Teacher’s Pet

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Teacher’s Pet Page 12

by Wendy Smith

  “Take care, Corey. I hope you guys work things out,” I say.

  “She’s marrying someone else. There’s nothing to work out.”

  I’m not sure what else to say. Instead, I nod and head inside.

  Dad’s standing at the kitchen bench.

  “Where did you disappear to last night?” Dad’s expression is bemused.

  “I didn’t think you’d notice.”

  “Corey was a big distraction. He came back here and drank a bottle of something, but I still missed my youngest son.”

  I nod. “I’m not surprised.”

  He laughs. “I just hope you’re happy, James. Whatever you’re doing. Life’s too short for anything else.”

  “I am happy. And she was here when I needed her, Dad. That’s got to count too, right?”

  “Bring her round. I won’t bite.”

  I shrug. “I’m not worried about you.”

  “Whatever you’re protecting her from—she’s safe here, son.”

  I take a deep breath. “I know. It’s just hard to drop the habit. I’ll bring her here when we’re ready.”

  He nods. “I trust your judgement.”

  “That means a lot.”

  Dad grips my shoulder. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I won’t be home tonight either. I just came to get my stuff. I’m heading back to Auckland in the morning.”

  “So, this is goodbye.”

  I smile. “For a while. I’ll be back soon. I’m not sure if I’ll be home for Christmas, though.”

  He frowns.

  “She doesn’t have anyone, Dad. Just me. You’ll have the others and their kids with you.”

  “Can’t you bring her?”

  “I’d like to, but she’s going to be one of my lecturers next year. We’re going to have to be even more careful. I don’t want to risk it. All the students will be home for Christmas and if we’re seen together it could blow everything.”

  He reaches for my arm. “James, you’re safe when you’re home.”

  I shrug. “Ashley recognised her at the funeral. I can’t have that happen with anyone else.”

  Dad nods. “I understand. Be careful. I guess that means she’s older than you.”

  “Don’t you dare have a problem with it. Corey was twelve years older than Constance.”

  He lets me go. “I don’t have a problem with it.” He smiles. “No matter what, I’m on your side, James. Don’t push people away who want to care.”

  I sigh. “Sorry, Dad. I’m just really protective of her.”

  “I can see that. Tell me if there’s anything I can do.”

  “I will.”



  Until today, the secretive community based in Copper Creek has sat behind a large iron fence. It was only erected a few years ago, when Ash Harris inherited the leadership of the community from his father, Robert.

  I stare at the screen. James told me all about this place. It’s on the mountain located right next to where Corey lives. It’s where Constance came from, and where she went back to, breaking Corey’s heart.

  “James,” I call.

  “What’s up?” He appears in the doorway leading to the kitchen. He’s making dinner tonight while I put my feet up. I don’t usually watch the six o’clock news, but I’m really glad I am tonight.

  “It’s about that place where Constance lives.”


  Tonight the gates are open, and the inhabitants are free. Police raided the community this morning, resulting in a hostage situation that was resolved earlier this afternoon when Harris was shot by a police sniper.

  “What the fuck?” James sits on the couch next to me.

  Also uncovered was one of the biggest methamphetamine labs that police have ever seen. There’s no further comment from them about exactly how big, or what led to the shooting of Ash Harris, but there will be a press conference tomorrow at midday to announce their findings.

  James picks up his phone from the coffee table and starts franticly tapping. “I wonder if Constance is okay. Corey’ll be going nuts.”

  When there’s no immediate response, he puts his phone back down. I reach over and rub his shoulders. “The only death they reported was that Ash guy. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  “She’d better be. For Corey’s sake. I don’t know what drove her to go back, but if he was broken over her leaving him, he’ll be shattered if she’s been killed. He’s still so in love with her.”

  Tears well in my eyes. The thought of losing James kills me inside.

  We’ve been through so many stages of our relationship. Initial attraction. So much sex. Now we have companionship, and if Corey and Constance had even a tiny percentage of what James and I do, Corey must be a mess.

  There’s nothing more on the news, but I flick channels to see if there are updates anywhere else.

  “What are you doing?” James asks.

  “Trying to see if there’s more news. There has to be. Surely.”

  He shrugs. “I guess we’ll find out when they have their press conference.”

  “Call Corey. I want to know he’s okay.”

  James’s lips twitch. “You’re such a big softy. You know that, don’t you?”

  “He’s family. I’m allowed to worry.”

  I squeal as he pushes me back on the couch and covers my face with kisses. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “Why?” I laugh.

  “You care so much. I think you’re going to fit into my family just fine.” He links his fingers with mine. “I need to go and finish cooking dinner. Tell me if you find any updates.”

  “I will.”

  With another peck to my lips, he gets up and walks to the kitchen. I sigh, watching him leave. I love that man.

  We wake in the morning to a message from Corey.

  Constance is home.

  “Did he say anything else?” I ask.

  “There’s a bunch of very happy emojis. I didn’t think Corey knew how to do that on his phone.” James laughs. “I’ll get the full story out of him when he’s ready. I’m sure they’re busy.”

