Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection

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Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection Page 26

by Siera London

  Autumn went to Simone and kneeled.

  "Hey, baby girl. What are you doing here?"

  Visible tear tracks glistened on the little girl's cheeks and Autumn's heart ached. God, she could see all the disappointments and hurts Simone had witnessed in her short life. She was sorry she would add to the tally.

  "You have to come back home now," she said, her small voice cracking.

  Autumn swept Simone into her arms. "Oh, honey." She inhaled her powdery scent, so innocent. How could she explain to this child who'd lost her mother, even though Kirsten was vey much alive, that she could never return. "I can't."

  Simone placed her head on Autumn's shoulder. She held her tighter.

  "But, I heard Daddy tell Kirsten to leave," she sniffed. Autumn's breath hitched. Had Rui followed through? "You can come back home. With me and Daddy."

  Autumn pulled Simone's arms from around her neck to hold her hands. "You know how much fun I had staying with you and your father, but it's time for me to move on."

  "No," she sobbed. As her voice climbed, each sob more despair-laden than the previous, patrons began to stare. "I want you to go with me to the tea at my school."

  Autumn didn’t know when this little girl who’d tried to steal her car had won her heart, but she had. Her chest ached for the both of them because she wanted to stay. Motherly love came in many forms She wanted to be a part of Simone’s life, see her graduate, help her pick out a prom dress, cry when she went off to college. What she had to say next, would rip her heart out.

  "Simone, your mom will take you," she said wiping away her tears. "You know all the steps and you know how long to steep your leaves."

  Simone vehemently shook her head in the negative.

  "Kirsten doesn't even like tea. I heard her tell one of her business friends on the phone. She doesn't want to take me. You do. Don't you?"

  Of course she did. Autumn wanted to be at every graduation, help her prepare for her debutante ball, for her senior prom, her wedding day.

  "Yes, honey. But-,"

  Simone tugged Autumn forward, but she held her ground. Where was Rui? How dare he force her to hurt Simone like this.

  "Then you come home now. With me," she said tugging at Autumn's hand again.

  Whispers could be heard throughout the bar. Autumn could imagine how many text messages and video snippets were flowing through the Endurance hotline.

  "Ms. Springfield will be there. You like her. I'll have to talk with your father."

  She crossed invisible fingers over her chest, asking forgiveness for the lie.

  Just then Autumn felt a presence behind her. The hairs on her arm tingled. She knew who’d entered No Limit.

  "Her father agrees that you should come home." Autumn’s breath hitched at the sound of Rui's voice.

  Home. She didn't have a home anymore. Had she ever?

  Chapter 12

  Rui pulled his bag from the car. Autumn had refused to come back home. He had to convince her that his life with Kirsten ended a long time ago. He wished he had realized it sooner. For too long he’d held on to a semblance of love. Autumn was the woman for him and this morning he would prove it. After the phone call to Owen yesterday, Ivy had arrived in the truck to drive Kirsten to the first hotel in Pine Mountain. Endurance was too small for Autumn and his ex to share the same space. Once Kirsten realized Rui had no intention of allowing her to manipulate him and Simone for television ratings, she'd gladly packed her Louis Vuitton luggage to depart.

  Spotting the registration table, Rui threw his athletic bag over his shoulder. He searched the assembled runners, looking for Autumn's cinnamon curls.

  Owen and Ivy joined the group with Cai in tow.

  Owen tilted his head in greeting while Ivy said, “Morning, Rui.”

  Ivy stared at him, concern in her eyes. Owen just looked at him and shook his head. Yeah, he’d messed everything up.

  “Hi, Mr. Rui.”

  “Hey, Cai. Good to see you buddy. What’s new?”

  “Do you want to ride my tree swing?”

  Rui kept his eyes peeled for Autumn. “Maybe later,” he said absently.

  “But, my daddy said you need a knot on your head. I can show you how to get one.”

  “Cai,” Owen warned. “No tattling.”

  “But, daddy. I still got mine–“

  Owen gave his son one look, and the boy clammed up. “Another word and you’ll have a tanned bottom, Cai.”

