The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 24

by Raymond L. Weil


  Colonel Henderson watched helplessly as another one of his ODPs was blown apart. Already he had lost nearly half of his missile platforms. The rest were emptying their missile stores as quickly as possible. On the viewscreens, he saw dozens of destroyed Confederation warships. The station now shook constantly from antimatter impacts to its energy shield. Loren knew, from Earth, Gateway One would now be the brightest object in the night sky from all the energy being released against its energy shield.

  “Message from Admiral Reynolds,” reported Ensign Amanda Duvall at Communications. “We’re to launch all our interceptors. Luna City is launching all theirs as well. Rear Admiral Leeson will attack the Confederation fleet shortly.”

  “I don’t know how much he can do,” said Pallas Imperial Major Marcus. “The numbers won’t be on his side.”

  Loren studied the tactical display. “Contact the attack interceptor facility and tell them to stand by to launch their interceptors. We’ll send them out when Rear Admiral Leeson arrives and when the interceptors from the Moon get here. If we send them out now, they’ll be picked off from all the weapons fire.”

  The station suddenly shook violently, and several red lights appeared on the damage control console.

  “We’re being shaken apart,” said Major Marcus worriedly. “We can’t handle this much longer.”


  Rear Admiral Leeson had a simple plan. He would hit the Confederation fleet in one section and take some of the pressure off Gateway One. The station had a very powerful energy shield. If he could reduce some of the weapons fire striking it, the station just might survive.

  “Standby to initiate hyperspace jump,” he ordered. Around his flagship, the Titan, were hundreds of friendly green icons. His fleet was back up to full strength, plus some, with the addition of Rear Admiral Mendoza’s ships.

  “All ships are locked into navigation,” reported Lieutenant Suarez.

  Leeson nodded. “Jump!” The fleet was already at Condition One. Now it was time to return to the war.


  Second Fleet appeared directly behind the Confederation fleet between them and the Moon. As soon as Luna City detected the arrival of the fleet, its interceptors launched and headed toward the battle.

  Second Fleet fired upon exiting hyperspace, lighting up the rear of the Confederation formation. Almost instantly a section of the Confederation fleet detached from the main battle and turned to face the Human warships.


  “They were expecting us,” said Captain Newman, surprised.

  Leeson shook his head. “It’s the Morag admiral. He was ready for us. He assigned one of his fleets to intercept us if we tried to interfere, like we did around Ganymede.”

  “The interceptor facility is launching!” called out the sensor officer. “They’re being picked off as soon as they emerge from the energy shield! The weapons fire is just too intense.”

  Leeson saw that Lieutenant Marvin Stewart was correct. He doubted if any of the facilities interceptors would actually make it into the battle.

  On the viewscreens, the interceptors were exploding in bright fireballs as soon as they cleared the energy screen. Counting the explosions, Leeson was up to forty when the launches stopped.

  “It’s suicide for them to attempt to launch,” said Captain Newman. “The weapons fire is just too heavy.”

  On the tactical display, Leeson saw the interceptors from the Moon had joined his fleet. “We’ll engage the portion of the enemy fleet coming toward us. Interceptors are to attack targets of opportunity that have been damaged. Once they’ve expended their missiles, they are to return to the Moon.” Leeson had his fleet adjust its course slightly, so they could meet the incoming Confederation force head-on.

  “How many ships are we facing?”

  “Seven hundred and twelve,” reported Lieutenant Stewart.

  “Wedge formation and stand by to engage.”

  Captain Newman hurriedly passed on the order as Second Fleet and its Sixth Fleet units quickly changed formations.

  “Enemy fleet is firing!”

  “Return fire!” ordered Rear Admiral Leeson, leaning forward in his command chair. “Dreadnoughts are to target their battleships, and battlecruisers are to hit enemy battlecruisers.”


