The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 4

by Raymond L. Weil

  “What now?” asked Captain Fulmar, his face pale in shock. “We can’t let them get away with this.”

  Dylan looked up at the large tactical display. His ships were surrounded by Lamothian warships. A battle could break out at any moment. “All ships are to stand by to launch two full spreads of antimatter missiles. The first at the encircling warships and the second at the planet. As soon as the second wave of missiles has left the launch tubes, they are to enter hyperspace and rendezvous at the red dwarf system where we encountered Cheryl and her ships.”

  “We’ll lose some ships,” warned Fulmar. “It’ll take several seconds to launch, and, while we’re doing that, those Lamothian warships will open fire.”

  “It’s a risk I’m willing to take. We must teach the Lamothians they cannot take Humans or other races to be used in their food feasts. We warned them once before, and now they will be taught a lesson. It’ll cost them one of their worlds.” Dylan also realized that, if Captain Bryan had not rescued Cheryl, she would have been one of the helpless victims consumed. The thought sent a cold chill over Dylan.

  Captain Fulmar quickly transmitted the orders to the other ships in the fleet and the reason why. All the Humans taken from Highland Station had been consumed by the Lamothians.

  Dylan looked at the blue-white planet on the ship’s main viewscreen and slowly nodded his head. “Launch!”

  From the Themis and the other sixty-nine ships in his rescue fleet, antimatter missiles belched forth from the launch tubes and headed toward the enemy warships. A few seconds later more missiles launched, heading toward the planet. At the same time Dylan’s fleet turned and accelerated away from the planet and entered hyperspace.


  The Lamothian warships, upon detecting the missile launches, immediately fired on the Human ships. Antimatter missiles and fusion energy beams rapidly tore half a dozen battlecruisers into glowing wreckage. Missiles struck the Lamothian warships, blowing several apart. In the confusion a large number of Human missiles from the second wave managed to pass by the Lamothian warships and enter the planet’s atmosphere.

  In the upper atmosphere of the planet, small explosions marked where energy beams had intercepted and had destroyed some of the missiles. The Human fleet had launched nearly eight hundred antimatter missiles at the planet, and a large number of them were getting through.

  The orbiting Lamothian warships were forced to ignore the disappearing Human fleet and to concentrate on annihilating the deadly missiles, heading rapidly toward the surface. The Lamothians sent missile after missile to intercept the Human missiles destroying some of them. However, too many Human missiles had been launched and many of them were getting through.

  The first Human missile reached the surface and exploded with a force of over one hundred megatons. A massive fireball rose above a large Lamothian city as a sun like heat swept outward, accompanied by a powerful blast wave. Buildings were leveled and vegetation incinerated. Nearly four million Lamothians died in that one blast.

  Above the city, a huge mushroom cloud formed, then superheated air rushed back toward the center of the blast, taking debris, ashes, and everything else in its path with it.

  Across the planet, 217 antimatter missiles made it to the surface. All ranged from one hundred megatons to over three hundred. Dams broke; forests burned, and structures burst into flames. All over the planet, devastation and death encompassed nearly every location. The dust, ash, and debris from the explosions reached high into the atmosphere, cutting off the sunlight. A cold and deadly darkness spread across the world.

  In orbit, the commanders of the Lamothian warships gazed in shock at their devastated planet below. Already reports were being sent to the other Lamothian star systems as well as to the Great Council. A world of the seven races had been destroyed!

  Cargo ships and warships sent down shuttles to rescue as many survivors as possible. The shipyards and space stations sent their shuttles and cargo ships as well. Calls were sent out to other nearby worlds to send help. It would take days, perhaps weeks, to search all the rubble for survivors.


  Several days later the Themis dropped out of hyperspace in the red dwarf system. Over the next hour the rest of the fleet straggled in.

  “What did we lose?” asked Dylan. He knew some of his battlecruisers and their crews had been destroyed. He had witnessed those losses on the viewscreens.

