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Punishment Page 35

by Guerin Zand

  Seca told me how they transformed the night-side bar into a bar and grill. They served a lot of Earth food, like burgers and fries, and had changed the whole mood of the bar. They had live music a few nights of every work cycle, which was more or less the alien time period closest to a week. They invited me to be their guest one night. They were actually keeping a schedule for me and acting as my personal assistants. I told them I didn’t need assistants which brought on those same sad looks. These looks were just meant to manipulate me. I knew that, but still, it was hard not to be manipulated by these two. I reluctantly acquiesced, and mysteriously those sad looks just disappeared.

  It was about 6:30 when Maria arrived with the team. I still tried to stick to Earth time just to be stubborn. Maria took Katie and Diane for a tour of the residence while Roger and Steve joined me and the twins at the bar. I started to go behind the bar when the bartender tried to stop me. I explained that making drinks for the guests was a social thing. We agreed I would help with everyone’s first drinks and then turn the bar over to him, for the most part. I liked playing bartender ever since I was a little boy. I would often do it for my parents when they entertained.

  Prima and Seca excused themselves. They were going to they’re residence to change. I told them, when we set up the dinner, to tell everyone it was casual so they should wear whatever they felt most comfortable in. When I told the twins they looked fine, they scoffed at me like I was some sort of barbarian. It only took them 15 minutes to return in two beautiful matching dinner dresses. This was probably the universal record for a woman to prepare for dinner. I suppose men who owned slaves wouldn’t tolerate the shit we men did from our free women. The rest of the guests hadn’t arrived yet, so it was just Maria, my team, and me there when they entered. None of us could take our eyes off them. Katie was the first to come to her senses and she slapped Roger on the back of his head. We all turned our focus to Roger and laughed.

  Steve looked over at me and asked, “How could you give those two up, Guerin? What were you thinking?”

  “At the time I was with Milly. I thought it was the right thing to do.”

  “And now?”

  “Think about it, Steve. If I they were still mine, who do you think would be the actual slave now?”

  We all laughed, and Diane said, “Like the Orion slave girls in Star Trek, right?”

  “Exactly, Diane.” She then explained it to the rest, including the twins who had joined us at the bar.

  “You know, Diane, maybe they are just like that.” Maria chimed in, “I’m getting kind of turned on just looking at them, and I usually don’t swing that way.”

  “USUALLY?” I gave my daughter that disapproving fatherly look, one I had mastered many years ago.

  “You’re such a prude, Dad!”

  My daughter started to flirt with Seca while Prima was keeping Steve occupied. The doorbell rang. Yes, I guess these swanky pads were equipped with this high-tech feature. All the other quarters I lived in relied on old-fashioned knocking.

  “Come on, Maria. Let’s be good hosts and greet our guests.” We walked over to the foyer and Sly and his family were there. The twins had arranged for a doorman, but I thought it rude for us not to greet the guests when they arrived.

  Stella hugged me and we exchanged a few pecks on the cheek. I shook Sly’s hand and then I grabbed Nancy, who was now a fully grown Cyletherean woman, and hugged her tightly. I loosened my grip and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Nancy! It’s been so long. You’ve grown into quite a beautiful young lady.” Nancy blushed a bit, which is actually a darkening of her skin tone, and she just hugged me again.

  “It’s so good to see you, Guerin. I have so much to tell you. You’ve missed a lot around here.”

  Sid put out his hand to shake mine. I grabbed it and pulled him in for a hug as well. You could tell he was embarrassed by the affection. “Relax, Sid. It’s not sexual. You're just still that little kid I used to play tag with.”

  Sid was all proper like. “It’s good to see you again, Guerin.”

  I introduced Sid and Nancy to Maria. She dragged them both off to the bar for a drink.

  Stella watched the kids together and smiled at me. “Did you ever imagine our children together one day, Guerin.”

  A bout of sadness dropped upon me from nowhere. I couldn’t help thinking that I had imagined our children together when I left the main ship last time. I just had imagined the children would be Milly’s and mine. The change in my mood was obvious.

