Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection

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Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection Page 20

by Siera London

  From his bedroom window, he'd watched Autumn start her morning run up the hill leading away from the house. Her stride was sure, measured, and steady. Once she reached the top, she gained speed, and then disappeared from his sight. His heart rate increased, his pulse raced, and his body ached. He could be the man at her finish line. Rui could wait for her to come around, but first she needed to start moving in his direction, not away.

  "I'm doing well, Ivy." Autumn's smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

  "Hey, Ivy. Good to see you," Rui said giving her shoulder a squeeze. When Ivy arrived in town, she'd sought him out to the bar owner's dismay. Initially suspicious, Rui was prepared to wave off her advances. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. As a child, Ivy confessed she struggled with reading and comprehension. Too late in her formal education, it was discovered that she had dyslexia. Unfortunately, by the time of the discovery, her self-esteem had taken a major blow. Because of his academic background, Ivy had sought his help with education classes designed with her dyslexia in mind. Even though she hadn't asked him to, he’d monitored her progress from afar. He was glad to know she still attended weekly classes.

  Right now, he was more concerned with what he saw on Autumn's face. The raw hurt reflected there bothered Rui. She'd been passionate last night, eager to touch him. He wanted that again. Somehow his explanation about his relationship with Kirsten had more than disappointed her; he’d hurt her. While she’d prepared Simone’s lunch, she’d pretended business as usual, but she’d struggled to maintain the façade. Was the pretense for his benefit or hers? The short responses, the cold shoulder, and the reactions felt more extreme than the situation warranted. He made a mental note to ask her what the hell was going on?

  Ivy frowned and approached Autumn. "I heard about what happened with your place."

  Pulling out a chair from one of the four-seater tables in the dining area, Autumn collapsed into the cushioned seat.

  Owen came around the bar, not stopping until he reached Autumn. "I drove out to your place last night after I heard the news. Perez is a royal nut tart for tossing your stuff out like that. Why didn't you call us?" Owen asked, taking the seat opposite Autumn.

  At least six feet tall, with his thick blond hair and striking blue eyes, Owen Tate looked like a Norse god.

  "Because I took care of her."

  Everyone turned to looked at Rui. He'd heard about enough of Owen's alpha male machismo. Ivy and Cai were Owen’s responsibility. Not Autumn.

  He met the other man's eyes. That's right, Rui thought, mind your own business.

  "Oh, I wasn't aware you and Autumn were close."

  "We are," Rui snapped.

  Ivy looked at Autumn. Pointing at Rui, she asked. “You down with OPP?”

  What? “I know what that means. I’m not other people’s property.”

  Laughing, Ivy snorted. “Not property, over protective professor.”

  "Owen," Autumn interjected. "Rui offered me a job as his daughter's nanny."

  Owen kept his gaze fixed on Rui. "Is that so?"

  "Yeah, it is," Rui offered, not liking what he saw in the other man's face.

  "Where are you staying, Autumn?"

  Endurance being a small noisy town, Owen knew the answer to his question before he asked.

  She stammered a little before saying, "Ah, the job comes with room and board."

  Owen narrowed his eyes, expression going hard. "You think that's a good idea?"

  What the heck? Now, the bartender was trying to sabotage his relationship. Okay, Rui was a bit premature with the titles, but there was a pull between him and Autumn.

  "Yes," he ground out. "We thought it the best option."

  Ivy chimed in. "Well," she smiled, trying to cut through the peanut butter-thick tension between him and Owen. "You can always stay here."

  Autumn looked from him to Owen, and then to Ivy. Was she considering moving out because what happened during their talk last night?

  "Autumn has a place to stay for as long as she wants."

  Owen crossed his arms over his chest. "Seems a bit much, Rui. Nannies come and go."

  What was he supposed to say to that? Autumn was more than Simone's nanny and Owen damn well knew it.

  "Look, I brought Autumn by so you both would know that she's fine."

  Ivy chuckled. "Professor, I don't think I've ever seen you this animated. You've made your point."

  "Which is?" he snapped.