  Ivy gave Rui an apologetic look. “Sorry,” she mouthed.

  Rather than offended, Rui agreed he might need a few hard knocks if he lost Autumn for good.

  He spotted Hank and Luke at the First Aid station, setting up cots and tables. Returning their greeting, he waved.

  Feeling eyes on him, Rui turned. Autumn stood, mouth open, staring at him. He strode straight for her, noticing Tommy Roe watching them both.

  She spoke first. "What are you doing?"

  "I'm joining the race," he stated matter-of-fact like.

  Autumn huffed. "Rui, you hate running."

  "True, but I love you. Kirsten is gone."

  She gave a lackluster nod. Okay, this might be tougher than he anticipated.

  "Was does that have to do with anything?"

  He noticed that she didn't deny his claim. Maybe, he still had a chance.

  "You said you needed a man who'll go the distance for you. So, I'm racing."

  Autumn grabbed his hand. "You haven't trained. Rui, this is suicide."

  He snagged her around the waist. "You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. I’d rather die at your side, than live another day without you."

  Rui hoped he didn’t kill his fool self. This idea bordered on madness, but what else could he do to prove his love?

  "Oh, no you won't," she denied. "I'm not responsible for you. Not anymore."

  God, he was hoping she'd warm up to him.

  "You love me, Autumn. I know you do."

  A woman’s voice crackled through a loud speaker. Runners, check-in and get your numbers. Team members register at the second tent.

  Rui looked over his shoulder. The other runners were stretching and hydrating. Water bottles littered the curbs. There had to be at least five hundred crazy people prepared to run until their toenails popped off. Craziness, but he'd jack up his feet for a life with Autumn.

  "You determined to do this?" she asked, glancing at the starters in their orange vests.

  He cupped her face in both hands. "I will do anything to prove to you that I will never betray your trust again. I'm in love with you, Autumn Raine. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  "If you’re crazy enough to run, then let's do this," she said grabbing his hands and pulling them away from her face. "Keep quiet and stay out of my way. I have a race to win."

  So did he, the race for Autumn's love.

  * * *

  Dear God, he’d be lucky if he lived to see the next sunrise. Rui grunted as he pushed his flaccid muscles to pick up the pace. The scenery was breathtaking. The pine forests were denser in this part of the Sierra Nevada foothills. Rui dug deep and pumped his legs harder. This was a race he refused to come in second place. Even if it killed him, he would win her heart. He had been holding his own until about four hours into the race. Rui's lungs, heart, and calves felt as if someone had dipped him in kerosene and struck a match inside his body. Everything hurt. Praise be to the angel of mercy, one of the fifteen hundred volunteers used a fireman’s carry to get him to a medical aid station before he lost consciousness.

  "Autumn," he panted, as someone took his pulse and then called for oxygen. "Please tell me," he coughed, struggling to catch his breath. "You love me before my untimely demise."

  Without breaking stride, she glanced over her shoulder at his pitiful self. "I told you to stop running an hour ago."

  And he had been tempted to then. But first, he needed her to agree to come home.

  "Tell, tell me, you're coming home. Simone needs us, the both of us together.
We are a family." Her step faltered. He spoke the truth, but did she believe him?

  "Are you really dying? This might be delirium talk."

  Rui growled. "Come on, sweetheart," he said, reaching for her. Man, his fingers were trembling. "I love you. My daughter loves you. I want you to be my wife. Say you’ll marry and come home."

  She looked over and smiled. Rui's heart sped up. Would she say yes?

  "Autumn?" he prompted when she didn't say anything else.

  "I'll tell you at the finish line," she winked, and then sprinted away.

  She rounded the first bend along the American River, and then disappeared from sight.

  Shoot. He had to go the distance if he wanted her in his life forever.