  “Yes, just not like this.” Stella placed her hand gently on my cheek and I forced a smile. “Come inside and join us at the bar. There’s a glass of Gluark waiting with your name on it Sly.” We made our way to the bar and joined the others.

  Guests kept arriving and Maria and I started alternating between entertaining at the bar and greeting the guests. Bart and Gladys arrived and then Sammy, Cindy, and Jackie. I was surprised that Sammy had accepted the invitation. I invited the entire crews of both of our support shuttles, but Bart’s crew never really mixed socially with any of us, so it was no surprise that they had politely declined the invitation. Ricky and Tommy also declined the invitation. They hung out with us on the ship on many occasions but often declined invitations to join us on Earth for gatherings. I’m sure a lot of the crews were happy to be home and they surely had family and friends they wanted to catch up with. Even with the support ship rotations, they had all spent a lot of time over the years on Earth and away from their homes.

  The doorbell rang once again, and it was my turn to answer it. I went to the foyer to find Julie and Milly standing there. I was surprised, but I tried not to show it. I didn’t even know that Milly was on the ship. I hadn’t put them on the list, but obviously my personal assistants must have thought it was an oversight. I would talk to them about this later.

  “Hello, Julie, Milly.” I simply nodded to acknowledge their presence. I looked over at Milly. Her reaction to my coldness registered in the look of hurt she offered me. I felt the hurt, and my head dropped. I didn’t know how to act around Milly. We weren’t best friends or lovers anymore. I didn’t know that we even had a relationship other than being acquaintances. She was on the Council now and I had to be careful what I said around her. There was a part of me that would always belong to her, but I had spent many years hiding that away. I was afraid to let it out on the surface now. If I had known she was aboard the ship I probably wouldn’t have invited her. I wanted to avoid this awkwardness. I didn’t invite Julie because I actually wanted to insult her.

  “I was so surprised to receive your invitation, Guerin. Thank you.”

  My mood changed. I had some red meat to sink my teeth into now. “Trust me, Julie. You aren’t the only one surprised. Why don’t the two of you come inside? Everyone is gathered around the bar. We should join them, and I’ll fix you both a drink. I brought a vintage bottle of arsenic back from Earth, just for you, Julie.”

  “Always so thoughtful. Lead the way.”

  We joined the crowd around the bar and the others mingling in the large living area. I went behind the bar and motioned to the bartender that I would take care of these two ladies.

  “Would you like a Pappy’s, Milly?”

  “Yes, thank you, Guerin.” I poured Milly a nice glass of Pappy’s with a single ice cube. She seemed to appreciate that I still knew what she liked.

  “Julie, I have a bet with the team that one of the alien liquors here is probably poison and that you planted it especially for me.” Julie smiled at me. “I’m betting it would be the one that stood out and caught my eye and I think this one might be it.”

  I reached up for a bottle on the middle shelf. It was as much a sculpture as it was a bottle. Two beautiful, naked women in an embrace. Their right arms were holding each other at the waists and their left arms were raised and twisted about each other’s, reaching to the heavens. The hands-on these arms were holding the pour spout and each woman was a separate bottle holding a
different translucent colored liquid. One was bright yellow and the other was sky blue. I grabbed two liquor glasses and I started to pour from the bottle. The two distinct liquids met at the hands and mixed in the pour spout. The result was a green milky liquid that I poured into the two glasses. I handed one of the glasses to Julie.

  I raised my glass. “To your health, Julie.” We swallowed the sweet liquid with the kick of a mule. It was a pleasant tasting drink with an indescribable fruit like flavor.

  Julie put her empty glass on the bar, as did I, and she smiled. “How did you know it was my favorite?”

  “Ha! Pay up, Guerin,” Steve shouted out. He had waited a bit, and when neither Julie or I started to convulse, he then declared victory. “You owe me one of those batteries.” I didn’t bother to explain to Steve he could have just asked for one.