  "Watch it, Rui," Owen growled, coming to his feet.

  Rui stepped up in Owen’s face. "I could say the same."

  Autumn stood. "Hey, hey," she sighed. "No chest-thumping allowed."

  “Ah, Autumn, let them fight. At least wait till first blood,” Hank chuckled.

  Luke grinned. “Yeah, I was about to ask Ivy for popcorn and a beer.”

  Rui looked at her incredulously. "He started it."

  "Me," Owen said, tone accusatory. "You're the one going all Conan the Barbarian. I took care of it-grunt. She's staying with me-grunt. Grunt."

  Rui stared before he said, "I was wrong."

  "About?" Owen questioned.

  "About you being a changed man. You're still an ass."

  Owen chuckled at that, and the women followed suit. "I can provide whatever Autumn needs."

  "Never said you couldn't my friend. Just trying to help out, Rui."

  "Listen," Autumn chimed in. "Before things get more freakily awkward."

  "Too late," Ivy laughed.

  "About me watching Cai," Autumn’s voice dropped low.

  Rui could hear the guilt lacing her words.

  Ivy waved off Autumn's sadness. "Owen and I can manage with Cai. Besides, Rui's gig is full-time."

  "Yeah," Autumn said. "Thanks for being understanding. I'll miss Cai."

  "No worries," Ivy smiled. "Bring Simone by sometimes. She and Cai can veg out in the backyard or at Tommy's Park."

  Autumn lit up. "That's a great idea."

  Ivy beamed. "Yeah, I'm brilliant like that."

  Owen grabbed his woman around the waist and kissed her lips. "So modest."

  Ivy kissed him back, a playful, quick peck. "You have no idea."

  These two were so right for one another, Rui thought. And, Owen was right. Rui was being hyper paranoid. Since Kirsten's departure, it bothered him that his wife had been unhappy with the life he’d offered. What happened between him and Kirsten was impacting his interactions with Autumn. Was he going overboard? Heck, yeah.

  He liked Autumn and didn't want her attention to wander. Maybe he would have felt better if Kirsten had left him for another man, but no. His wife had left him for a faceless crowd. When his love had been matched against a studio audience, a smoke-filled club, and a life spent in hotel rooms, he'd lost the one person who'd promised to love and cherish him forever. This time he wouldn't put his trust in love. No, this time he'd come out of the gate, sprinting to win.

  He extended a hand to Autumn. "You've reported in. They can see that you're safe."

  Ivy slapped at his shoulder. "Lighten up, professor. We just want Autumn to know she has options." She gave a mock grimace. "We're not taking Autumn away. Grunt. Grunt. Grunt."

  Now, they were mocking him.

  Looking to Autumn, he said. "You ready to go?"

  Too much time around friends made him feel like crap. Was he taking advantage of Autumn's circumstances? She must have guessed the direction of his thoughts because she slipped her hand into his. Rui breathed in a sigh of relief and tightened his grip. She had chosen to leave with him.

  "Yeah, I'm ready."

  As they headed up Saratoga Springs Road, he vowed he'd do everything in his power to ensure she never regretted choosing to stay with him.

  * * *

  Why had Autumn refused the out Owen and Ivy had given her? They couldn't have been clearer that she had a place to lay her head if she wasn't open to Rui's interest anymore. Lifting her eyes, she glanced at Rui through her lashes. The man beside her w
as so confusing. He didn't want to be honest about his feelings, yet he broadcasted his desire for her at the first opportunity.

  She needed to set some boundaries, but first, she needed some time to think. When they entered the house, Autumn had every intention of heading straight to her room. Rui had class this evening, so she'd have the house to herself after she got Simone off to bed.

  When they entered the house, he grabbed her arm. Before she could put some space between them, he pulled her into an embrace.

  "Look, Autumn. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you back there."

  She relaxed into his arms, loving the feel of her hand against his body. "It's okay."

  He blew out a harsh breath. "It's not, sweetheart.”

  "Rui," she started. If she didn't get it out she knew that if he touched her anymore intimately she'd lose the ability to speak.

  "I want you to stay."