  In space, heavy weapons fire broke out between the two forces. Antimatter and fusion explosions crawled over energy screens, releasing tremendous amounts of destructive energy. Fusion energy beams probed the battered screens, seeking a weakness. Interceptor pilots watched intently, waiting for the opportunity to attack damaged enemy warships.

  In both fleets, energy screens were overwhelmed and knocked down. When that happened, either fusion beams would riddle the helpless vessel or antimatter and fusion missiles would annihilate the ship completely. Massive explosions of light in both fleets marked where warships were being destroyed.


  “Interceptors are engaging,” reported Lieutenant Stewart.

  On the viewscreens, several interceptor squadrons could be seen heading toward damaged enemy ships.

  “Those are Zynth warships we’re facing,” Captain Newman informed the admiral.

  “I recognize them,” replied Leeson. “Keep targeting them. Perhaps we can drive them back into the rest of the Confederation fleet.”

  “Fleet losses are at 6 percent and climbing rapidly,” added Newman, meeting Leeson’s glance. “We have orders to withdraw when our losses reach 20 percent.”

  Rear Admiral Leeson nodded. “Keep an eye on it. Let me know when we get up to 18 percent. We’ll reevaluate everything then.”

  Captain Newman nodded. He wasn’t sure the admiral would actually withdraw once he had lost 20 percent of the fleet. They really wanted to rescue Gateway One. They both knew many people on that station and had for a very long time.


  Fleet Admiral Horrabe nodded his head in satisfaction. Admiral Laru had successfully intercepted the inbound Human fleet. The two were now weighed down in heavy combat, nearly equally matched. Moving his large eyes to the main viewscreen, Horrabe saw the last of the defending ODPs explode in a massive fireball as four antimatter missiles slammed into its hull after the ODP’s energy shield had failed.

  “Order Admiral Zindor to reinforce Admiral Laru. That will give them a more than two-to-one advantage in ships over the Humans.” Admiral Zindor was in command of the Zang ships in the Confederation fleet.

  As the Zang ships pulled back, Fleet Admiral Horrabe sent several mental commands to the Zang admiral, informing him exactly what Horrabe wanted done. As always Admiral Zindor would think these were his own thoughts.

  “We have now eliminated most of the missile platforms,” reported High Commander Corr. “I have ordered some of our warships to focus on the energy beam satellites.”

  Fleet Admiral Horrabe felt his flagship shake slightly. The space station was still launching large numbers of missiles. Very shortly the entire Confederation fleet would turn its full firepower on the station. When that happened, it would not take long to destroy it.


  Colonel Henderson watched as the last ODP was blown apart. Space around the station was littered with wreckage from the ODPs and destroyed Confederation spacecraft.

  “We won’t survive this, will we?” said Major Marcus in a low voice. Her eyes even now showed very little fear.

  Loren shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. All we can do is take as many of the enemy with us as possible.” Leaning back in his command chair, Loren wished he could have at least traveled to Golan Four before he died. Now that didn’t seem very likely. The station shook more violently now as an increased number of missiles detonated against the station’s energy shield. Taking a deep breath, Loren felt regret at not being able to keep his appointment with Brett.

  “The interceptor launch facility!”

  Loren looked at the viewscreen just as a fusion missile slammed into its armored hull. The screen in
stantly dimmed from the sudden brightness. When it returned to normal, the launch facility was nothing more than a twisted mass of wreckage. A few intact interceptors could be seen tumbling around inside the debris.

  “Defensive grid is gone,” reported Ensign Wilson, his voice quivering slightly. “We just lost the last two energy beam satellites.”

  “Keep hitting them,” ordered Loren in a steady voice. “This station is as heavily armed as two ODPs.”

  The station suddenly shook violently, and multiple red lights appeared on the damage control console.

  “We just had two energy beam hits on our starboard side near the landing bays,” reported Major Marcus. “We have multiple compartments open to space and Landing Bay Beta is no longer accessible.”

  “Seal off that section of the station,” ordered Loren calmly. He knew they couldn’t last much longer. The screen radiated brighter and brighter with every passing second. He was surprised it was still up.