  The doorbell rang again. There was one last guest we were expecting. Maria started to head to the door and I stopped her. “I got this.”

  It was Isabelle. I figured I would invite her since she had worked so closely with Roger to set up and run NFT. “I’m so glad you could make it, Isabelle. I’m sure the team is dying to finally meet you.” I gave her a hug and a light kiss on the lips, with a little tongue just to shock her. I licked my lips after the kiss. “My, you’re as tasty as ever, Isabelle.”

  She laughed. “Will you never stop teasing me about that, Guerin?”


  We entered the main room and I announced Isabelle’s arrival to the room. “Everybody. The main course has arrived. Dinner will be served shortly.” The room erupted in laughter. Everyone knew the story of Isabelle’s first exchange with me when I was just a recruit. She chided humans for being savage flesh eaters and I tried to convince her that I was not intending to eat her anytime soon.

  I took Isabelle over to the bar and fixed her a drink. I joked we should probably get back to the kitchen where the chef was waiting for her. I introduced her to the team and my daughter. We all were enjoying ourselves and the drinks were flowing. It was turning into a good night.

  Promptly, at 8 PM, one of the cooks came out to announce dinner was ready. The twins took it upon themselves to lead the crowd back to the dining area and place everyone in the seats they had been assigned. I sat at one end of the table and Julie was at the other end. To my left was seated, in order of the nearest first, Seca, Bart, Gladys, Steve, Jackie, Sid, Maria, Sammy, and Milly. On my right, it was Prima, Stella, Sly, Katie, Roger, Isabelle, Nancy, Diane, and finally Cindy. Cindy wasn’t happy being at the other end of the table from me. I had to wonder why she and Milly were at that far end and the twins were closest to me.

  Once we were seated the waiters and waitresses began filling the wine glasses with wines the chef had chosen. Each guest was given a selection to choose from. The wines were chosen from an assortment of Earth wines the crews had brought back with them for the ship's stores. A lemongrass flavored broth was served first, and the rest of the dinner was served in a Dim Sum method. The staff continuously brought out cart after cart with various plates which they offered to the guests. There were alien dishes as well as Earth favorites, although the meat wasn’t really meat. For dessert, the chef came out with the kitchen staff and everyone was served one of the now famous chocolate soufflés. Coffee was served as well as tea.

  Throughout the dinner, various conversations occurred between the group. Roger and Isabelle had been seated next to each other since I thought they should get to know each other better, and in person. The dinner was my idea to get everyone to meet the people they had been working with over the years. I knew everyone well, so I stayed out of most of the conversations except for a few witty comments here and there. Sid, Nancy, and Maria seemed to hit it off and I was glad to see that.

  After dessert, the staff placed several plates of Earth chocolates and fresh fruit within easy reach of everybody. The staff then took orders for our after-dinner drinks. I ordered up another glass of what I was now calling the Two Virgins liquor. Several others did the same.

  While I was enjoying my drink, Maria stood up and came over to me. From behind, she put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. “You did good, Dad.” She knew I hated entertaining so my holding this dinner was a surprise for her.

  “Yes. It was a lovely dinner, Guerin.”

  “Thanks, Stella.”

  Others offered their appreciation as well. Maria was still hugging me. I turned to look at her.

  “What do you want, daughter?”

  “What makes you think I want something?”

  “Please. Just spit it out.”

  “Sid has invited me to their compound. He wants to show me the game room and then maybe we’ll go out for a few drinks. I just wanted to make sure it was ok with you if we took off.”

  “You and lizard boy?” Everyone laughed.

  “Aren’t you being a bit racist, Dad?”

  “No. They call me monkey boy all the time, so I don’t think lizard boy is out of bounds. I’ve warned you. All these aliens are pervs. Don’t you listen? Now Sid wants to drag you off to his little man cave?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Will there be a chaperone? Will Nancy be joining you to make sure you behave?”

  “No. I’m old enough to look after myself. I don’t need your permission, you know?”