  Captain Fulmar walked over and checked the sensors. “Looks like we’re missing eight battlecruisers and one dreadnought. All our other ships and their crews are here, though it appears several ships have battle damage.”

  Dylan nodded. “Keep the fleet at Condition Two. I’ll contact Rear Admiral Masters and inform him of what we’ve done. He in turn can pass the information on to the High Princess.”

  Dylan had already prepared a message explaining his actions. It was very detailed and even contained videos of the missiles being launched toward the Lamothian planet.

  Going to communications, Dylan had the communications officer activate the hyperlight transmitter and aim it toward the Mall Star Cluster, where Rear Admiral Masters should be.

  “Rear Admiral Masters, this is Admiral Cleemorl. We have just returned from an attempted rescue of the captives from Highland Station taken by the Lamothians. It’s my sad duty to report we were too late. By the time we got to the Lamothian system, all the captives had already been consumed.

  “As punishment, I destroyed the planet. I’m attaching a data packet with more information on our actions and the reasons why. Please inform the High Princess. We’ll return to the Empire in a few more days, and, when we’re safely back, I will contact you again. Admiral Cleemorl of First Fleet out.”

  Dylan then had Lieutenant Newsome transmit the data packet.

  “Well, what happens now?” asked Captain Fulmar.

  Sitting back down in his command chair, Dylan looked at his second in command. “We will stay here for a full day, while our ships conduct any necessary repairs. Then we’ll head for the Vortex Worlds and join up with the rest of First Fleet.”

  “Do you think there will be any repercussions from destroying one of the Lamothian worlds?”

  Dylan let out a deep breath. “There are always repercussions. We’ll just have to wait to see what they are.” Dylan was also anxious to get back to Golan Four and speak to Cheryl. They had a lot to talk about, and some of it might not be too pleasant.


  The Great Council was once more gathered in an emergency session. For the first time since its existence, a world of the seven races had been attacked and destroyed.

  “The food markets of Zaneth have been annihilated,” spoke the Lamothian councilor. “They were the second greatest of all the Lamothian worlds. Only our homeworld of Lamothia has better. In addition, nearly two and a half billion Lamothians died in the attack.”

  “We told you to stop consuming Humans in your feasts,” said Ardon Reull. “Yet you sent a warfleet to the Highland Station System and removed several million Humans and tens of thousands of other semi-sentients.”

  “It was our ten-year celebration of the High Feast,” replied the Lamothian defensively. “We did not have the necessary semi-sentient food supplies.”

  “The High Princess warned us what would happen if we attacked any of their civilians,” said Klug, the Morphene representative. “You brought this upon yourselves.” The Morphene was like a giant blob, with its form constantly shifting.

  “Highland Station is one of our worlds now,” spoke the Lamothian. “These new Humans from Earth are too dangerous.”

  The Zang councilor Cryler stretched out his large wings and spoke in his grating whistling voice. “How much of their Empire do we currently control?”

  “Over 80 percent,” answered Ralor Conn of the Zynth.

  “That is not good,” replied Cryler. “That means they have retaken control of nearly two hundred of their planets, including all of their core worlds.”

nbsp; “How many warships do we currently have in Human space?” asked Klug.

  “We have sent more over the last week,” replied Reull. “We currently have nearly three thousand ships patrolling the Human worlds we control.”

  “What of Earth? It is still a threat.”

  “It will be dealt with at a later date.”

  “No!” spoke Councilor Damora of the Morag. The Morag were a simian race and stood nearly ten feet tall. They very seldom spoke, but, when they did, everyone listened. “Earth must be dealt with immediately. It represents the greatest threat. Without Earth, the revolt in Human space will come to a quick end. We must mount an immediate and overwhelming attack on the Earth star system.”

  The rest of the council was stunned at this impassioned speech from their least-populated and most secluded race of the seven. With less people, they had less fleets as well.

  Little did the Great Council know, but the Morag inhabited 112 planets in the Confederation and hundreds of inhabited moons. They had massive warfleets, but they very seldom sent any of them far from their own systems.