  She looked up at him, letting sincerity shine through in her eyes. "Rui, I'm here."

  He stroked her cheek, and she angled her head to increase the contact. No man had ever touched her with such reverence. Even without saying a word, she could feel the hesitancy in his touch, as if she might break if he pressed to hard.

  "No, sweetheart, I need you to understand."

  "What am I missing?"

  "I liked you from the first time I saw you. You’re beautiful, and funny…and smart. And…and when you smile at me it lights my whole world.” Her breath hitched. A tremble vibrated through her body. “My daughter likes you.”

  Autumn raised a brow at that, not so sure Simone would agree. “You sure about that?”

  “Yeah, I am,” he said, trailing his large hands down her arms. Tingles spread down her spine until she felt lifted off the ground. “Give me a chance to make you happy, Autumn.”

  He wanted her, but what would happen after she gave him her body? Would she be on the street again? Only this time, instead of her stuff being broken, it would be her heart.

  "What if we don't, what if I don't …"

  "Shh. Just say yes." A rye grin spread across his handsome face. “Let’s try. There’s something special between us, Autumn. Tell me you feel it too.”

  "I do, and I want to, but Rui...I need this job."

  Those onyx eyes that she could fall in love with seemed to bore into hers.

  "Autumn, the two are mutually exclusive."

  "Meaning?" She understood the term, but she needed him to explain how he saw their relationship playing out.

  "I’m six years older than you and a single father. Any woman I’m involved with has to build a healthy relationship with my daughter, too. If you don't want this, then tell me."

  She swallowed, but he had to ask. "And if I don't want the same with you. What about my job?"

  "Dang it, woman. Sleeping with me isn't a condition of your employment."

  "But if we don't work out, Rui." She shook her head, knowing if their relationship went south, so would she. She'd have to return to Chula Vista, without any money, without a degree, with nothing.

  "Then, we'll have to make sure that doesn't happen." He smiled.

  He kissed her lips. "I'm willing to do my part."

  Autumn studied her boss's face. The lines crossing his forehead were softer than the ones bracketing his mouth. Tension. Though their conversation was sedate in terms of language, the topic warranted a post-surgical narcotic.

  "You're serious?"

  "Of course. You're vulnerable, Autumn."

  She bristled at the comment. She'd been taking care of herself just fine before he came along. And she would have managed, even with the eviction.

  "Let me finish," he admonished.

  She gave a stiff nod, not totally convinced she wanted to hear anymore.

  "I don't want you to ever feel that I'm taking advantage of you living in my home."

  "I don't."

  And, I believe you, but," his voice dropped low and husky. "I want you. When I hold you in my arms, all I can think about is getting closer, Autumn,” he hesitated. "Much closer.”

  "I want you, too."

  He stroked both hands down her arms, until he reached her hands. Once there, he interlocked their fingers.

  "I haven't been with another woman since my ex-wife."

  She stilled at the revelation. Rui Conners chose her to end his celibacy? Whoa, talk about pressure.

  "I'm not telling you this to add any pressure to your decision."

  "Then why?" Was he ready to open up and tell her what he'd held back last night?

  "Because, I know there'll be times when I mess this up, Autumn. Please, be patient."

  Did this mean they had a future beyond physical intimacy? She wanted to ask but was scared he'd run for the closest hill and keep going. It probably had been longer since she’d had a sexual relationship. It was like guys could see her issues coming. In high school, none of the boys were interested in her. By the time she’d reached college, her one sexual encounter was more or less to see what all the fuss was about. Much of nothing, in her opinion. In end, she ended up sore, unsatisfied, and coated with what felt like warm coconut Jell-O. When the next guy suggested they hook up, she had no problem saying, no, but thanks for asking.

  "You'll be patient with me, too?"

  "Of course, sweetheart, but first I need something."

  She turned her face up to regard him. "What?"

  "I've been aching to kiss you again. Honestly, I can think of little else."

  She came up on tiptoe. "By all means, let's put you out of your misery."

