Daughter Of The Wind --Western Wind

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Daughter Of The Wind --Western Wind Page 45

by Sandra Elsa

  It was the Captain from the practice field. The smile on his face relaxed her. She knew she just passed another of this annoying man’s tests.

  He remained motionless. The second knife was in her hand, wrist cocked to snap it at him. In her sleepy state she had nearly released it.

  "I assume the first one was a warning," he said in a voice, way to calm for a man in his position.

  "What are you doing here?" Annoyance lent a sharp edge to her voice.

  He ignored the tone. "I just got done speaking with your grandfather. He wouldn't tell me much about you, said I’d have to speak directly to you. I wanted to know more before our meeting tonight.”

  His smile was disarming. "Your brother was with your grandfather, he told me you'd be sleeping. When I told him I was coming over here, your grandfather told me to knock loudly to wake you first or be ready to duck. When I asked what he meant, he said you slept very lightly and were quite deadly. I wanted to test this so I had him provide me with a shield. I must say he didn't lie."

  "Who are you?" she asked irritably. Very glad that the knives had been her weapon of choice and not a blast of magical energy. "Trace had everything set with Captain Farren and then you had to stick your nose in. All of a sudden our whole plan may not come together.”

  She lowered the knife, and he said, "To answer your question, my name is Captain Torel, I command the King’s Guard. As to why I stuck my nose into your trials, while I must admit your archery is quite impressive, it was your sword drills that most attracted my interest. Your style is unique. Very few people use a sword in just that way and all of them are in my unit. I'm anxious to meet your instructor.”

  The tiny knife was passed nervously back and forth from one hand to the other. “You can’t meet him,” she said.

  “We already know where he lives. It‘s only a couple of weeks ride.” He walked over to the door and recovered the second knife.

  “I don’t mean you wouldn’t be able to find Dylan. I mean you can’t meet the instructor who taught me my final style. Dylan instructed me in the basics, but I never went beyond sparring with his eight-year-old son. I can’t explain my current instructor. If I tried you wouldn’t believe me, some things are best not known.”

  He handed her the knife and relaxed as they both disappeared back under the pillow. “Would you tell me about him if it meant the difference between being assigned with your brother or not?”

  “I’m afraid not. Unless Conall wants to meet you, you won’t be seeing him.”

  “Then he lives around here?” the Captain picked up on the possibility of meeting this elusive person, if the instructor chose to permit it.

  “You could say that,” she answered vaguely. “At least as long as I’m here.”

  “You talk like he’s a ghost.”

  A soft smile lit her face when she said, “A ghost would probably be a bit more believable. You seem to be a good person and I hope you won’t hold this against me.”

  He walked to the window and stared out it, as she did most evenings. “There is much to be discussed before we make a decision on whether or not to permit you to do as your brother has requested. An assignment to a dangerous border post without official training, would be unusual. Not that official training could improve your skills much, but it also teaches you to be part of a unit. But you’re right, I won’t hold your denial against you. However lying to me…” He stopped. His brow creased and his lips compressed into a tight line. “We will discuss that tonight. It is not a discussion for such open venues. Whatever your reasons are, I hope they’re valid.”

  “I keep telling you they’re not my reasons. What is it you‘re so sure I lied about?” She gritted her teeth, holding in any further outbursts.

  Then in a tone of dismissal she said, “If you don’t mind Captain, I’d like to get up and get dressed now, and I’d rather not do that with you in the room.”

  “You are most refreshing to talk to,” he cast back over his shoulder with a laugh, as he headed for the door. “Not many people will deny me anything I want--much less dismiss me from their room. I haven’t figured out if you truly don’t know who I am, or if you’re that confident in yourself. Whatever it is naiveté, or confident sophistication, or an interesting combination, don’t change. I think we will both find some interesting things out about each other tonight.” With that he left.

  She changed clothes, pulling on a light green pair of pants and a dark green tunic.

  Once she was dressed, she hobbled to the window, her muscles had stiffened from her ride that morning. She sent her mind searching for Conall, when she found him she said, “You nearly got me in trouble.”

  “What’d I do?” he asked, sounding hurt.

  “The swordsmanship style you taught me is that of the King's Guard. Their Captain wants to meet my instructor.”

  “Did you tell him that wouldn’t be possible?”

  “Yes and he dropped the idea for now, but I don’t think that’s the end of it.”

  “You realize the important thing though?” he asked, his mindtouch questioningly happy.

