Christmas Surprise

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Christmas Surprise Page 3

by Violet Walker

  Leaning back in the matching wood rocking chair, she fit Angel’s heart against her own and rubbed gentle circles on her back. “Really? Have you gotten the DNA results to confirm that? Because I seem to remember you being very doubtful of mine and Angel’s motives where your money was concerned.”

  She wouldn’t give him an inch, and for some strange reason, he loved it. “I was an ass, okay?”

  She nodded. “Be home at five every day, spend one full weekend day with Angel and put her to bed every night and I’ll stay.”

  He looked at Krista, her look daring him to disagree or attempt to negotiate. He nodded, “Okay, I can do that.”

  “No excuses, Dean.” Her tone was hard and he knew she meant business. “I don’t want you calling at the last minute to say you won’t be here, because when Angel is older, all she’ll know is that you’re not here. She won’t care about the reasons.”

  Dean took in her words and remembered when he and Rory learned of their parent’s deaths. The only thing he’d thought about for days was that they’d left him because he was bad. “Okay. I’m in.” He extended his hand and rather than shaking it, she held him tight to help her stand and lay Angel in her crib.

  He looked down at his sleeping daughter and thought she really was an Angel. He couldn’t resist touching her, rubbing her downy soft hair as she slept. “She’s so tiny.” His words were reverent, and the more he looked at his daughter the more connected he felt to her.

  “Yes and she needs her father.”

  “What about you Krista, what do you need?” His look was intense and he fingered one of her wild curls, twirling it around his finger playfully.

  “I need more than an orgasm, Dean.” She stepped away from him and he followed her down the stairs.

  “So you want a relationship with me?”


  He laughed at her quick denial. “Then what do you want from me?” He didn’t like when women played games. and he couldn’t figure out hers.

  Turning so quickly her curls whipped around her face, she swiped them away. “Nothing Dean. I want nothing from you other than for you to be the father Angel needs.”

  He followed her angry steps into the kitchen. “Even after what happened in the library, you still deny you want me?”

  “I’ve had you, Dean, and it was great. But that’s not what I’m looking for in life. I shouldn’t have slept with you anyway!” She pulled out tons of ingredients from the fridge and angrily slapped together a sandwich.

  “Why not? You just said it was great.”

  “Because I don’t make it a habit of sleeping with men who don’t trust me!”

  He shook his head. Would she ever get over his initial accusations? “Obviously I trust you! I leave my daughter alone with you!”

  “Only because you can’t be bothered to give her what she needs! Besides, I’ve been with her since she was born because her parents were too busy with their exciting lives to give her the time of day!” She threw her sandwich on a plate and walked away.

  This time he let her go.


  Things had been cool between Dean and Krista in the days after their outburst in the kitchen. Dean kept his word and came home on time every night and she helped him with Angel’s nighttime activities. Once he committed himself to being a father, he’d taken to it brilliantly and she could admit she was impressed. He talked to Angel in a soothing voice, played with her and learned how to make her smile. The pride he felt at connecting with his daughter was written all over his handsome face.

  She couldn’t believe it was going so well. As sad as she was that she wouldn’t be involved in the little girl’s life much longer, she was happy that Angel would have a father who obviously loved her. Dean may not know it, but he was totally smitten with the sweet baby. “Now just lay her over your heart and soothe her until she’s asleep.” She sat back and watched him put her words to action. His deep voice, calm and low, quickly sent Angel to sleep.

  “That was amazing.” His smile was bright and proud as he followed her out of the bedroom. “Flora made lasagna for dinner, let’s go.” Without waiting for her answer he guided her downstairs and into the small informal dining room.

  “It smells good,” she said politely as she sat. She poured wine into both glasses and lifted it. “To fatherhood and to closing the deal.”

  He smiled and tapped his glass to hers. “And to beautiful women with endless patience.” He took a long sip, his gaze focused squarely on hers.

  “So everything went smoothly yesterday?”