  I grin. “I’m sure they are too.”

  “As long as he’s happy.”



  This is the first Christmas I’ve ever been away from home.

  I thought long and hard about it, as it’ll be Dad’s first Christmas without Mum. But then he’ll have everyone else around him.

  Adam, Drew, Owen, and Corey will all be there. And with them come their wives and partners, not to mention all the kids. The thought of Dad with Ava, Rose, and the twins running rings around him makes me smile.

  Mia and I decided to take that tropical holiday, and flew to Samoa on Christmas Eve.

  Well, Mia decided. I was happy to be with her wherever we were. Her paying for everything leaves me self-conscious, but it makes me more determined than ever to make sure she has the best trip ever.

  At least we don’t have to worry about hiding here. While there’s always a chance we’ll run into someone, it’s a lot less likely on an island far from home. Especially at this time of year.

  On the flight, I hold her hand. She looks nervous, her eyes darting from one side of the plane to the other.

  “I’m right here.” I catch her gaze.

  She shoots me a nervous smile. “I guess I should have told you that I hate flying.”

  I shrug. “It’s just one of many things I’m sure I have to learn about you.”

  When the seatbelt sign goes off, we stay in our belts, but raise the arm between us. She snuggles in against me.

  “Thank you for coming with me,” she says.

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  “Your family are going to miss you.”

  I nod. I’ve got no doubt that’s true, and I’ll miss them. But I plan on spending next Christmas with them and Mia. My heart warms at the thought of her making friends with Lily, Hayley, and Ginny.<
br />
  I have yet to meet Constance, but Corey adores her, and that’s good enough for me. Both Constance and Ginny are pregnant, so next Christmas there’ll be two more Campbells in the fold.

  “I’ll call them on Christmas Day. They’ll be fine.” I press a kiss to her temple. “Why don’t you watch a movie and try and take your mind off us flying?”

  “I might just do that.”

  I feel free.

  Once we land and get to the resort, it’s like a weight’s lifted from my shoulders. I’m sure Mia feels the same way. Though, I think a lot of it is that she’s just glad we’re on the ground again.

  On the way to our room, we walk down a pathway lined with plants and frangipani flowers. The scent coming from them is heavenly.

  “This is so beautiful,” Mia says, linking her arm in mine. “And just what we needed.”

  “I think so too.”

  When we get to the room and the door’s closed, I take her in my arms.

  “I want to go out and explore, but I’m so tired after flying,” she says.

  “Me too. Why don’t we have a nap first?”

  She runs her fingers up my chest. “Just a nap?”

  I chuckle. “What else did you have in mind?”

  “Well, I thought we could kick things off with a shower because that drive from the airport made me hot and sticky.” She gives me a sly smile.

  “Hot and sticky, huh? I think we can take care of that.” I grin.

  Her expression softens. “I’m glad we’re here. Leaving the rest of the world behind is the perfect Christmas present.”

  “I agree. I get to spend the whole week showing you just how much I love you, and not caring who sees.”

  I kiss her softly, but with Mia it’s so easy to get carried away. I skim my tongue over hers, and she relaxes in my embrace.

  “Forget the shower. Let’s do that after.” She’s breathless.

  “After what?”

  Taking me by the hand, she leads me to the bed.

  I nod. “Ohhh after that.”

  “Are you complaining?” She climbs onto the white linen and scoots across to the other side, beckoning me with her index finger.


  It’s mid-morning the following day when I call Dad. Mia’s still in bed.

  We emerged from our room last night for dinner before returning and spending the night in each other’s arms. The air con is a lifesaver.

  “Hello?” Dad answers.

  “Dad, it’s James.”

  “James.” I love the warmth in his voice. I’ve no doubt he misses me.

  “I just wanted to call and say Merry Christmas.”

  “And the same to you. I hope you had a good trip.”

  I smile. “Long flight, but it’s warm, and we’ll go and get some sun today.”

  “Grandad.” Ava’s voice is in the background, and I find myself grinning. How excited will she be today? She’ll be spoiled rotten if I know Owen.

  “Just a minute, Ava. Uncle James is on the phone. Do you want to talk to him?”

  There’s a clatter, like Dad’s dropped the phone, and I laugh.

  “James. Where are you?” Ava asks.

  “I’m in Samoa, sweetheart. Are you having a good Christmas?”

  “Daddy bought me a bike with training wheels.”

  “Did he?” I turn my head as Mia places her hand on my shoulder. Her eyes are so full of love and happiness, and I peck her on the lips.

  “Yes.” She starts listing the things she got, and my heart’s so full. Next year, we’ll all be together.

  I swear.



  Mondays suck.

  Not only in the general sense, but somehow I managed to draw the eight a.m. lecture for this class. At least I’m not the only one having to deal with it. It’s our first morning back at uni for our master’s year.

  “Have you seen what Mia Scott is wearing today?” Cody asks.

  I look up. “No. Why?” When I left her place this morning, she was in the shower.