  Looking at the main viewscreen, Loren saw a Lormallian battleship coming apart under the station’s fire. A fusion missile arrived, blowing the battleship in two. Loren felt some satisfaction in knowing they were hurting the attacking fleet. The price for destroying Gateway One would not be cheap.

  “Communications, send a message to Brett Newcomb. Tell him that we did the best we could, and we have no regrets.”

  The message was sent, and soon thereafter Loren heard a loud rumbling. It grew louder and louder as the seconds passed. Red lights now covered the damage control console. The station shook so violently it was nearly impossible to stand. Loren heard the sound of tearing metal and knew the end was near.

  “Shield is down!” screamed the tactical officer.

  Moments later incredible heat encompassed the Command Center as the station was blown apart.


  Rear Admiral Leeson felt shock when he saw Gateway One explode on the main viewscreen. The entire Command Center became quiet, knowing that a lot more good people had just died.

  “Fleet losses are at 12 percent,” reported Captain Newman.

  Leeson blinked and shook his head. “Pull us back to the Moon, the same for the interceptors. We’ll see where the Confederation fleet goes next.”

  Gateway One was a major loss to the Solar System. It had been a symbol of the Human race’s ingenuity for decades. Now it was gone, and the Confederation fleet was still mostly intact. Leeson felt great sadness at all that had just been lost. Especially losing Loren. Over the years Leeson had become friends with Colonel Henderson. He would be greatly missed.


  In the Pallas Command Center, Admiral Reynolds gazed in silence at the twisted wreckage that once was Gateway One. The entire Pallas Command Center had gone silent when the station blew apart.

  “All right, people, we still have a battle to fight,” said Reynolds loudly. “We’ll mourn the dead later. Sensors, keep track of every one of those Confederation ships. I want to know where they’re going next.”

  “At least Rear Admiral Leeson’s fleet is still mostly intact,” said Colonel Bryson.

  “It is, but this battle is far from over.” Reynolds gazed at the large tactical hologram of the Earth-Moon system. He wondered what they would lose next.


  Fleet Admiral Horrabe flexed the muscles in his arms as he stood and stretched. So far this battle had gone as planned. “How many ships did we lose?”

  “Nearly three hundred,” reported High Commander Corr. “The Zynth lost over one hundred vessels in their engagement against the Human fleet.”

  Horrabe spent nearly a full minute examining the large holographic tactical display, going so far as to walk completely around it several times. He had the display changed, first to show Earth and the defenses around it and then to reveal the planet’s moon and the defenses that protected it.

  Finally Horrabe made his next decision. “We’ll attack the planet’s moon next. From our sensor scans, considerable manufacturing capability exists on its surface, and two shipyards are in orbit as well.”

  “When do we attack?”

  “Twenty minutes,” answered Horrabe. “Inform all ships damaged in this last battle they have twenty minutes to conduct emergency repairs.” Horrabe suspected this next battle would be much more difficult.


  In the deep underground Command Center beneath the capital on Golan Four, High Princess Layla listened as Fleet Admiral Marloo relayed the latest information from the battle going on in Earth’s star system.

  “Gateway One has been destroyed,” reported Marloo.

  “Colonel Henderson!” cried out Krista in shock. “Did he die in the battle?”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo nodded. “I’m afraid so, Princess. He refused to leave his post.”

  “He was a good man,” said Layla. She had come to know the Earth Imperial very well. “He was not afraid to die. He set an example we must all live up to. What we are fighting for is worth our very lives, if necessary.”

  “The Confederation fleet is not moving yet,” added Marloo. “They will either attack Earth’s moon or Earth itself. We should know shortly.”

  Layla nodded. She knew that many of the people she had met during her time in the Solar System were in danger. She wondered how many more would die.


  General Weston, in charge of Earth’s main shipyard, was gravely concerned. He didn’t know now if it would be possible to stop the Confederation fleet short of Earth.