  Her smile was genuine but he wondered at her interest in his latest acquisition. “Yep.”

  “Oh for crying out loud Dean! I’m just asking because it took up so much of your time. Don’t worry, I’m not tallying up how much I can get from you!” She plated up a square of lasagna for herself and dug in, savoring the taste of garlic and basil and fresh tomatoes. Other than Angel, she would miss Flora’s amazing cooking when she was gone.

  As she ate she internally chastised herself for being upset at Dean’s words. He’d shown he was a man incapable of changing his opinion, at least about her. It was a shame because he could be nice and charming when he wanted to be. But it was for the best. They hadn’t used protection that night in the library and as long as she kept her distance, she would be long gone before she found out if their careless actions produced any results. In a rare moment of clarity, she perfectly understood Karen’s actions now. Dean wasn’t a man capable of trust, and he would have made her life hell, insisting on a DNA test before Angel was even more, consequences be damned.

  As much as Krista wanted a baby, she didn’t want a baby like this and she didn’t want one with Dean. Even though she had softened towards him over the past couple weeks, and he had shown himself to be more than the arrogant tycoon she’d first met, he was still far from her ideal mate. Besides, she would never want to spend her life with a man who thought all she wanted was his money. Ironic, she grinned, considering the only thing he willingly gives of himself is his money.

  “What’s so amusing?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing much. A thought I had just struck me as amusing.”

  “Would you care to share?”

  “Nope.” She finished eating and took her plate to the kitchen, where she rinsed it and put it away. “Goodnight, Dean.”


  “Do you have a date yet for the Christmas Ball?”

  Dean eyed his sister and his cousin from across his large desk. They both had suspicious smiles and he knew they were up to something. “Not yet, but I will.” His plan had been to ask Krista, but to say she’d been keeping her distance from him lately would be an understatement. She helped him with Angel every night and they ate dinner together, but she was so distant she may as well be on another planet. They had polite conversation about the weather and Angel and that was it. It was his fault, he knew, but a man couldn’t be expected to change overnight.

  “I was thinking I’d invite Krista,” River said with a smile. “She works so hard and she has no friends or family. I think a ball would be a good way to thank her for taking care of Angel.”

  “That’s a great idea!” Rory squealed, patting River’s arm enthusiastically. “I asked her to go and she said she wanted to spend as much time with Angel as possible before she left. Maybe you’ll have better luck.”

  Both sets of eyes turned to him. “Krista is free to do whatever she pleases.” He hoped it didn’t please her to be River’s date for the ball, but if it did, he had no right to say anything. Especially with the way he constantly treated her.

  “And you have no problem with that?” Rory’s all-knowing eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Probably because of the bra I found under the bookshelf in the library last week.” The amusement in River’s voice did not escape him.

  That night felt so long ago that he couldn’t believe it was just a week ago. “Doesn’t
matter. I screwed it up after that.”

  “Of course you did, Dean; you’re an idiot when it comes to women.”

  “Gee thanks, sis.”

  Rory leaned forward. “Oh hush, you know I love you. But you have a problem. You hate women who chase you for your money ,but then you only date those types of women. I can tell Krista doesn’t want anything from you and I’m sure you’ve accused her on more than one occasion of being after your billions.”

  He felt the flush roll over his face at his sister’s words. “I have been an ass to her on multiple occasions. She only speaks to me now when it’s necessary.” He hated the stilted silence between them. It ate at him and that look in her eyes, of constant rejection, tore him apart.

  “See? An idiot.” Rory gave him a satisfied smile, pleased her description of him was accurate. “The good news is that she likes you as much as you like her, so there’s still a chance for you two.”

  He balked at her words. “What do you mean? I don’t like her and she loathes me!”

  River barked out a laugh. “You really are clueless. I guess it’s a good thing you’re not that clueless when it comes to business or we’d all be living under a bridge by now.” Dean’s narrowed gaze had River laughing again. “You both think you’re sneaking glances when the other isn’t looking. You’re not. We can all see it, Dean. So I suggest you get your head out of your ass or she’ll be gone on Christmas Eve just as she said.”