  “Over there.”

  It’s her legs I notice first. Those long, slim legs that wrap around me just perfectly. She’s wearing a tight white skirt that comes to about halfway down her thighs. Over her white shirt, she’s wearing a black jacket. She looks professional, and hot as all hell.

  My cock twitches at the thought of sliding between her red-painted lips.

  I can’t do this while I’m here.

  “Jesus, she’s hot,” Cody says.

  I nod, and return my attention to my book. Only it’s hard to concentrate now because I know what it’s like to be buried inside her. Roll on the end of the year, when Mia and I can move on.

  “I would fuck her in a heartbeat.”


  He shrugs. “She can’t hear me.”

  “But I can, and it’s not appropriate.” Even if she wasn’t mine, I still wouldn’t talk out loud about a woman like that.

  “Good morning, everyone.” Mia’s voice rings out over the top of all the talking. “Take a seat and we’ll begin.”

  Her eyes meet mine, and the warmth that was in them this morning is there, but held back. She’s so good at putting a mask on.

  When everyone’s quiet, she smiles. “With today being our first day, I’ll start with introducing myself, and then we’ll quickly go around and you can tell me who you are.”

  Cody puts his arm up, and she points at him. “Yes?”

  “That could take all morning, Doctor Scott.”

  She nods. “It could do, but the class isn’t too big, and I doubt any of you are going to concentrate on anything serious with this being your first lecture of the year. Especially at this time of the morning.”

  Laughter crosses the room, and she smiles. “My name is Doctor Mia Scott. I have a doctorate in biotechnology, and I know some of you will have read various papers of mine. At least, I hope so, if you’re pursuing a career in biotech. I’m a self-confessed geek, and I love science fiction.” She scans the room. “Now, who wants to go first?”

  I chuckle as Cody puts his hand up again. Mia knows who he is. I’ve told her all about him. And she’s aware of some of the higher-achieving students in the class too. Biotech is her baby, and she loves the idea of people moving into the field.

  Mia smiles and nods at my friend “Okay. You go first.”

  “My name is Cody Johnson. I got into biotech because I wanted to study genomes and work with DNA. To be honest, it’s a miracle I got this far as my interests also include girls and partying. But I’m here.”

  I bury my face in my hands.

  Mia laughs. “Okay. Who’s next?”

  I look up to see her gaze fixed on me. I guess it makes sense, with me sitting next to Cody.

  Taking a deep breath, I start. “I’m James Campbell. It was a toss-up between botany and biotech. But I’m really glad I chose biotech because I think it’s going to lead to something in the future for me.”

  She licks her lips. This year is going to be so tough. She knows I’m not talking about the science.

  “And are you like Mr Johnson as far as your interests go?”

  I shrug. “I’m not big on partying. I’d much rather have a quiet life.”

  Mia smiles. “I know what you mean.”

  She moves onto the next person, but there’s such a big part of me that wants to just abandon all pretence and show the world she’s mine.

  At first, we didn’t tell anyone because we didn’t want her douchebag ex to know. And now, I’m in her class. We just have to get through this year, and we’ll be free. I’ll graduate, she’ll have her divorce, and the two of us can go away together and start a new life.

  For now, I listen to her lecture, make notes, and try desperately to ignore the fact that there are several male students looking at my girlfriend as if they want do the dirty things I do with her.

  We’re stuck, and it’s so fucking awkward.


>   Corey

  Six months later

  * * *


  Constance glares at me. It’s nearly midnight, and she’s been pushing for an hour. The tension’s obvious on the midwife Margaret’s face. Con’s exhausted, and Margaret’s worried about her and the baby.

  “Come on, sweetness. You can do it.” I say.

  Tears appear in Con’s eyes as she bears down. “I’m so tired, Corey.”

  “I know you are. I wish I could take it all away.”

  Her face is red with effort, and I take the wet washcloth and wipe her cheeks.

  “You’re so close, Constance. Keep going.” Margaret sounds as if she’s trying to keep her tone neutral, but we both know what could happen if this goes wrong. We’re remote, and it’s a long way to the nearest hospital.

  I should have booked her into Tauranga, or even asked Drew if she could deliver in Hamilton. But it’s too late, and she has to get through this.

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  “I love you too, sweetness. Let’s get that baby out.”

  “It’s easy for you to say.” Despite her pain, she laughs before her face distorts again.

  She lets out a moan.

  “That’s it. The head’s crowning. Push down as hard as you can.” Margaret’s voice is so full of hope, and I exchange a relieved look with her.

  “I can’t do this.” Constance’s tears are back, and I squeeze her hand.

  “You’re so strong. You have no idea.”

  It’s times like this when I can still picture her in Ash’s grip. His hand had been wrapped around her throat, and he’d had a gun against her temple. I nearly lost her then. I will not lose her now.

  She nods, her features contorting as she bears down hard again.

  I turn my head in time to see our son slip out of her. It’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.

  He’s covered in blood and mucus, but he’s pink, and he’s perfect from what I can see.


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