  “What do you propose?” asked Reull. He had long since learned to respect the wishes of the Morag.

  “All the seven races should contribute warships to use against Earth. We will not make the same mistakes as were made in the last two attacks. A Morag admiral will lead the combined fleets.”

  There was silence in the council chambers as the other councilors thought over what the Morag proposed.

  “Let us recess for the day and contact our respective military leaders,” suggested Reull. “We will meet two days from today to vote on Councilor Damora’s motion.” Reull knew they would pass the motion. No one ever dared to disagree with the Morag; they were just too powerful.


  Admiral Cleemorl was in the Command Center of the Themis when a broadcast from High Princess Layla Starguard was received. The entire crew listened as she spoke.

  “This is High Princess Layla Starguard of the Human Empire. Several weeks ago a fleet from the Lamothian world of Zaneth attacked the Highland Station System, taking several million Humans and thousands of nonhumans as captives. A rescue fleet under the command of Admiral Dylan Cleemorl was sent to retrieve the captives from the Lamothians. Upon arrival Admiral Cleemorl learned that all the Humans as well as the nonhumans had been consumed in feasts upon the planet.

  “I warned the Lamothians weeks ago that there would be consequences if they continued to feed upon Humans. As a result of their violation of my edict, Admiral Cleemorl used antimatter missiles to destroy the Lamothian planet. The Lamothians brought this attack upon themselves, and no one is to blame but them.

  “As I said in the past, and I will reiterate now, we will not tolerate Humans being used for food. The consequences for doing so will be swift and severe.”

  “That’s it,” said Lieutenant Newsome.

  Captain Fulmar looked at the admiral. “Do you think that will stop the Confederation from retaliating?”

  “Who knows,” replied Dylan. “We must be ready for anything.”

  Calling up a star chart on the main viewscreen, Dylan noted they were nearly back in Human space. In another day and a half, they would be at the Vortex Worlds and would join up with the rest of First Fleet.

  Relaxing some, Dylan knew that, by now, Cheryl would be safely in the Mall Star Cluster and hopefully on Golan Four. As soon as they arrived at the Vortex Worlds, he would send a hyperlight communication to confirm that.


  Two days had passed, and the Great Council was once more in session.

  “This High Princess Layla Starguard continues to threaten us,” said the Lamothian councilor. “My people demand we take appropriate actions against the rebellious Human worlds immediately.”

  “And risk more of our worlds being destroyed?” asked Reull. “I believe our best strategy is to continue to engage their warships as they near the Confederation and to isolate their worlds individually. In time we will force them back to the Mall Star Cluster.”

  “We can solve everything by destroying Earth,” spoke Damora of the Morag. “We must send a combined fleet and annihilate the Earth star system. That will bring this war to a quick and rapid close. The Morag will commit two thousand warships to this endeavor.”

  “The Earth star system is heavily fortified,” said the Lamothian councilor. “Twice we have failed to destroy it.”

  “The Morag were not involved,” replied Damora. “If the other six races will provide one thousand warships each, our combined fleet should overwhelm any defenses and end this menace to the Confederation.”

  A little more debate was had, but everyone knew what the outcome would be. No one ever went against the Morag.


  The Themis dropped out of hyperspace in the Jalot Four system, where most of First Fleet was on patrol. First Fleet was busy patrolling all seven of the heavily populated worlds in the small star cluster.

  “Communications from Captain Manson of the Taggert,” reported Lieutenant Newsome. “He’s officially turning command of First Fleet back over to you.”

  Dylan nodded. “Inform Captain Manson to come to the Themis for a debriefing. I want to know everything that’s happened while we’ve been gone.”

  Dylan then sent a hyperlight message to Cheryl. They had a lot they still must talk about.

  Chapter Four

  High Princess Layla Starguard was on a tour of the Imperial Palace and the progress being made in its reconstruction. Along with her were Krista and Governor Darl Stein, as well as her normal complement of Imperial Guards.

  “I can’t believe so much progress has been made!” exclaimed Krista, smiling broadly. They stood in one of the sky towers that reached up to touch the clouds.