  * * *

  The following morning, Autumn scanned the crowd as she crossed the finish line, fifth behind the first finalist. Rui, Simone waved pennants with, You’re A Winner, in rainbow colors. Owen had Cai propped on his shoulders. The temperature, well above eighty degrees, had even the early risers pulling their visors low over leathered foreheads. Instead of standing with the men folk behind the yellow tape, she saw Ivy had decided to set up a portable lawn chair in the First Aid tent with Hank and Luke. Kelby Springfield and a bunch of kids from Simone’s class cheered as if Autumn had won the first prize scholarship.

  When she approached, tired and sweaty, Rui pulled her in for a hug. Whew, that hurt. Now that the race had ended, her muscles started to cramp.

  “I’m so proud of you.” She could feel his wide grin against her hair. “You did it.”

  She had. Though she didn’t qualify for any of the cash prizes, she’d set a goal and crossed the finish line. Last night, as she ran, her path lit by a small handheld LED light, she had a revelation. Rui had messed up, but so had she. Kirsten’s indecent proposal was just that. No way would Rui have invited another woman in to share in what they had. Instead of allowing the old hurts to hold her hostage, trapping her in a life she didn’t want, she should have fought for their love. Just like music, the race had smoothed her fractured heart, cleared away the emotion. Rui loved her. She loved him. If he asked her again to marry him, and God, she hoped he did, her answer would be yes.

  She squeezed him tight. “Thank you.”

  Simone pulled on the hem of her shorts, drawing Autumn’s attention. “I knew you could do it.”

  The smile covering Simone’s face warmed her heart more than any medal ever would. This was her family, and she wouldn’t leave them. Not now, not ever.

  “Congrats, Autumn,” Owen said, clapping her on the shoulder. “Dinner’s on me next time you and your family drop by the bar.”

  So, he saw it too. Sighing, she said. “Thanks, Owen.”

  “Daddy,” Cai said pulling at his father’s hair. “Now that Autumn’s got her prize. Can I have a bun?”

  “What bun, buddy?”

  “I heard Ivy say she had a little bun in the oven. Can I have it or do I have to share?”

  Rui started to laugh, while Simone looked between the adults, a confused look on her face.

  “Congratulations, Owen.” Rui’s chuckle was jovial.

  Owen’s jaw fell slack, and then the big man’s face split in the widest grin. Taking Cai off his shoulders, he tossed his son in the air. Considering Owen’s expression, Ivy hadn’t told her husband they were expecting.

  “Just wait till it’s your turn. Come on, buddy. Let’s go find out what else your mommy has baking.”

  “Yeah,” Cai cheered.

  With the race over, the spectators started to scatter. Somehow, her thoughts remained crystal clear.

  “Daddy, Autumn, can I go play in the water fountain with my friends?”

  “I’ll watch her,“ Kelby offered. “Autumn, you should probably stretch your muscles before they get cold.”

  “On it,” Rui said, lifting her into his arms. “There’s a stretcher in the aid station. I can help.”

  The tent appeared empty when they arrived. A lot of the runners were still on the grass with their team members massaging the knots out of their tight muscles.

  Rui sat Autumn on a stretcher before pulling her damp outer shirt off. When she was down to her sports bra, he used a towel to remove the sweat from her face, chest, and abdomen. Using his left hand, he threaded his fingers in her hair.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Taking care of my woman,” he said, whispering against her ear.

  “Yours, huh?”

  “As soon as you agree to be my wife. I don’t want to rush you, but I love you so much, Autumn. All my life I wanted to belong. Since we met, for the first time in my life, I feel at home when I’m with you.”

  Gosh, she’d already decided she wanted a life with him and Simone. If she hadn’t been convinced with him nearly killing himself on the trail, she was now.

  “Rui,” she interrupted.

  He touched her cheek. “Let me finish, sweetheart.”

  Reaching out, she grabbed ahold of his hand, intertwining their fingers. “Go ahead.”

  “Simone and I are a ready-made family and you’re so young. I never want you to feel trapped.”

  Autumn needed him to understand loving him and Simone, being loved by them, was her dream come true.

  “Rui, I’ve always wanted a family of my own,” she said raising his hand to lips and kissing it. “I have that with you and Simone. It’s what I want.”

  “We’re at the finish line,” he whispered.

  She knew he wanted an answer to the question he asked during the run.