  “What will they do now?” asked his second in command, Colonel Julie Dean.

  Before General Weston could reply, Lieutenant James Stone at the sensor console spoke. “Confederation fleet is moving. It’s heading directly toward the Moon.”

  “I guess that answers that,” said General Weston. “Inform Rear Admiral Leeson that he’s to do whatever is necessary to defend the Moon and its facilities.”

  “Should we send some of our attack interceptors?” asked Colonel Dean. She knew over seven thousand of them were based on Earth.

  Weston shook his head. “No, we may need them here. Earth is still the Confederation’s primary target. We don’t dare do anything to weaken our defenses.”

  “They’ll be in range of the Moon’s outer defenses in seven minutes,” Major Glen Alexander, the tactical officer, informed the general.

  General Weston leaned back in his command chair. All he could do for now was watch.


  Rear Admiral Leeson saw the Confederation fleet turn and move toward the Moon. “Contact Colonel Mills and tell him to use his surviving interceptors to intercept any inbound missiles that get past the defenses.”

  “What about us?” asked Captain Newman.

  “A direct confrontation between our fleet and the Confederation fleet would be suicidal in this instance. They have too much of a numerical advantage, and they could pin us against the Moon. No, we’ll split the fleet and assign units to cover all the ODPs. Twenty ODPs protect the Moon. We must keep them safe for as long as possible. I want one dreadnought and twenty battlecruisers assigned to each ODP. The remaining ships will stay with the Titan and will help cover the two orbiting shipyards. Contact the commanders of all the ODPs and have them pull the missile platforms closer to their commands. No point in making the platforms easy targets.”

  Captain Newman nodded. Fifty large missile platforms protected the Moon. Newman hurried to Communications and issued orders.

  “Lieutenant Suarez, get us over to the nearest of the two shipyards.” The shipyards were about half the size of the ones in Earth orbit, but they were still important to the war effort.

  The Titan quickly maneuvered toward the closest shipyard. While the flagship was doing that, Rear Admiral Leeson studied a large holographic image of the defenses around the Moon. Three ODPs were centered above Luna City. The massive domes of Luna City were all protected by energy shields. In addition, deep underground bunkers had been built years ago to protect the population. The domed city also sat inside
a ring of defensive energy turrets and interceptor missiles. It would be a difficult target to destroy.

  “Mayor Stone reports that everyone who is nonessential has taken shelter in the underground bunkers,” reported Ensign Jeannette Bower from Communications. “Colonel Mills wants to know if you wish to take over the defenses or if you want him to retain command.”

  “I’ll command the fleet. He’s in command of everything else. It’s what he’s been trained to do, and he’s well qualified for this. We just need to stay out of the way of his weapons fire.”

  “Confederation fleet will be in weapons range in three minutes,” reported Lieutenant Stewart at Sensors.

  Shifting his gaze to the tactical display, Leeson saw his fleet scattering, as the individual ships headed toward their assigned ODPs. Rear Admiral Mendoza’s flagship headed toward the other shipyard. It was time for the next part of this battle. Leeson’s gaze moved to the main viewscreen, which was focused on the massive domes of Luna City. He hoped they were still there when this was over.

  Taking a deep breath, he gave his next order over the comm link, connecting him to all the ships in the combined fleet. “Prepare to engage. We have a line to hold, and the Confederation is not allowed to pass.”

  Even as he spoke the words, intense weapons fire broke out. The battle for the Moon had begun.

  Chapter Twenty

  Fleet Admiral Horrabe watched intently as the ships of his fleet assaulted the defenses of the Earth’s moon. Intense weapons fire was currently being exchanged between the powerful defenses and his attacking fleet. His gaze roamed the viewscreens and the tactical displays, seeking a weakness he could exploit. He cast his mind out to read the thoughts of the Human commanders opposing him but ran into a blank wall. As had previously been reported, something about a Human’s mind made them inaccessible to the Morag.


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