  “Well, just as long as lizard boy knows I have a loaded gun in the other room, I guess it will be ok.” I gave Sid the same stare I had given many young men over the year. I normally would force them to come in and introduce themselves when they came for my daughter. I would usually be seated at the kitchen table cleaning my guns to make my position very clear.

  Maria kissed my cheek again. “Thanks, Dad.” Sid started to get up and I stopped him.

  “Why don’t both of you take your seats for a few more minutes. There are a few things we need to discuss before you run off.” Maria sighed but went back to her seat anyways.

  “Julie, is there something you wish to say to Maria?”

  “What’s going on, Dad?”

  “Nothing is going on, dear child. You father has placed you in my charge, that’s all.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means he has made me not only responsible for your safety but also your development. You are very young and there is a lot for you to learn. I thought perhaps you would like to join me for breakfast at my residence tomorrow morning. We can start planning your future.”

  “Seriously, Dad? You’ve given me to the Wicked Witch of the West?”

  “Maria! How many times have I told you not to call the aliens names to their faces? Save that for when their backs are turned.” Many at the table were laughing. Julie had more of a stoic expression. “And I wouldn’t say I gave you to her. It was more of a trade. You for the twins.” Now everyone, including Julie was laughing. Ok, maybe not Maria. She was what one could best describe as fuming.

  “How could you? What makes you think I’d go along with this?”

  “First, you’re not going back to Earth anytime soon. It’s too dangerous, and that’s that. There will be no more discussion. Until we think it’s safe, Earth is off limits to you.” I looked at Maria and paused. She begrudgingly nodded in acceptance. “Next, you need to start thinking about your future. You’ve had your fun in college and now it’s time to get serious. Julie can literally open up a universe of possibilities for you and you need to take advantage of that. Then there’s the fact that there are no convents I can ship you off to out here. I figure putting Julie in charge of you was the next best thing.”

  “So you get to play with the twins and I get Julie?”

  “I’m not playing with the twins. They’ve been assigned as my personal assistants.”

  “Right. And what were they assisting you with today? I thought all aliens were pervs?”

  “Well, yes, but I have a lot of experience with these pervs. I know how to deal with them.” I finished my drink and or
dered another.

  “Tell me Seca, was my father able to deal with you two this afternoon?”

  “Quite well, actually.”

  I pouted a bit. “Just quite well?”

  “There’s always room for improvement, Guerin.” The guests erupted in laughter at my expense.

  “You slept with the twins this afternoon?” Steve’s tone seemed a bit jealous.

  “No. He was very much awake the whole time.” Prima smiled. The laughter continued except for my daughter.

  “So let me see if I got this right, father. Julie gets me, and you get a couple of slightly used sex slaves?”

  “Maria, what did I just say about the name calling? I mean, I wouldn’t put it that way, but that’s pretty much right.”

  “Look, I’ll have breakfast with you tomorrow, Julie, but don’t think you can dick me around like you do my father. I do what I want, understand?”

  “Perfectly, child. I’ll send someone to retrieve you in the morning, say 8 AM?”

  “Ok. Can we go now?”

  “Go. Have fun. No funny monkey business, or funny lizard business, or any combination of the two. You hear me?”


  “They call that sort of thing bestiality and that’s a line even I haven’t crossed… yet.”

  “Ha, ha. Let’s go, Sid.”

  The two of them said their farewells and headed for the door rather hastily. I put my hand out like I was pointing a gun at Sid. He looked back and I pulled the trigger. I think he got the message.

  The laughter died down and Katie spoke up. “Why do you have to tease her so?”

  “Would you prefer I pick on you, Katie?” She had no response.

  “Your daughter reminds me so much of you, Guerin.” Milly was speaking to me for the first time since dinner started. “The attitude, the anger. It must have been quite a challenge raising her.”

  “Not really. She pales in comparison to this original. I was so much worse, and I expected her to be even worse than me. My parents had promised me that would be the case so many times. It was rather disappointing, but I like to let her think she’s more than I can handle. It’s good for her ego. There is one thing though.”


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