  Rui nipped at her lips and she opened for him.

  “Not yet,” she teased, releasing his hand. He covered her mouth, and she moaned into his. Her hands found his butt. She grabbed a handful and squeezed. His body was perfection. Gosh, he had on too much clothing. He pushed her hand lower, and fire shot through her core.

  “What’s your answer, Autumn?”

  She could barely think with him so close, her emotions rushing to the surface. “Sweetheart, I want you, but you’re killing me.”

  With her tongue she stroked his lower lip.

  “My answer is yes, Rui.”

  “Thank God,” someone said from the rear of the tent. “Please let me out of here before you two do anything else.”

  Autumn yelped and almost fell off the table.

  Hank appeared next to them, his face beet red with embarrassment.

  “Damn it, Hank,” Rui charged. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Hey, don’t get mad with me. I’m supposed to be here, Mr. Naughty Professor.”

  Autumn blushed. She and Rui had gotten carried away.

  Hank stormed out of the tent, tossing a, “Congratulations on your engagement. Here’s hoping a certain teacher will let me put a spring in her step.”

  Rui looked at her, and they both started to chuckle. Kelby’s focus centered on her kids and rehabbing an old farmhouse she’d purchased a few months back. Hank might have unwittingly signed up for a marathon adventure if he really wanted a chance with the reclusive woman.

  “Sorry, I should have known better. We’d better get back to the others. There are a lot of kids here, maybe some of them need a babysitter.”

  “You don’t have to worry,” he whispered. “As my wife, your tuition is covered.”

  Autumn wasn’t worried. Living with Rui she’d learned to balance school, work, and family. Along the way she’d found love too. She would’ve discovered a way to reach her goal.

  Throwing her arms around his neck, she said. “Then, we, husband-to-be, have a tea to attend.” The loss hadn't stung as much as she'd imagined.

  * * *

  Autumn sat at Simone's table, the Terra Cotta tea set arranged before them. The school’s gymnasium had been transformed into a beautiful parlor.

  "Are you ready for your first cup of tea?” Simone whispered next to her.

  Autumn beamed at the little girl, dressed in a pink lace dress with matching tights and gloves.
Even though Kirsten had left California, she'd ordered the dress special for Simone's first mother-daughter tea.

  "How many sugars?" Rui asked.

  Autumn frowned at him. He insisted on joining them and Simone had jumped for joy. The other mothers had gotten teary-eyed.

  "None," Autumn replied.

  "How about you try this one on to sweeten the deal?" he said reaching into his pocket.

  Autumn saw the black velvet box before he opened the top. A perfectly round pearl nestled in a halo white diamonds sparkled in the bright lights. Rui moved to get on one knee, and then grunted in pain. Yep, trying to run a long-distance race without a modicum of training had kicked his butt.

  "Autumn Raine, you came into my life and ran away with my heart.” Moved by his declaration, she covered her trembling lips with a shaky hand. A single tear slid down her face and Rui brushed it away. “Will you do me the honor of wearing my ring and marrying me as soon as we can plan a wedding?"

  Simone and the other children stared in wide-eyed disbelief. Autumn could hardly belief it herself. Rui Conners, the not-so-handy man of her dreams, wanted a family with her.

  "Yes," she heard her little girl say, but Autumn kept her eyes on Rui.

  "Really? You truly want to get married right away?"

  "Yep," he groaned. "Because I'm not doing another race to prove my love if you get cold feet." He laughed.

  Autumn reached for the ring, but Rui snagged her hand. "Does this mean I'm off the market?"

  "Of course. The moment you gave me a ride, you were mine. My answer is yes,” she grinned I’m always hot when you’re near, professor,” she whispered.

  “Good. After the wedding, we’re all hopping a plane to Florida before going on our familymoon,” Rui stated.

  Autumn laughed, “What’s in Florida?”

  Rui swept her up in his arms. “We have another wedding to attend, but I want you to have my band on your finger before I take you around my college buddies.”

  “Who’s getting married?”

  “Logan Masters. He’s an old friend from my Johns Hopkins days.”


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