  “Yes of course. You used to be in the King’s Guard. I’m sure there are a lot of soldiers that served in the King’s Guard through the years, but it narrows the field considerably.”

  Joy emanated wildly through her mind. She knew the emotion didn’t come from her, still it made her giddy.

  “Thank you Bella,” he thought. “You keep pulling on the threads.”

  A whine entered his tone as he asked, “Will I see you tonight? I’m hungry.”

  Smiling to herself, she promised, “I'll try to get out there as soon as I’m through with the captains this evening. I just woke up so I'll probably not be ready to sleep right away.”

  She closed the window and went down to the common room, walking stiffly. Neither Trace nor Johann was there. After taking some carrots to Angel she went out to the market.

  She went to the shop of an herbalist she met the first week in town.

  When Bella first arrived in Relante she went in search of a library but she quickly learned that all libraries were private. Some people steered her to a bookstall but the books were quite expensive. She spent considerable time browsing, but ultimately purchased nothing, contenting herself with learning from other people.

  When she arrived at the shop, the herbalist was just closing, when she saw Bella she opened the door back up. They went inside and Bella inhaled deeply. She liked the mingled fragrances of the shop. She could separate some of the scents out. Some were medicinal and some were just used for covering the stronger odors of city life.

  Bella made herself comfortable while Delia made chamomile tea.

  “I don’t have long tonight, I have an important meeting but I needed something to relax sore muscles.”

  Delia came back from the kitchen. She looked nervous.

  “There’s been people askin’ ‘bout you,” she said.

  “Who?" Bella asked, perhaps a bit too harshly.

  “Several different people. A couple of days ago there was a pleasant young man with blonde hair, asked for you by description, wanted to know who you were. He come in right after you did. I figured he was just infatuated with you. Then yesterday folks come in askin’ fer someone by description but the hair color an‘ the name were wrong. ’til you walked in with that hair tonight it hadn’t crossed my mind they could be lookin’ for you. Then today, two of the King’s very own Guard come in here, askin’ by name. I hope you’re not in trouble of any kind hon’.”

  Bella felt the blood leave her face. “The only ones who might be trouble are the ones asking for someone with a different name. Hopefully after tonight they won’t be a problem either.”

  They talked while drinking tea, but as soon as it was finished Delia got the salve Bella had come for and locked the door as they left.

  When she got back to the Golden Knight, Trace was waiting there for her. He already had her supper; it was just starting to c

  “You’re a lot of trouble,” he said, his face stern, uncompromising. “First you get hired on as my sister. That wasn’t too bad, you and your friends should make life interesting, and you should be an asset to my unit with your Healing skills. So I make all the arrangements and we’re all set. But is that good enough for you? Oh no,” he said allowing a tiny smile to break the sternness of his features. “You’ve got to go and attract the attention of the Captain of the King’s Guard. Did he speak to you this afternoon?”

  She laughed. “After I nearly knifed him, yes he did.”

  “What did he want?”

  She started eating the food in front of her. Then with a shake of her head she said, “He wants to meet my sword instructor. Seems he must have been a former member of the King’s Guard, apparently the drills and style he taught me are unique to those in the Guard.”

  “That explains a lot. Torel has never challenged a recruit to a duel before. He probably wanted to know if you could apply the skills or just drill in them. Here I was, afraid you were too lightweight to handle a sword effectively. Your speed was incredible.”

  She laughed and said, “Yours would be too if you spent hours staying in front of those snapping teeth. He knows I’m a Healer, he wasn’t at all shy about slicing open an arm or a leg if I was too slow.”

  As they ate, he glanced at her repeatedly. When she laid her spoon down he asked, “What’s wrong, Bella?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” she replied too swiftly. “What makes you think anything’s wrong?”

  “Grandfather warned me you might have trust issues. Anybody watching you could tell you’re watching for someone to spring from the shadows. What happened this afternoon? It’s not meeting with the captains tonight that’s got you so nervous is it?”

  “Not at all,” Bella denied that possibility. “Both Captain Torel and Captain Farren seem like fair and reasonable men.”

  “Then what is it? Something's got you on edge and I don’t want any surprises tonight.”

  Leaning back in her chair she studied him. “I’d rather not discuss it down here.”

  Bella went up to the room to get a cloak, and Trace followed after, refusing to leave the room until she’d told him about the conversation with Delia.

  Afterwards they walked to the inner gate. Since they were expected, the guard waved them through and they hurried on to HQ.

  Chapter 26


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