  Autumn barely knew Rui. Sure, she'd seen him in the bar and on campus for the past eight months, but did that count when she was preparing to sleep in his bed one day soon?

  All of a sudden one of his arms tightened around her waist, and she felt her feet leave the ground.


  He lifted her with such ease. The unexpected show of power excited her. How else might he use his strength to please her?

  "Wrap your legs around my waist," he ordered.

  Well now, this certainly sounded promising, but she wasn't ready to go all the way.

  In long strides he made his way to the couch. When she tried to release him, he gripped her hips.

  "Straddle me," he said dropping to the couch.

  She did as he asked. The position brought the most intimate parts of them in close contact. A steady buzz began in her belly.

  "You are full of surprises, professor."

  He nipped at the delicate skin on her neck in reply.

  "I like it when you call me, professor."

  She nipped his lips, and he hissed. "You taste good," she paused. "Professor."

  She leaned forward. With her tongue she brushed across his lips. A slow smile spread across his face.

  "Do that again for your professor."

  Ah well now, she liked the sound of that. She knew it was all a part of the game, but she could pretend that this generous man belonged her. They didn't have much time together before Simone had to be picked up from school. He wanted her. And, God help her, Autumn wanted him.

  She grinned and repeated her previous trek. Moistening her lips first, she touched her mouth to his before using her tongue. This time, he caught her between his teeth, sucking her tongue into his mouth. Sugar plum fairy, it felt amazing. How had she existed so long without this man? Now that she’d had a sample, there was no way she could deny herself any longer.

  "Mmm," she moaned.

  "Dang, woman," he growled. "You're the smoothest melody."

  Her. Autumn felt like she was floating on a cloud. Her whole body felt as if she might ignite. As he deepened the kiss, Rui's lids had dipped to half-mast. She didn't want to miss a moment, but all too soon her eyes closed, and she started to fly.

  Deftly, she extricated her shirt ends from her pants. The warmth of his hands on her waist, and then her exposed flesh, had her heart racing. Her insides flooded in a pool of warmth. The sensation was so foreign, the sensual sou
nds tumbling from her mouth surprised her. She felt him everywhere.

  "More, Rui," she whispered.

  The cool air brushed across her skin. Damn, he was good. When had he removed her shirt?

  "Patience, sweetheart," he mumbled between kisses.

  Kisses that he trailed down her neck and lower. When he took one of her peaks in his mouth, she cried out in pleasure.

  'Yes," she hissed. "Like that."

  She'd heard he was a master orator in the classroom. The way he worked her over with a twisted array of strokes, sucks, and tugs gave her the highest expectations that he would put those skills to use in the bedroom.

  "I want you in my bed," he mumbled, before giving her other rounded globe the same eager attention.

  "Yes," she panted.

  He released her peaked flesh with an audible pop.

  "Be sure, Autumn. We have time."

  Maybe, he did. She boiled out of control to have him inside of her. She nodded.

  "I'm sure."

  With her still in his arms, Rui stood.

  "Hold on, sweet."

  She wrapped her legs tight around his lean hips. Crossing her ankles, she locked her heels together atop of his toned backside. With her chin resting on his shoulder, she had a nice view of muscles.

  Autumn balled her fingers into a fist and fought the urge to run her hands over every ounce of flesh she could reach.

  Then, the ring of a cell phone cut through the air.

  "Damn it," Rui muttered under his breath.

  "Don't answer it," she said. She was so close to having him, she didn't want anything to come between what was about to happen.

  "It might be Simone's school."

  She lowered her head, embarrassed by her selfish behavior. Rui was a father, first. Of course, he should answer his phone. Wise up, Autumn, she thought. The man's a single father. He can't play hooky to get some nooky.

  "Rui Conners," he spoke into the receiver.

  Instantly, Autumn knew something was wrong. Rui radiated tension, the air seemed to crackle with it.

  "Kirsten," he said, his tone soft, no longer with the huskiness he had with her. "What is it? What's wrong?"

  The ex-wife. Rui’s tone, one of concern and something more she couldn’t quite identify, registered like a spill and tumble down a hill. She didn’t like it.


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