  “She also said you haven’t done the DNA test yet,” Rory added with a hint of censure in her tone.

  “I’ll get around to it.” He hadn’t done the test yet because he knew that when the results came in, Krista would relinquish her claim on Angel and leave.

  “What’s the hold up?”

  He didn’t like it when they ganged up on him. He was the oldest, dammit, he didn’t answer to them. Before he could tell them as much, his assistant knocked and entered. “Sir, there’s a Tom Powell here to see you. He said it was urgent and private.”

  “Send him in.” Moments later a short man with black glasses walked in looking uncomfortable amongst the wealth of Harwood Industries and the Harwood clan.

  “Hello, I’m Tom Powell from Genetic Solutions. I have just taken a DNA sample from an Angel Thorpe Harwood and I was told I needed to take one from you as well.”

  Dean’s shoulders slumped but he waved the man over as his family snickered on the other side of the massive desk. “I guess she took the issue out of your hands, man. You ought to hang on to her, Dean. She doesn’t take your shit and gives not a damn about your fortune.” With that River and Rory stood and left his office, Tom Powell following shortly after.

  Dammit, they were right. He’d screwed up big time with Krista and he needed a little Christmas magic to make it right.


  The doorbell rang and Krista answered it with Angel in her arms. She spent the past few days purchasing Christmas gifts for Angel and they were due to arrive today and tomorrow. But when she opened the door, she was greeted by a liveried driver holding several boxes and bags.

  “Mrs. Harwood?”

  “No, I’m just the nanny. There is no Mrs. Harwood as far as I know.” She held Angel’s arm as she reached to the man who gave her a wink and a smile.

  “This says I should deliver them to the lady of the house, Krista Halloway. Ah, sorry about that miss.”

  “I’m Krista and don’t worry about it. You can just set them right here and I’ll get to them later.” She pulled a five from her jeans and handed it over with an apology.

  “Thanks, ma’am, and have a Merry Christmas.”

  “You too,” she grinned along with Angel, who sent her own holiday greetings in baby speak. “Now let’s see what we have here, little girl.” She sat Angel on her play mat as she opened the boxes to reveal a gorgeous evening gown with jewelry, shoes and lingerie to match. “Wow, that’s gorgeous isn’t it, sweetie?” Angel clapped and reached for the sparkly royal blue gown.

  She looked inside a small bag to find mistletoe and a note. “For the kisses we haven’t shared yet,” it read. She blushed. The last box was much smaller and she wondered at its contents. When she opened it, a tear tracked down her face. It was a silver locket shaped like an angel. Inside was a photo of Angel on one side and a photo of her holding Angel on the other. “It’s beautiful,” she said with a shaky voice.

  “I knew he was smitten!”

  Flora’s voice startled her. “I doubt that. This is about sex or gratitude, maybe both.” She wasn’t naïve enough to think these gifts meant his feelings for her had changed, just as she wasn’t desperate enough to accept whatever little affection he was willing to give her. She could admit now that, despite his arrogance and mistrust of her, she had developed feelings for him.

  Dumbest mistake of her life. She knew choosing him as her first lover would complicate her feelings. Luckily, she would be gone soon and Dean Harwood would be a distant memory.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure, Krista. Dean doesn’t make sweet gestures like this unless he’s invested. I’d say he’s invested in you.” Her cloudy grey eyes twinkled with delight. “Good, this house is in need of a woman’s touch and a child’s laughter.”

  “This house has you and now Angel. That’s more than most homes.” Including her own. “Why would he buy me something as impractical as an evening gown?”

  “My guess is it’s his way of inviting you to the Harwood Industries annual Christmas Ball. It’s in two days and a lovely night. My Harold and I go every year.”

  She smiled sadly. It was a good thought, but she wanted--no she needed--to be with Angel. She couldn’t spend any of her last few nights away from Angel for a fairytale that would never be more than pretend. “I can’t go.”

