles before.

  She had always admired them, sure. Never before had she been content to simply stare at a man. Keith changed all that.

  Harlow propped her chin on her upraised fist and admired the man cooking her breakfast.

  He didn’t ask her what she wanted but when he set a plate in front of her the dish contained all of her new favorites. “You…” She couldn’t continue because emotion choked her and she shook her head.

  Keith leaned forward to kiss her. “You’re welcome.”

  He set a second plate in the space beside her and joined her at the bar.


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