  “The Royal Quarters and the floors directly above and below them have been fully restored,” said Stein. “The entire Royal Wing of the Palace should be completely restored in another two weeks. At that time you could move back into the Palace, if you wish.”

  “I wish to,” said Krista, her eyes alight with excitement. “I can’t wait to decorate my quarters.”

  Governor Stein smiled. He enjoyed seeing the happy looks on the faces of the two Royal Princesses. “We have a rather large budget set aside for furnishings. We want the Imperial Palace to be as resplendent as it was in the old days.”

  Layla stopped to gaze out of one of the large open windows. Two of the original sky towers had fallen, and both were being rebuilt. Several of the sky bridges were in a bad state as well. With a sigh, she knew there was still a lot of work to be done.

  “How is progress coming on the House of Worlds?” Layla was anxious to get that done. She wanted to make Golan Four the center of government for the Empire, and that could not be done until the House of Worlds was fully rebuilt.

  “We’re ahead of schedule,” replied Stein. “We should have it completely refurbished in another two months.”

  From where Layla stood, they were about four hundred feet above the ground. She noted hundreds of workers and construction robots swarming over the Imperial Grounds. Every day her home looked more and more like it did when she and Krista had been forced to flee. “You’re doing a fantastic job. I never would have dreamed that so much progress could be made so swiftly.”

  “I firmly believe that, when the Imperial Palace is fully restored, and when you and Princess Krista have moved back in, it will be a great day for the Empire.”

  “High Princess, you have a meeting with the military leaders shortly,” reminded Captain Emerson.

  Layla nodded. She had not forgotten, but it was one of Captain Emerson’s duties to make sure she wasn’t late for any functions.


  Returning to the lower level, where the Imperial Court was located, they made their way to a large conference room. As Layla entered, everyone stood and bowed slightly. Waiting for her was Resistance Fleet Admiral Dom Marloo, Rear Admiral Derrick Masters, Councilor Windom of the resista
nce, and General Lyra Gantts, commander of all ground forces.

  Layla and Krista went to the head of the conference table and sat down. As soon as they were seated, everyone else took their seats.

  “Has Admiral Cleemorl made it back with First Fleet?” asked Layla. She had met briefly with Cheryl, who had described in detail the horrors she had been submitted to. After listening to Cheryl, Layla fully approved of the actions Admiral Cleemorl had taken.

  Derrick nodded. “Yes, a few hours ago. He’s currently in the Jalot Four system.”

  Layla turned toward Resistance Fleet Admiral Marloo. He had not formally been announced as having the position of fleet admiral, though he had already taken the job. “Will you give us a quick rundown on the current status of the war?”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo nodded. “Yes, High Princess. We currently have full control of the Mall Star Cluster, the Vortex Worlds, the Lamina Stars, the Haven Nebula, and the worlds associated with Lydol Four. That gives us complete control of forty-three of the primary worlds of the Empire. In addition we have defensive grids around another 160 worlds.”

  Layla blinked her eyes and spoke. “So we control about two hundred of the one thousand worlds of the Empire?” She had been hoping for more.

  “Yes, High Princess. However, the Confederation is attacking the worlds with defense grids where we have no fleet units. The seven races are slowly retaking those systems, one system at a time. We are putting up powerful defensive grids around the forty-three worlds I mentioned earlier, and we have fleet units which can defend them.”

  “Many of those worlds are protected by Resistance Fleets,” added Councilor Windom. “We are building more ships, but it takes time.”

  “How soon before we can build our own warships? Earth can only supply so many, and the Resistance Fleets need more battlecruisers.” Layla knew their resources were already stretched.

  “We have already started construction in some of the shipyards in the Mall Cluster,” replied General Gantts. “It will be two months before the first battlecruiser is completed and nearly three months for the first dreadnought. We have already converted fourteen shipyards, and another ten will come online within the week. Construction of warships has also begun at the Vortex Worlds and the Lamina Stars.”


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