  “Of course you can, dear. Harold’s brother broke his leg so he’s upstate helping on the farm for a few days, leaving me all free for a date with my favorite little girl.” She watched Flora lift Angel in the air and kiss her tummy, making her sweet laughter ring out.

  “You should go, Flora. This night means more to you since you work for Dean. I’ll stay here with Angel.”

  “No one is staying here.” Dean’s voice boomed loudly from the entrance to the sitting room. He held up a tiny garment bag. “I have a dress for Angel in here, and Flora, I have it on good authority that you’ve already purchased a dress for the ball.”

  Flora blushed and swatted a hand in his direction. “You’re too kind, Dean. Some woman is going to be lucky to be on the receiving end of all that goodness.”

  “Let’s hope so,” he said and turned his green gaze to Krista.

  “I’ll just take the little one with me while you two…talk.”


  “Well she’s about a subtle as a freight train,” Krista joked as she delicately laid the dress back inside the large box. Her wide blue eyes turned to him. “Thanks for the locket. It’s beautiful.”

  He took in her blond curls, wilder today than normal, probably thanks to Angel’s curious fingers. Her blue eyes sparkled, but they were sad too. “I’m glad you liked it,” his voice was gruff even to his own ears. She didn’t even mention the larger pieces he’d bought to go with her ball gown.

  “I really do. Thanks.” She stood and wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing tight. “It was very thoughtful, Dean. But I can’t accept the rest, it’s too much.”

  He should have known she would say that because that’s the kind of woman she was. In the time she’d been in his home, she hadn’t asked for anything but for him to spend time with his daughter. She was entitled to money for taking care of Angel, yet she hadn’t asked for it. In fact, she was prepared to give up her claim to the child because she loved Angel so deeply. “I’m sorry, Krista, for everything. I know you’re not here for any money.” His arms wrapped around her waist and his head dipped in for a long sensuous kiss that touched every part of her. His lips and tongue explored her mouth as if it was brand new territory. He was sweet and gentle and the ki
ss quickly grew heated. “Krista, please say you forgive me.”

  Her blue eyes studied him and he wondered what she saw. Did she still see the arrogant monster he’d been at the beginning, or could she see his many layers now? “Sure, Dean, I forgive you.”

  It wasn’t the most enthusiastic answer he’d ever heard but then again he was lucky she was forgiving him at all. He pulled back so he could look at her more closely. “Krista will you go to the Christmas Ball with me?”


  How she got roped into going to this damn Christmas Ball, Krista had no idea. As she looked at herself in the floor-length blue dress with the sparkly bodice up top and layers of tulle at the bottom, she wondered if she had ever looked and felt so beautiful. “What a difference a dress makes.”

  “I’d argue it was the woman wearing the dress,” Dean said from the doorway.

  She turned and looked at him in the modern tuxedo that fit his big body perfectly. With Angel nestled in the crook of his arm playing with his bowtie, Dean looked like the hottest damn thing to ever walk the earth. “Wow, Dean, you look gorgeous.” She covered her mouth, knowing it was too late to shove those words back in.

  He slowly ambled over to her with heat in his eyes. “I do believe that’s my line, Krista. You take my breath away.”

  The blush that stole over her bare shoulders and chest could not be hidden, it was the curse of fair skin. “Thank you.” She turned to Angel, “And you are going to be the bell of the ball!” Angel wore the emerald green dress Dean picked out for her. The top was velvet and the sleeves were long while the bottom was a giant tulle skirt much like her own. Angel reached for her and she took the girl, dotting kisses on her chubby cheeks.

  Dean looked nervous and she wondered if he was worried about the world knowing he had a daughter he’d never mentioned until tonight. “Krista, I have something I’d like to say.”

  She nodded and slipped through the door that lead to Angel’s room and sat her in her playpen. Quietly she returned to her room and sat. “Okay, shoot.”


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